Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 59

The episode starts with Angre explaining to Sejal, Siya, and Kabir what they shall do with Ragini.

Angre: We must to talk with her and try to calm her down and we must make her know how much she is destroying herself by being with that guy.

Kabir: Do you think that she will be convinced by our words?

Siya: We must try Kabir. We don’t have to sit quiet like that and seeing Ragini in danger and don’t save her.

Sejal: We must make her know how much she is very precious to all of us.

Angre: Yes and even if she didn’t listen to us, I still have an idea to forbids her for awhile from not seeing that guy.

Kabir: So let’s go to her now.

The 4 of them went to Ragini and they start talking to her and trying to remove all the wrong thoughts that are in her mind. They were trying to make her know how much they all love her and they didn’t mean to not care about her, but she didn’t listen to them and she was feeling that they are all faking their love towards her.

Kabir: Ragini dear, please try to listen. Trust me we all love you so much and we didn’t mean to not care about you, we were just busy in the life matters. You are very important to all of us and we can’t see you in this state.

Siya: Yes Ragini dear, please try to understand.

Sejal: We are really sorry Ragini that we made you feel alone. We are really sorry to make you feel that no one loves you or cares you about, but trust me we all love you so much.

Ragini: Enough, no more fake love! Jay was right when he told me that no one in my family loves me and he is the only one who loves me so much and cares about me. No one in the family cares to check on me or know if I’m okay or not. Everyone is busy in his or her matter and you all have forgotten me! Jay is the one who cares about me and doesn’t forgets me. Jay is the one who loves me a lot and respects my feelings. So please don’t pretend that you loves me because now I become older and I will not be easily convinced like that. Jay cleared to me everything I wasn’t understand it, so no one will be able to blind me again from the truth.

Kabir: Trust me Ragini this Jay isn’t a good person at all. He just want you to not trust anyone of your family members so he could easily exploits you, he wants you to not have anyone around you so he could succeed in having the control on you. Trust me Ragini, when he will succeed to take what he wants from you, he will merely leave you to search about another girl. He is playing with your feelings Ragini. Please listen to us and don’t make him succeed in separating you from your family who loves you a lot.

Ragini wasn’t able to be convinced from Kabir’s words. Yes she was really hoping to be convinced that her family loves her a lot, but she wasn’t able to be convinced that her lover is betraying her. So she wasn’t able to listen to Kabir’s words.

Ragini: I will not listen to your words Kabir, you are lying. Jay loves me a lot and he will not betray me whatever are the circumstances. Actually, now you have made me convinced that Jay’s words are correct and no one of you loves me. So please don’t make me lose the only one who truly loves me. If you are all coming to me to make me stop seeing Jay, so please don’t think that I will listen to anyone’s words and I will not leave Jay and I will keep meeting him.

Angre: Ragini, we are trying to talk to you quietly so don’t forbids us to make us do an action that will not be suitable to you.

Sejal: We will can’t see you destroying yourself and we will not do anything.

Siya: Please Ragini listen to us and don’t make us forbid you to not meet that guy.

Ragini: Forbids me?! Really?! No one will forbids me from meeting Jay , I will go out now and I will meet Jay and no one will stop me.

While Ragini was going to leave, they all manged to lock her in her room so she can’t be able to meet that guy.

At the same time, Vansh was making sure that Riddhima is taking so much rest and nothing could disturbs her.

He was feeling very happy being with his wife and his child.

Vansh: I really feel very happy when I’m with you both. I was always happy when I’m with Riddhima and now this happiness increases by the presence of our lovely child.

Riddhima: Still your happiness will increase more by the arrive of our child. I’m sure that he/she will make our lives more beautiful.

He hugged her and then he putted his hand above her tummy so the child could be included with them in this hug.

At the same moment, Ragini was shouting and crying as she wants them to open the door.

Ragini: Open the door. Trust me, you are not doing the right thing by locking me in the room. What are you doing increases the idea that you are all not loving me. please open the door!

They were talking to her from the other area.

Siya: You are the one who forbids us to do that, we must protect you from that guy.

Kabir: Please Ragini get up to your senses and return back to the old Ragini that was loving her whole family and no one was able to betray her.

They were trying to calm Ragini down and make her notice how that guy is betraying her, but she wasn’t listening so they decided to leave her locked in her room.

Afterwards, Riddhima lefts a note to Vansh when he was in the bathroom and then she went to the garden to wait for him.

When Vansh gets out of the bathroom, he found the note written on it.

“Meet me on the garden now”

Vansh was wondering what is waiting for him in the garden so he goes fast to the garden so he could see what Riddhima is preparing for him.

Vansh to himself: What you are preparing sweetheart?!

When he entered the garden, he found Riddhima dressed in a very beautiful baby blue dress and she was looking fabulous.

Then he found a screen and a coach put in front of the screen and he also found popcorn and chips for this evening.

Riddhima: Welcome to my surprise my dearest husband.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You have been getting used in making to me surprises! Impressive!

Riddhima: You have to know that you are not the only person who makes beautiful surprises. Come so you can see what is prepared to you in that screen.

Vansh: What will be prepared on the screen other than a film?! Of course this preparations are for a movie night.

Riddhima: No Vansh, there is something more interesting than that.

Vansh: You make me so eager to see what is on that screen!

Riddhima: When you will come and sit here with me, you will know what is in this screen.

Vansh came near her and they sit together on the coach and he makes Riddhima to be in his arms.

Then Riddhima clicks on the remote of the screen so it could starts working.

Vansh got surprised when he saw the first thing on the screen.

Vansh: It is my childhood pictures! Those pictures no one have a copy of it. How you managed to get them?!

Riddhima: I’m Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania who can manage to get anything from any place.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting!

Riddhima: I can observe from your face that you are so surprised and that makes me know that I got succeeded in my surprise! Anyway, there is still more things is await for you Vansh which will draw a smile on your face.

Then he got surprised when he saw some videos of him when he was young.

Riddhima: I decided to make you remember all the beautiful memories in your life. I know how much this will make you so happy so I managed to get all the videos and the pictures of your childhood that no one has it so you could enjoy watching them and I can see your happiness.

Vansh was very happy to see Riddhima caring so much to see his happiness and he was really appreciating all the effort that she has done to make him happy.

He was enjoying watching his childhood memories.

Riddhima was very happy seeing him smiling and enjoying.

They were enjoying their time being together and they were eating chips and popcorn.

At the same time, Siya, Kabir, and Angre were running to Ragini’s room when they have heard Sejal screaming and calling them all.

Sejal: Kabir, Siya, Angre please come fast!

Kabir: What’s going on Seja…

Kabir got surprised and he wasn’t able to complete his words when he entered Ragini’s room and he didn’t finds her there!

Siya: Where is Ragini?!

Angre: How she isn’t in her room?!

Sejal: She has managed to get out of the room and she isn’t in the house!

Kabir: What?!

Siya: How this is possible?! We were sure to lock the room very well! So how she manged to get out of the room?!

Angre went near the window that was opened.

Angre: She has got out from the window and of course she now went to that guy.

Kabir: Idiot! She doesn’t know that she is destroying herself by her hand. We have to manage to get her from that guy before he could do anything to her as he of course will take advantage of her state and will reach to what he wants. So we must to hurry up and get her back.

Angre: I think that we need to call Vansh because he is the only one who will be able to control this situation and manage to find Ragini and rescue her from that guy.

Sejal: Yes, I agree with Angre. We haven’t to hide this matter more about Vansh. He is the suitable one who could handle this matter. We have to call him.

At the same time, Ragini was in Jay’s house as there was a party in his house.

He was trying to calm her down by making her drink a lot.

Jay: I told you baby that no one of your family members love you, but you weren’t convinced.

Ragini: I’m now convinced of every single word you have said.

Jay: You have to know that I’m the only one who loves you so much Ragini. Just relax and drink as this is the thing that will make you forget everything bad has happened to you.

He lefts her and he was talking to one of his friends.

His friend: I think that you are super near to succeed in your plan, right?

Jay: Yeah! She is a very fool girl and I managed to put in her mind that no one from her family members love her and I’m the only who loves her so I could reach to what I want and I’m believing that I will reach to I want today!

At the same time, Siya has called Vansh.

Siya: Hello Vansh bro, how are you?

Vansh: I’m fine Siya, what about you?

Siya: I’m fine.

Vansh: I can feel from your voice that there is something bad has happened! What is going on Siya?!

Siya starts telling Vansh everything has happened to Ragini from the beginning till her escape from the house.

Vansh was very angry and worried.

Vansh: How you could all hide something like that from me?! I will return quickly and I hope that I can manage to recuse her before anything bad could happen to her.

Riddhima was observing Vansh’s reaction and she was worried.

When Vansh finished the call he gets up.

Vansh: Riddhima, we have to return to the city now.

Riddhima: What is going on Vansh?! I can observe that when Siya called you, you became very worried. What has happened?!

Vansh: There is no much time to talk. Please pack your things quickly as we must return very fast and I will tell you everything in the car, but what I can tell you now that Ragini is in danger and we have to save her.

Riddhima: What? My sister!

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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