Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 30

The episode starts with Angre thinking about what has happened and he wasn’t convinced by Ishani’s words.
Angre to himself: My heart wants me to be convinced from Ishani’s words, but my brain refuses to be convinced from Ishani’s words. The signs and clues that I have seen can’t be a coincidence. There is something that Ishani is planning. I must to know it very quickly, I don’t want what has happened to Uma to happen to Ishani. I hope that I can’t find anything, I hope that Ishani is saying the truth as if Ishani had made a mistake I will be the one who will punish her.
At morning, Vansh wakes up early before Riddhima and he was looking at her and enjoying seeing her sleeping like a cute child. Afterwards, Riddhima wakes up.
Riddhima: Why you are staring so much at me?!
Vansh: What is the problem?! I’m staring at my beautiful wife. It is my right sweetheart. By the way, there are things that we didn’t completed yesterday and we have to complete it! Am I right or am I right?
She got shy so she hugged him very tightly to relief that shyness.
Vansh: Not bad sweetheart! By the way, I have prepared a surprise for you, you can call it a surprise honeymoon! We will leave at night after we finish the ritual after the marriage.
Riddhima: I’m really excited for that surprise. Can I request something from you?
Vansh: You can request anything from me and I will do it to you without hesitating for a second.
Riddhima: I don’t want you to tell anyone that we are going for a honeymoon. Even when we leave, don’t make us leave together so no one knows where we are going and what we will do.
Vansh: Do you start working as a police officer without telling me?! Why all of this hides?! Why you want to hide from everyone that we are going for a honeymoon?! Do you are still believe that there is someone who still wants to destroy our happiness?! Do you are still doubting Ishani?!
Riddhima: Vansh I know that you could think that I’m over thinking or I’ve a misunderstanding, but I’m still afraid and I still feel that the danger is still around. If you are believing this or not, but I’m still doubting Ishani and time will prove to you that I was right. Please do this favor to me, if you want to see me happy and relaxed even if you are not convinced.
Vansh: Okay Riddhima, I will do what you want and I will not tell anyone that we are going out today. I just want you to calm down and don’t be stressed please. I want to see my wife always happy. Go now to get ready as we have to go down stairs to start the ritual that is must down after marriage.
Riddhima: Okay.
Riddhima went to get ready and while she was getting ready she wasn’t managing to tie her dress so Vansh came to help her and he ties her dress with a romantic way and Riddhima was very shy from Vansh being so close to her, but she was happy that she is near him.
After she finished getting ready, he makes her so close to him.
Vansh: You will not manage to escape from me everytime and especially at today’s night. I’m preparing to you a lot of surprises at today’s night. Stay tuned sweetheart.
He lefts her and she was super happy that she is with him, but she was afraid that Ishani could know about their honeymoon and she could destroy it. She was trying to calm herself down and she was trying to not make herself  confused and disrupted so she can be alert and observe every move Ishani is doing.
At the same time, Ishani was preparing a huge surprise to Riddhima when she come from her room.
Ishani to herself: Just wait Riddhima for my next move. You will be surprised from what I’m planning to you. I will make you suffer from a huge pain when you get from your room.
Ishani takes an oil and she spreads it at the beginning of the ladder so when Riddhima start to go downstairs she slips on the oil and she falls from the ladder.
Ishani to herself: I don’t know if this accident could make you die or not, but even if you didn’t die. You will have a lot of wounds and your leg or your hand could be broken and this will make me have fum more as seeing you paining before your death gives me a lot of relaxation. Actually, this accident will prevent you from having any chance to be near Vansh. Best of luck Riddhima darling!
At the other hand, Sejal came to Riddhima and she starts chit chatting with her.
Sejal: I’m really happy that one of your enemies got exposed and she is now taking her punishment that she deserves. I hope that very soon Ishani will be exposed, don’t worry I will keep watching her moves and if I know anything of course I will tell you and I’m still trying to collect some proofs against her, but that Ishani is very clever. Don’t worry of course she will do a mistake and we will can collect a mistake against her and we will manage to expose her very soon.
Riddhima: I hope that I can get rid of that headache that is called Ishani very soon.
Sejal: Don’t worry, the good people always win. Anyways, don’t think about her a lot and come quickly for the ritual.
Riddhima: Okay, I will come.
Riddhima was going out and she was very near to the oil that Ishani spread it. Actually, she already steps on it and she was going to fall and Ishani was very happy seeing her very near to fall, but Vansh have came at the right time and destroyed Ishani’s plan and rescued Riddhima.
Vansh: Riddhima are you okay?
Vansh: Yes Vansh I’m okay.
Vansh: How you can be that careless?! You must walk carefully! What have happened now if I didn’t came at the right time and rescued you?!
Riddhima: Nothing could happen to me and you are with me. I’m always sure that at every time I’m in danger you manage to come and rescue me, but trust me I was very careful when I was walking. There is something that I stepped on it that was going to make me fall.
When Vansh looked carefully, he has found an oil in the place that Riddhima lost her balance and was going to fall from it.
Vansh: It’s an oil!
Siya: Who could spread an oil to make Riddhima bhabi fall?!
Kabir: Maybe it has fallen by mistake. Anyway, thank God that Riddhima bhabi is fine. Let’s start the ritual.
Vansh wasn’t feeling comfortable. Actually he starts thinking about Riddhima’s words and he starts to think that Riddhima’a doubts could be right and Ishani could be also behind Riddhima’s soul, but he was trying to get out these thoughts from his mind and just concentrate on being with Riddhima and enjoying every moment with her. But he decides to be more careful so he doesn’t give the chance to anyone to separate him from his Riddhima.
Ishani was observing everything is happening and she was so angry that once again her plan is failed, but she was trying to control her anger so no could notice anything.
Afterwards, Riddhima and Vansh go downstairs while they were holding each other’s hands and that what increases Ishani’s anger.
Anuprya: Come Riddhima darling, first I want to congratulate you for your marriage with my son. I’m really happy that you’re Vansh’s wife as you are the perfect life partner to my son. I wish that I always see you happy and glowing. I know that what you passed through was very tough and I’m proud of how brave and strong you are. I promise you that you will be showered with all the love and happiness that you deserve. I’m 100% sure that Vansh will always love you and support you and he will never leave you, right Vansh?
Vansh: Of course mom. She is my wife, my sweetheart, and my everything.
Anuprya: Just tell me Riddhima if he disturbs you in anything and I will know how to punish him! *she winks at Vansh to tease him*
Riddhima: That means that I will spend the whole time going to you as he always disturbs me!
Vansh: Oh! You came up again with the mother and daughter relationship and you will start disturbing and teasing me!
They all laughs and they were so happy and then Anuprya starts to explain to them the ritual.
Anuprya: So this ritual is always done after the marriage. This ritual is a very funny ritual and we will really enjoy to see who will win. The ritual is that will be a bowl full of milk and flowers and I will put on it my ring and then Riddhima and Vansh must start searching about it and the one who will get it first will be the winner and will be the one who will boss the relationship. So let’s start and see who will win.
Vansh: Come on mom! You don’t have to do this ritual and wait for whom will be the winner because it is very clear, of course I will be the one who will win! I always win! I’m Vansh Rai Singhania who winning is one of his habits!
Riddhima: Hold on Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania! Who told you that you will win this ritual! Don’t be overconfident. I’m the one who will win this ritual and what if you are Vansh Rai Singhania I’m also Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania: Riddhima Rai Singhania. I don’t accept other than winning. So don’t think about winning this ritual because the winner is me!
Rudra: Hold on guys! Let’s start to see who will win as both the husband and the wife are very stubborn and will not lose easily.
They start the ritual and they we were both so eager to win the ritual and after some time Riddhima have came up with the ring and she was very happy that she wins against Vansh.
Riddhima: I told you that I will win! Look here is the ring!
Then Vansh has surprised her and he gets a ring from the bowl.
Vansh: You must first see which ring you have found. This isn’t mom’s ring, it’s my ring! So I’m the winner sweetheart!
Riddhima: No this is not fair! You have cheated! You have putted your ring to confuse me and cheats me!
Vansh: Come on sweetheart, just accept your failure! It is okay as no one could defeat Vansh Rai Singhania even if this person is his wife! I’m sorry sweetheart, but I already wins.
He lefts the ceremony and he goes to the kitchen and then she comes to him and she was super annoyed and she hits him.
Vansh: Ouch! This hit is for what?!
Riddhima: For cheating me, you have won my tricking me! This is not fair!
She was leaving, but he pulls her towards him and he starts touching her face with a romantic way to calm her down.

Vansh: Hold on sweetheart. You don’t have to be that annoyed. What if that I win or you win?! It will still be our success. If I win that means that you also win and if you win that means that I also win. Because we are one soul in two bodies. What affects you affects me and what affects me affects you. We are connected to each other and nothing could separate us so just calm down and think about a way that can make us leave without anyone could notice as I can’t wait more for our honeymoon!

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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