Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 55

The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima being working in the hospital as they were curing newly born baby who was left in the street and she was going to die due to the heavy rain that was happening and she was going to die due to the amount of water that has entered her throat. Then Vansh and Riddhima succeed in rescuing the girl, but they were shocked that there are parents who could merely leave their child!

Riddhima: Thank God that we succeeded in rescuing the baby as she was coming and her state was really critical!

Vansh: I was really afraid that we could not rescue her as there was a lot of amounts of water in her throat, but thank God that know her state is fine and she has been out of danger.

At that moment, Vansh found Riddhima crying and he wasn’t understanding the reason behind it.

He comes near her and he takes her to his office and he calms her down by hugging her.

Vansh: Come on sweetheart! What is the reason of those tears now?! As now everything is fine so what could make you cry very hard like that?! Just calm down please. I can’t see your tears so please stop crying and relax. Just tell me what makes you cry that much?!

Riddhima: Did you have seen the child’s state?! It was really a sensitive case! I can’t believe that a parents could be very heartless as they could merely leave their newly born baby and they didn’t think about what could happen to that baby! I got very emotional when I saw her state. She was going to die Vansh! She is a very young girl to suffer all of this pain!

Vansh was trying to calm Riddhima down and he hugged her more tightly to relief the sadness that she owns and he was trying to stop her from crying.

Vansh: I know that is very hard thing for you to see and tolerate this, but unfortunately there are some people who doesn’t have a pure and kind heart like what you own so they could merely do any unbelievable and unacceptable behavior like that. There are some people who doesn’t care about anyone other than themselves and of course this child’s parents weren’t wanting a child and they got forced to have the child.

Riddhima: So they could merely leave the child in the street without caring about her! Those people can’t be called as a parents, they are just have enjoyed for some moments and then when they become responsible of a child they merely leave her like that! How they could be careless like that?!

Vansh: Just calm down sweetheart. This is not good for you or for our child, please relax. You will can’t make all the people like you, you will meet a lot of people who doesn’t actually deserve to call them humans. I’m really feeling sorry for this lovely girl who just her mistake is that she she is the daughter of those heartless people.

Riddhima: I don’t know how they can leave such a beautiful girl like her, she is very cute actually she looks like an angel! I don’t know how they could merely leave her?!

Vansh: Don’t worry Riddhima, I will take care of the child and when she finish her treatment I will manage to put her in a very comfortable orphanage and I will be sure that I could supply to her all her needs until she get older and enter the college. I will not leave that child to be homeless and doesn’t have the basic needs to survive just because her parents were careless. I will make her doesn’t need anything. Are you happy now?

There is a smile has drawn on her face as she was very happy to see how careful her husband is and how he is caring about a child that she isn’t his own child so what he will do with their own child?!

She hugged him more and kissed him in his cheek.

Riddhima: How you are so kind and caring like that?! I’m really proud that you will be the father of my child. If you are caring very much like that about a child that isn’t your own child so of course you will be the most careful father for our own child. I’m sure that you will shower an unconditional love to our child. I’m really proud that you have a pure heart like that. I love you so much Vansh.

Vansh: I love you too sweetheart.

Riddhima was very happy that she is seeing Vansh very caring like that, she is feeling safe and comfortable when she is with Vansh.

She has putted her hand above her tummy and she starts talking silently with her child.

Riddhima to her child: Look my lovely child how your father is a very kind and caring person, I’m 100% sure that he will care and love you a lot when you arrive. Actually, he starts caring about you before you even arrive as he saved you before that evil girl could succeed in harming you. I know that when you get older, you will thank me that I have chosen such an amazing father to you.

Afterwards, Vansh and Riddhima have left the hospital and they were going to their way to the house.

Then Riddhima noticed that Vansh isn’t driving to the house’s way.

Riddhima: Vansh this isn’t the house’s way as we have must drive to the right side. So why you would arrive to the left side?! Where we are going?! We must to be in the house now!

Vansh: I want to have some time with my beautiful wife and my lovely child so I decided to have some quality of time with you without making anyone interrupts us.

Riddhima: But of course now, the whole family will be waiting for us and they could be worried about us.

Vansh: Come on sweetheart! You must now be happy that you will enjoy some time with your husband alone and you don’t have to think about anyone other than your dear husband. By the way to not make you worry, I have called mom to inform her that we will not be at home for some days.

Riddhima: Some days?! Not just today?! Where we are going Vansh?

Vansh: We are going to Goa.

Riddhima: Goa!

Vansh: Yes, I know how much you love Goa and you were dreaming to go there so I decided to surprise you with this trip and to enjoy some time together.

Riddhima: How you always know everything I love in that way?!

Vansh: I always know everything about my beautiful wife. I will always fulfill all your wishes and dreams and I will always do my best to see your happiness.

She putted her head on his shoulder and then he holds her hand.

Then she slept on his shoulder because she was feeling very safe being with him so she got comfortable and she fall asleep because she was very tired.

He was looking at her and he was smiling.

Vansh to himself: You are exactly like the babies sweetheart! You are so pure like them so you could easily sleep at any area just when you feel safe and secure. I promise you that Goa’s trip will be the best trip in your life and it will be very special. Just wait until we arrive.

At the same time, Angre and Siya were being very happy that they have finally got rid of that Ahana.

Siya: Finally, I could now sleep with an empty mind and I could be relaxed that now nothing would disturb our family.

Angre: I’m really happy that now everything returned back like before. Actually, I’m also very happy for Vansh bro as he will take the position that he deserves when the minister will give him an honor in the party. I know that Vansh will gain a lot of beneficial things from this honor that he will take in the festival.

Siya: I’m so proud of Vansh bro. I’m really proud that he is my brother.

He becomes near her and he makes her closer to him and then he kissed her in her cheek.

Angre: And I’m proud that you are in my life. I’m so proud that you are my wife. I enjoy every single moment I share it with you. I’m blessed that you are in my life.

Siya: I’m the one who is blessed for your presence in my life Angre. I’m grateful that you are my soulmate and my life partner. I love you Angre.

Angre: I love you too Siya.

They hugged each other and they were enjoying their time together.

Afterwards, Vansh and Riddhima have arrived to Goa so Vansh wakes Riddhima up.

He puts his hand on her face to wake her up with a romantic way without disturbing her.

Then she waked up and she was smiling.

Vansh: Enough sleeping sweetheart. We have already arrived to Goa, so let’s enter the house that I prepared for us during our presence in Goa. So come with me to see it because I’m sure that you will like it very much.

Riddhima: Okay, let’s go.

Riddhima was super eager to see the house. Actually, she was very eager to know what Vansh is preparing for her during this trip and she was sure that she will enjoy a lot being with him.

When Riddhima was going to enter the gate of the house, Vansh stops her.

Vansh: You must enter the house in a special way not enter it normally like that. Just wait a second and I will come.

Vansh left  Riddhima for a second and then he gets to her a cup of rice and a plate full of red colored water.

Then he putted the cup of rice in front of the gate and after it he putted the plate.

Vansh: Now you can enter the house with all the rituals so we could make our entrance in this house special so our trip could be also special. So now you will make the cup of rice fall by your right foot and then you will step on the plate that is full of red colored water and then you could enter the house.

Riddhima made exactly what Vansh told her to do and she was feeling very happy to do those rituals while she is entering Goa’s house. So the trip could be blessed and they could enjoy till the maximum.

After she stepped on the plate and she starts walking toward the house, she left after her the traces of her foot.

Vansh was very happy seeing her footprint on the house.

Vansh: Look at your footprint that got printed on the floor! This shows the entrance of the happiness to this house as when you enter any place you spread the happiness on it.

She was smiling listening to his words.

Then she entered the house and she got amazed from the beauty of the house.

Riddhima: Wow Vansh! The house is really adorable! It is really simple and modern. I liked that the blue color is the most color that is spread it in the decorations of the house. I also liked the furniture so much.

Then she went forward.

Riddhima: Wow! There is a adorable swing here!

She sits on it and she made him sit with her.

Vansh: I can see that you have liked the house so much even without seeing the rest of it as you have got attached to that swing so much, Am I right or am I right?!

Riddhima: I really liked the house so much especially this amazing swing as you know how much I love swings and of course I will complete seeing the whole house. I just now want to enjoy my time with my dearest husband who really made me very happy by giving me the chance to have this trip with him. Thank you so much Vansh for always making me happy and surprise me with a lot of adorable and special surprises.

Vansh: You don’t have to thank me sweetheart, your happiness is my responsibility that I will always do it perfectly. I’m really happy that you have liked the house and I promise you that you will like it more when you get forward to see the whole house. I promise you that you will enjoy the whole trip. I promise you that this trip will be a very special to you. I promise you that you will enjoy a lot.

Riddhima: I’m sure of that.

Vansh and Riddhima were very eager for this trip and they were sure that they will enjoy a lot in this trip and they will do multiple things together. They were sure that this trip will be memorable and they were happier that their child will join them in this trip and the 3 of them will be all together.

Vansh to himself: There is no more worry and stress, now there is the time of happiness and joy. I promise you sweetheart that I will make all your days beautiful like you.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. I want to thank you all for all the support that you are showering me with, I’m really happy to be a part of this beautiful family. Thank you all so much for the support and encouragement. So don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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