Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 38

The episode starts with Riddhima being so angry from what Vansh has done and how he hide a big thing from her and he didn’t make her join with him in his plan.

Riddhima to herself: I will not forgive you Vansh, you have hurt me a lot. How you could make such a game and make me believe that you have forgotten me?! How you left me shattered and heart broken like that?! You have said and made a lot of things and now it is my turn!

At the same time, Vansh was listening to her words and he was sure that his wife will not leave him living peacefully!

Vansh to himself: I have put myself in a very critical situation! I can see how much she is so annoyed and angry. I think if she saw me now she will hit me with anything behind her so I have to be very careful!

Vansh entered the room and he was holding a big pillow to defend him if Riddhima throw anything on him!

When Riddhima saw him she was very very angry. Actually, she was going really to hit him, but he controls the situation.

Actually, Riddhima smiles when she saw him holding that pillow as she observed how much he is worried from her reaction. But she tries to not make him notice that she is smiling and she took that angry face again.

Riddhima: Why you came here?! I told you that I don’t want to be with you in the same room. Actually, you must be grateful that I’m living with you at the same house! Why you are silent?! My words hurt you, right? Actually, those are the same words that you have said to me. Look how they really hurt! So why you have said them to me?! You have made me very shattered. I didn’t believe that my husband who I love the most will tell me such words! So please leave me now. I don’t want to talk to you.

Unexpectedly, Vansh kissed Riddhima in her check to make her calm down and minimize her anger.

She got surprised from that kiss, but she was really happy from it. She was trying to not appear her happiness as she wants him to suffer more until she just think to forgive him.

Then he didn’t give her the chance to say anything and he hugged her so tightly. He was really wants that hug even more than her, he was really needs to be near her and just to be in her arms. He was really needs to be always with her as he really can’t live without her.

He makes her more close to him and then he starts talking.

Vansh: Just calm down sweetheart. It is not good for your throat! Just relax and calm down. I know how much you are sad and angry from me and I can accept your anger. I can accept how much you are in so much pain. I really can understand what you passed through  because I was also suffering from the same pain. Do you think that it was easy to me to see you suffering? Do you think that it was easy to me to be apart from you? Do you think that it was easy to me to say to you that words that I have said to you? Trust me it wasn’t easy at all. I was very shattered and hurt when I was apart from you. You are my everything Riddhima. I can’t live a second without you Riddhima. I’ve done all of those things just for your safety. I didn’t want that girl to harm you if she known that we are doing a game against her. I was forced to pretend as if I have a partial memory loss and I have forgotten everything has happened in the last few months so Ishani could think that she succeeded and not think to harm you once again and this could give me the chance to collect the proofs against her so I could make Angre 100% sure that his sister is an evil girl. I known that I was really tough while taking to you, but you didn’t know how much I was burning from inside. I was blaming myself for hurting you. Actually, each word I was saying was hurting me before it was hurting you. Riddhima we are not two persons we are one. Anything you feel it, I also feel it. My breaths are connected to your breaths, anything affects you also affects me. I know that even my words will not make you satisfied, but I prepared a lot of things to you to forgive me. So please come with me.

Regardless that Riddhima was still angry from Vansh, but his words gives her the chance to see what he will do to her to make her forgive him so she comes with him.

When they reached to the garden, Riddhima found a wonderful decorations have done to her and there was written with the decorations “I’m sorry sweetheart” “Forgive me” “I love you Riddhima”. She got surprised when she saw a lot of plates putted on the table.

Riddhima: Why you arrive me here?! Do you think that I will forgive you very easily when I see those decorations?! No Vansh, what you have said is really hard! I’m still so angry from you. I still can’t forget the pain that I suffered through it.

She starts crying and that’s what Vansh can’t tolerate.

He hugged her very very tightly to calm her down.

Vansh: I can tolerate your anger and your annoyed attitude. I can tolerate anything from you, but I can’t tolerate seeing your tears. It’s really hurt me a lot. Please stop crying.

He starts kissing the tears that was coming from her eyes to prevent her from crying again.

Riddhima: What are you doing?

Vansh: I’m the one who is responsible of those tears so I must be the one who gets rid of them. Please Riddhima calm down. I will make you get out all the anger and annoy. Just a second.

He takes her near the plates that she was wondering the reason of these plates being here.

Vansh: This is the way that you will use it to get out all the anger and annoy that you owns it. I can see that you have said and expressed a lot of what you are feeling and I think that those tears get out some more, but I can see that there is still anger. So this is the way to end this anger. Take this plate and throw it very hardly and when that plate will be broken every pain you have passed through will be broken with it and then we can start from the beginning again and you will get rid of all the anger that you owns it to me.

Riddhima: What nonsense?! Do you think that this will relief my anger?! How a very simple thing like that could relief such a huge pain that I’m owing?!

Vansh: Just try. It seems as if it is a small thing, but trust me it is really helpful.

He holds her hands and he makes her take a plate and throw it.

Riddhima really got relaxed when she throws the plate. She starts to forget every pain she passed through it in her whole life.

Each one of them start to take a plate and throw it and they were really feeling relaxed.

Riddhima didn’t only got relaxed and relief the anger and annoy that she was owing to Vansh, but she also start to forget all the pain that she suffered from it through her life.

Vansh: I can see from your face that you have finally become relaxed and calmed down.

Riddhima: Yes

Vansh: I told you it is really a helpful thing. Riddhima, I want to apologize for everything you passed through it because of me. I’m really sorry sweetheart. Please forgive me. I can’t see you sad from me. You are my whole world. You are my wife, sweetheart, and everything. I want to complete my life with you, I can’t see you annoyed or angry. I can’t see you sad. Please forgive me, forgive everything I’ve done. I promise you that I will never repeat such a thing. Trust me I would never make such a thing if I wasn’t wanting to save you from that evil girl. Please forgive me sweetheart.

She hugged him to make him know that she already forget him since she knew that he wasn’t forgetting her.

Riddhima: But on one condition.

Vansh: What?

Riddhima: That you don’t even do such a thing again. Don’t think again to hide something from me. We have promised each other when we were marrying each other that we will not hide anything from each other. So please include me in everything you will do and don’t hide anything from me.

Vansh: I promise you Riddhima that I will not hide anything from you again. Everything I will do you will know it and share it with me. We will do everything together. I love you sweetheart.

Riddhima: I love you too Vansh.

Then they have hugged each other. They were really happy that they are together once again. They were sure that they will not feel safe and relaxed if they are not in each other’s arms.

They become so close to each other and they have united with each other once again. They were so close to each other as if you can’t differentiate between Vansh’s heart beats and Riddhima’s heart beats.

Vansh and Riddhima have known that the tough moments that they passed through it is the thing that made their relation stronger. Those tough situations have made them sure of how strong their love is. What they passed through have made them loving and trusting each other more which will not make anyone could interfere between them. Vansh and Riddhima’s love is the thing that wins. Nothing could separate them. Vansh and Riddhima’s love story will be written in history, their love is very pure and strong. Yes, they really passed through a lot of things, but now they become together once again and they are now enjoying being together.

At morning, Kabir and Sejal decided to announce to everyone that they want to get married.

Kabir: It will be a nice thing when we will announce that announcement in the new year’s night.

Sejal: Yes, I’m really excited.

Kabir: Me too.

Sejal: Do you think we must tell them now or after the countdown of the new year at night?

Kabir: I think it will be better when we announce this announcement at night. I think that Vansh bro will of course make a party to celebrate the new year so we could announce this announcement at the party.

Afterwards, Angre was very upset and sad for what his sister made and how she forced him to punish her by his hands. Then Siya came to him so she can calm him down.

Siya: Angre, I know how much you are sad and shattered from what Ishani has done.

Angre: I can’t imagine that Ishani could cheat me that much, I can’t imagine that she could do such a cheap thing! I’m really ashamed that she is my sister.

Siya: Please Angre relax and don’t put a stress on yourself. We are all with you Angre and we will not leave you alone. We are all your family.

Regardless that Angre was very sad and upset from what Ishani has done, but he was really satisfied from Siya’s care and support and that what makes his feelings toward her increases. But he was afraid that she isn’t owing to him the same feeling especially after what Ishani has done to VR family.

Angre to himself: I was trying to express my feelings to you Siya since the wedding rituals of Vansh and Riddhima’s marriage, but after what Ishani has made I’m afraid that you don’t accept me and my feelings. I really love you so much Siya and I hope that you own the same feelings towards me and you would accept me and my feelings.

At the same time, Vansh and Riddhima were in their room being with each other and then start to get ready and go down starts to have breakfast. Then Vansh start the conversation.

Vansh: I’m preparing for a lot of surprises to you in today’s party.

Riddhima: Does there is actually a party today?! What is the reason of that party?

Vansh: Come on sweetheart! You are not noticing what is today’s date?! Today is 31/12/2020. Today is the last day in 2020 and of course I will not miss such an occasion and of course we will celebrate the new year together. I’m preparing  for a very wonderful New Year party as this is the first new year that come and we are together so we must celebrate it in a special way. Am I right or am I right?

Riddhima: You are always right Vansh. I’m really excited for today’s party.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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