Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 57

The episode starts with Riddhima reached to the garden and she found everything is in dark and the darkness was spread all over the place and then Vansh came from her back and hugged her. Then he clicked on a remote control which makes the lights switched on.
The garden was decorated all with Riddhima’s favorite candles and there were flowers in everywhere and there was a table and two chairs. Above this table was there is Riddhima’s favourite food and around the table there were a lot of candles.
Riddhima was amazed from this surprise.
Riddhima: Wow! Everything is very adorable!
Vansh: I was sure that you will like it a lot as everything is done by the way that you like. So welcome to our candle dinner sweetheart.
Riddhima: Candle dinner?! Impressive! You always have a brilliant ideas and you are always ready with a lot of surprises!
Vansh: And there is more surprises awaited for you Riddhima. Every new day will rise in our lives, there will be a new surprise prepared for you.
She hugged him to thank him for everything he is doing to her to make her happy.
Then he takes her to the table so they can eat their dinner together.
Riddhima: You didn’t even forget to get me my favorite food!
Vansh: I told you before that I can’t forget anything related to my sweetheart. Actually, this candle dinner is made by everything you love. Everything is used here is used by your favorites. The types of candles, flowers, and food are all your favorites. This whole night will happen by the way that you like and prefer. So let’s eat the food before it becomes cold as I know that you love to eat the food very hot.
She was really amazed of how he always know everything about her. She was wondering how he doesn’t miss any single detail related to her.
She was impressed of how he could always come up with a beautiful surprises every time.
She was very happy seeing his care towards her and she starts enjoying her time with him.
They start eating the food and Riddhima was enjoying the delicious food.
Riddhima: The taste of the food is very delicious. From where you have ordered the food? I think that this restaurant is a very famous and perfect restaurant and of course their chef is the reason behind their success as he/she do a very delicious food as I really liked their food so much.
Vansh: Actually, I didn’t ordered this food from any restaurant as I’m the one who has cooked all of those types of food!
Riddhima: What?! How?! I didn’t know that you have the ability to cook! You didn’t told me before that you know how to cook! This is the first time to know that! How you manage to cook very well like that?! This ability doesn’t related at all to your profession so how this is possible?!
Vansh: Vansh Rai Singhania has the ability to do multiple and different things. I have different talents and skills that could amaze any one. Actually, I make people can’t believe that I’m the same person that can do all of those different stuffs. So you haven’t to be very surprised like that as you still don’t know how much abilities I have, I will still surprise you with the different tasks that I can do.
Riddhima: You always surprise me Vansh! I’m really amazed for your abilities!
Vansh: I hope that you have liked the surprise and you have enjoyed the food and you didn’t be disturbed from how the food isn’t that good as at the end I’m just a doctor not a chef!
Riddhima: Yes you aren’t a chef, but you have beaten the most brilliant chefs in the whole world! You have done a delicious food, I didn’t ate such a yummy food like that. You are a genius Vansh!
Vansh was very happy while listening to Riddhima’s words.
He was very happy that she has liked the food.
Vansh: I’m really happy that you have liked the food as I decided to make the dinner more interesting by doing the food by my own so I could be the one who has cooked to my wife her favorite food so you could feel my love while you are eating the food. Regardless that I’m not getting used in cooking, but I was really enjoying while cooking the food as I know that this food is prepared to the most important person to me.
Riddhima: Not only me who has liked the food but also the child has liked the food so much as from the first bite that I have taken from the food and the baby starts moving and kicking a lot in my tummy. So that means that he/she has liked the food a lot, right my lovely child?
She putted her hand above her tummy to feel the baby’s presence.
Riddhima: Look my lovely child how your father has done an awesome food to us. You have to know that your father is a very an outstanding person who could do anything to see our happiness.
Vansh gets from his chair and lay on his knees so he could put his head above Riddhima’s tummy to listen to his child’s moves and then he starts talking.
Vansh: I would do anything and everything to see you and the child’s happiness. I’m really eager for your arrive my beautiful baby and I hope that I could shower you with all the love that you deserve.
She puts her hands around Vansh while he was still putting his head above Riddhima’s tummy.
Riddhima: Vansh you are perfect in every role God has putted you on it. As you are a perfect doctor, perfect son, perfect brother, perfect husband, and now you appear that how much you are a perfect father. My child is very lucky that you are his/her father.
He makes her closer to him and he hugged her very tightly so he can feel her heart beats.
At the same time, Sejal and Kabir have went to Ragini’s room to talk to her and they have observed that she is getting ready to go out.
Sejal: You will also go out today Ragini?! During the previous days, I can observe that you don’t stay a lot in the house and you are always going out and you don’t come unless it is midnight. So can we know the reason?
Kabir: Yes Ragini, you weren’t doing those stuff before! So what is the reason behind that change in your behavior?!
Ragini: I don’t need to answer anyone’s question. It’s my own business and I can do whatever I want as I don’t interfere in anyone’s life so no one must interfere in my life. Actually, no one cares about me and everyone is concentrating in their own matter so I don’t have to explain my actions to anyone.
Kabir and Sejal were shocked from Ragini’s attitude and they were shocked more when she left them after she has finished her words and she goes out of the house as there was a guy, which is the same guy that she is used to be with him during those days. This guy was waiting for her outside the house and then they have left together.
Kabir: I become more worried about Ragini after what she has said.
Sejal: Yes Kabir especially when she has left with that guy. I really doesn’t feel comfortable when I see that guy.
Kabir: Ragini is in danger and she doesn’t want to observe that, but I still can’t know the reason behind the change in her behaviour!
Sejal: I know the reason behind Ragini’s weird behavior.
Kabir: What?!
At the same moment, Vansh and Riddhima were enjoying their time together and then Vansh plays music and he offered a dance to Riddhima.
Vansh: Do you accept a dance with me sweetheart?
Riddhima: Of course I accept.
She stands and holds his hand and then they start dancing and they were feeling as if they were in a beautiful dream. They weren’t believing that they could have all of those happiness after all the tough moments that they passed through, but they were thanking God for making them being together and bought to them the most precious gift which is their child that is in Riddhima’s tummy.
Then Vansh made Riddhima sit so she doesn’t feel dizzy again so he can make her relax and doesn’t make any hard work.
Vansh: You have to relax now and I will leave you now for a second as there is another surprise prepared for you sweetheart.
Riddhima: Surprise?! Again?!
Vansh: Of course. Your life will always be full of surprises when you are with me sweetheart. Just wait for a second.
He lefts her and then he came from her back and he makes her wear a necklace and she got surprised when she has seen the necklace.
Riddhima: Wow! It is a very fabulous necklace! It has on it our picture! It is just a adorable!
Vansh: So now our memories will always be with you and you will always own our memories with you whenever you go.
Riddhima: I promise you that I will always wear this necklace till my last breath.
They hugged each other very tightly and they become very close to each other so no one could be able to separate them from each other.
In VR mansion, Sejal was explaining to Kabir the reason behind the change in Ragini’s behavior.
Sejal: Ragini is feeling lonely Kabir. She isn’t finding anyone caring about her. Now everyone has find his and her partner and we were all busy with our partners and we have forgotten her especially when Ahana’s problem came, we have been busy in trapping her and we were all working together and we didn’t remember to include her with us. So that’s why her attitude got changed and this what appears from her words.
Kabir: Yes Sejal you are right. That’s why she has said that no one cares about her, she is believing that no one thinks about her so that’s why she tries to find the care outside and of course that guy is taking advantage from what she is facing and of course he is playing with her feelings.
Sejal: We mustn’t give him the chance to do that and we must make Ragini know that we really love her and care about her a lot.
Kabir: Don’t worry Sejal, we will control this situation and we will make her be away of that guy and everything will be fine.
Kabir was trying to calm Sejal down, but he was very worried about his cousin Ragini. He feels that something bad could happen to her and he is afraid that this guy could do anything to her and he hopes that Vansh could return fast to help me in this situation and handle this problem.
Kabir to himself: Please Vansh bro come fast and help me as you are the only one who will could succeed in handling this situation very perfectly.
At the morning, Vansh and Riddhima wake up early so they can watch the sunrise while they are walking on the beach.
Riddhima was staring at the sunrise while Vansh was staring at her.
Riddhima: Look how the sunrise looks beautiful. I’m really enjoying seeing the sun while it is rising.
Vansh: There is no beauty that could be higher than your beauty sweetheart. Actually, I doesn’t concentrate on the sunrise beauty because I’m concentrating on your beauty that makes me can’t leave my eyes on you.
Riddhima got very shy from Vansh’s words and she was really happy to listen to his words.
Then she hugged him while they were walking on the beach.
While they were walking on the beach, someone has called Riddhima.
So Riddhima turned to see that person and then she discovered that this person was her college colleague.
Riddhima: Oh my God! What a coincidence! Hello Sam.
Sam: Hello Riddhima how are you? It has been a lot since the last time we met.
Vansh was looking at them, but he wasn’t understanding anything.
Then Riddhima observed that so she introduced them to each other.
Riddhima: Let me introduce you both to the other. Vansh, here is Sam, my college colleague. He was older than me with 2 years and he was clever and a  hard worker, he was helping all of us in the things that we weren’t understand it. Sam, here is Vansh Rai Singhania, my dearest husband, he is the owner of VR hospital. Of course you have heard about it as it is the most famous hospital in the country.
Sam: Yes, I have listened about it a lot. Nice to you meet you Dr. Vansh.
Vansh wasn’t liking that guy especially that he is very getting used to Riddhima and he was treating her as if she is very close person to him and this what Vansh wasn’t able to tolerate.
Vansh: I’m sorry Sam, but we must to leave as we are enjoying our time in Goa and we don’t want anything to interrupt us. Nice to meet you.
Vansh to himself: I hope that I doesn’t meet you again!

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. Please guys support me a lot and keeping encouraging me in the comments because this is the thing that keep me encouraged to complete updating so please don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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