Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 67

The episode starts with Vansh taking Riddhima to the garden.

Riddhima got surprised when she has seen the preparations.

Riddhima: Wow! Impressive! You have prepared a camp date! Interesting!

Vansh: I decided to prepare a new and special thing and I didn’t find a new and special thing more than a camp date. I hope that you like it.

Riddhima: I like it so much.

Riddhima starts walking on the garden to see all the preparations, she starts to see the beautiful tent that Vansh prepared it so they can spend the whole night on it.

Then she has observed the fire that is done.

Riddhima to herself: Wow! Everything is perfectly done as if I’m really in a camp!

Vansh: Where you have gone?! I think that you were thinking about how beautiful the preparations are, right?!

Riddhima comes near him and she hugged him very tightly.

Riddhima: I have liked it a lot. Thank you so much for those adorable preparations.

Vansh: I told you today’s night will be very special. Actually, there is still more surprises that are waiting for you. This night will not be like any other night sweetheart.

He comes near her and he kissed her in her forehead.

Then he puts his hands around her waist to make her more closer to him.

Her heart beats were increasing a lot and her breaths were very loud which could be very noticeable to Vansh to observe it.

Vansh: I can feel how your heart beats are so high sweetheart. I can feel how your body temper is high and this what makes me sure that today’s night will be very special.

Riddhima was silent and she was enjoying her time with her husband especially that she was very shy and she wasn’t able to say a word.

Vansh: I have planned something special to you sweetheart.

Riddhima: You don’t get bored from the surprises that you prepare it to me?!

Vansh: Of course not, I can’t be bored from doing surprises to my adorable wife as I always love to see your reaction after each surprise.

Riddhima: You made me very excited to see the surprise.

Vansh: Just wait here for a second and then you will be able to see my surprise to you sweetheart.

Riddhima: Okay, I’m waiting my dear husband.

Vansh left her for a second.

Then he comes with a machine and Riddhima wasn’t understanding what is that machine.

Riddhima: And what is that machine to be your surprise Vansh?! I think that you weren’t able to prepare shocking surprises like before!

Vansh: Be patient sweetheart and don’t judge a book from its cover. Just wait and watch what this machine will do. So stop joking and wait for the surprise as you know Vansh Rai Singhania never do a normal surprise.

Riddhima: Let’s see.

At that moment, Vansh turned on the machine to produce an adorable snow balls.

Riddhima: A snow machine?! Impressive!

She starts playing with the snow and she was really enjoying it.

She was playing with the snow like a young child who doesn’t want to waste a time without enjoying.

Vansh was watching her while she was playing with the snow and he was really happy to see her happiness.

She takes his hand to join him with her so they can be able to enjoy together.

Then he grabbed her towards him and he starts playing with her hair.

Vansh: So tell me know how you liked the surprise?!

Riddhima: To be honest, I really liked it a lot.

Vansh: So do my surprises are still shocking surprises or they become bored?

She becomes closer to him.

Riddhima: Come on Vansh! I was saying those words without knowing your beautiful surprise. Now I could always admit that you always make a shocking surprises.

He hugged her very tightly.

Then Riddhima starts playing with Vansh by throwing a snow ball on him to tease him.

Then Riddhima starts laughing.

Vansh has removed the snow from his face.

Vansh: You will never stop this childish behaviors?!

Riddhima: How could life be full of fun without some childish behaviors?!

Vansh takes a snow ball and he was going to throw it on Riddhima when she got saved from this one.

Vansh: Do you think that you will get saved from me sweetheart?!

He takes another snow ball.

Then Riddhima starts running to not make Vansh catch her, but of course her speed was less than Vansh due to her pregnancy.

Afterwards, Vansh catches Riddhima and he starts throwing snow on Riddhima and he was laughing.

Riddhima didn’t give up and she starts also throwing snow on Vansh.

They were laughing and enjoying their time together.

At the same time, Kabir was taking care of Sejal and he makes her sleep and he wasn’t able to sleep at all because of his worry about Sejal.

Kabir to himself: I can’t see you tired or suffering from any pain. I’m really worried about you Sejal. I will can’t sleep or live my life peacefully until I could be sure that you are fine. I can’t wait for tomorrow morning so I could take you to the hospital and be sure that you are fine.

He kissed Sejal’s forehead and he holds her hands and he kept staring at her.

At the garden, Vansh and Riddhima were still enjoying their time and having a lot of fun.

Then Vansh observed that the weather start to be cold and he has observed that Riddhima starts to shiver.

So Vansh holds Riddhima and takes her to the tent.

Riddhima: Vansh what are you doing?! We were playing with the snow balls so why you took me from there?!

After Vansh has took her to the tent, he closed it and then he makes her sit.

Then he covers her up with a scarf so he could be sure that she isn’t feeling any cold.

Vansh: You didn’t see yourself sweetheart?! You were shivering due to the cold weather so how I could leave you shivering there?!

Riddhima: Oh! How you are so caring?!

Vansh: I will always do that sweetheart. Anyway, it is enough today with playing in snow and let’s do a different thing together so we could be able to remove the cold and we could reach to some hotness.

Riddhima’s heart beats start to increase and she starts to feel how this night will make her relation with Vansh more stronger than it was before.

She runs to Vansh and she throws herself in Vansh’s arms to feel comfortable in his arms.

Vansh: I can see that the wife is very shy now!

Riddhima: But you always know how to relief this shyness like what you have done by getting the snow machine to make me enjoy and be happy with it.

Vansh: There is still another thing that I have done to you to relief your shyness before I could increase more afterwards.

He lefts her and he gets two cups of hot chocolate.

Vansh: I think that this will make you relax and feel happy as I know how much you love hot chocolate and I think that the hot chocolate is the thing that will make you feel some how hot and it will minimize the coldness.

Riddhima: Thank you for always remembering every small detail about me. You still remember how I love hot chocolate, I’m really amazed!

He puts the cups on the table and he makes Riddhima closer to him.

Vansh: I told you before that I will never forget anything related to you sweetheart. I will always remember the small details about you my lovely wife.

He hugged her very tightly.

Then he was going to kiss her when Riddhima escapes and she takes the cup of the hot chocolate so she could escape from Vansh for awhile.

Riddhima: Let’s drink the hot chocolate before it gets cold.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You have used the idea of the hot chocolate to escape from me, but you will not manage to do that for a long of time sweetheart.

He takes his cup of hot chocolate and he sits on the bed and grabs her towards him by making her sit on his lap so they can be able to drink the hot chocolate and they are so close to each other.

Vansh: I think that drinking the hot chocolate and we are so close to each other in that way it will be better, right sweetheart?!

Riddhima: Right.

She said this word and she was very shy.

Then Vansh increased her shy by kissing her.

Riddhima was very shy from Vansh’s kiss, but she was very happy being with Vansh and she was sure that this night will be a turning point in their relationship.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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