Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 50

The episode starts with Vansh being very angry from what Ahana has done and he was trying to think about a solution for the problem that Ahana has caused.

Vansh: That Ahana I will not leave her! She is very heartless girl! How she could risk the patients’ lives just to succeed in her plan and destroy VR hospital?! How she doesn’t care about the lives that could be now in danger if we didn’t made their surgeries in the right time?! She doesn’t think about anything other than destroying me and my hospital, but I will not give her the chance to do this thing. I just now must think about a solution to this problem very fast before she could take an advantage from what she has done and include the government and the ministry of health in this issue and that will put me and the hospital in very critical situation!

Riddhima went near Vansh and she hugged him very tightly to relief his stress and worry so he can think comfortably for a solution.

Then she putted her hand on his face to calm him down.

Riddhima: Please Vansh darling try to relax and calm down. The stress and worry will not make you reach to any solution, you must to get out any stress from your brain so you can think calmly. Relax Vansh I know how much you are angry now, but trust me your anger will not help you and it will prevent you from defeating that Ahana. You must to think quietly as you become very dangerous when you become calmed down and quiet! *She smiles at him to relief his stress*

He doesn’t believe that he could smile in this critical situation, but his Riddhima always make the impossible things possible as she always know how to calm him down.

Vansh: How you always succeed in absorbing my anger?! You always know how to calm me down!

Riddhima: I always do everything in a special way at the end I’m Vansh’s Rai Singhania’s wife so of course I will always do the unexpected things!

Her words really helped him a lot to think and try to solve the problem fast.

Riddhima: So what you will do know Vansh?! Do you start thinking about a solution?

Vansh: Yes Riddhima, I have been found a solution that will flip Ahana’s plan on herself and will put her in a big problem. I just want your help in this plan. Do you will help?

Riddhima: Of course Vansh, you don’t have to ask me this question as I will always be here to help you in anything. Just tell me what you want me to do and I will do it immediately.

Vansh: Before I tell you anything, I just want you to call Angre and Siya as I will need also their help so I want to explain my plan in front of you all.

Riddhima: Okay I will call them.

After Riddhima has called Siya and Angre and then they have arrived, Vansh starts explaining to them his plan and they were amazed from how clever his plan is.

Angre: Wow Vansh! The plan is just perfect!

Vansh: We just must be very careful and alert so we don’t make Ahana notice anything as I want to make her believe that I have been give up so she doesn’t expect what we will do.

Afterwards, Ahana has called the minister of health to inform him what has happened and to tell him how much VR hospital isn’t a good hospital at all.

Ahana: I’m sorry minister that I’ve disturbed you, but I wasn’t able to wait until I send the report to you about VR hospital because the situation is very critical and it may put the patients’ lives in danger as the damage in the blood bank will postponed a lot of surgeries to happen. So please minister do something as I can’t sit quiet like that as you know that I’m doctor and I can’t see a patient’s live in danger and don’t do anything.

Minister: How they could be irresponsible like that?! Anyway, don’t worry Dr. Ahana I will come to the hospital and I will check what is going on and I will manage to control the situation. I just want to thank you Dr. Ahana for your loyalty and dignity in your work.

Ahana: You don’t have to thank me minister as this is my duty. I will be waiting for your coming to the hospital.

Minister: Okay Dr. Ahana, see you in the hospital.

While Ahana was believing that she has succeeded in her plan, Vansh and Riddhima along with Angre and Siya were doing their plan against her.

Ahana wasn’t that fool so she decides to keep an eye on Vansh so she could prevent him from fixing what she has done.

Ahana to herself: Vansh, I will not give you the chance to fix what I have done like yesterday so I will keep an eye on you until the minister come to the hospital and then everything will happen the way I want. I can observe that you have been gave up that’s why you are sitting quiet like that and you are not doing anything!

Afterwards, the minister have arrived and he was very angry and he was asking about Vansh.

Minister: Dr. Vansh, I want to know what is happening in VR hospital?! Do what I have heard is right?! Does what Dr. Ahana has said to me is right? Do really the blood bank got damaged?! How you could be irresponsible like that?! Your hospital is one of the famous hospitals in the whole country so how something like that could happen in this hospital?! I think that we mustn’t leave the hospital opening till now and give this chance to you, but thank God that Dr. Ahana warned us earlier so we could prevent more problems to happen! I’m sorry to tell you that your hospital will be closed forever from that illegal actions that has happened on it.

Ahana was very happy to listen to the minister’s words, she was happy that her plan got succeeded.

Ahana to herself: Now I will observe this great occasion when I see by my eyes VR hospital destroyed and I will be very happy to see you shattered and destroyed Dr. Vansh Rai Singhania. I will really enjoy seeing VR hospital closed forever. I’m really happy to see you silent and can’t say a word Vansh! I’m really happy to see you very ashamed like that! Now my anger could minimize when I see you in that state.

At that moment, Vansh has surprised Ahana and destroyed her happiness.

Vansh: Look minister I respected you and I left you to finish all your words and I didn’t interrupted you, but before you take a decision that could be not fair you must first listen to me.

Minister: What you will say Dr. Vansh?

Vansh: Please minister leave me to complete my words without interrupt me as I didn’t interrupted you when you were talking so please give me the chance to talk.

Minister: Okay Dr. Vansh talk and I will not interrupt you and I hope that what you will say could convince me.

Vansh: I want first to take you with me to let you see the blood bank and then I could tell you everything.

Vansh takes the minister to the blood bank and Ahana went with them as she was so worried from Vansh’s attitude and how he is so stable like that and she really go shocked when she finds the blood bank working perfectly and there are a lot of quantity of blood are visible in the blood bank.

Ahana: What?! How the blood bank is working well and it has a lot of amounts of blood?! I promise that when I’ve seen the blood was rotten and the blood bank was damaged so how this is possible?!

Siya: Why you are so surprised like that Dr. Ahana as if you weren’t wanting the problem to be fixed?!

Riddhima You look as if you are the one who has done this problem!

Vansh: And that’s the truth minister. Dr. Ahana is the one who was behind the damage of the blood bank!

Minister: What?! How this is possible?!

Vansh: Look minister, I admit that the blood bank was damaged and I will not fake this truth. But I want to say that this isn’t by our hands and we weren’t careless at all as this thing didn’t happen in our hospital before and this didn’t happen until the arrive of Dr. Ahana in VR hospital. She was wanting to show us irresponsible so she can be able to make you close the hospital.

Ahana: What are you saying Dr. Vansh?! How you could accuse me of doing that bad action?! How I could risk the patients’ lives?! I’m a doctor and I can’t do such a thing so please don’t stick your actions to me!

Vansh: Don’t interrupt me Dr. Ahana and don’t be the one who is sticking her own actions to the others. Minister, from the first moment Dr. Ahana has entered my hospital and I has observed how she wants to cause a lot of problems in the hospital. She isn’t coming to give an accurate reports about what is happening in VR hospital, she is coming to trouble us and if I wasn’t alert she would had succeeded in her plan. Because everyone was doubting Dr. Ahana’s actions, we were all alert and when Dr. Ahana has done this action I and my team were very alert and when managed to fix the blood bank and we managed to get all the amounts of blood that we needed. By the way Dr. Ahana, You will can’t get out of this situation as we have a proof against you!

Ahana got shocked from Vansh’s words and she wasn’t believing that her plan is got destroyed along with that she is going to be exposed!

Then Vansh has come with a video from the CCTV footage of the hospital and this video shows that Dr. Ahana was the only one who has near the blood bank before what has happened to it.

Vansh: So now minister you can observe from the video that Dr. Ahana who was the only one who was near the blood bank so of course she is the only one who is behind this drama. I don’t know the reason behind your hatred toward us Dr. Ahana.

Minister: What nonsense you have done Dr. Ahana?! How you could do such a thing?! Don’t be quiet and tell me the truth.

Ahana was very shocked that Vansh succeeded in trapping her in her own plan, but she decided that she will not give up and will not leave him merely expose her. So she decided to do a drama so that she could get out of this situation.

Ahana: Minister I didn’t do anything wrong and this video don’t appear that I’m damaging the blood bank, I was just near it and this isn’t a crime at all! I can admit that when I was entering the hospital I was just thinking about the way that I could expose with it the bad actions that is done in VR hospital because I doesn’t believe that it is a good hospital like Dr. Vansh trying to show it so I was doing my best to expose their real faces and then I have went to check the blood bank and I have discovered its damage and that what makes my doubts got true that this hospital isn’t good and that’s what made me called you minister. I can’t fake any proof against anyone, I can’t do such a bad behavior especially when it could affect the patients’ lives. Minister if you want to punish me it is okay, but you have to be sure that I didn’t do anything and until Dr. Vansh could get a strong proof against me I will keep working in VR hospital and do my work.

Minister: Yes Dr. Vansh, Dr. Ahana is right. This video can’t prove anything against her, but yes I can admit that this video makes us doubt that she could be the one behind the damage of the blood bank. But the doubt alone will not do anything so until you collect a strong proof against Dr. Ahana she will keep doing her work in VR hospital. Dr. Ahana you must be loyal in your work and don’t cause problems because of a personal issues as if I have found that you were lying you will not be saved from me. And about you Dr. Vansh I want to admit your hard work and how you was trying your best to not cause any problems to your patients and that’s appears from how you have managed to control the situation.

Vansh: Thank you minister for your respect. I promise you that nothing could harm the patients during my presence.

Minister: I’m sure of that. I also want to apologize for accusing you without knowing the whole truth regardless that the video that you showed it to me didn’t prove that Dr. Ahana is the culprit, but it has approved that you are a responsible doctor and that shows that what has happened in the blood bank is by the hand of someone and you have to get the proofs against that person and if you are 100% sure that Dr. Ahana is the culprit so you must collect a strong proofs against her and I will be convinced of that and I will punish her.

Vansh: Okay minster. Thank you for your respect and trust and I promise you that I will expose the culprit who ever is this person.

Then the minister has left after he warned Ahana once again and he made her remember the reason of her arrive to VR hospital and he warned her to never cause problems in VR hospital.

Ahana was very angry that her plan got failed and she was wondering how Vansh succeeded in fixing the blood bank and get all those amounts of blood, but she was also happy that she succeeded in getting out of that trap and not be exposed.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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