Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 32

The episode starts with Riddhima being in the hospital very worried about Vansh and then she called the whole family to come to the hospital.
Ishani was blaming herself for what has happened to Vansh.
Ishani to herself: Riddhima must be the one in your place Vansh. Why you interfered?! I don’t know how I didn’t control my anger and I make you fall?! Please Vansh forgive me, I really love you so much and I can’t live without you. Actually, I’ve done all of those things just to be with you and not make you with anyone other than me. Please Vansh don’t leave me and recover fast.

Riddhima came to Ishani to scold and confront her.

Riddhima: Don’t act as if you are really sad for what has happened to Vansh. Stop this drama, you have been acting a lot, but no more. When my Vansh will wake up and will gain consciousness, he will punish you and expose you in front of the whole family! Your bad time starts now! You will not escape from getting the punishment that you deserve. I would have forgiven you for what you have done to me, but I can’t forgive you for what you have done to Vansh. You will not be saved from me!

Ishani: You are the reason of everything I’ve done. If you didn’t put your eye on something that isn’t belongs to you, there wasn’t such thing has happened now. Don’t pretend as if you are the one who is loving Vansh so much! I’m the one who loves him the most.

Riddhima: Love?! Really?! Ishani you can’t love anyone other than yourself. Actually, you don’t understand the word love so don’t talk about it. Love is sacrificing , you could merely lose your life just to protect the one you love not putting his life in danger like what you have done. Love is a pure thing that you will can’t understand it. Don’t say that you are loving Vansh once again. What you are doing isn’t love is an inhuman and stupid thing, you are such an evil girl. I will not leave you and I will expose you in front of the whole family.

Afterwards, the whole family came and Riddhima told them everything Ishani made and how evil she is. Everyone was shocked and surprised to know Ishani’a truth. The one who was super shocked more than everyone is Angre.
Angre didn’t imagine that his doubts could come true! He didn’t imagine that his sister could low herself to that state!
He slaps Ishani for what she has done!
Angre: How you could low yourself like that?! You have done a lot and you will be punished for everything you have done! Vansh’s state now is because of your actions! I will not leave you without punishing you. I didn’t imagine that my sister could do such a thing! How you are so evil like that?! You own a lot of hate and bad morals! I didn’t raise you with that way! I was always helping you to differentiate between the good and the bad things so you can always choose the good morals and values, but you didn’t choose either than the bad morals!
Ishani: Why you are slapping me and accusing me for just listening to Riddhima’s words without listening to me?! Who told you that what she said is the truth?! You have to listen to me first and then you could accuse me. Don’t forget that Riddhima doesn’t have any proof for what she is saying. I didn’t do anything! So listen to my story first.
Ishani starts her new drama! She decided to not give up till the last second, she doesn’t know what could happen next. Maybe destiny could help her in making this story and supports her.
Ishani to herself: I will prove you wrong Riddhima. I will not lose anything more than what I will lose if Vansh wakes up and expose me in front of everyone so I mustn’t give up and let’s see what destiny is preparing to us!
Ishani starts telling her fake story:
Ishani: At morning, I received a call from Vansh being so angry and he tells me how he and Riddhima went through a big fight! So I decided to come to them to calm them down and stop that fight, but when I arrived I found them fighting very hardly and then Riddhima pushed Vansh very aggressively and then he become in that state. I’m sorry that I didn’t managed to rescue you him, but everything has happened very fast. So Vansh’s state is because of Riddhima’s actions not mine!
Riddhima: How evil you are Ishani?! How you could come up with that fake and stupid story?! Of course I didn’t do such a thing! Vansh is my husband and my everything. I can’t fight with him and push him. Ishani is the one who made this action. She was behind my soul and was super angry when I and Vansh became close so she didn’t control her anger and she was going to kill me, but Vansh interfered and then Ishani pushed him. Angre don’t be convinced by her words. She isn’t saying the truth. She is a big lier who can do anything to reach to her motive and don’t be exposed in from of anyone and of course she is making up that fake story to gain some time because she knows that when Vansh will gain consciousness, he will expose her and she will can’t say a word. She is trying to a appear as if she is so innocent!
Angre: Each one of you is saying a different story and the one who will decide which one is saying the truth is Vansh. When he will gain consciousness, he will say who is good and who is evil. He will tell us who has done a wrong thing and who isn’t.
Angre was confused from the two different stories that Riddhima and Ishani have said and he doesn’t know which story is the truth. Actually, he was convinced more with Riddhima’s story. Because it is more logical than Ishani’s story. He knows how much Riddhima and Vansh love each other so how it will be possible that they could fight?! Regardless that he knows that Ishani is his sister, but he still can’t be convinced from her words and his feeling from the beginning is the proof against her. What he has seen from Ishani’s attitude since Vansh and Riddhima’s wedding rituals can convince him that she is the one behind Vansh’s state. He just hopes that Vansh could gain consciousness and become okay and then everything will be fine and then he will know the truth.
At the same time, Riddhima was praying for Vansh’s health and she was praying a lot for his safety.
Riddhima: Please God help me and rescue my Vansh and return him back to me. I can’t lose him, he is my whole world. I can’t live a second without him. Please God don’t break my heart and trust. I can’t tolerate seeing Vansh in pain. I really needs him. Please don’t take my happiness after you gave it to me. Please don’t make Ishani succeed in what she is planning, please expose her motive in front of everyone. Please God don’t leave me and help me.
At that moment, Kabir went to Riddhima to tell her that Vansh gains consciousness.
Kabir: Riddhima bhabi come quickly. Doctors said that Vansh is fine and he gained consciousness.
Riddhima harries up to go to Vansh. Then she enters Vansh’s room and she finds him fine and talking to the family.
Once she sees Vansh, she hugs him very tightly. But she got surprised from his reaction when he makes her away from him!
Vansh: Why you are hugging me?! Do I know you?! Can anyone tell me who is she?!
Everyone got shocked from Vansh’s words. They are not believing that he isn’t remembering Riddhima!
Riddhima: What are you saying Vansh?! Please tell me that you are joking! Don’t tell me that you aren’t remembering me! I’m Riddhima, your Riddhima! I’m your wife, Riddhima. Please don’t say that you forget me! How you could forget our love?! Please say something!
Vansh: I’m sorry, but I don’t know you and I don’t remember anything from what you are saying! Mom can you please explain to me what this girl is saying?! Does she is really my wife?!
Anuprya: Yes Vansh, Riddhima is your wife and she was a doctor in your hospital and you have fallen in love when you saw her and then you and her got married. Actually, we have known that she is Rudra’s daughter. Just tell me how you can’t remember her?!
Angre controls the situation and calms everyone and he makes Vansh relax and then he makes everyone leave Vansh’s room to make him take some rest.
Angre: Please guys don’t ask those questions now, we must cheer up that Vansh is fine and we could discuss all of those things when we return home. We just must now leave Vansh to relax. Please Vansh don’t put pressure on your brain and just relax, you are a doctor and you know this better than anyone. So just take some rest and everything will be cleared when we return home.
After everyone left Vansh to relax, Riddhima start talking and speculating the reason behind Vansh’s attitude.
Riddhima: Angre, why you mads us leave Vansh’s room?! I would want to be with my husband and I would know the reason behind Vansh being forgetting me.
Angre: I know the reason!
Riddhima: What?! Please tell me fast.
Angre: Come one bhabi! You are a doctor how you can’t observe from Vansh’s symptoms what has happened to him?! Maybe because you are super worried about him you can’t concentrate. Just think for quite time and I’m sure that you will know everything.
Riddhima starts to understand Vansh’s state.
Riddhima: Do you mean that Vansh….
Angre: Yes Riddhima bhabi what you thought of is the truth. Vansh has a partial memory loss. Vansh will can’t remember anything has happened in the last few months. I know that what I’m saying is very hard to you Riddhima bhabi, but unfortunately Vansh has forgotten you!

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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