Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 56

The episode starts with Riddhima completing observing the whole house and she was very amazed seeing the house.

Riddhima: The house is amazing Vansh, I really like it a lot. I like that it is a transparent house and that there is a huge garden that is full of lovely flowers so we can enjoy eating our meals on it as it will be a different thing to eat in outdoors.

Vansh: There is also another thing that you will like it a lot.

Riddhima: What?!

He holds her hand and takes her to the poolside.

She finds the pool fulled of red flowers and she finds around the pool a lot of candles.

Vansh: I have done everything they way you like, I have chosen the red flowers that you love along with your favorite candles. So we would be enjoying when we get into the pool.

Riddhima: Do we will get into the pool?!

Vansh: Yes. And what is the problem?! I know that you love the oceans and the pools so much.

Riddhima: Yes, but I don’t know if it will be suitable while I’m pregnant or not as I could do any move that could disturb the child.

Vansh: Don’t worry sweetheart. Nothing could disturb the child and his/her father is with him/her. Let’s enjoy our time together.

Before he could give her the chance to say a word, he holds her and he takes her inside the pool.

Riddhima: You didn’t even give me the chance to say a word! This is not fair!

Vansh: I don’t want to waste a second without making it memorable with you my lovely wife. So don’t talk too much and let’s enjoy this beautiful moment.

Riddhima starts throwing water on Vansh’s face and she starts laughing.

Riddhima: Now the real fun starts!

Vansh: Do you think that I will leave you?! No sweetheart, I will catch you now and take my right from you for what you have done!

He was going to catch her, but she starts to throws more water on him so he couldn’t be able to catch her.

He starts to put his hands on his eyes so he can be able to see and he could see her and catch her.

Vansh: Riddhima, my eyes! I can’t see anything clearly!

Riddhima got worried from Vansh’s words and she harried up to see him and check on him.

Riddhima: Leave your hand from your eyes so I could be able to see your eyes.

At that moment, he lefts his hand from his eyes and he puts it around her waist to catch her and not make her be able to escape from him once again.

Vansh: You are caught now sweetheart and you will not be able to escape from me.

Riddhima has discovered that Vansh was tricking her and she is now got caught!

Riddhima: It’s not fair! You have pretended that you aren’t okay so you could catch me! It’s a cheat! As you know that I can’t see you in pain so you have taken advantage of this thing to catch me! You have succeeded to catch me by cheating!

He makes her closer to him and he starts playing with her hair.

Vansh: Sometimes, we must do bad stuff to reach to the good stuff. I pretended that I’m not okay just to make my lovely wife come to me and not escape more from me. I have pretended just to see how much you care about me and to see your worry about me in your eyes and attitude. So this doesn’t called cheat, it is called love sweetheart!

Then he starts throwing water on her.

Vansh: Now we are equal sweetheart.

They start laughing and enjoying their time.

They were playing with the water and having fun.

Then Vansh grabbed Riddhima towards him and he kissed her which made her got shy.

Vansh: By the way, you look so beautiful when you are wet.

He starts touching her and making her closer to him more and more.

Then she throw herself in his arms so she could relief her shyness.

They hugged each other very tightly.

Then they came from the pool and they start drying up themselves.

Riddhima was going to change her clothes when she felt that she isn’t okay and that she isn’t stable and she was feeling that she could faint and Vansh has observed that and he make her sit.

Vansh: Please sit and don’t do a lot of work, I will get to you a juice to drink it. I know that this dizziness is normal to the pregnant woman. So don’t worry I will just get to you a juice and when you will drink it you will okay.

He lefts her and went to the kitchen and he gets to her an orange juice along with some vitamins so it could make her stronger.

Then he comes back to her.

Vansh: Do you feel better?!

Riddhima: Yeah a kind of, but this dizziness is an irritating thing!

Vansh: I know that it isn’t a nice thing at all and I know that the upcoming months will not be easy to you because of the pregnancy, but I promise you that I will be with you and I will not leave you and I will try always to make you feel comfortable and I will take care that you don’t miss anything and you be very relaxed. Just drink the juice now and you will be much better.

He makes her drink the juice by his hand and then he makes her take the vitamins.

Riddhima: Now I feel much better.

He hugged her and then he putted his hand above Riddhima’s tummy.

Vansh: Please my dearest child don’t disturb your mother because before she could be your mother she is my wife so I have the greatest right on her. So please my lovely child be kind to your mother and don’t make her suffer.

Riddhima smiles from hearing those words from Vansh.

Riddhima: What the child will do Vansh?! Actually, I don’t expect anything other than the child’s disturbance because of course he/she has taken this habit from you as you always disturb me! Poor me! Now I will start to bear you and your child’s disturbance!

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can observe that the wife is in the complete mood of annoying! So look now who is the one who is disturbing!

Riddhima: Come on Vansh, I’m just joking with you!

Vansh: No I got upset now and I will no longer talk to you.

Then he went to stand in a corner and then she comes to him and puts her hands around his neck and she kissed him.

He smiles from what she has done and he puts his hands around her waist to make her so close to him.

Vansh: Not bad sweetheart! You know how much to vanish your husband’s angry and annoy.

Riddhima: Of course as I can’t see my husband upset from me and I actually know that you weren’t upset or anything like that, you were just disturbing me!

Vansh: To be honest yes! To make you know how Vansh Rai Singhania’s disturbance is!

Riddhima: Really?!

Vansh: I was also want to see how you will you calm me down.

Riddhima: And how you find my way to calm you down?

Vansh: Amazing!

They hugged each other very tightly and they were very happy being together.

In VR mansion, Sejal and Kabir were worrying about Ragini.

Sejal: Kabir, do you observed that Ragini’s behavior start to be some how weird?

Kabir: Do you mean because she starts to go to a lot of parties and she everyday comes to the house late?

Sejal: Yes Kabir, this wasn’t Ragini’s habits. I’m really worried about her. I start to observe that she became very quiet and she isn’t talking with us like she was used to do. Actually, I also start to observe that she isn’t smiling and laughing like she was always doing.

Kabir: I also observed that there is a guy who always arrive her to VR mansion and I doesn’t feel comfortable when I saw that guy.

Sejal: We have to take care about her and start to know what is happening to her so we could help her.

Kabir: We must handle everything during Vansh bro and bhabi’s absence.

Sejal: I hope that we could know what is happening to Ragini before Vansh and Riddhima’s arrive.

Afterwards, Riddhima wakes up and she didn’t find Vansh behind her and she starts searching about him.

Then she found a note left to her and it was written on it:

“Meet me at the garden after 15 mins from reading this note. There is a surprise waiting for your sweetheart and I hope that you like it. I have left to you a dress in the cupboard please wear it and come fast. Don’t be late sweetheart!

Riddhima to herself: You are always know how to make my day more beautiful. You always spread me with a lot and a lot of surprises! I’m really eager to see this surprise.

Vansh was watching her from a far area to see her reaction when she reads the note and get the dress.

Vansh to himself: There is still more surprises await for you sweetheart.

Then Riddhima went to take the dress from the cupboard and she got amazed when she saw a white dress that has 3 parts: a top, a short skirt, along with a cardigan.

Riddhima to herself: Wow! The dress is really adorable!

She liked the dress so much so she takes it to wear it so she could get ready fast and come to Vansh at the time.

Vansh was observing her reaction when she saw the dress and he was very happy that she liked the dress.

Vansh to himself: I know that you will look gorgeous Riddhima when you wear that dress. I will be eagerly waiting for you.

Then Vansh went to the garden to wait for Riddhima and to check that everything is ready and nothing is missed.

Vansh to himself: I’m sure that you will like my surprise sweetheart. I promise you that today will be very memorable to us my beautiful wife!

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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