Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 40

The episode starts with the whole VR family enjoying their time in the party and they are hoping that this new year could come with all the happiness that they have missed in this year and they are hoping that they could forget everything has happened in this year by the arrive of the new year.

Then Vansh unfolded a surprise he was preparing for Riddhima.

Vansh: Riddhima come with me as I’m preparing a surprise to you and I want you to see it.

Riddhima: What is that surprise?!

Vansh: Come on sweetheart! You will know the surprise when you come with me. So can you come with me please?

Riddhima: Okay

Vansh takes Riddhima to the outdoor and then he requests her to close her eyes.

Vansh: Close your eyes and don’t open it until I tell you

Riddhima: Again?! You can’t surprise me without requesting me to close my eyes! Is your surprises are danger to the eyes so I have to close my eyes to not be damaged?!

Vansh: If you will start joking and you don’t close your eyes I could merely leave and we can get back to the party without giving you the surprise!

Riddhima: No no, don’t leave. Okay, I will close my eyes. Please get it quickly because my curiosity is killing me to know what is the surprise.

Then Riddhima closed her eyes and then Vansh gets two gift small boxes and then he requests her to open her eyes and then she got surprised with the two gifts that he is holding.

Riddhima: What are those? Are you gifting me two gifts?!

Vansh: No, one of those gifts is for you and the other gift is for me.

Riddhima: Wow! Not bad Vansh! You are gifting yourself a gift! Impressive! You could tell me that you want a gift and I could bought you a gift as you don’t have to get a gift to yourself!

Vansh: You are so talkative sweetheart! You could instead of talking a lot you could open the gifts and see them to know why I bought myself a gift and by the way you didn’t need to get me a gift because you are the most and precious gift in my life!

His words touched her heart and it made her feel so happy.

Then he opens her gift and she got amazed to see that beautiful watch that he bought it to her.

Riddhima: Wow! It is an adorable watch! I really liked so much.

Vansh: It is more precious than a normal watch. It is a special watch that could be suitable to my special and unique wife.

Riddhima: What do you mean?

Vansh: This watch is connected to my heart beat!

He makes her wears it and he kissed her hand and she was very happy.

Riddhima: And what about your gift?!

He opens the second box and she saw another watch.

Vansh: This watch is for me.

Riddhima: And what this watch is connected with?

Vansh: This is connected by your own heart beat!

She was really impressed and amazed of how he always try to make them near to each other. He always finds a way to attach her with him more.

Vansh: You will not make me wear it?!

Riddhima makes Vansh wears the watch.

Vansh: Now, we will always be together and feel each other’s beats even if we are not with each other. We will always feel each other presence. We will always feel each other’s love. Those watches will connect us with each other more. We will always be with each other sweetheart.

Then he takes her hand and he put it above his heart.

Vansh: If we become here or not and if these watches become here or not, but your love will always be in my heart till my last breath. I will always love you till the last second in my life. I love you Riddhima.

Riddhima: I love you too Vansh.

They hugged each other very tightly and then he surprises her with another surprise!

Vansh: There is one more surprise to you sweetheart!

Riddhima: Surprise! Again?!

Vansh: I told you that today’s party will be full of surprises to you!

Riddhima: And what is the surprise this time?

Vansh: Just a second.

He leaves her for a second and he came with a beautiful candle balloon printed on it their picture together.

Riddhima: Wow! A candle balloon! It is also printed on it our picture! It is really adorable! I really love it!

Vansh: I know how much you love candle balloons. So I decided to fly it together and to make it special, I printed on it our picture.

Riddhima: It is really beautiful Vansh.

Vansh: This candle balloon is the sign of our unit and love. This balloon is the sign of our new beginning, it is the sign of the new year that is full of happiness and love. So let’s light the candle and fly it.

Riddhima: Yeah, let’s do that!

Vansh and Riddhima start lighting the candle in the candle balloon and then they make the balloon fly.

They were very happy while the balloon was flying. They were feeling that everything is very beautiful and perfect. They were happy seeing the sign of their love flying so high.

Riddhima: Look Vansh, the balloon is feeling very high!

Vansh: And what this means?!

Riddhima: This means that our love is strong and unique! I’m really happy to see that balloon flying like that! Thank you so much for making the new year party very beautiful and special like that. It is really a memorable moments that I will never forget in my whole life!

Vansh: I’m really happy to see your happiness sweetheart. I will always try my best to make you the most happiest girl in the whole world. Every single moment with you must be special like you.

He hugged her a back hug and then he kissed her in her cheeks.

Then Siya interrupts them.

Siya: Vansh, bhabi are you here and we were searching about you both in the whole house?! Come fast because the countdown of the new year will start now. So come fast.

Vansh and Riddhima joined Siya to the party to start the countdown.

Then the countdown starts so Riddhima and Vansh start counting down together:












Vansh and Riddhima at the same time: Happy New Year!

Vansh: Happy New Year sweetheart.

Riddhima: Happy New Year Vansh.

They hugged each other and Riddhima kissed Vansh in his cheek and then everyone greets each other.

Anuprya: Happy New Year my beautiful children. I hope that your lives fulfilled with all the happiness and joy.

Riddhima: Happy New Year to you too mom.

Vansh: Happy New Year mom.

Everyone was very happy and then Kabir and Sejal announced their surprise announcement.

Kabir: During this beautiful occasion, I want to announce a beautiful announcement!

Vansh: I can observe what is the announcement!

Kabir: Come on Vansh bro! You always know everything even if we didn’t say a word!

Vansh: Yeah! This is Vansh Rai Singhania! But I would like to hear it from you as I’m the only one who observed what you will say and no one in the family knows anything. So please say.

Ragini: Yes Kabir announce the announcement as I can’t understand anything!

Kabir: Sejal and I decided to get married to each other!

Riddhima: Really?!

Ragini: Wow!

Siya: It is really a great news!

Vansh: Congratulations guys, I’m really happy for you both. Actually, I was observing this relation. I was just waiting for you both to announce.

Sejal: We decided to announce this announcement in the new year so the happiness become double!

Riddhima came to Sejal and she hugged her.

Riddhima: I can see the happiness in your eyes! I’m really happy for you sweetie, I hope that I can always see your happiness.

Everyone was happy with Kabir and Sejal’s decision and they were congratulating them.

At the same time, Siya wasn’t feeling comfortable from one of the guests’s behavior towards her. This person was going very close to her and she wasn’t feeling comfortable so she was trying to escape from him, but he was so shameless! He was behind her and she was very afraid and she starts running and he was running after her and then he managed to trap her and he was going so close to her. Then she slapped him and while she was going to escape he teared a part of her dress which made her more terrified, but she still managed to escape from him and she starts running.

Siya was very terrified and she was crying very hard and she was trying to find Vansh so he can calm her down, but she didn’t find him.

While she was still running to not make that shameless guy catch her, she saw Angre and she was very happy that she finds him and when she become near him she immediately hugged him so he could relief her stress and she could feel safe in his arms.

Angre was very surprised from Siya’s behavior, but he was feeling very satisfied when she was in his arms. He was feeling from her face that she is very terrified so he tries to calm her down.

Angre: Siya please calm down. Nothing will happen to you, just tell me what has happened.

Actually he observed how her dress is teared so he felt that there was something wrong has happened to her and he gives her his jacket to wear it.

Angre: Siya, please relax and tell me what has happened and trust me that I will help you and I will punish the one who messed with you. Just tell me everything.

Siya starts telling Angre everything has happened to her and how that shameless guy misbehaved with her and Angre become very angry and he deiced that he will never leave that guy for misbehaving with his Siya.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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