Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 61

The episode starts with the arrive of everyone to VR mansion. Rudra was feeling very happy that he found his daughter, Ragini, is fine.
When Rudra saw Ragini, he hugged her to feel that she is fine.
Rudra: Ragini dear are fine darling?
Ragini: I’m fine dad. Please calm down, I’m totally fine.
Anurpya hugged Ragini and she checked on her.
Then Vansh starts looking at Ragini and she has observed how he wants to blame her so she starts talking.
Ragini: I know that you all are blaming me for what I have done. I know that what I have did is a very bad thing. I’m really sorry for putting you all in this situation. I really apologize for everything I have done and said. I’m really sorry for not noticing my family’s love. I’m sorry that I have believed that no one loves me from my family. Actually, I have discovered that no one loves me very much more than my family. I’m really sorry for everything and anything I have done.
Vansh: I know that what you have passed through wasn’t easy at all and I know that you faced a very tough situation and I know that you can’t listen to anyone blaming you, but you must to listen to my words to know how much you have done a big mistake. You can’t think for a second that your family isn’t loving you, you can’t think that could be anyone in the whole world who could love you more than your own family. How you could think that we aren’t loving you?! How you could think that we are ignoring you?! You mustn’t allow anyone to play in your mind and make you against your family. You must never make anyone against your family, no one will be with you at the end except your family. Actually, no one lasts for you till the end except your family. Your family are the ones who will always loves you whatever you have done and whenever you are. How you could think that we weren’t love you?!
Ragini: I know that I was really stupid for believing that stupid guy. I admit that I mustn’t give him the chance to play in my mind and make me against my family, but what makes me listened to him that I didn’t find anyone from my family members caring about me or asking about me and that what that guy have taken an advantage of that and he made believed that no one of my family members loves me.
Riddhima: And how you thought that if we are busy that we aren’t love you?! How you connected this by that?! If we have been some how busy that doesn’t mean that we are the ones who doesn’t want to care about you or ask about, sometimes you could be busy in the life matters and you don’t concentrate on anything. You mustn’t think in that way! You have must came to us and see the reason behind being so busy from you. You must never give the chance to a cheap guy to make you against your family just to reach to what he wants from you.
Vansh: You must never trust anyone blindly like that Ragini! Not anyone must deserves to be very close to you, you don’t have to allow anyone to enter your life easily and make him/her know everything about you. Do you think what has happened to you if we didn’t came on time and saved you from that guy?! That guy was a very shameless guy. Please don’t put yourself in this situation again, you are so precious so don’t lower your state for anyone. Please don’t make us worry about you again. Please don’t allow anyone again to make you just think that your family doesn’t love you or that your family doesn’t care about. You must to be 100% sure that your family loves you a lot and we will always love you. Please take care of yourself.
Ragini: I’m sorry Vansh bro. I know that nothing could apologize for what I have done. I’m really sorry. I really admit that I have a very wonderful family who really cares about me a lot and loves me very much. Thank you all for saving me at the right time. Thank you all for making me returned back to old Ragini. Thank you all for everything you all have done to me. I promise you all that I will not repeat such a thing again. I promise you all that I will never give the chance to anyone to make me against my family. I will always be proud of my family’s love and I will be 100% sure of my family’s love towards me. I love you all so much.
They all have a group hug and they calmed Ragini down to make her feel that she isn’t alone and will never be alone.
Then they take her to her room to take some rest and then everyone went to his or her room to sleep and relax after all the stress that they all have passed through it.
Everyone in VR mansion was very happy that they have saved Ragini and now nothing could harm her. They were all happy that Ragini has returned back to that Ragini that they were always knowing her.
Afterwords, Anuprya went to Vansh and Riddhima’s room.
Anuprya: What has happened was very hard to tolerate. Thank God that you have come at the right time Vansh and you saved Ragini. I was really worried about her, but now I felt that everything has returned like before.
Vansh: You don’t have to worry mom. When I’m with my family, I can’t make any danger could just touch them.
Riddhima: Yes mom. Actually, I was very sure that Vansh will succeed in finding and rescuing Ragini because I always know that when Vansh is with us nothing bad could happen to anyone of us. He is always will be our shield that always save us from any external danger.
Vansh felt really happy from Riddhima’s words.
He was feeling really happy that she is feeling safe when she is near him.
Anuprya: You both must now relax as you were coming from a long ride and you didn’t have rest so please relax and you Riddhima please take some rest and take care about the baby.
Riddhima: Of course mom. Don’t worry, I’m taking care of the baby so much.
After Anuprya has left, Vansh was sitting on the chair and then Riddhima came and sit on his lap and she hugged him very tightly.
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can see that the wife is very romantic today! Impressive! I really like it!
Riddhima: I didn’t felt that I’m really safe and secured until you entered my life Vansh. You make me finally can sleep without being afraid or scared. You make me don’t be afraid from anyone. You make me don’t have the chance to think about what will happen next because I’m always sure that my dearest husband will always be with me and he will always support me and protect me from any danger. You are the only protection for all of us. No one of us could live without you Vansh.
He makes her closer to him and he kissed her in her cheek.
Vansh: I will always protect you sweetheart and I will never give the chance to anyone or anything that could harm you. I promise you that your protection will always be my responsibility till my last breath. I promise you that you and the child will always feel safe with me.
Riddhima: I’m sure of that.
She smiled and then she kissed him in his cheek and then they hugged each other more tightly.
At morning, Vansh and Riddhima went to Ragini to check on her and they were making sure to spend so much time with her so they don’t make her feel alone once again.
Ragini: Thank you all for showering me with all this love and care. I was really idiot when I thought for a second that my family doesn’t loves me. I really blessed to have you all as my family.
Vansh: We will always shower you with all the love and if we one day have been busy from you, you must to know that it isn’t by our hands and and you must come to us and ask us the reason behind our busy.
Riddhima: We will always love you my dearest sister.
Riddhima hugged Ragini and then they left Ragini to relax and then Vansh went to do some calls and Riddhima went to Sejal to talk with her.
Riddhima: Sejal dear how are you?
Sejal: I’m fine Riddhima darling. What about you? And tell me how is the lovely child?!
Riddhima: I’m fine and the child is also fine, but he/she isn’t sitting quiet at all! The child is always moving a lot and kicking in my tummy very hard!
Sejal: I think that he/she will be very naughty! He/she will disturbs you a lot! Actually, I didn’t accept any other attitude from your child less than this attitude as the child of course will be like his/her mother.
Riddhima: Really?! Let’s see when you become pregnant and have a child what the child will look alike!
They start laughing and enjoying their time.
Then Riddhima starts telling Sejal about Sam and their met in Goa.
Riddhima: When I was in Goa with Vansh, I have met Sam and I have introduced him to Vansh.
Sejal: What?! Really?!
Riddhima: Yes.
Sejal: Did you told Vansh everything about Sam and your past with him?
Riddhima: Unfortunately no, I didn’t told him anything. Actually, I was going to tell him everything about Sam, but when we will left him and went to the house I was going to tell him everything and then I saw him become very jealous from Sam so I wasn’t able to say anything to disturb him more. I believed that if I told him anything, he would became angry.
Sejal: You must to tell him everything related to Sam before he could know it from any external person as this could cause misunderstandings between you both. So please take care of that thing.
Riddhima: Yes Sejal, you are right. He must to know everything from me not from anyone. I’m really worried from his reaction, but I must to tell him to not allow any misunderstanding to happen between us.
Sejal: You must to harry up Riddhima.
Riddhima: Don’t worry Sejal, I will tell him everything as I just waiting for the right time. I’m waiting for the time that he is in a good mood so he can understand what I will tell him and don’t misunderstand me.
Sejal: I just hope that he doesn’t blame you that you didn’t told him from the beginning.
Riddhima: I hope so.
Riddhima was worried after she has talked with Sejal and she was feeling that she must to tell everything to Vansh very quickly.
Riddhima to herself: I hope that you don’t misunderstand me Vansh when I tell you everything. I hope that nothing could disturb our relationship. Actually, I hope that I don’t meet Sam again so Vansh doesn’t feel uncomfortable when he saw him so I could be able to tell him everything and he could be able to understand what I will tell him.
Afterwords, Vansh informs Riddhima about the festival that the ministry of health have prepared it tonight.
Vansh: Today, the minister called me to make sure on me that the festival will be today and he make sure that I will attend today and he told me that I could invite anyone with me as I will today be honored in this festival for my hard work and loyalty in my career. So I want to inform you that you will come with me as I can’t go to any place without my beautiful wife.
Riddhima: Of course I’m coming with you as I’m really eager to see my husband honored for his hard work. I will always be proud of you Vansh.
Vansh: I’m really happy and excited for this honor especially that my lovely child will can feel when his father is taking an honor. My happiness always increases when you are with me sweetheart you and our lovely child.
They hugged each other and they were really happy and excited for this honor and they were waiting for this festival.
Riddhima was hoping that she could have the chance in this festival to tell Vansh everything about Sam.
Riddhima: I wish that this festival could give me the chance to tell Vansh everything and I can’t allow any misunderstanding that could happen between each other. I wish that nothing could disturb us.
Then Vansh and Riddhima have been got ready and then they arrived to the festival and the minister welcomed them very much.
Minister: Welcome Dr. Vansh and Dr. Riddhima. I’m really happy that you both have arrived. Welcome to our special guests’ arrive. I hope you enjoy in our festival.
Vansh: Thank you minister for welcoming us.
Riddhima: Thank you minister.
Then Riddhima and Vansh sit on the place that is prepared to them and they start enjoying the festival.


The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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