Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 53

The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima were going to leave the house to go to the hospital while Kabir and Sejal have interrupted them.

Kabir: I’m sorry Vansh and bhabi to disturb you both, but Sejal and I want to talk with you both for some time and I promise that we will not waste your time.

Riddhima: Say what you want Kabir we are listening and you don’t have to apologize as you can come anytime and talk to us.

Kabir: Thank you bhabi.

Then Sejal and Kabir start talking with Vansh and Riddhima about their worry and how they are feeling that there is a connection between what has happened in the past and what is the happening now.

Sejal: We are really feeling worried about what is happening nowadays and we feel that it is similar to what has happened in the past.

Vansh: You are right guys. What is happening now it is done by the same person who has caused the problems in the past.

Kabir: What?!

Sejal: So that means that Ahana and that cheap girl who has cheated you in the past are the same person.

Riddhima: Yes Sejal.

Kabir: How this is possible?!

Sejal: How no one couldn’t recognize her?!

Vansh: Because she has done a plastic surgery to change her face.

Riddhima: So she could be able to enter VR hospital and destroy it.

Sejal and Kabir were shocked and they weren’t believing what they are listening to is the truth.

Then Vansh and Riddhima start telling Kabir and Sejal everything and they were more shocked from what they have known.

Kabir: That cheap girl, I will not leave her! How she could be able to just think that she could succeed in destroying our family and hospital.

Sejal: We must punish her very hardly.

Riddhima: Don’t worry guys as Vansh has prepared for her a very clever plan that will trap her and make her suffer a lot.

Kabir: I’m sure that Vansh bro will give to that girl a very hard lesson that she will can’t forget it during her whole life.

Sejal: We want to help you both in trapping that girl.

Kabir: Yes, we want to see that girl who has done a lot of bad things to our family being destroyed.

Vansh: Guys, we really don’t need to make you busy with this thing as I know how to punish that girl.

Kabir: Please Vansh we don’t want to miss seeing that Ahana destroyed.

Vansh: Okay, so be stand by as I could call you at any time and then I will tell you what you must to do.

Kabir: Okay Vansh bro, thank you.

After they have finished the conversation, Vansh and Riddhima have left the house to go to the hospital.

While they were in their way to the hospital, Vansh and Riddhima start talking and planning for their plan against Ahana.

Riddhima: Do you became sure that Ahana isn’t doing any problem? So we don’t get surprised when we arrive to the hospital that she has caused another problem like what has happened yesterday and then we get to be busy in solving the problem and don’t have the problem to do our plan.

Vansh: Don’t worry Riddhima, Ahana will not succeed in doing anything today as she actually can’t be able to go to the hospital till now!

Riddhima: Really?! How?!

Vansh: As my men got succeeded in destroying her car in an empty place so she isn’t be able to find anyone to help her so I’m making my men very sure to not make her reach to the hospital until we arrive to the hospital so our plan could be started.

At the same time, Ahana was very angry that her car isn’t working and she can’t call any other car because there is no signal along with that there isn’t anyone to help her.

Ahana to herself: I can’t be more late as I must arrive before Vansh and Riddhima so I can surprise them with another problem that they will can’t solve it that time. I can’t be more late, I want to start my plan quickly as I decided that today I will move to the next part in my plan by causing a lot of problems in Vansh and Riddhima’s relation so they will be busy in their own problems and they will be aware of the problems that I will do in the hospital. I just need to arrive very fast. I don’t know how the car got destroyed! I hope that Vansh and Riddhima haven’t arrived to the hospital.

Ahana wasn’t aware that the destroy of her car is all Vansh’s plan and she got trapped in his plan and she will not be able to get out from his plan even if she tried very hard.

Ahana wasn’t aware of what Vansh is preparing for her.

Afterwards, Vansh and Riddhima have arrived to the hospital and then Angre and Siya have followed them.

They were all happy that they have arrived before Ahana and they were all planning for the last rituals of Ahana’s destroy.

Vansh called his men to allow Ahana to come to the hospital.

Vansh: Angre did you have got to me the information that I’ve asked you to get it to me?

Angre: Yes boss, I got to you everything has happened to the hospital of Ahana’s father.

Then Angre starts telling Vansh everything he has reached to and then he gives to Vansh all the inforamtion he got.

Vansh: Now Ahana’s bad time starts!

Before Ahana arrived, Vansh called Kabir and told him for what he must to do.

Vansh: Kabir, you don’t have to be late and you have to do what exactly I’ve told you to do.

Kabir: Don’t worry Vansh bro I will do what you have told me and everything will happen the way you want.

Vansh: Okay Kabir, bye.

Kabir: Bye.

Riddhima: So now everything is ready for Ahana’s destroy.

Siya: Yes, we are just waiting for Ahana’s arrive.

Vansh to himself: Now everything is prepared to destroy you Ahana and you will not be able to do anything. You have done a big mistake when you have messed with me and you will pay the price for your deeds. All the pain that you made me suffered from, I will make you suffer through more and more of that pain.

At that moment, Ahana has arrived to the hospital and she got shocked to see Vansh and Riddhima along with Angre and Siya have been arrived to the hospital.

Vansh: You are late Dr. Ahana and that isn’t in Vansh Rai Singhania’s rules, but I will forgive you because of the failure of your plan yesterday.

Ahana: How you are so generous?! Because of your generously I will prepare to you a shocking thing that you will can’t fix it and it will cause to you a lot of pain.

Vansh: Do whatever you want, but you will not be able to succeed in anything. Any problem you will do it, I will manage to fix it and you will have nothing other than failure!

Ahana was very angry from Vansh’s words, but she was controlling her anger so she can concentrate in doing her plan against Vansh and Riddhima.

After Ahana left, Vansh decided that he will keep an eye on her until his plan starts.

At that moment, Ahana was planning a very dangerous plan to Riddhima.

As she went to Riddhima’s office and she spreads water mixed with soap so when she enters her office she got flipped and she could lose her baby!

Ahana to herself: I will take my revenge from you both by doing this plan. When Riddhima flips on this water that is mixed with soap, she will lose her child and she and Vansh will be very shattered of the lose of their baby and I’m sure that Vansh will blame her for what has happened to the baby. I will be very happy to see Vansh and Riddhima’s sadness and pain. What I will do to them now will not make them concentrate on anything so I could destroy VR hospital so Vansh could lose everything in his life. He will lose his child, his wife, and his hospital. This will be the end of the great Vansh Rai Singhania!

After Ahana has finished what she has done. she was waiting for Riddhima and when Riddhima was coming near her office and she was going to step on the water, but Vansh has came and rescued her and that what makes Ahana super shocked!

Vansh: Do you think that I will not know your plan?! Do you think that you will merely succeed in your plan?! No Ahana, you still don’t know who is Vansh Rai Singhania. I can’t allow anyone to harm my wife and my child. You have crossed all the limits by trying to kill my child and you will not be saved from me.

He has checked that Riddhima is okay and then he made her sit.

Vansh: Riddhima are you okay?

Riddhima: I and the child are okay Vansh. Don’t worry as you have came at the right time.

Vansh: When I’m with you no one could even touch you or touch our baby.

Then he turned to that Ahana and starts talking.

Vansh: Do you think that I will leave you do anything you want?! Do you think that I will not keep an eye on you Ahana?! You are really very fool! Regardless that you have known me since the past, but you didn’t manage to learn from me anything!

Ahana got shocked when she listened to his words.

Ahana: What?! Past?!

Vansh: Why you are so shocked like that?! Do you think that I really will not know your truth and motive?! I told you that you are so fool! I have known everything about you Ahana. Actually, I didn’t like your new face as it is also shows how cheap and evil you are like your old face. I have known everything Ahana, I have known that you are the same cheap girl that has destroyed my life in the past and she is now back to do the same thing in the present. But this time you will not succeed and you will be punished for everything you have done. Actually, I have also known your motive behind doing all of those cheap behaviors and I want to tell you that the reason behind your hatred to VR family isn’t right and you have been fooled and you have done all of those things for no reason!

Ahana was shocked from Vansh’s words and she wasn’t able to believe that he has known everything about her. Actually she wasn’t able to understand how he could know her motive and the same time he saying that it isn’t true!

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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