Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 68

The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima were still drinking the hot chocolate together.

After Riddhima has finished the hot chocolate, she gets up from Vansh’s lap and she was going away as she was really shy.

Then Vansh has holds her hand to stop her from leaving and he makes her close to him so he could be able to feel her heart beats.

Vansh: Where are you going sweetheart?! I told you that I will not allow you to escape from me Riddhima. Today’s night will be ours, just ours.

Riddhima and Vansh have listened to a loud sound as if it was running very hard.

Riddhima: I think it is raining outside.

Vansh: Yeah. I think that it will rain so much today.

Riddhima: Yes, I want to go outside to enjoy the rain as you know how much I love playing under the rain.

Vansh: I think that you are trying your best to escape as much as you can, but trust me there will no be a result of all those escapes.

Riddhima: Come on Vansh, you know that I will not be able to escape from my dearest husband. I just want to spend more time with you by enjoying our time under the rain so don’t waste our time and let’s enjoy the lovely weather before the rain could stop.

Vansh: Okay, I will fulfill your wish so you don’t say that I’m not a good husband and let’s have fun under the rain.

Riddhima: Yayy!

Riddhima runs outside and she was very happy seeing the heavy rain and she starts playing under the rain and she was smiling.

Vansh was staring at her and he was smiling as he was amazed of how Riddhima owns a child’s soul.

Vansh to himself: A crazy girl! She doesn’t miss a moment without enjoying it as a young child! I don’t know who will have a child behavior more than the other, the mother or her child?! I think that in the future I will handle two kids not just one!

Riddhima: You will keep staring at me like that and you will not join this beautiful occasion with me. Come Vansh as I promise that you will really enjoy a lot.

Vansh comes to Riddhima and he starts enjoying with her.

He makes her closer to him and he puts one of his hands around her waist and the other hand has putted around her neck so he could make Riddhima’s face closer to his face.

Then he starts kissing her and he was touching her with a romantic way.

Riddhima was very shy from what Vansh was doing, but she was still feeling very happy being her beloved one.

She wasn’t able to say a word and regardless that she is shy from what is happening, but she isn’t able to stop Vansh because she was feeling attached to him while they were that close.

Riddhima was holding Vansh very tightly and she wasn’t able to leave him.

Each one of them was feeling very happy and attached to the other.

They start to remembering every single moment they were celebrating it together.

Actually, they were both sure that this night will be a very unique night in their relationship.

They become sure that this night will increase their love towards each other and it will increase the strength of their relationship.

Vansh holds Riddhima to the tent.

Vansh wasn’t saying a word as he can see everything in Riddhima’s eyes and he was sure that she also saw everything in his eyes so he believe that he doesn’t need to say anything.

Vansh closed the tent so it not allow any water to enter the tent.

Then he starts drying up Riddhima so she doesn’t have cold.

Vansh: You must change your close very quickly so you don’t have cold as it will be not good for you or for the baby.

Riddhima: But how I will do that as there isn’t any clothes here. I can observe that you forget to get an extra clothes to us and this is the first time that the great Vansh Rai Singhania could forget something in his preparations!

He gets closer to her and he kissed her in her cheek.

Vansh: Who told you that I have forget to get an extra clothes?! Actually, I meant to not get an extra clothes especially for you only sweetheart!

He winks at her so he could make her understand what he means.

Riddhima has understood Vansh’s intentions.

Riddhima: You have learned a lot of naughty behaviors and this is not good at all!

Vansh: Really?! So that means that you aren’t liking that.

Riddhima: Yes.

Vansh: So why I can observe a smile has drawn on your face?!

Riddhima was wondering how this smile has drawn on her face!

Riddhima: I…I…I

He gets closer to her.

Vansh: You what Riddhima?! Actually, you don’t have to say anything as I can observe everything you want to say from your eyes and what I observed that you are enjoying what is happening between us. I can observe that you have liked my new naughty behavior, Am I right or am I right?!

Without giving her the chance to say anything he starts removing her duppata so he could make her change her clothes as it was very wet.

Riddhima: Vansh what are you doing?! You don’t have to make me change my clothes as I could do that with my own.

He puts his finger on her lips to stop her from saying a word.

Vansh: You are talking so much sweetheart! I think that you must enjoy this night with me without so much talking. And about changing your clothes, I think that I have the right on removing them like I had the right on making you wear it.

He starts removing Riddhima’s duppata, but he wasn’t able to remove it so he makes Riddhima more and more close to him and he starts removing it by his mouth so he could be able to remove the pin that makes the duppata not to fall so he could be able to remove it.

Riddhima was very shy from what was happening.

When Vansh has succeeded in removing the duppata, he was going to complete removing Riddhima’s close but due to Riddhima’s shyness she gets away.

Vansh: Why you have got away sweetheart?! I told you that I will make you change the clothes that I have already make you wear it from the beginning.

Riddhima: And you have already did this Vansh as you have made me wear the duppata only and you now are the one who also remove it, but the other clothes you don’t have to make me remove it as you weren’t the one who makes me wear it.

Vansh was impressed from Riddhima’s attitude and how she has a clever mind that could make her get from any situation.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You really have a clever mind sweetheart! You really amazed me with the way that you succeeded to get out of the situation.

Riddhima: At the end I’m Vansh Rai Singhania’s wife so of course I must be very clever. So now as you didn’t get me any extra clothes you will take the punishment of that by giving me your shirt as I have observed that you have got to yourself an extra clothes so I will take it as I can’t wear those wet clothes more.

Without she could wait for his respond, she takes his shirt and went to a hide place so she could be able to change her clothes.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You have impressed me with your attitude sweetheart!

Riddhima was talking to him while she was changing her clothes.

Riddhima: I will always impress you my dearest husband. Anyway, you also mustn’t keep wearing the wet shirt so you have to remove it.

Vansh: But you have already have taken my extra shirt so what I will do now?!

Riddhima: I think that you have to think about a solution as I must when I come I can’t see you wearing that wet shirt because I don’t want you to have cold.

When Riddhima came, Vansh was staring at her.

Actually, she was also staring at him as she has seen him shirtless and she was liking seeing him shirtless.

He makes her closer to him and he touches the bottom of his shirt that Riddhima is wearing it.

Vansh: I can see how my shirt really suits you.

She smiles from his words.

Riddhima: But it is really short!

Vansh: No at all, actually I  can observe that it is too long!

Riddhima got shy from Vansh’s words and he has observed that so he makes closer to him and he hugged her very tightly.

The he whispered in her ears while she was in his arms.

Vansh: So now you will not manage to escape from me again sweetheart!

She didn’t say a word as she wasn’t want to escape from him and she was really wants to be so close to him.

Vansh understood the things that Riddhima wasn’t able to say it and he has observed how she also eagerly waiting for this and how she also enjoys this night being with him.

He makes Riddhima on the bed and he starts to be very close to her until there wasn’t any limits between them.

Vansh and Riddhima have crossed all the limits each time they become that close to each other.

This night was very special to Riddhima and Vansh.

They were sure that they will never forget it during their whole life.

They were really happy being together as they were feeling very attached to each other.

This night has made Vansh and Riddhima’s relationship more and more stronger.

They were enjoying every single moment they were spending it together.

At morning, Vansh and Riddhima were still sleeping in each others arms.

Then Riddhima has waked up first and she kept staring at Vansh.

Riddhima to herself: How you look so attractive like that while you are sleeping?! I’m really blessed to have you in my life my dearest husband.

Then Riddhima kissed Vansh in his cheeks and at that moment Vansh wakes up and kissed her.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! Since when you start to be very romantic like that?!

Riddhima: I’m trying to learn from my husband. How you have liked the morning kiss?

Vansh: It is fantastic sweetheart! It is the best thing to start with it the new day.

They hugged each other and they were very happy for what has happened between each other.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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