Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 49

The episode starts with Ahana completing talking.

Ahana to herself: I hate you Vansh, I hate your family and everything related to you all. You are the ones who have destroyed me at the past. I believed that what I have did to Vansh at the past will be the end of VR family, but unfortunately he had succeeded once again and he made the hospital rise again not only that but he also has started a love story! Do you think that I will leave you living peacefully and happily like that?! No Vansh, I will not leave you and I will destroy you very hardly. I will not give you the chance to rise once again. I will make the whole VR family suffer a lot. I don’t know how I was so fool and young when I just destroyed Vansh and his father and I didn’t destroy the whole family, but it is okay now I will correct my mistake and I will destroy everyone. I didn’t forget what they have done to my family, VR family are the ones who have destroyed my family. VR family made my family shattered as we really suffered through so much pain! If Vansh’s father didn’t defeat my father in the hospital business, my father could now still be alive as he in the past didn’t tolerate to see his hospital destroyed because of Vansh’s father so he has died and then our whole family got destroyed and shattered. So I decided to destroy Vansh’s father and to make him face through the same thing that my father has faced and I was really happy when I succeeded in that. I was really happy when I have seen VR hospital destroyed, I was very happy to see Vansh destroyed and shattered. My motive to enter VR family in the past was a lot: firstly, I was entering VR family by the permission of one of their enemies that was sharing with me the same hatred toward VR family; secondly, I was entering VR family to destroy their hospital and make Vansh’s father suffer from the same thing that my father suffered from; thirdly, I was entering VR family to destroy the elder son of VR family so I can destroy the whole family by his destroy, fourthly, I was entering VR family to snatch from them their money because their money is only my right not their’s. I was very happy that I succeeded in my plan perfectly and I didn’t imagine that I will need to enter VR family’s lives once again, I believed that they will be all destroyed and they will not rise again. But Vansh was very clever more than I was expecting, he succeeded in making VR hospital very famous and professional hospital in the country and his personal life also start to be stable and perfect but enough happiness and success to VR family. Now I’m returned and I will destroy you all, I will never forget what has happened to my family and VR family will always be punished for this mistake till their last breaths, I’m back to make you all suffer. I’m back to destroy VR hospital that you are so proud of it Dr. Vansh Rai Singhania. Just wait for my next move and how I will destroy you completely!

At the same time, Riddhima has joined Vansh, Siya, and Angre in their discussion about Ahana’s motive.

Vansh was surprised when he found her awake.

Vansh: Why you have waked up?! You must to gain so much rest as this will be better for you and for the child. Please sit and don’t stress yourself with anything.

Riddhima: Vansh calm down, I’m totally fine so you don’t have to worry that much. I just wasn’t able to sleep more and I was searching about you as I was wondering how you didn’t sleep till now, but now I’ve known the reason. You are still thinking about that Ahana and what is her motive, right?

Vansh: Right. But Riddhima you don’t have to worry as I will handle everything and I will expose that Ahana very soon so you don’t have to think a lot about this matter at all as your husband is here and I will make everything fine very soon.

Riddhima: Vansh, I can’t sit quiet and I’m seeing my husband worried like that. So don’t think that when you don’t include me with you that this will less my worry and will not make me think a lot about this matter, no Vansh this will not help me at all! Actually, this will make me stress and worry more so you must make me help you so I could be relaxed and don’t worry about you. Anyway, I have been thinking about something that could help us in knowing Ahana’s motive. I think that this will be the key to know Ahana’s motive and identity.

Angre: And what is that thing bhabi?

Riddhima: Vansh, Ahana Mathour is a person who you were knowing her very well at the past and that what makes her knowing everything about you and the family. She isn’t a new enemy to you Vansh, she is a very old enemy to you that decided now to come and destroy you.

Vansh: An old enemy?! How?! I really don’t know her, this is the first time to see her face!

Riddhima: You have to think very deeply Vansh, you have to observe her actions very carefully so you can know who is that Ahana Mathour because my sensitivity tells me that you know this Ahana before you are just not remembering her.

Siya: Yes Vansh, Riddhima is right. You have to think very much and observe Ahana’s actions as I start to be convinced by bhabi’s words and I think that we know this Ahana very well.

Angre: Yes Vansh, you must start to search about your old enemies and to observe who from them could still want to destroy you till now.

Vansh: There is only one enemy who I could believe that she is the one who could still want to destroy me and my hospital. She is a very shameless girl who could do anything and I could expect anything from her.

Riddhima: Do you mean that girl who has cheated you in the past?

Vansh: Yes, I believe that she could be the one who has sent Ahana to destroy me and my hospital. Of course she has known that everything starts to be stable and better in my life and my career so she decided to sent that Ahana to destroy everything, she is a very cunning and cheap girl so she could do anything to reach to what she wants.

Angre: So we must follow this suggestion and let’s see what it would make us reach to, we must start to search about the connection between Ahana and that girl.

Siya: Yes Angre, you must do your investigation very fast and you must to know where is that cheap girl and what she is doing now and try to find any connection between her and Ahana.

Vansh: I believe that we started to walk on the right path and of course we will find the truth soon. Thank you so much Riddhima for making us reach to the beginning of knowing Ahana’s truth and motive. Thank you sweetheart.

After Vansh has said those words, he and Riddhima left Siya and Angre’s room and they went to their room to relax.

When they have entered their room, Vansh hugged Riddhima immediately to express to her much he is so grateful to have her in his life.

Vansh: Thank you so much Riddhima for your presence in my life. Being with me gives me the courage to do anything and everything. Riddhima you are my power and strength, you give me the power and strength to defeat my enemies. You have given me the key that will make me able to know Ahana’s motive, you were right when you told me that you could help me in knowing Ahana’s motive. Actually, you always help me in anything and everything. I’m really blessed that you are my wife and my life partner.

Then he made her sit and then he put his hand above her tummy to feel the presence of his child.

Vansh: My lovely child, I want you to know how much your mother is very caring and perfect wife and I’m sure that she will be a perfect and a unique mother as well. I want to tell you my dearest child that your mother is always standing by your father’s side and she is always caring and supporting your father so much. Your mother is the most perfect woman in the whole world. You must be very proud that she is your mother.

Riddhima got teary from Vansh’s words, she didn’t imagine that she will have someone who love her that much and respect her the way he is doing to her.

Riddhima: I can see that my husband is very caring and romantic today!

Then she putted her hand above his hand so their child could feel the presence of his/her parents.

Riddhima: I would also want to tell my cute child that he/she is very lucky to have a very caring and special father like you Vansh. My lovely child, you must be like your adorable father and take everything from him, you must learn from him everything. You have to know how much your father is a very special and unique person, no one in the whole world could defeat the great Vansh Rai Singhania. Your father will always protect you and never give the chance to anything or anyone to harm you. Your father is the most perfect and caring man in the whole world.

They hugged each other very tightly after the beautiful words that they have said to each other.

They were sure that no one could cause any problems in their lives when they are together.

They know that they will be able to face that Ahana and expose her by the power of their love.

They were trying to minimize their worry and stress by being in each other’s arms.

Because they were super tired they felt asleep in each other’s arms.

At morning, Vansh and Riddhima wake up and they get ready so they can go to the hospital.

Vansh: Riddhima, we must to be very alert and don’t give the chance to Ahana to cause any problems in the hospital so we must hurry up and go to the hospital fast so we could be ready for anything that Ahana could do.

Riddhima: Yes Vansh you are right. We must be alert for anything she could do. Let’s go to the hospital as I’m ready now.

Vansh: Okay, let’s go.

Vansh and Riddhima have arrived to the hospital and they got shocked that what they were thinking about has happened and Ahana got succeeded in causing a new problem in the hospital.

When Vansh and Riddhima have entered the hospital, they have found a lot of mess and they have seen that all the doctors and nurses are very worried and they don’t  know what shall they do.

Vansh: What is going on in the hospital?! I can see a lot of mess and worry here! Can anyone answer me?!

Nurse: Thank God that you have arrived Dr. Vansh, there is a big problem has happened in the hospital and it will cause a lot of troubles and we need you to help us in fixing this problem.

Riddhima: Please nurse say what has happened fast so we can solve it quickly.

Nurse: The blood bank got all destroyed!

Vansh: What?!

Riddhima: How this is possible?! This is an unbelievable thing! This will make us cannot be able to do today’s surgeries or even the surgeries that were planned during this week!

Vansh: This is can’t happen! We can’t postponed any of those surgeries, this will risk the patients’ lives and I can’t allow this to happen!

Then Vansh has observed Ahana from a far area and he has seen her smiling so he has known that she is the one behind this big problem so she can make the hospital appear as a place that can’t be safe for the patients and she wants to make him appear as an irresponsible doctor and this that he will not make her succeed on it.

Vansh to himself: So Ahana you are the one who has caused this big problem! Interesting, very interesting! Trust me I will not give you the chance to celebrate your success and I will flip your plan on yourself. Just wait for the respond of Vansh Rai Singhania on what you have done.

At the same thing, Ahana was very happy that she got succeed in her plan.

Ahana to herself: Now you will not do anything Vansh, you will not be able to get all of those quantity of blood in this short time and you will not be able to make the surgeries on time and that will make me include in the reports how you are irresponsible and how your hospital is an unsafe place for the patients and this will start the destroy of your hospital. Vansh, your hospital will be destroyed forever and you will not be able to do anything. I wasn’t able to control my anger when I entered the hospital and saw how it is still working, but now I will be able to see the hospital while it is destroyed and I will be very happy when the government and the ministry of health will close VR hospital forever! Just wait and watch Vansh for your end!

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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