Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 54

The episode starts with Ahana being shocked and she was still wasn’t believing what Vansh is saying to her, but she was trying to appear as nothing is shocking her or making her worry.
Ahana: I don’t care if you have known my truth regardless that I really wonder how you have succeeded in knowing my truth and motive, but you will can’t expose me in front of the minister of the ministry of health as of course you don’t have any proof against me and you will can’t trap me.
Vansh: I told you before that your problem is that you are overconfident and this overconfidence is the thing that will lead to your end! Who told you that I doesn’t have a proof against you?! Everything is well planned for your destroy Ahana.
Ahana was shocked and she wasn’t believing that Vansh could succeed in collecting proofs against her and trap her.
Ahana: Of course not, you are just trying to make me worry so I don’t concentrate on destroying you and your hospital. You can’t collect any proofs against me. You will can’t prove that I’m the one who was behind the damage of the blood bank and you will can’t prove that I’m the same girl who has cheated you and destroyed VR hospital in the past as I didn’t made the plastic surgery in this country and you will can’t prove that Ahana Mathour is the same girl that has cheated you in the past. You will can’t prove that I’m the reason behind your father’s death. You will can’t prove my motive behind coming to VR hospital. You are the only one who has known the truth, but you will not be able to prove this in front of everyone.
At that moment, Ahana got shocked to see the minister in from of her along with Kabir, Sejal, Siya, and Angre.
Vansh: Why you are so surprised like that Ahana?! You have been admitted everything you have done by yourself and the minister has listened to everything so you will can’t make any drama and manage to get out like the last time. By the way, you are wrong Ahana when you said that I don’t have proofs against you as I have multiple of proofs against you and they have been sent to the minister.
Flashback shows Vansh has called the minister and he informed him about all the wrong actions that Ahana has done.
Vansh: Minister, you have told me that I must collect proofs against Dr. Ahana so you could be convinced and kick her out of VR hospital.
Minister: Yes, do you have collected proofs against her?
Vansh: Yes minister. I have collected a lot of strong proofs that will make you be convinced that Dr. Ahana isn’t a good person and she is a hustler and she is faking her tuition certificates. She is a very dangerous and evil person and I know that you will not be convinced without a strong proof so I will send to you my brother, Mr. Kabir Rai Singhania, to you with all the proofs against Dr. Ahana and I will make him take you to the hospital to listen to Dr. Ahana while she is admitting every bad deed she has done. * Flashback ends*
Another flashback shows Vansh calling Kabir and sent to him all the proofs against Ahana so he can give it to the minister and take the minister with him to the hospital at the right time so he can listen to Ahana while she is admitting everything she has done.
Vansh: Kabir you have to do all of these things very fast as you must make the minister arrive at the same time that Ahana is admitting what she has done. We must make the minister be 100% sure that this Ahana is very cunning girl. There is no way of any small mistake.
Kabir: Don’t worry Vansh bro, everything will happen the way you want and we will succeed in exposing that Ahana and kick her out of the hospital. *Flashback ends*
Vansh: You will can’t say a word now Ahana as all the proofs against you is with the minister. Here is the record that shows that you have went to a hospital in London to make a plastic surgery to chance your whole face. This record shows that regardless that Ahana Mathour’s face is different than that face that is appears in the CCTV footage of the hospital’s camera, but this face that is shown in the CCTV footage was entered the hospital by the name of Ahana Mathour so that means that you are both one person. And here is another proof that proves that Ahana has faked her tuition certificates just to work with the government and the ministry of health so she could have the chance to enter VR hospital and starts her plan to destroy me and my hospital.
Angre: And here is the CCTV footage of VR hospital that shows Ahana while she was spreading the water that is mixed with soap to make bhbai flips and kill the baby that is in her tummy!
Minister: Everything is cleared now and you will not be able to do any other thing Dr. Ahana. You will be punished for everything you have done. You have done a very wrong thing when you have cheated on the government and the ministry of health just to succeed in destroying a very famous and perfect hospital like VR hospital. You not only did that but you were also trying to kill a small and innocent soul just to take a revenge that isn’t true! You will be punished for everything you have done.
Ahana was very shocked and shattered as she was suffering into so much pain because the failure of her plans and being exposed in front of the minister.
Vansh: I can see how much you are shattered and passing through so much pain, right Ahana?! I can’t tell you how much I’m relaxed now to see you suffering from the same pain that you made me suffer from it. You must pass through the same thing that you made me and my family passed through it. What you will do now when you will know that what you have done to VR family to fulfill your motive and give the revenge to the ones that you believed that they are the ones who has destroyed your family wasn’t for any reason as my father wasn’t the one who has destroyed your father’s hospital like you were believing!
Ahana: You are lying! You are just saying that to not blame you and your father for what has happened to me and my family!
Vansh: No Ahana, I’m not saying this without a proof. Here are the proofs that prove that your father’s illegal work is the thing that made his hospital got closed and destroyed and my father was trying a lot to warn him as my father doesn’t allow to see anyone doing illegal thing and is destroying himself even if this person is against him in his work, but unfortunately your father didn’t listened to my father as he believes that my father wants to beat him in the hospital businesses and then your father’s hospital got destroyed. He wasn’t able to accept that he was the one who is behind everything has happened to him and his hospital and he was believed that my father is the one who was behind everything has happened to him and now you are also thinking the same. Everything you have done Ahana and you were believing that it getting you your right from us, you were just doing it destroy yourself.
Riddhima: You are a very cheap girl! You have taken your revenge from yourself not from us as we didn’t do anything to you, but you are the one who has done a lot to us and we will not leave you without giving you the punishment that you deserve. You will be punished for what you have done to my husband and how you broke his trust and destroyed him in the past, you will be destroyed for what you have done to us in the present and how you was trying to destroy VR hospital, you will be destroyed for trying to kill my child.
Then Riddhima came in front of Ahana and she slapped her very hard slap.
Riddhima: This slap is for making my husband suffer in the past, for making him suffer from a lot of pain. This slap is for messing with my husband and play with his feelings and trust.
Then she slapped her another slap.
Riddhima: And this slap is for trying to destroy VR hospital and for risking the patients’ lives.
Then she slapped her one more slap!
Riddhima: And this slap is for trying to harm my baby, for trying to harm an innocent child who didn’t do anything to you to harm him/her. This slap is from a mother who can’t allow anyone to just touch her child. I can cross any limit to protect my child and my husband.
Kabir: You have done a lot to us Ahana.
Sejal: And you must be punished for your bad deeds.
Siya: You will not be saved from the punishment that you deserve Ahana.
Vansh: I’m now feeling satisfied seeing you in that state Ahana. Now I could be happy and relaxed to see you shattered like that. This relaxation increases when I made you know that even your motive wasn’t right and now you will spend your whole life shattered and paining. Now my father’s soul could rest in peace after he has seen his son taking his revenge from the one who was behind his death. You will be punished for your whole life Ahana!
Then the police officers have arrived.
Minister: I have called the police to arrest that doctor for what she has done. So please inspector arrest that cunning girl fast.
Inspector: Please Miss Ahana come with us without a word as you are now under arrest for every bad behavior you have done.
While the inspector was handcuffed Ahana, she starts vowing to them that she will return and will take revenge.
Ahana: I will not leave anyone of you and I vow to you all that I will return to take my revenge from you all. I will not leave you Vansh Rai Singhania, I will make you suffer a lot. I will not make you just suffer alone, I will also make your lovely wife suffer through the same pain. I will not leave you Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania, I will punish you and let you pay the price of those slaps.
After the police inspectors have arrested that Ahana, the minister apologizes and thanks Vansh.
Minister: I want to apologize to you Dr. Vansh for not trusting you and doubting your loyalty and your hospital’s hard work. I’m really sorry. I really admit that you are a very professional and loyal doctor and I’m really proud that we have such a doctor like you in our country. I want also to thank you that you made us expose that girl as without your help we would never succeed in catching that girl.
Vansh: You don’t have to thank me minister as it is my duty.
Minister: I want to want to apologize to you by honoring you and giving you the position that you deserve. So if you not mind, can you accept to be our special guest on the festival that we are celebrating after some days so we can give you an honor for your hard work and loyalty and you can arrive with you all the people that you want to invite them.
Vansh: Thank you so much minister for giving me this pleasure. It’s an honor to be the guest to the ministry of health and I promise that I will come on time. Thank you minister for everything.
After the minister left, everyone was happy that they have succeeded in exposing that Ahana and kick her out of the hospital.
Sejal: Finally, we have got rid of that cheap girl.
Kabir: Yeah, thank God that everything got fixed now and nothing will disturb us again.
Angre: Now that Ahana will be punished for what she has done.
Siya: Thank God that you have came at the right time Vansh and you have saved Riddhima bhabi as that Ahana could be succeeded in harming the little child.
Vansh: I could never allow anyone to harm my wife or my baby when I’m here.
After everyone left Riddhima and Vansh alone, Riddhima runs to hug Vansh.
He hugged her back to minimize her stress and to comfort her.
Vansh: Calm down sweetheart nothing could happen to you while I’m with you. Now everything become better and that Ahana will take the punishment that she deserves.
Riddhima: I can’t imagine that anything could has happened to my child, I still can’t imagine that we were going to lose our child if that Ahana was succeeded in her plan.
He puts his finger on her mouth to stop her from talking.
Vansh: Don’t say that word, we will not lose our child. I will always protect you both and will always make you both safe.
Then he putted his hand above Riddhima’s tummy and he starts talking to his child.
Vansh: Don’t worry my lovely child when your father is with you no one could just think to harm you. I know that you have seen how much your parents are so brave and how they succeeded in exposing that girl and kick her out of their lives forever.
They were very happy that they have kicked that Ahana out from their lives and then they hugged each other to celebrate their success and how at the end also their love is the thing that wins as no one could defeat them when they are together.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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