Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 60

The episode starts with Vansh being in his car going back to the city while Riddhima was sitting behind Vansh in the car and she was very worried about her sister.

Then Vansh called his men to let them give him all the information about that Jay and where is his house and Vansh decided that he will go directly to Jay’s house as he is sure that Ragini will be there.

Vansh was very worried about Ragini, he doesn’t know what would that Jay do to her.

Riddhima was observing how he is so worried, but she also wasn’t able to be more quiet so she decided to ask him once again as she is really worried about her sister so much.

Riddhima: Vansh, I really want to know what has happened to my sister. You really made me worry a lot about Ragini and I really want to know what has happened to her. So please tell me everything as I can’t be quiet more.

Vansh starts telling Riddhima everything has happened to Ragini and how she is got in that Jay’s hands and how he is controlling her and he made her escapes from the house and how she could be in danger now.

Riddhima was shocked from listening to Vansh’s words and she wasn’t able to understand that her sister could be now in danger and she was praying that God could saves her.

Riddhima: Oh my God! That stupid guy will not be saved from me if he made anything bad to my sister.

She starts crying and when Vansh observed that he stops the car and he starts calming her done and removing her tears and then he hugged her to relief her stress and worry.

Vansh: Please sweetheart calm down and control your stress and worry so we could control and handle the situation so please control yourself so I can be able to drive so we can reach to the right time as I can’t drive and you are in this state. You know that I can’t see your tears so please calm down sweetheart because this isn’t good for you or for the child. Don’t worry nothing will happen to Ragini and I promise you that your sister will be fine as this is Vansh Rai Singhania’s promise to you.

His words made her relax some how and it calmed her down.

When he became sure that she is okay, he continued driving.

In VR mansion, everyone was worried about Ragini.

Rudra: How none of you has told me anything from what is happening with Ragini?! I’m really worried about her. Actually, none of you must be blamed. Actually, I must to thank you all that you all were trying to help my daughter and save her, I’m the one who must be blamed because I didn’t notice how much Ragini’s behavior has really changed. I’m the one who must be blamed for not caring about his daughter.

Anurpya: Please calm down Rudra. Don’t blame yourself and pray that Vansh could succeed in rescuing her without anything could happen to her.

Rudra was praying that God could return his daughter back and nothing could happen to her.

Then Kabir, Siya, Sejal, and Angre were getting ready to go to Jay’s house that Vansh has sent to them his location.

Kabir: Do you think that Ragini will be in Jay’s house?

Angre: If Vansh said that she will be there so of course Ragini is there. You know that Vansh always think in a different way and what he believes always happens so I believe that we will find Ragini there.

Siya: Angre is right Kabir. You know that when Vansh say something it always happens.

Sejal: I just hope that we could save her at the right time.

Kabir: God will help her and he will make us reach on the right time. We must just leave now.

The 4 of them left VR mansion and they were on their way to Jay’s house.

At the same time, Vansh and Riddhima have been arrived to Jay’s house.

Riddhima: Do you think that she will be inside?!

Vansh: I don’t think that she is inside, I’m sure that she is inside as my men have told me that Jay has planned a party and they have seen Ragini there so I become sure that she is inside Jay’s house. So let’s enter and get her from that place.

Riddhima and Vansh get out from the car and they entered Jay’s house and they were searching about Ragini.

At that moment, Jay has taken Ragini to a room and he was getting so close to her regardless that she was so drunk and she wasn’t in her complete consciousness, but she refused to be that close to him.

Ragini: Jay stop that, I don’t feel comfortable. I told you that I can’t do such a thing before marriage. I really can’t do such a thing. So please don’t force me.

She was going to leave the room when he closed the door and grabbed her towards him and she was trying her best to escape from him.

Jay: You will not manage to escape from me Ragini, I have been waiting for that day and I will not make you destroy it.

He was going very very close to her so she slapped him and he got very angry and tight her hands and he was going closer to her.

Then Vansh came and opened the door and he catches that guy and then Riddhima took Ragini and she hugged her and she starts calming her down.

Riddhima: Don’t worry Ragini, nothing will happen to you. We are all with you.

At that moment, Siya, Angre, Sejal, and Kabir have arrived and they were happy that they have saved Ragini on the right time.

Vansh was very angry on that Jay and he starts beating him very hardly to punish him for messing with his cousin.

Angre and Kabir succeeded to separate Vansh from Jay.

Angre: Enough Vansh, the guy could die if you beat him more.

Vansh: He deserves to die for messing with Ragini. Every shameless guy like him must die for messing with the innocent girls. How dare you to mess with my cousin?! You didn’t just messed with her, you were also playing with her feelings and making her doesn’t trust her own family! You don’t deserve to be human! You have been abused her and hurts her a lot.

Riddhima came to Jay and slapped him very hard slap.

Riddhima: How dare you to mess with my sister and hurt her?! How dare you to make her pass through so much pain?! You will not be saved from me!

Regardless that Ragini wasn’t still believing what she passed through, but she was feeling safe and secured when she saw her family cares about her a lot and loves her.

Jay’s father came and he was trying to control the situation as Vansh was sticking on calling the police so they could arrest Jay for trying to mess with his cousin.

Jay’s father: Please Dr. Vansh don’t destroy my son’s career and life by getting him to jail. I know that what he has done was very cheap thing and I really apologize for that. I will make him do anything to you just to forgive him, but please don’t put him in jail.

Vansh: If you didn’t want to put yourself in this situation, you would have first raised your son with the good morals, but I think that you were very busy to raise him and make him know the good thing from the bad. You have must make him know that he must respect every girl and don’t force any girl to do anything that she doesn’t want it, you have must make him learn that he mustn’t play with any girl’s feelings. When you decide to have a boy, you must raise him to respect the girls not to play with their feelings. Girls are like diamonds, you must to treat them very carefully. Girls must be treated like a princess.

Jay’s father: I admit that I didn’t raise him in a good way, I admit that there are a lot of things that I missed to learn it to him, but I promise you that I will punish him very hardly and I will make home learn all the good manners.

Vansh: If you don’t want me to put him in jail, leave me to punish him the way I want.

Jay’s father: But I promised you that I will punish him so why do you want to punish him?!

Vansh: I don’t care about your punishment, I will punish him by Vansh Rai Singhania’s punishment. This is the thing that will make me not put him in jail. So the choice is yours, my punishment or jail?!

Jay’s father didn’t have any other chance other than accepting Vansh’s punishment to Jay.

Jay’s father: Punish him as you like, but please don’t harm my child.

Vansh: I will not harm him, I will put him on the state that he deserves.

Vansh takes Jay and throws him under Ragini’s feet.

Vansh: This is the state that you deserve, you deserve to be under Ragini’s feet. The girl that you misbehave with her, you must be under her feet. My punishment to you is to beg Ragini under her feet to make her forgive you. You must beg her so so much until she could forgives you.

Jay and his father was shocked from what Vansh wants Jay to do, but they didn’t have any other chance other than accepting what Vansh is saying.

Jay starts begging Ragini to forgive him.

Jay: Ragini please forgive me, I was idiot and stupid when I thought that I can be able to mess you or make anything illegal with you. I’m really sorry that I have been played with your feelings. I’m sorry for every bad behavior I have done to you.

Jay was going to raise his head and get up from the floor when Vansh pushed him to return him back under Ragini’s feet.

Vansh: Don’t you dare to leave this place until Ragini forgives you and then I can give you the order to leave this place. Ragini dear he is now begging to you and you don’t have to forgive him quickly, take all the time that you want and I will not make that Jay leave your feet until you forgive him. He will keep begging you until you forgive him. You boy, complete begging to my cousin until she forgives you.

Ragini was very satisfied from what Vansh is doing to that Jay, she was feeling how Vansh is giving her respect after what that Jay has done to her.

Ragini now is sure how her family loves her a lot and how they all cares about her.

Jay keeps begging her until she forgives him.

Vansh: You have to thank God that my cousin have forgiven you otherwise I would never leave you.

Jay and his father was very happy that finally they have been got out of that situation, but then Vansh has surprised them.

Vansh: Don’t be happy like that as the punishment is still isn’t over. This was just Vansh Rai Singhania’s punishment, here is still Ragini Rai Singhania’s. Ragini dear, come to that guy and slap him very hard for everything he has done to you until you relief all the pain that you suffered from because of that guy. Slap him very hard and he will can’t say a word. Slap him a slap that could make you forget anything has happened to you. Slap him very hardly, make him learn to not do this action to any other girl.

Riddhima: Yes Ragini, punish him for what he has done to you. Slap him very hard and make him know his state.

Ragini went to Jay and she slapped him very hard.

Ragini felt relaxed after she has slapped that Jay.

Vansh: Now your son will think very carefully before he could do such a thing to any other girl. You must to thank God that my cousin forgives him and she has just slapped him as if I was in her place I would never agree with anything other than arresting your son. So look stupid boy, if I have seen you near my cousin or any other member of my family I will not leave you and this time I will not pity on your father and I will punish you a punishment that you will not imagine it and trust me you will not tolerate my punishment to you. So don’t you dare to come near my cousin once again.

Then they have left Jay’s house after they make Ragini take her right from that stupid Jay.

Ragini wasn’t able to say a word during their ride to the house, but she was really thankful for her family’s presence in her life.

Riddhima was feeling very happy for what Vansh has done to Ragini. She was feeling very safe and secured when she is near Vansh.

Riddhima to herself: I always feel safe when I’m with you Vansh. You always protect the whole family and makes us all feel secured. Thank you for your presence in our lives.

She holds his hand while he was driving to thank him for what he has done and how he is always making her feel safe and he has felt what she is feeling now so he kissed her hand.

Vansh: I know what you are thinking about now sweetheart and you don’t have to thank me for anything as I didn’t do anything, before Ragini to be your sister she is my cousin and I didn’t do anything.

Riddhima: Thank you because you are the secure of all of us. I love you so much

Vansh: I love you too sweetheart.

Riddhima puts her head on Vansh’s shoulder and he holds her hand very tightly.



The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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