Love, Romance, and revenge. #Riansh (Episode 6)

The episode starts with Siya taking Sejal in a tour in the hospital.

Sejal: Wow! The hospital is amazing and the techniques that is used are brilliant. It will be a very big challenge to me to make this place more beautiful.

Siya: You always love challenges and always know how to handle big deals that’s why we have chose you for this big work.

Sejal: I hope that I never break your trust. Do we are near the financial department? As I’m so eager to meet Ragini.

Siya: Yes, we can go and meet her.

They went to meet Ragini and they also have met Rudra and Sejal was very happy seeing them.

Ragini: I’m really happy that I see you now Sejal after all those years.

Sejal: Me too, you were super missed.

Siya: Do you know that Sejal will be responsible for renovating the hospital? So that means that we will see her a lot those days especially that she will live in this city forever so we can be all together like before.

Ragini: Wow! This is a breaking news! Working as an interior design is not an easy thing. It was really a tough thing to me to work as an interior design so I decided to have a career shift and work with my dad. So I’m proud of you Sejal that you are doing great on your work.

Sejal: I didn’t know that you were working as an interior designer before, but it is a nice thing that you decided to do the thing that you love whatever the circumstances. You always have the chance to try again. I’m so proud of your courage Ragini.

Ragini: Thank you sweetie.

Siya: By the way, there will be a party today to celebrate the arrive of Sejal. So Ragini don’t forget it.

Ragini: Oh! Party! I’m so excited. Okay I will be ready.

Rudra: I’m really happy that you came back my cutie Sejal. Hope you always be happy in your life and good luck in your job with us.

Sejal: Thank you uncle. I will leave you now to not disturb you and we will meet at the party.

Rudra: Okay.

Ragini: See you at the party.

Sejal: Siya, I want to ask you about a new doctor who came to work in VR hospital. As I don’t know where is she now and I want to check on her before I go to home and also to tell her about the party invitation.

Siya: Is this girl is your best friend that you told us about her? Is she is working in our hospital?

Sejal: Yes, she is a new comer doctor. Her name is Riddhima Anupam.

Siya: Oh my God! What a huge coincidence?! How this could happen?!

Sejal: Why you are super surprised like that?! Did Riddhima made any wrong thing?

Siya starts telling Sejal everything happened with Vansh and Riddhima and how their first meet happened and how she showed a big courage and confidence as no one could have the courage to talk with Vansh the way she did.

Sejal: Ridhhima!! She is always a brave and a professional girl. I’m really happy that my best friend and my childhood friend will work together. It will be an interesting thing.

Siya: This what I also think about. Let’s see their reaction when they see each other in the party.

Sejal: So do you mean that we will not tell them that they will see each other?

Siya: Of course, when you go to invite her don’t tell her that it is related to our family. Their first meet and their attitude toward each other gives us the impression that there something connected to each other so let’s see what is preparing to them.

Sejal: Okay, let me meet her and I will handle everything.

Siya: Okay.

Siya let Sejal meet Riddhima. Sejal saw how Riddhima is really confused and stressed after she had told her everything happened so she tries to cheer her up.

Siya: Come on Riddhima. You must be happy and cheerful that you had succeed in curing your first case and not only that but also you will be working with the most professional doctor in the whole country. It is a big step in your career. So why you are so stressed?

Riddhima: His attitude is so rude. How I will handle this attitude while working with him the whole day. He is doubting everyone around him. He doesn’t trust anyone and he is making me near him because he is not trusting me. So how I will work at this mood. Along with these things he is so arrogant! How I will bear all of this. Actually, why I’m explaning all of these things, you already know him more than me and you know his attitude.

Sejal: Look Riddhima, I know that Vansh’s attitude isn’t easy to tolerate it. But he is still a super talented and clever person, he is really a unique person. Actually, you were impressed with his attitude and already can see in your eyes that you are still impressed by him and you see him as a mystery that you want to discover it. Am I saying a wrong thing?

Riddhima: He is the first person who makes me so confused like that. I really can’t understand my own feelings. I just worried for what will happen next.

Sejal: Please stop drama. If you are worried from how you will manage him? You already succeed on that. You wasn’t afraid while talking to him, so don’t worry. Act normally and be dedicate to your work and everything you will be okay.

Riddhima: I hope so.

Sejal: Let’s celebrate and have fun. I’ve been invited to an awesome party and you will come with me.

Riddhima: But,….

Sejal: There is no excuses, you will come with me. End of discussion.

Riddhima: Why you have taken Vansh’s attitude?!

Sejal: Oh! You start to see Vansh’s attitude at everyone’s attitude!

Riddhima: Sejal just stop it!

Sejal: Okay, if you finished your work, shall we go to the house so we can get ready for the party?

Riddhima: You still will not tell me who is preparing that party and where is it?

Sejal: Keep it a surprise!

Everyone had returned home to prepare for the party and still Riddhima and Vansh are thinking about each other as they are both speculating the other. They tried to not think a lot and try to get from their thoughts by concentrating on preparing to the party.

Uma: What?! We’re planning for this party for the sake of this poor girl?! Why we could care about such a girl?

Rudra: Come on Uma, please stop thinking that way. We always treat Sejal as a family member.

Uma: Family member?! Really?! Do you lost your mind?! Stop being so naive?

Rudra: Please don’t come up with those nonsense again. If you don’t want to attend the party so don’t attend it, but if you will attend it don’t disturb Sejal with your words. I treat her as my daughter. So I will not let anyone misbehaves with her even if this person is my wife.

Uma: Okay, don’t be angry on me!

Afterwords, the party had started. Everyone is well dressed and then Angre and Ishani come to join them and everyone was waiting for Sejal and her friend to come.

Anuprya: Hello Ishani, How are you dear? You were super missed.

Ishani: I’m fine Anuprya aunt. You were also missed, I’m sorry that I didn’t came since a lot, but I promise you that I will disturb you a lot those days.

Anuprya: I always love your disturbance baby.

Then Sejal and Riddhima had arrived. Sejal was very happy to see Singhania’s family all once again, but Riddhima was shocked to see Siya there so that means that she is in VR mansion and of course she will meet Vansh there.

Riddhima to Sejal in a quiet voice: Why you didn’t tell that we are going to VR mansion? I don’t know what will be Dr. Vansh’s reaction when he see me? Does he know that I’m coming?

Sejal: He knows that I will invite my best friend, but he doesn’t know that my best friend is his new comer doctor. Actually it is a good thing, you already will be with him at every work so it’s okay to be with him here. So what is the problem?!

Riddhima: You really put me in a big problem! I will leave immediately before he can see me.

Sejal: Riddhima wait!

Riddhima was walking quickly so she can escape from Vansh’s eyes and he don’t see her so she can leave the mansion silently, but she lost her balance and she falls in Vansh’s arms. Then the music starts playing and she was going to leave when he takes her hand and they start dance. Their dance was amazing. After the dance had finished, they were both still shocked with their unknowingly met.

Vansh: What are you doing here Dr. Riddhima? You are supposed to be with me in my surgeries not in my home!

Riddhima: I, I…

Vansh: You are what Dr. Riddhima? I want an answer.

Sejal: I will answer you. She is my best friend who I told you about and you gave me the permission to invite.

Vansh: Really?!

Siya: It is a strange thing right?

Vansh: A lot, I didn’t imagine that I will meet you again today Dr. Riddhima.

Riddhima: Me too, actually I didn’t knew that this is your party.

Vansh: Really?!

Sejal: Yes Vansh, I didn’t told her. So chill guys it’s a party let’s enjoy.


The end of the episode. I hope you like it and stay tuned for the upcoming episodes. Please don’t forget your feedback as it is what makes me complete updating. Tell me your opinion or anything that you want me to added in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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