Love, Romance, and revenge. #Riansh (Episode 5)

The episode starts with Vansh going to Riddhima.
Vansh: Are you sure that you didn’t work in any other hospitals before being in my hospital?!
Riddhima: Yes Dr. Vansh. This is the first time to me to work as a doctor in a hospital after I’ve finished college. Is there is something wrong I’ve done to the patient?!
Vansh: Don’t panic. Everything is okay and the patient is totally fine. So because of what you have done to the patient and the way you cured her with, I will forgive you. But next time be aware to not cross my rules once again and for now on you will follow
me at every work and every surgery I’m doing so you don’t have an excuse to not take my permission. But you have to know something: that it is not easy to be with Vansh Rai Singhania. So good luck and all the best Dr. Riddhima.
Riddhima: Thank you Dr. Vansh for your trust.
Vansh: No Dr. Riddhima It is not a trust. Of course you have learned a lot of things about me and the first thing that you have to know is that I don’t trust anyone. It is not easy to win my trust, so it isn’t a trust Dr. Riddhima, you are under microscope. Let’s see what you will do and what powers and talents do you have.
He shocked her with his attitude and with the way he thinks.

Riddhima to herself: How he is so tough and weird like that, but at the same time he gave me a big chance to show my powers. Does he really doubting me?! It is really a hard thing to work under this doubtfulness!! You are so mysterious Dr. Vansh Rai Singhania. Maybe being near you will make me try to understand you Dr. Vansh and
of course one day I will let you get rid of your arrogant attitude. You still don’t know who is Riddhima Anupam!
Angre was surprised with Vansh’s decision.
Angre: Why you made her being with you at every case you will cure? Do you finally get rid of doubting everyone and you start to give your trust to the people who around you?!

Vansh: Of course not. I didn’t trust her. I just want to test her and see does she is
really talented regardless that this is her first time to work in hospitals and of course colleges will not make you professional like Vansh Rai Singhania as you have a lot of time to be like me so how she manages to use the same way I use. Does she is really talented and unique or there is someone who trained her to be professional like that so

I can trust her and give her a high position in the hospital so she can destroy me and my hospital?
Angre: If she she is really cheating us, so you have made her reach to what she wants.
Vansh: No Angre, I will keep an eye on her while we are in the hospital so I will see if she is saying the truth or she is hiding something. I want you to get me all the information about her. I want to know everything about Riddhima Anupam.

Angre: Okay boss.
Siya: What is going on here? Did what I’ve heard is correct?! There is a new doctor who cured a patient without you permission?!
Vansh: Yes, not only this. She also used the same unique way I uses while curing the patient and this is a surprisingly thing for a new comer doctor who didn’t work in any
hospitals before!
Siya: Wow! Impressive! It is really a surprise thing to see a new doctor uses the same way as our great Vansh Rai Singhania. Who is that professional doctor?
Angre: Her name is Riddhima Anupam.

Siya: What?! What a coincidence?! This is the same girl that I’ve told you about her yesterday.
Vansh: Reallly?!
Siya: Yes, I told you that she is a professional, but you didn’t trusted me. It will be very interesting to see how you both will manage working together.
After they left Vansh was thinking that this is the first time in Vansh’s life that someone could make him super impressed like that.
Vansh to himself: There is something special on you Dr. Riddhima Anupam and I’ve to know it. There is nothing could be hidden from Vansh Rai Singhania.
On the other hand, Kabir and Sejal were in the car that is going to the hospital.
Kabir: You didn’t change since childhood. You still own the same childish spirit that always makes you special.
Sejal: You too Kabir, you didn’t changed. You still flirting with any girl around you!
Kabir: Oh sejal! You will not forget!

Sejal: How I will forget anything related to you and the whole family.

Kabir: You are still emotional as usual! Anyway, we have reached to the hospital. Of course you want to meet Siya and Vansh. Of course you missed them also.

Sejal: Yeah! I really want to meet them so much so let’s go.

Kabir and Sejal enter the hospital and they went to Vansh’s office and they start talking about renovating the hospital and Sejal has impressed them all with her designs and especially when Siya joins them.

Siya: Wow! You are really talented Sejal. Since childhood and you have that creative mind! I’m so proud of you darling and I’m really happy that we will work with you.

Sejal: Me too Dr. Siya. I hope that I make you all impressed with my work.

Vansh: So I want to tell you Sejal that the ideas that you are offering are accepted and now you are responsible in front of me to renovate the entire hospital without disturbing the patients as we can’t close the hospital so you will work silently and without making any mistakes. Don’t worry everything you will need you will have it. Do you have your own team or shall we get a team to you?

Sejal: No, I already have my own team.

Vansh: Okay, so you have to work from now on and Kabir will be with you if you need anything. He will help you with anything you want as you are both will work on this project together.

Sejal: Okay, thank you Dr. Vansh

Siya: Please stop talking about work. We have finished everything related to work. So shall we talk about our childhood memories?

Sejal: I really missed those moments.

Vansh: Yeah! It was a nice moments.

Kabir: I hope that it could come again.

Angre: Yes, we were all together. Me, Vansh, Kabir, Siya, Sejal, Ragini, and Ishani. We were all doing everything with each other.

Sejal: Yes, So Angre how is Ishani? Is she is okay?

Angre: Yes, she is now a famous writer. Of course you will meet her soon.

Sejal: And what about Ragini?

Kabir: She is fine. She is working with Rudra uncle in the financial department in this hospital of course you will see her while working here. Just a second, you will keep asking about everyone so let’s make a party so you can meet all the family and we will have the chance to be all together after all those years.

Vansh: You always search about any chance to prepare a party, but this is the first time to me to agree with you about making a party. So it is a nice idea Kabir.

Kabir: Wow! You are praising me bro! If I know that Sejal’s arrive will make you praise me, I would let her arrive earlier.

Vansh: Stop your nonsense just go and start planning for the party. You know that I don’t like incomplete work. Everything must be perfect.

Kabir: Okay bro.

Vansh: Angre, don’t forget to inform Ishani to come to the party. She has been busy since a lot of time that makes her didn’t visit us since a lot actually my mom was asking about her a lot.

Angre: Okay boss, I will inform her and she of course will come with me.

Vansh: Sejal, you didn’t tell me where are you living now?

Sejal: I’m living in an department near the hospital with my best friend. This best friend who was with me since I have left this city.

Siya: It seems that she is really means a lot to you.

Sejal: Yes, she is my whole family. I didn’t felt that I’m alone when I met her. We both could feel each others’ pain as we both share the same pain as we are both orphans.

Vansh: You are not an orphan Sejal. You will always be a family member to us. You could invite her to the party if you want as the one that you treat her as a family we also will treat her as a family.

Sejal: Thank you so much. I was tell her.

Then end of the episode. Let’s see how Riansh will react when they see each other in the party. If you liked the episode please don’t forget to tell your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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