Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 34

The episode starts with Kabir, Riddhima, Sejal, and Siya thinking about a way that they could use it to trap Ishani and expose her.

Sejal: That Ishani I will not leave her. How dare her to brain wash Vansh against my best friend?! I will not leave her, she will not get saved from me!

Siya: Please Sejal, calm down. We can’t give her the chance to take a mistake against us. So please control your anger because every time we think in a quiet way, we will be more dangerous.

Riddhima: Yes, Siya is right. We must put our anger aside and think very wisely.

Kabir: Do you think that it will be useful if we make Ragini, Rudra uncle, and mom join hands with us? As this will increase the ones who are supporting you and will make Ishani get exposed easily.

Riddhima: No Kabir, we don’t need that. As we don’t want Ishani to notice our plan against her and if everyone starts to be 100% sure that Ishani is an evil person, this will make her more dangerous and will be more alert so we will can’t expose her. I also don’t want to make mom, dad, and Ragini be putted in danger because they will can’t control their anger and Ishani could harm them. So please make this concept between the 4 of us only so we can manage to succeed in our plan.

Kabir: Okay Riddhima bhabi, actually you are correct. We don’t have to make Ishani notice about anything we are going to do.

Siya: So do anyone has a plan to start with? As we can’t be late, we have to expose Ishani as soon as possible.

Riddhima: Yes I’ve a plan.

Sejal: What is it?

Riddhima starts explaining her plan and they were impressed with this idea and they start to distribute the role of each one in this plan.

Riddhima to herself: Now your bad time starts Ishani dear! Just wait and watch. I’m not a week person, I’m the wife of Vansh Rai Singhania. Who will never accepts failure.

At morning, Sejal and Kabir went to Vansh to be with him and not give the chance to Ishani to talk with him.

Kabir: Good morning Vansh bro. How are you today?

Vansh: I’m fine Kabir. I can feel that I’m better today, but I will not feel relaxed if I didn’t expose that Riddhima and punish her. You don’t know how much she is evil!

Sejal: Vansh bro trust me you are mis….

Kabir stopped Sejal from completing her words and he starts talking:

Kabir: Do what you see better. I know that Vansh bro will never do anything without thinking very carefully and I know that you will not punish anyone until you have a strong proof against that person. Think very carefully Vansh and don’t make anyone put anything in your mind without being sure from the truth of that information. Depend in your search not about anyone whatever the relation that you share it with him/her. Don’t trust anyone until you know the whole truth, actually you are the one who was always saying that. I know that Vansh bro will know the whole truth fast.

Vansh: Wow Kabir! I can see that you have changed a lot! You became wise! Interesting, very interesting!

Kabir: I tried to learn somethings from you Vansh bro.

Vansh: No, I can observe that there is another reason behind this big change in your personality. Actually, I can observe that this change is by the form of someone else!

Kabir: You are right Vansh bro.

Kabir looked at Sejal and that what makes her got shy.

Vansh: I had observed everything by the way, but I would want to know everything from you Kabir.

Kabir: I will tell you everything, but when everything in your life get cleared and your mind become free so you can listen to everything I will say.

Vansh: Okay, I promise you that everything will get cleared very soon. Sejal, I’m very happy to see you after all those years. Just tell me when you have returned to the city and how you became living in VR mansion? As you know I can’t remember anything so please tell me as I want to start remembering everything.

Kabir: I will tell you Vansh bro.

Kabir was trying very hard to prevent Sejal from saying a word because she could fail their plan without noticing. Then Kabir starts telling Vansh how Sejal have came to the city and worked in VR hospital as an interior designer and how she made a perfect decorations for the hospital. After he finished talking, Sejal took him from Vansh’s room because she was really angry as he didn’t give her the chance to talk and defend her best friend.

Sejal: Sorry Vansh, I will take Kabir for some time as I want him in an important thing and then we will come to you again.

Vansh: You don’t have to come back as I already will not be in the house, I will go to the hospital.

Kabir: How this is possible Vansh?! You are still recovering, you must take some rest.

Vansh: I’m tottally fine and you already know that I can’t sit without working and I always become very happy when I cure my patients. So I will can’t sit here, so don’t talk too much because you know that I will not listen to anyone’s words and I will do what I want. So don’t overburden yourself and see what Sejal was wanting from you as I also want to get ready to go to the hospital.

Kabir and Sejal left and then Sejal starts to blame Kabir.

Sejal: Why you stopped me from defending Riddhima?! I was wanting to make Vansh remember Riddhima and know how much she is loving him. So you prevented me from that!

Kabir puts his finger on Sejal’s mouth to stop her from talking and then he closed the door so no one could listen to their conversation.

Kabir: Come on Sejal! How you could forget our plan very easily like that?! You have to start eating almonds everyday so it make your memory stronger and please be quiet and don’t raise your voice so we don’t make anyone notices what we are doing.

Flashback shows Riddhima explaining her plan.

Riddhima: So now after what Ishani have said to Vansh, he will not trust anything I will say and at the same time I can’t make anyone of you say any good thing about me.

Sejal: Why Riddhima? Actually, it will be a very effective thing if we start refuting Ishani’s words by telling him how you are very innocent and start to make him remember his memories with you.

Riddhima: No Sejal, this will not be helpful to me because Ishani of course has prepared to this as she of course have said to Vansh how much I’m cunning and how I’m cheating on everyone and fool everyone and pretend as if I’m so innocent so I can gain everyone’s trust and make the whole family help me in making Vansh convinced that I’m his caring wife. So if you come to him and tell him how innocent am I, this will make him be convinced more by Ishani’s words and he will not trust anyone of you and I don’t want this. I want him to trust you all by not praising me, you don’t have to say anything about me. Just make him don’t listen to anyone’s words and don’t stick with any information is delivered to him. I want you all to wake up that old Vansh who was doubting everyone and everything as this is the thing that will make him reach to the truth by himself. I know how much Vansh is clever, I know that he would reach to the root of the truth. We must just make Ishani away from him and this will be Kabir and Sejal’s mission. You both must be near him and don’t give Ishani the chance to tell him anything.

Kabir: Okay bhabi, don’t worry.

Riddhima: Please Kabir take care about Sejal’s reaction as you know how much she loves me so she could start praising me in front of Vansh and this will make him doubt her and I don’t want this to happen. I want him to be 100% sure that you are all not with anyone’s side, you are just want the truth to come out.

Kabir: Okay Riddhima bhabi don’t worry. I know how I could handle Sejal!

Seajl: Really?!

Kabir: Hold on darling, I’m just joking.

Siya: And What about me Riddhima bhabi? What I will do?

Riddhima: You will make Vansh busy in the hospital. I don’t want him to be in the house a lot as this will give the chance to Ishani to try to be with him and brain wash him more against me. So I want you to take Vansh to the hospital.

Siya: Okay, Riddhima bhabi don’t worry.

Riddhima: The ones who will be with Vansh in the house, the other one will be with me helping me collecting the proofs against Ishnai and the the ones who will be with Vansh in the hospital the other ones will be with me to collect the proofs against Ishani. We don’t have to waste time. *Flashback ends*.

Kabir: How you have forgotten bhabi’s words very easily like that?! You were going to destroy everything we are planning!

Sejal: I’m sorry Kabir, but I really can’t control my anger. I can’t see Vansh and Riddhima apart and I keep quiet. I really can’t tolerate that!

Kabir become close to Sejal and he hugs her to calm her down.

Kabir: Sejal baby, please relax. I know how much you love Riddhima and how you want to see her always happy, but if you didn’t control your anger you will not help her. So please calm down.

Sejal: Yes Kabir, you are right. I must control my anger.

Kabir: Anyway, you must chill now as till now our plan is going in the right way and we are not giving the chance to Ishani to tell Vansh anything. We must now go to start keeping an eye on Ishani to trap her and collect proofs against her.

At the same time, Riddhima was walking and she lost her balance and she was going to fall, but then Vansh manages to save her and he holds her, they were so close to each other and then they have an eye look.

Riddhima to herself: I know that our love is true, even if you are not remembering me you still can’t see me in danger. I know that you will not take a long time until you remember everything and then we will be together once again. I will not give the chance to Ishani to succeed in her plan. I know that God will be with me and will help me to return you back to me.

The end of the episode. I hope you like and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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