Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 52

The episode starts with Vansh being unbelievable of what Angre has told him.

Vansh: How this is possible Angre?! Of course you are misunderstanding as this can’t be believable at all! If Ahana is the same cheap girl that has cheated on me, I would have easily recognized her face when I have seen her as you know that I can’t forget the faces of those who have cheated on me. I can observe that there isn’t any similarities in the looks between Ahana and that cheap girl so how you are saying that the two girls are the same person?!

Angre: You didn’t recognize her because she is a very clever girl, she was ready for everything very well so she has done a plastic surgery so she could change her whole face and when she appear in front of us we can’t be able to recognize her especially you. As she knows that you are the most one of us who could merely know her and that’s why she went to one of the famous hospitals in London, as no one knows her there, and then she has done the plastic surgery and she completely changed her whole face.

Vansh: I really can’t believe that someone could change his/her whole face just to destroy someone else’s life!

Angre: She could do more than that just to destroy everything related to VR family and their hospital. She could low herself into any level just to see us all destroyed. She was very sure that no one of us could know her real identity so she was very accurate and clever that she didn’t made the surgery in this country so no one could know anything about her surgery and she decided to get back to the country, after she has made the surgery, with a new face and new name. But she has done one mistake that made me could succeed in knowing her truth.

Vansh: What is that mistake?!

Angre: That when she entered the hospital in London before doing her surgery, she has signed her name as Ahana Mathour while her face wasn’t Ahana’s face so when I got the information that Ahana has done a plastic surgery in London, I have contacted with that hospital and they sent me all the details about that surgery along with the video records of that day that Ahana has came to the hospital. So I have noticed that the face that is showen in the hospital’s records isn’t the same face of Ahana and I got to understand the connection between Ahana and that cheap girl. Then I got the proofs that could prove that Ahana has faked all her tuition certificates so she could be able to work with the government and the ministry of heath and gain their trust so she could have the chance one day to enter VR hospital and that’s what has happened.

Vansh: But I still can’t understand her motive that could make her change her face just to succeed on it?!

Angre: She wants to take her revenge from VR family.

Vansh: Revenge?! Why?! We didn’t have done to her anything!

Angre: But this isn’t what she is believing. She believes that your father is the one who is responsible of destroying her father’s hospital. She believes that your father is the one who is responsible of her father’s death and her family’s destroy. So that’s why she decided to enter your life and make you trust her very much so she can destroy VR hospital and she could make your father face through the same thing that her father has faced. She thought that the hospital would never rise again especially after what she has done to you and how she made you shattered so you will not be able to fix anything from what she has done in the hospital so that’s why she left the whole country and she was celebrating her success. When you start to improve everything, she got mad and she decided to do anything so she could return in your life to destroy you and the hospital once again. The thing that makes her do this plan without hesitating for a second is when she has known that you have fallen in love and you start to be very happy being with Riddhima bhbai so she decided that she will not make your happiness last forever and she started her plan until she succeeded to enter VR hospital and she starts causing problems on it.

Vansh was shocked from what he has known and he wasn’t able to understand anything.

Vansh: I really can’t imagine that there is a person who could the hatred push that person to destroy people’s lives without even to be sure if those people are innocent or not. I will not leave that Ahana and I will punish her for everything she has done to me in the past and in the present. I will not make her get saved from me! I will make her face through the same thing I have faced in the past. I will make suffer a lot, what she has done cannot be forgiven or forgotten!

Angre: Don’t worry Vansh, we will punish that girl for everything she has done just tell me what you want and everything will happen the way you want.

Vansh: I want you first to give me all the proofs that you have collected against that Ahana as I know how I will use them to expose her with a way that will break her very hardly, I will not expose her very easily like that, I will make her suffer a lot as she could regret for the time that she thought on it to mess with Vansh Rai Singhania! I also want you to get me all the information about her father’s hospital and the reason behind it’s destroy. I want to know everything that lead to the closeness of her father’s hospital.

Angre: Okay boss, I will get everything you want.

Afterwards, Vansh was going to his room and he was still shocked from everything Ahana has done to him and his hospital.

When he entered his room, he found Riddhima awake so he immediately hugged her very tightly to relief his worry and stress from what he has known.

Riddhima felt how much he is worried and she felt that there is something very hard has known it so she was trying to calm him down without saying a word until she could feel that he is able to talk. She was making him very close to her so she can relief his stress and make him know that she is with him and will never leave him whatever are the circumstances.

When she felt that his worry got minimized, she starts to talk.

Riddhima: Vansh please calm down, I’m here with you and everything will be fine. Nothing bad could happened and we are together. Please relax and tell me what has happened as I can observe from your face that there is something very shockingly has happened!

He starts telling her everything he has known about Ahana, he told her that Ahana and that cheap girl are the same person and he told her about all the proofs that Angre has collected it against her. He also told her Ahana’s motive behind everything she has done.

Riddhima get shocked when she was listening to Vansh’s words.

Riddhima: Oh my God! I can’t believe that someone could do such a cheap and evil thing! I can’t believe that Ahana is the same girl that has cheated on you in the past and has caused to you all those pain and troubles. Not only that but also she was really a shameless girl who after what she has done to you in the past she also came once again to your life so she could destroy you once again! I can’t believe how she is a decadent girl! I will not leave her, I will punish her for what she has done to my husband.

Vansh: Trust me Riddhima, I will not leave her live peacefully and I will make her suffer a lo for everything she has done to me.

Riddhima: I’m with you in anything you will do and I will not leave you defeat that girl alone. I’m your life partner and I will share with you everything you are doing. We will be both together punishing that girl.

He hugged her once again and he kissed her in her cheek.

Vansh: If you weren’t with me I weren’t be able to tolerate this situation, you always make everything easier. I know that when you put your help in anything with me, everything become super easy and it finished very fast. Thank you for everything you have done and you are still doing to me. Let’s don’t talk about that Ahana again as I know how I will handle that girl and I will tell you what I’m planning about, but not today. I will tell you the plan tomorrow as now I want to spend some time with my wife and my lovely child.

He made her closer to him and he was feeling very comfortable being near her.

At the same time, Kabir and Sejal were discussing about the problems that have happened in the hospital.

Kabir: What has happened during the previous days in the hospital is similar to what has happened in the past that leads to the death of my father.

Sejal: Yes Kabir you are right. I can feel that the one who is behind those problems is the same one was behind the problems that has happened in the past.

Kabir: But how his can be possible?! This cheap girl isn’t Ahana.

Sejal: And who told you that?! Maybe there is a connection between them and they could be one! We still doesn’t know all the information as we weren’t in the hospital to observe Ahana’s attitude, we just know what Vansh and Riddhima has told us about. You know that they will not prefer to disturb us with the problems that is happening in the hospital so they will not talk a lot to not worry us.

Kabir: We must start to help them and try to solve those problems as soon as possible.

Sejal: Yes Kabir we must help them in defeating that Ahana and stop her from destroying our family.

Kabir: Yes Sejal, we must go tomorrow to Vansh and bhbai to know from them what we could do to help them.

Then Kabir comes close to Sejal and grabbed her towards him.

Kabir: We have been talked a lot about VR hospital’s problems, we must now to talk about ourselves and enjoy our time together.

He kissed her in her cheek which made her got shy and her cheeks become red.

Kabir: Oh! Your cheeks became red! You look very cute when you got shy! I like it!

She hugged him to relief her shyness.

Kabir: By the way, I start to think that we must think about making the decision of forming a family! Do you understand what I mean?

She understood what he means and she was very happy that he wants a child from her and she was very happy that he decided to make this decision when he has known the news of Vansh and Riddhima’s child. She was super eager to carry his child in her tummy, but she got shy so she didn’t say a word and she just got attached more in his arms.

He doesn’t need her answer as he has observed from her silence that she agrees to his decision.

At morning, Vansh wake up before Riddhima and he decided to get her bouquet of flowers so he could see her happiness when she sees it when she wake up

He has got the flowers and he was staring at her while she was sleeping.

Vansh to himself: I can’t believe how much you look so adorable while you are sleeping sweetheart. You really look like the pure and innocent children. I’m sure that our child will look so adorable and cute while he/she is sleeping like you.

At that moment, Riddhima has waked up and she got surprised when she saw him staring at her.

Riddhima: Why you are staring at me that much?!

Vansh: And what is the problem?! I have that right to stare at my beautiful wife and look at her beauty.

His words made her very happy and she got happier when she saw the flowers that he has bought it to her.

Riddhima: Wow! This beautiful flowers are for me?!

Vansh: Of course, who will deserve those beautiful flowers more than you sweetheart.

She has taken the flowers from him and she smelled them and then she hugged him to thank him for making her morning very beautiful.

Riddhima: Thank you so much Vansh for making my morning very glowing like that.

She kissed him in his cheeks and then she went to get ready, but she wasn’t able to zip her dress.

So he comes to help her and has zipped her dress with a very hot and romantic way which made her very shy.

Riddhima: Thank you. You will still not tell me what you will do with that Ahana.

Vansh: I can’t hide anything from you sweetheart. I will tell you everything now.

He starts telling her his plan and she got amazed from his plan.

Riddhima: Wow Vansh! The plan is brilliant!

She got near him.

Riddhima: How you always come up with those brilliant plans?!

Vansh: Vansh Rai Singhania always have his own plans that no one could think about it.

Riddhima: I’m sure that Ahana will not be able to get out of that plan and she will suffer a lot from what you will do with her.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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