Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 62

The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima listening to the minister’s words.
Minister: Welcome to everyone in the festival. It’s our pleasure that you all have attended our festival. I want to thank everyone has came to our festival and there is special thanks to our special guest and the ones who came with him. I want to thank our special guest, Dr. Vansh Rai Singhania and his wife Dr. Riddhima Rai Singhania. Please welcome them.
Everyone has clapped to them.
Then the minister starts completing his words.
Minister: I want to thank Dr. Vansh for his hard work and dignity in his job. I want to thank him for everything he is doing to make the patients feel relaxed and saved. VR hospital is one of the famous and perfect hospitals in the whole country because of how Dr. Vansh is handling the hospital. I want to thank him for his loyalty and how he always care about his patients and how he is really concentrating on curing the patients in a perfect way. Thank you so much Dr. Vansh. So because of all the hard work that you have done to the country, the ministry of health decided to give you an honor so we could try to return to you some of your credits. This is a simple medal for your dedication in work. So please Dr. Vansh come to the stage to take the medal and say a short speech.
Vansh gets from his seat and he gets to the stage to take the medal.
Then he took the medal and took a picture with the minister and he thanked him for the medal.
Then Vansh takes the microphone to say a speech.
Vansh: I want to thank the minister so much for his honor and this precious medal. I really overwhelmed for this medal. I will always be dedicate to my work and I will do my best to be sure that there isn’t any patient who suffers from something. I will always be sure that I can offer the best treatment to all the patients. I promise that I will always do my best in my work and I will always make my country proud of me. I want to thank a person who is the reason behind my hard work and the success that I have reached to it and this person is my beautiful wife Dr. Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania who is always standing by my side and supports me in everything I’m doing and she is always encouraging me to reach to more success. I admit that I will never reach to any success without my beautiful wife. I want to thank her for everything she has done to me. So I want to request from my wife Dr. Riddhima to come on stage so she can take the medal with me and celebrate the success with me.
Riddhima got teared from Vansh’s words and she was really happy for seeing Vansh’s success and she was happier that he includes her in his success.
Then she comes on the stage and she hugged Vansh to share with him his success and then she holds the medal with him and they took pictures together with the minister and then they got out from the stage and they sit on their places again.
Riddhima starts expressing what she feels and how she is really happy for seeing Vansh’s success.
Riddhima: I’m really proud of you Vansh, I’m really happy to see you taking the position that you deserve. I’m really happy for seeing your happiness and success. There is no wife in the whole world that she is so proud of her husband more than me. I want also to thank you for the beautiful words that you have said it about me in your speech. Thank you so much for making me very happy like that. Thank you for including me in your happiness and success.
Vansh: I can’t enjoy my success without you sweetheart. My success doesn’t complete without including you my lovely wife. Actually, you don’t have to thank me for anything I have said because simply I didn’t said anything that you don’t deserve it. Every word I have said was true, I really would never reach to any of those success if you are not in my life. Every word I said you really deserve it. You are my everything sweetheart.
She hugged him and she was very happy listening to his words and she was enjoying her time with her dearest husband.
They were enjoying their time and then the music plays.
So Vansh offered a dance to Riddhima.
Vansh: Let’s take an advantage from this occasion and let’s have a dance together sweetheart.
She holds his hand and then they start dancing together and they were enjoying their time so much.
Then Riddhima felt tired so Vansh made her sit on the chair.
Vansh: Please relax sweetheart. Don’t make much work. Are you okay? Do you want us to leave?
He makes her drink water and he gives her the medicines.
Then she starts to feel better.
Riddhima: I’m okay Vansh don’t worry. I feel much better now so don’t worry. We don’t have to leave as you are the special guest in this festival and you have got an honor on this occasion so I can’t destroy your happiness and occasion.
Vansh: I don’t care about anything or any honor, you are the one who I cared the most about. Your health is number 1 to me. So if you want us to leave, I really don’t mind at all.
She comes near him to comfort him and calm him down.
Riddhima: Don’t worry Vansh. I’m much better now and we don’t have to leave at all. I just want to request something from you so can you make it to me?
Vansh: Of course sweetheart. You don’t have to ask me, I would do anything to you.
Riddhima: Actually, this thing isn’t to me. It is for the baby. I think that the child wants an salty thing to eat it!
Vansh raised his eyebrows in a surprise.
Vansh: Are you sure that the child is the one who wants a salty thing?!
Riddhima: Of course. I think that’s why I felt some how dizzy because the child needs to eat a salty thing. So can you please get me any salt snack or anything that got fulfill my child’s request.
Vansh: I will try to be convinced that the child is the one who needs a salty thing and anyways it will not matter if the wife or the child who wants a salty thing as at the two situation I must fulfill your request because both of you means a lot to me. I will go to find anything salty to you. I don’t know where I will find it, but I will do my best.
Vansh left Riddhima and starts searching about any salty thing for Riddhima to eat it.
Vansh to himself: I don’t know from where I will find a salty thing for you sweetheart. Actually, I don’t know who from you both who wants the salty thing. The child or the wife?! Anyway, I have to find anything salty as soon as possible. Look at Vansh Rai Singhania’s state, the one who was always shouting on everyone and can’t allow anyone to order him to do anything. Now he is listening to his wife’s order and he is searching about any salty food as if I’m chef not a doctor! How life really changes! I could do anything just for my wife and my child’s sake.
Then Vansh has found some salty snacks and he also found a lemon juice and he thought that this could be suitable for Riddhima and the child.
While Vansh was returning to Riddhima, Riddhima was thinking if shall she tell Vansh everything about Sam or shall she ignore the whole idea.
Riddhima to herself: I don’t think that we will meet Sam again so I think that I don’t need to come up with Sam’s name to Vansh. So I don’t have to destroy this occasion and destroy our happiness. I don’t think that Vansh will care about my past especially that I will not meet Sam again. As our meeting in Goa was coincidence and I don’t think that it will be repeated again. So I don’t have to talk about the past and enjoy the present and the future with my dearest husband.
Then Vansh returned back to Riddhima and he gave her the salty snacks and the lemon juice.
Vansh: Do you have liked the service madam? Do you need anything else?! Do you have found the salty things that you want or you want more?!
Riddhima smiles form Vansh’s attitude so she decided to join with him the same attitude.
Riddhima: The service isn’t good at all! How you get to me the juice without presenting it in a service plate?! Your service is very bad and I think that I have to send a complaint to your boss!
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can observe that the wife has completely turned her husband into a waiter! This is not fair sweetheart!
She starts laughing and he joins her by also laughing with her and then she starts eating the salty snacks and drinking the lemon juice and she was really enjoying and she was really felt very better after having those salty things.
Riddhima: I’m really feeling satisfied after eating those salty snacks and drinking the lemon juice.
Then she starts talking to the baby by putting her hand above her tummy.
Riddhima: I can feel that you are now feeling better, right baby?! I think that you have to thank your father for fulfilling what you want as he gets you everything you were wanting so we must to say to him: Thank you dad.
He puts his hand above her tummy to feel his child happiness and thankfulness.
Vansh: I’m really happy that you are feeling better now my lovely child. I will always fulfill all your dreams and wants even if I really should be a waiter to supply your needs!
Riddhima: But you must to learn the waiter skills because you doesn’t know anything about how the good services are!
Vansh: You don’t know how it was really hard and embarrass when I start searching about a salty things and everyone was wondering the reason that could make Vansh Rai Singhania search about salty food. Everyone was looking at me as if I’m the pregnant who is searching about a salty things and I was seeing how they were smiling and laughing. So you must to know that your husband has done a big sacrifice to get you that stuff as I have been sacrificed my ego just to fulfill to you your wants.
She becomes near him and she hugs him to thank him for what he has done to her.
Riddhima: Thank you so much my dearest husband for what you have done to me. I know how much you can’t allow anyone to hurt your ego, I know that it is not easy to you to make such a thing, but I know that you have done all of those things for me and our child’s sake and that means a lot to me. Actually, I’m really proud of you and I want to make you know that you mustn’t care about anyone’s opinion as they can’t understand how the perfect husband and the perfect father is. I’m very proud of you that you have that kind and caring heart. You always make me respect you and love you more everyday. My respect to you is always increasing everyday. God bless you to me my dearest husband.
They hugged each other very tightly and they were enjoying their time being together.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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