Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 43

The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima arrived to the hospital and they were getting ready for the surgery.

Vansh: Riddhima did you checked the woman’s pulse very well before we start the surgery.

Riddhima: Yes Vansh, don’t worry. I’ve checked her pulse very well. Everything is under control so you don’t have to worry, I’m checking her pulse every 30 minutes until the time of the surgery and before you ask me about her sugar level I already checked it and I will keep checking it also until the surgery. I know that you are worrying about this surgery because we will give the birth to a woman’s child and I know that you are worrying about the woman because she has diabetes, but please don’t worry I’m checking about everything and anything.

Vansh: How you are always knowing everything I’m feeling without I could say a word?!

Riddhima comes near him and she hugged him very tightly.

Riddhima: I can always see and notice anything from your beautiful eyes, I can always feel the same thing that you are feeling. Do you forget that you are the one who said that we are both one and what you are feeling, I’m also feeling it. So just don’t worry and let’s go to start the surgery as if we kept hugging each other in the hospital the whole people will notice that and they will start joking at us so we must go know and start working and then we can complete romance after we finish the surgery as the whole life is remaining for us so we can do anything we want!

Vansh: Okay, let’s go.

Riddhima and Vansh went to the operation room and they start doing the surgery and everything was going well as Vansh and Riddhima were caring very much and they were observing the woman’s pulse very well, but then unexpected thing happened and the woman’s pulse start to decrease and this what makes Vansh and Riddhima get worried. Then they controlled the situation and Riddhima injects the woman with an injection that makes her pulse got stable and her pulse rate starts to increase once again. Afterwards, they have finished the surgery and the woman gave birth to two beautiful boy and girl twin and they were really cute babies.

After Vansh and Riddhima have finished the surgery, they were discussing what has happened in the surgery while they were getting out from the operation room.

Riddhima: I can’t imagine that we have finally succeed in this surgery. The surgery was really hard, I become very nervous and alert when the surgery is related to giving birth to a new life it is really a big responsibility!

Vansh: Yes Riddhima you are right. We have to be more and accurate and alert when the surgery is related to a new life it will come by our hands. Actually, it is really a beautiful feeling when you become the reason of getting life from another life. It is really a special and adorable feeling when you have this beautiful and small soul in your hand!

Riddhima: Regardless that I was really nervous and afraid, but these feelings all got changed when I saw the babies. Do you notice how much they are so cute and lovely. They look very beautiful!

Vansh: Yes, they look so adorable.

Riddhima: Do you know Vansh how much I love children? I really love them very much and I always like to observe their beauty and I always like to observe their cute expressions.

Vansh observed Riddhima’s love to the children and he was really happy to see her expression while she is talking about the children.

Then he pulled her towards him and he starts touching her face in a romantic way and then he starts playing with her hair.

Vansh: I can see how much you are loving children. So this makes me think why to not have our own babies sweetheart?! I know that you will be a very caring and perfect mother. I want to see how you will raise our children as I know that you will make them a very well mannered children.

His words makes her happy and shy. She is really dreaming to own a part of the one who she loves the most in her tummy. She really dreaming to see the result of their love to each other, but she got shy and she didn’t say a word and Vansh has noticed that. So he hugged her to relief her shyness.

Vansh: Come on sweetheart! Do you still got shy till now?! Anyway, I can observe from your quietness that you are agreeing to what I’m saying!

While they were romancing with each other, there was a huge noise is happening in the woman’s room.

Then the nurse came to Vansh to inform him about what is happening.

Nurse: Dr. Vansh please come fast to the woman’s room that she was giving birth to the twin as her husband is fighting with her and causing a lot of problems in the hospital and I can observe how much he is so dangerous!

So Vansh and Riddhima go fast to see what is going on and try to stop this fight as the woman must not pass through any stress because her surgery wasn’t easy at all.

When Vansh and Riddhima have arrived, they observed how much the woman’s husband is a very tough man who can’t see how his wife needs rest and how she is really tired from giving birth to his children.

Vansh: Please stop this noise you are in a hospital and you have to respect the patients and you actually must respect your own wife and don’t disturb her as the surgery wasn’t easy to her. So how you are not caring about your wife and you didn’t even think to see your beautiful children?!

The man: Disturbing my wife?! I’m the one who is disturbing?! No doctor, she is the one who disturbed me, I told her that I don’t want children and I told her that I don’t like to have a daughter, but look what she has done! She gave a birth to a two children?! How I will mange to get them their needs?! Not only that but also she has gave birth to a girl and I don’t want girls. So how you want me to not raise my voice on her, actually if we weren’t in the hospital I would easily raise my hand on her because she really putted me in a big problem and she must to be beaten very hardly!

Vansh and Riddhima were very shocked from that man’s attitude and how he is a very tough and immoral man, who isn’t thankful for having such a cute souls.

Actually, they got more shocked when they saw him was going to throw the young girl from the window!

Vansh and Riddhima managed to stop him and put the girl back in her bed and then Vansh starts blaming this stupid man!

Vansh: How you could be a very heartless and cold hearten man?! How you could easily throw your own daughter without you think for a second?! You are a really tough man who doesn’t deserve to have such a cute and kind children like those ones! The ones like you must be forbidden from hearing the word “dad”. I don’t know how you can’t be happy that you have a beautiful girl like this beautiful girl! You really don’t deserve to have such a girl like her! Girls are a wonderful and a precious gift from God, we must always be grateful for having them in our lives.

The man: Grateful?! How to be grateful of having a girl?! I’m really ashamed to have a girl! I hate girls!

Vansh: How dare you to say something like that?! How dare you to say that girls are shame to have?!  How you don’t like girls and you are not respecting them?! The girls are those who could be your mother who gave birth to you and care about you, the girls are the ones who could be your caring sister who cares about you and support you, the girls also could be your aunt or your grandmother or any other girl who would help you and support you. How you are merely say something like that about girls?! Actually, I feel sorry for that girl that she will have a father like you! Please ma’am you must leave that man and don’t complete your life with him whatever are the consequences. Don’t make this man be near the children, he isn’t the suitable father to those cute children! Look what he has done when you just get from the surgery, I don’t know what he will do when you will arrive home. So please ma’am take from him the divorce and I promise you that I will prepare for you a suitable work and a suitable house to live on it with your children and I promise you that I will be responsible of anything your children will need. You just must be away of that heartless man. And about that man, I’m 100% sure that he will regret so much when he become apart from his children.

Riddhima: You must be happy and thanking God that your wife is now fine, you didn’t know how much she suffered until she gave birth to your children, you must be thanking her that she tolerated all those pain and not blaming her for something that isn’t in her hand. You must be happy that God brought to you two wonderful gifts and not being ashamed like that. You don’t deserve to be a father! There a lot of people who dreams to have a child and they doesn’t able to have a child! You must be very grateful.

Vansh and Riddhima’s words make the man got very angry especially when his wife agreed to their words and told him that she wants divorce and that what drives him crazy and he gets a gun from his pocket and he called his relatives and they came holding guns and they caused a lot of troubles in the hospital!

The man: You all have said a lot and you will be punished for that!

Vansh and Riddhima were shocked from the man’s attitude and they were worried about each other so much and they were also worried about the patients.

Vansh: Are you mad?! What are you doing?! Trust me you are causing a lot of problems to yourself! Please leave that gun and make your relatives leave the hospital and I promise you that we will forgive you and will not punish you. Just stop the nonsense that you are doing!

The man: No doctor, I will not stop anything and I will punish you all for what you have said and no one will be saved from me!

Vansh and Riddhima didn’t know what they must to do now, but they were trying to calm down the patients until they could solve the problem.

Riddhima: Vansh what we will do now?! This man is very dangerous and he could harm anyone in the hospital! We must be very careful and try to do anything very fast.

Vansh: Don’t worry Riddhima, I’ve called the police and they are coming along with that my men will enter now and they will help us to control the situation until the police officers come. Just control your fear and worry and don’t be near that man because I can’t see him harming you so please take care of yourself and now I’m going to leave you now as I could go and control the situation.

Riddhima: No Vansh, you will not go anywhere. You will be with me at any place, I’m really worried about you.

Vansh: Please Riddhima listen to my words and don’t refuse it. Please don’t be stubborn! You must to be here with the patients so you can take care of them and I must leave to stop that man. Don’t worry about me, nothing will happen to me as your love and secure is always with me. So please don’t worry.

She hugged him very tightly because she was very worried about him.

Riddhima: Please Vansh take care of yourself and don’t put your life in danger please.

Vansh: Don’t worry Riddhima, I will control the situation and I will come fast. Just take care of yourself.

Vansh lefts Riddhima to stop this mad man and Riddhima was taking care about the patients.

The man: No one will get out of this hospital, you are all in my hands and no one will get saved and especially you Dr. Vansh Rai Singhania, you will not be saved from me!

Vansh: What you are doing will put you in a lot of problems! Surrender now and you will not be harmed.

The man doesn’t listen to Vansh’s words and Vansh succeed in escaping from the man’s eyes and he make his men enter the hospital without making anyone notice them and they start controlling the relatives of the man. They were just searching about the man to end this problem.

At the same time, Riddhima was observing the man’s actions and she wasn’t able to bear his attitude so she faced him and she doesn’t cared about the consequences.

Riddhima: You are a very rude and a sassy man. You will not be saved! Stop those bad behaviors and leave the patients! I don’t know how your wife was tolerating your beauvoir. You are unbelievable man!

Riddhima’s words got the man very mad so he pushed her and he hit her on her head with his gun!

At that moment, Vansh has observed what this man has made with his wife and he didn’t bear seeing his Riddhima in danger so he ran very quickly and he takes the gun from the man and he starts beating him.

Vansh: How dare you to touch my wife?! You will not get saved from me!

The police officers managed to come at that moment and they managed to get the man from Vansh’s hands and they calmed him down.

Inspector: Don’t worry Dr. Vansh. This man will got his punishment.

Then Vansh went to Riddhima and he hugged her very tightly.

Vansh: Riddhima are you okay?

Riddhima: I’m okay Vansh. Don’t worry, tell me are you okay?

Vansh: I’m not important now, you are the one who is important now. You are bleeding! I must cure your wounds now.

Then he got surprised when Riddhima fainted and he was really panicking and he was really worried about her.

Vansh: Riddhima please open your eyes. Don’t make me worry about you please.

He takes her to a room to check on her and cure her wounds and then Angre follows him to help him and calm him down.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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