Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 41

The episode starts with Angre being super angry.

Angre: Just tell me the name of that guy and I’ll make him know his place and I will punish him very hard!

Siya was happy to see Angre’s care about her. Actually, she wasn’t become calmed down if he wasn’t with her and then she starts to be the one who calms him down.

Siya: Angre, please calm down. I’m fine now so please relax.

Angre: What are you saying Siya?! How you are telling me to relax?! I can’t relax and you are terrified and not fine. Actually, you are not fine like you are saying. You are just pretending to be fine to calm me down so I don’t cause problems, but I will not leave that guy until I give him a big lesson which will make him don’t even think to misbehave with any other girl again!

At that moment, Vansh and Riddhima have seen Siya and Angre so they came to them as they were searching about Siya and they weren’t finding her.

Vansh: Siya, where were you sweetie? I was searching about you everywhere, but I wasn’t finding you!

Then Vansh starts to observe Siya’s state and how she is really terrified and he also observed her teared dress and he was really worried about her.

Vansh: Why you are looking super terrified like that and why your dress is teared?! Please tell me everything and don’t hide anything from me. Don’t be scared and calm down. I can observe that something bad has happened so please tell me.

Riddhima: Yes Siya dear. Tell us what has happened and don’t be afraid, we are with you and nothing could harm you.

Siya was very terrified to tell Vansh and Riddhima what has happened and Angre has observed that so he encouraged her to be brave and say everything has happened as she didn’t made anything to embarrassed of.

Angre: Siya don’t be terrified to say what has happened to you. You didn’t made anything wrong to be ashamed of. Just tell Vansh and bhabi everything and be brave.

Siya became encouraged and supported from Angre’s words and she starts telling them everything has happened to her.

Vansh and Riddhima were shocked from what they are hearing and Vansh become very angry from what has happened to his sister.

Vansh: How dare this guy to misbehave with my sister?! I will not leave him. He will not be saved from me. He doesn’t know with whom he messed with, he has messed with Vansh Rai Singhania’s sister. Don’t worry Siya darling, I will punish that guy very hard. Please relax and don’t be terrified, you are safe now and nothing will happen to you.

Riddhima was with Siya supporting her and being with her to not make her feel that she is alone, but Siya was terrified from what Vansh and Angre could do as she knows that the society doesn’t support the girls who suffered from harassment. They are always leaving the culprits(which is the men) and they just blame the girls and doesn’t support them.

Siya: Vansh please don’t do anything. I’m fine now. You know that our society doesn’t support the girls who suffer from harassment and they start to blame them and the girls become so ashamed and they can’t live their lives raising their heads. Please Vansh don’t put me in this situation, don’t make me feel ashamed and embarrassed. Please Vansh I want to live my life with dignity and pride.

Vansh: What are you saying Siya?! You didn’t make anything to be afraid or ashamed from! And about the society, don’t care about them as they were always talk about anyone and will always wait for any occasion to talk and blame others. Don’t think about the society’s point of view, just care about yourself and how to take your right from that shameless man. I will get your right from that guy and I will make him the one who will be ashamed from his actions. Just relax and be brave. You are Vansh Rai Singhania’s sister, you must have the courage and don’t be afraid from anyone around you.

Riddhima: Yes Siya, you don’t have to be worry. You are so innocent and you didn’t make anything so don’t be afraid to take your right and punish that guy who misbehaved with you. We are all with you dear and we will not leave you.

Siya was still afraid, but Vansh and Riddhima’s words calmed her down some how and she was really wants to take her right from that shameless guy.

Afterwards, Vansh has came to the party and he starts talking.

Vansh: I’m sorry guys to disturb you all from enjoying the party, but there is really a very urgent thing. Actually, there is a molested person here and you must all know him and know how he is so shameless guy. No one must talk with that guy or contact with him as he doesn’t leave a girl without misbehaving with her. So please take care bout your daughters, sisters, and wives. He isn’t a good person, he is a man without any morals at all!

Everyone was shocked from Vansh’s words and they weren’t believing that a molested man could be in VR mansion!

That man starts to be very nervous and he starts to sweat from his fear and Vansh was observing that and he was happy that the arrow that he throws it hits the target and now that shameless guy will expose himself.

Anuprya: How this is possible Vansh?! How could a molested man be in our house?! Who is this person?!

The man starts to be more nervous and because of his fear, the glass has been fall from his hand and it got broken and that what makes everyone notices him and they start to suspect him.

Rudra: Why you are so terrified like that Mr. Roben?!

Vansh: I will answer you Rudra uncle, Mr. Roben is terrified and nervous like that because he is the molested man who I was talking about! He is that immoral man who I was talking about!

Mr. Roben tried to control his fear and he decided to fall the table on Vansh as he knows that of course Vansh doesn’t have any proof against him.

Mr. Roben: How dare you to accuse me Dr. Vansh?! You are a wise man who doesn’t accuse anyone without a proof and of course you don’t have any proof against me. What is the proof that you have against me to call me a molested man?! I’m a respectable man with a good morals, I don’t do such a behavior!

Vansh: Morals?! Really?! Let’s see these morals that you are talking about! Come Siya darling don’t be afraid.

Riddhima and Angre get Siya with them and they supported her and then Vansh requests Siya to tell everyone everything Mr. Roben has done to her.

Vansh: Siya dear, don’t be afraid and tell everyone what Mr. Roben, the one who has a really good morals, what he has done to you.

Siya gained a confidence from Riddhima and Angre and she starts saying everything has happened to her.

While Siya was telling what has happened to her, everyone was shocked and they were surprised from what has happened to Siya.

Anuprya came to Siya and hugged her.

Anuprya: Siya dear, I’m really sorry that I wasn’t with you. I’m really sorry for what has happened to you. Don’t be scared and must know that we are all with you and will never leave you. We will support you so much until you get your right from that shameless man!

Rudra: How dare you Mr. Roben to do such a behavior to our daughter?! We will not leave you Mr. Roben!

Mr. Roben: What are you saying guys?! I didn’t made such a behavior! Of course Siya is misunderstanding, I didn’t do such a thing! I’m sorry Siya, but you are lying! I can’t believe that a girl like you could accuse a moral man like me! How could the daughter of Rai Singhania to do such a cheap thing?! It is really an unbelievable thing!

Vansh: Enough Mr. Roben! Don’t say a word again! You are the one who has done an immoral thing and you must be accused for what you have done and now you are accusing an innocent girl for your actions! You are so cheap Mr. Roben! Don’t think that you will get out of what you have done, don’t think that I don’t have a proof against you, no Mr. Roben I’m Vansh Rai Singhania and I’m always ready! Angre plays the video please.

Angre plays a video from the CCTV footage of the house and this video shows the cheap action that Mr. Roben has done to Siya.

Vansh: What you will say now Mr. Roben?! Here is the proof against you so what you will do now?! You will not be saved Mr. Roben!

Angre: How dare you to molest a girl?! You are a so cheap man!

Vansh: How you could force a girl to do something that she isn’t want it?! When a girl say the word “no” you must accept it. The word “no” means “no” How you could made such an action to any girl?! Actually, Siya isn’t the only girl who you have tried to molest her and misbehave with her. There a lot of girls who have been suffered from your bad actions, but they weren’t having the courage to take their right from you.

Then a lot of girls have came and they start accusing Mr. Roben from what he has done to them.

Vansh: The presence of men like you in the society is the thing that makes the girls can’t feel safe in the streets. We must get rid of all the men like you. Now no one will be surrounded with such a man like you and not just this you will be arrested for being a molested man and you will be punished  for the actions that you have done to my sister and all those girls, but first you must got the punish by the hand of every girl got molest by you. Come Siya dear, come and slap that man who made you suffer. Come and relief your pain!

Siya was very scared and she wasn’t able to do that, but Angre supported her.

Angre: Come on Siya, go and relief your pain and stress. Go and make him feel from the pain that you suffered from.

Siya got encouraged and she went and slapped that man a very hard slap!

Then each girl got suffered from that man came and slapped him and then the police officers came and arrested Mr. Roben for his actions.

Vansh: Siya dear you are a very brave girl. You must never be ashamed, you must be proud of how you are very strong and had beaten that cheap man. I’m very proud of you dear.

Eveyrone supported Siya and hugged her and then everyone went to sleep.

Then Vansh and Riddhima start talking:

Riddhima: What Siya has faced wasn’t easy!

Vansh: Yes Riddhima, you are right. Actually, she is really brave and I’m really proud of her.

Riddhima: Actually, I also have observed something.

Vansh: What?!

Riddhima: Angre’s care and love towards Siya. I can see how much he loves her so much. I also have observed that Siya also loves Angre.

Vansh: I also observed that.

Riddhima: I think we must make them notice that and unit them as I can see that Angre is the perfect partner to Siya.

Vansh: Yes, Angre will be the one that I’ll be 100% sure that he will make my sister happy and will never cheat her.

Riddhima: Every time something bad happens there is something good that it happens at the end.

Vansh: Yes Riddhima, I hope that they could unit soon. I want to ask you something.

Riddhima: What?

Vansh: How you look so beautiful like that?!

Riddhima: Come on Vansh! You always find the chance to say that beautiful words!

Vansh: Of course sweetheart. I must always praise your beauty. Let’s relax now as today was a busy day full of a lot of things.

He hugged her so tightly and they start to enjoy their time together.


The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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