Love, Romance, and revenge. #Riansh (Episode 4)

The episode starts with Vansh and Siya being arrived to VR mansion.

Aryan: Finally you both came, we have been waiting for you a lot. Let’s have dinner as I’m very hungry. Hello Siya sweetie how are you? If everything is fine?

Siya: yes Aryan I’m fine, it was just a long day as usual.

Aryan: Come darling let’s eat.

They sit all on the dinning table and they start chit chatting with each other:

Anuprya: Vansh, I can see that you feel happy and relaxed today. So that means that today’s surgery was successful right?

Vansh: Of course mom, When I didn’t success on a surgery. You know Vansh’s life is full of success.

Anuprya: That’s my boy. I’m always proud of you my son.

Aryan to Siya in a quiet voice: Why he always gain everyone’s attention? Why you don’t success like him Siya? You are also a doctor right?! So why he loves to gain all the praise?!

Siya: Aryan please stop it, don’t forget that he is my brother who I loves him a lot and I’m always proud of what he is doing. His success is my success. He is our shield who protects us. So please don’t bother me of that nonsense conversation I’m already tired and I need to relax.

Aryan: Sorry baby. I didn’t mean it, I just because I love you I want to see the most successful doctor in the whole world. I hope that you didn’t got bothered from what I said.

Siya: It’s okay Aryan, but please don’t repeated again.

Aryan: Okay darling. I’m sorry again. I love you.

Siya: I love you too.

Aryan to himself: Stupid girl, I really can’t tolerate her more. She is really attached to her brother. What the unique thing that he have?! I’ve to control myself so she can’t know my motive. I’m waiting for that day when I can take everything from their super great Vansh Rai Singhania!

Vansh: Kabir, you are not thinking to come and work with us in the hospital?

Kabir: Oh bro! Don’t come up again with this. You know that I don’t understand anything in the hospital stuff. I’m not a doctor like you and Siya so what I will do there?!

Vansh: Really?! Do you think that doctors only who work in the hospital?! You can work with Rudra uncle in the financial department by the way.  There are a lot of work that you can do there. I think it will better than wasting your time with partying and roaming with girls. Am I right or Am I right?

Kabir: Vansh, you know that I can’t tolerate working. Leave me with my mind and when I feel that I’m ready to work I will tell you. Anyway, I could help you with something so you don’t say that I’m useless.

Vansh: What? Surprise me!

Kabir: You were thinking about renovating the hospital right?

Vansh: Right.

Kabir: And of course you will need a professional interior designer. So I have found that one.

Vansh: Who? Do we know him?!

Kabir: *Her* She is a girl bro and yes we know her since childhood.

Siya: Oh really! Do you mean Sejal?! Did she returned to the city?

Kabir: Yes, I have contacted her and she told me that she will live here and will not leave the city again. So I thought to let her start working with our hospital first. I think this will be better for you Vansh as we already know Sejal and you don’t have to investigate a lot about her.

Siya: Yes Vansh. Sejal is the best one for this job and I know that she will do a perfect designs for the hospital. We will have a lot of fun like we used to do since childhood.

Vansh: Okay I agree. Call her and let her meet me tomorrow at morning, but I have only one condition to give her this job.

Kabir: What?

Vansh: That you will be the one who will be with her while doing her job as I will not be free to follow her and I will not trust anyone to do this work for me. So you are the one who will suits this job. Do you agree or not?

Kabir: You didn’t give me any other choice. You just want me to work with any circumstances! Okay bro I agree. Actually it’s a good thing to work with a beautiful girl like Sejal.

Vansh: Hold on! You are going to work with her not to date her! I don’t want any mistake. I trust you so don’t break this trust.

Kabir: Don’t worry, I will make you proud of me.

Vansh: I hope so. You have to come tomorrow morning when she come tomorrow to the hospital as you will start working with her from tomorrow as I want to finish renovating the hospital as soon as possible without disturbing the patients.

Kabir: Okay.

After they finished eating their dinner they went to sleep.

On the other hand, there was Riddhima who is still confused and doesn’t know what she is really feels. She is very happy that she finally fulfilled her parents’ dream. They dreamed to see her a doctor one day. She hopes that if they were with her now they would be very proud of her. She really miss them so much. She still can’t imagine that they have gone. She doesn’t remember a lot of things about them, but she still can remember their love that they always showered her with.

Sejal: Come on Riddhima why you are crying now?! You have to be happy. You are finally working in VR hospital, you have to celebrate instead of crying. Stop it drama queen!

Riddhima didn’t felt how this tears have came!

Riddhima: I just miss my parents as they were dreaming to see me a doctor. It is really a tough thing to live as an orphan. I really miss being in a family. I don’t know if you weren’t in my life what I would do?! Thank you Sejal for always being with me, You are my entire family. I love you.

Sejal: Come on Riddhima, you love drama so much. You will make me cry, you also know that I’m an orphan if Singhania’s family didn’t raised me and showered me with their love I didn’t know what is the meaning of family. My dad was a close friend to Vansh’s dad so I used to spent much of my time in VR mansion and when my mom and dad died they have raised me until I entered the college and then I left the city and we didn’t meet since that day.

Riddhima: Thank God that you have to leave the city as if you didn’t left the city we didn’t have the chance to meet each other.

Sejal: You are right. I have left a family to make up a new family, but I’m really happy that we came to this city as now we both will work in VR hospital.

Riddhima: Really?! Did Kabir called you to confirm the job with you?

Sejal: Yes, I have an appointment tomorrow morning with Vansh.

Riddhima: Nice, so that means that we will go to the hospital together.

Sejal: Yes darling, I’m super excited that I will finally meet this family again. I really missed them a lot. Especially, Kabir.

Riddhima: Oh!! My girl is in love! Do you still love him since childhood?

Sejal: Yes Riddhima, I didn’t stop loving him since childhood. He will always be my love, I hope that after we meet again after all those years that he could notice my love to him. I can’t imagine myself with anyone than Kabir.

Riddhima: How romantic! I hope that one day I could talk about someone the way you talks about Kabir, but Sejal please don’t hurt your feeling by waiting for someone who will not love you. I don’t want you to be heart broken cause I really care about you so much.

Sejal: Don’t worry, let’s see what God is preparing for me. Let’s go to sleep as tomorrow will be a long day. Good night dear

Riddhima: Good night.

At morning, Vansh and Siya have reached to the hospital along with Riddhima who came alone as Kabir will come to arrive Sejal and of course she could sacrifices anything just to be with Kabir.

A case has come to the hospital, a girl has been on a big accident and her state is really critical, when Riddhima sees her she didn’t hesitate for a second to help her even before waiting for her supervisor to tell her what to do. So she starts to cure her and she didn’t care about the nurses warns.

The nurse: Please doctor leave the patient you can’t cure without the permission of your supervisor especially when this supervisor is the owner. Please wait for him. You are still a new doctor.

Riddhima: What are saying nurse?! It is a critical case and if I didn’t cure it immediately she would lose her life. Please leave me and let me concentrate and I will handle everything so don’t worry and just help me.

Riddhima has done a brilliant work in curing her first patient, but when she finished she was afraid of the nurse’s words. What would Vansh do with her now?!

Vansh: What?! One of the new doctors have took a case without my permission! Are you sure that she is in my team?!

Angre: Yes boss, Her name is Riddhima Anupam. She has cured the patient while she knows that she must take your permission first. Actually the nurse warns her a lot, but she didn’t listen to her. I don’t know what she wants to do!

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! Go and check the patient and I will see this new doctor.

Angre: Okay boss.

Riddhima is sitting in the doctors’ room and she was really happy for what he has done with her first case, but she was afraid from Vansh’s reaction. Did he could fire her in her first day or he could do something worse!

She got terrified more when she heard his voice being near to her and that means that he knew what she has done and she will got punished!

Vansh: So you are the one who crossed my rules at the first day of your work! Not bad! Who gave you the permission to cure a patient and you are still a new doctor and under training? Do you have any other supervisor other than me? Or you have asked my shadow and he approved?! I need an answer immediately!

Riddhima: What I have done is a simple thing Dr. Vansh. I’m a doctor who can’t see someone who is in pain and can’t help him/her. Do you think if I left her and she died, do you will be satisfied?! You told us that the most important thing to you is the patient’s life. So how could I put her life in danger. If I didn’t cure her immediately she would have lost her life! How could I wait for a permission to save someone’s life?! If you see that what I’ve done is a wrong thing so you could punish me with the way you want, but I don’t see that I’ve done anything to regret about it.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You have a big confidence!

Riddhima: We are learning from you doctor!

Angre: Dr. Vansh please come there is something argent!

Vansh: What happened? Does the patient is in danger?

Angre: No don’t worry. There is something more surprisingly! Come with me. Look with the way that she treated the patient with it. It is really like yours.

Vansh: How this possible?! How a fresh new doctor could cure a critical case like that with this accurate way!

Angre: I don’t know, but she is really professional.

At that moment Riddhima was still in the doctors’ room as she is waiting for her punishment, but she wasn’t sad. She was happy and proud for what she has done and she was happy that she broke the fear of Dr. Vansh Raii Singhania after she talked with him comfortably.  She doesn’t know what he is preparing for her, but she is satisfied with what she made.


The end of the episode. I hope you liked Riansh first meet and wait for more surprises on the next episodes. Don’t forget to tell me your feedback in the comment section.





A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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