Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 58

The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima reached to the house, but Riddhima was observing that Vansh wasn’t talking as if he got upset from something.

Riddhima: Vansh, why you are so quiet like that?!

Vansh: There isn’t any of this matter, I’m just tired as I didn’t slept well yesterday to wake up early today so we can watch the sunrise. So I will go to sleep.

She was going with him by holding his hands, but he left her hand.

Vansh: No Riddhima please I want to stay alone for some time.

Riddhima: Okay, as you wish.

She was wondering what the reason that could completely change his mood like that.

Riddhima to herself: I really can’t understand the reason behind his weird attitude as he was very happy and glowing when we were on the beach so what has happened to change him like that?!

Then she starts remembering what has happened from the beginning till they have returned back to the house and then she discovered the reason behind his anger.

Riddhima to herself: Okaaaay! I’ve discovered the reason behind my dearest husband’s anger! You are jealous darling! You have been got annoyed when I was talking to Sam. I know how I will make your mood get better!

She went to the kitchen and she decided to cook for Vansh his favorite dessert.

Riddhima to herself: I know how much you love mithibhaat and of course there will be a smile drawn on your face when you start eating it.

She starts cooking the mithibhaat and after she finished it she gets a paper and wrote something to Vansh and then she went to the room.

When she entered the room, she found him standing behind the window and he was very upset.

Then she comes near him and she was worried that he could vent his anger on her.

She puts the mithibhaat on the table and then she comes closer to Vansh, who wasn’t noticing her presence because of the thoughts that he was sinking through them, then she puts her hand on his shoulder to get him from his thoughts.

Riddhima: Vansh.

Her voice made him get out of his thoughts.

Vansh: Why you have came Riddhima?! I told you that I want to be alone for some time.

She becomes closer to him and she hugged him very tightly to relief all his sadness and anger.

Riddhima: How I could leave you alone?! You have always said that we are not two as we are one soul in two bodies so how you want me to leave you alone?! Actually, you are still alone as my presence means your presence so no one has interfered in your loneliness!

Her words made him smile.

Riddhima: Hassa toh phassa( He smiled so he has fallen!)

Vansh: It is not time for joking sweetheart.

Riddhima: Why I shouldn’t joke?! Life becomes easier when we joke and smile. Anyway, I know the reason behind your anger and by the way I like it!

Vansh was surprised to know that Riddhima has known the reason behind his anger.

Vansh to himself: How she observed that I wasn’t comfortable when I have seen that Sam and I was feeling super jealous when I saw him near my Riddhima!

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You have noticed something about me without I could say anything about it! So if you know everything like that, can you tell me what was disturbing me professor Riddhima?!

She makes him sit on the chair that is behind it the table that is above on it the mithbhaat.

Riddhima: I know that you are making fun by saying those words, but I want to make you notice something that you aren’t the only person who could know the things about people before they could say any word. I’m also has this habit especially when this person is my husband as I can feel the same thing that you are feeling Vansh.

She becomes near him so she can feel his breaths.

Riddhima: I know that you became jealous when you have seen Sam, right?!

He didn’t answer, but she has understand what he feels from his silence.

Riddhima: I know that you can’t see anyone near me, I know that you can’t tolerate seeing any man near me. I know how much you love me Vansh, but trust me you don’t have to be upset at all because I was yours, I’m yours, and I will always be yours. So there isn’t any opportunity that anyone could take me from you.

He has putted his finger on her mouth.

Vansh: No one could even think to take you from me Riddhima. I can’t live a second without you sweetheart. Yes, I wasn’t feeling comfortable when I saw that Sam near you. I wasn’t feeling comfortable when I saw how he is getting you used to you as if you were very close before! I didn’t like him at all and I hope that I could never see him again as I don’t know if next time I will could control my anger or not.

Riddhima: Vansh, I can’t see any other man unless you. No one could be valuable in my eyes except you. So please chill as I have been written in your fate forever and you will can’t get rid of me even if you want this!

Vansh: I will never want to get rid of you sweetheart as you are the reason of my survival!

They hugged each other very tightly and they were happy, but Riddhima was worried.

Riddhima to herself: Your words made me worry more Vansh, I was going to tell you everything related to Sam, but I have seen how much you were angry so it wasn’t useful to tell you in that moment. I know that you will hate Sam more when you know what I have, but I must to tell you everything so there isn’t a chance of any misunderstanding. I’m just waiting for the right time.

Then Vansh has noticed that there is something above the table.

Vansh: What is the thing that is above the table?!

Riddhima: A surprise!

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You start to take from me this habit also?!

Riddhima: I must learn from my husband. I know that you will love this surprise so much.

He removes the plate that was above the bowl and he got surprised.

Vansh: Mithbhaat! It is my favorite!

Riddhima: I know. That’s why I decided to make it to you so it could make your mood better.

He grabbed her near him.

Vansh: Nothing could make my mood better more than you sweetheart. I love you so much.

Riddhima: I love you too.

She made him starts eating the mithbhaat.

Then he has observed the paper that she has written it to him.

So he manages to take it and then he finds written on it:

“This mithbhaat will minimize your anger as it is made with so much love. I hope that you like it and please don’t be angry again because neither me nor the child like you when you are angry!”

He smiles when he finished reading it.

She was also smiling seeing him happy and smiling.

Vansh: So I don’t look good when I’m angry?!

Riddhima: Look Vansh, I admit that you are attractive in any reaction and in anything you are doing, but when you are angry you look less attractive! Actually, I can’t see you angry or upset because I also become angry and upset. By the way, not only me becomes angry and upset when you are angry and upset but also the child becomes angry and upset. Because we are all connected with each other Vansh, so anything will happen to one of us the others will be affected. So if you don’t want to see your wife and your child angry and upset, you also mustn’t be angry and upset!

He was admired from her unique attitude that always makes him fall deeply for her every time she talks with him in this attitude.

Vansh: How I could be angry and I have an awesome wife like you?!

He kissed her in her cheek.

Riddhima: Do you know something?

Vansh: What?

Riddhima: I have been really happy seeing you jealous!

Vansh: Really?!

Riddhima: Yes, because I have noticed how much my husband loves me a lot and I was really happy feeling your love.

Vansh: I will always love you sweetheart and I will always do my best to make you always feel my love towards you.

They hugged each other and they were very happy being together.

In VR mansion the worry was the thing that is spread all over the place.

Sejal and Kabir weren’t knowing what should they do and they were super worried about Ragini especially when Angre and Siya have came to them and shared with them the same worry.

Siya: I really worry about Ragini and I’m feeling that this guy will make to her something wrong and we have to forbid her from seeing that guy once again.

Kabir: Yes Siya you are right.

Sejal: But how this is possible guys?! As Ragini now isn’t listening to anyone!

Angre: I have an idea.

Sejal, Siya, and Kabir at the same time: What?!

At the same time, Riddhima was preparing a surprise for Vansh so she can be able to see his happiness and she could make to him the same thing that he is always doing to her.

Riddhima to herself: You are always surprising me with a beautiful surprises so here is my turn to surprise you with a very adorable surprise.

Riddhima was taking advantage that Vansh is busy in something so she starts preparing for her surprise without making him notice anything.

Riddhima to herself: Now everything is ready. I mustn’t make you observe this surprise before night so I have to be sure that you will not come near the garden.

Vansh was searching about Riddhima and he was going to the garden to see her there, but before he could see anything from Riddhima’s surprise. Riddhima manages to stop him.

Vansh: Where were you Riddhima?! I was searching about you a lot!

Riddhima: Nothing Vansh, I was just roaming around the house.

He has noticed how she doesn’t want him to look at the garden.

Vansh: Riddhima, why you are making me can’t see the garden?! Is there is something on it?!

He was going to see the garden when she pretends that her stomach hurts her so she can forbids him from destroying her surprise.

Riddhima: Ouch! Vansh, my stomach hurts me a lot!

He runs to her and he holds her and he takes her to the room and makes her lay on the bed.

Vansh: You are always careless Riddhima! You don’t listen to my words and you don’t relax. You must lay on bed the much time you can do so you don’t feel hurt. Anyway, I will get you something to eat as you are always don’t care about your eating diet and you don’t eat. So please don’t take advantage that I’m not here so you can get out of bed as I will know that even if I’m not here.

Riddhima: And how you will know that?! Do you are putting cameras here to observe my actions?!

Vansh: I can do anything to protect my wife and my child so don’t be stubborn and please relax. Anyway, I will not be late. I will get you some food from the kitchen and I will come fast.

After Vansh has left, Riddhima was feeling happy from his caring attitude.

Riddhima to herself: I’m really happy to see your care about me and the baby Vansh. You are always showering me with an unconditional love.Thank you so much for always being with me. Actually, I must now take an advantage to lay some time on the bed and relax as I really feel so tired from preparing to your surprise. I’m really wondering how you manage to prepare to me all of those surprises without getting tired! As I’ve done only one surprise and I really can’t do any work! You are always impressing me Vansh!

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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