Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 69

The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima being in their room to change their clothes so they can go to the hospital.
Vansh was in the room getting ready while Riddhima was in the bathroom taking shower.
The she gets out from the bathroom and she was wearing the shower coat and Vansh was staring at her due to her beauty.
He comes closer to her and he puts his hands around her waist.
Vansh: You look gorgeous sweetheart when you get out of the shower and you really look super attractive in the shower coat. Actually, you always look fabulous in any situation. I love you so much sweetheart.
Riddhima: I love you too Vansh.
They hugged each other very tightly to express their love to each other.
Vansh: By the way, I want to tell you that yesterday’s night was the best night ever. I will never forget it sweetheart as you were super naughty on it and this is a rare thing to happen so it must never be forgotten!
His words made very shy so she hugged him more to relief her shyness.
Vansh has observed her shyness so he makes her closer to him and he was smiling to see her that shy.
Afterwords, Riddhima gets ready as she decides to go to the hospital with Vansh.
Riddhima: Let’s go Vansh as I’m ready.
Vansh: Go to where Riddhima?!
Riddhima: Where we will go at this early morning like that?! Of course we will go to the hospital.
Vansh: Okay I’m going to the hospital like each day, but don’t tell me that you want to come with me to the hospital!
Riddhima: Yes I will come with you to the hospital and what is the problem in that?!
Vansh: Really?! You really can’t know the reason?!
Riddhima: You mean because I’m pregnant?!
Vansh: Thank God that you have observed that you are pregnant and don’t forget that you are pregnant at the middle of the 8th month and you really near to be in the 9th month so you are going to deliver the baby at any time. So you must to relax and take rest until you deliver the baby safely so how you will go to the hospital and make yourself tired by working there?!
Riddhima: Come on Vansh! I have been being in the house since the previous 6 months due to the issues that I have faced during the pregnancy and I didn’t went to the hospital since that time and I really have been missed going to the hospital and I really want to cure the patients as you know how much I feel satisfied when I treat the patients. Actually, you don’t have to worry about me as during the last month on pregnancy I must walk a lot and live normally so I could deliver the baby normally as I don’t need to deliver the baby caesarean as you know that I don’t prefer to make caesarean births. As I really want to deliver the baby normally and going to the hospital will help me in doing that. So please don’t refuse and don’t worry if I felt that I’m not okay of course I will not be stubborn and of course I will return to the house. You know that I will never put my child’s life in danger so please don’t worry.
Riddhima comes near Vansh and she hugged him to relief his worry and stress.
Vansh got convinced from Riddhima’s words and his worry and stress got minimized when she hugged him.
Vansh: Okay Riddhima I will agree to make you come with me to the hospital, but you must to be very careful and don’t do so much work.
Riddhima: Okay Vansh I agree and accept what you have said and I promise you that I will not do a lot of work and I will not make myself tired.
Vansh: Okay. I know that my wife will not break her promise to me. Anyway, I’m already will be with at the hospital and I will take care about you.
Riddhima: I’m sure of that. So let’s go as it will not be good if the owner of the hospital and his wife arrive late!
Vansh: You are right sweetheart. So let’s go.
Vansh and Riddhima went to the hospital and then they got surprised when they have found Sejal and Kabir in the hospital.
Riddhima: What are you both doing here?!
Vansh: There is something wrong has happened guys?! Please Kabir and Sejal tell us if there is something has happened.
Kabir: Don’t worry Vansh bro and Riddhima bhbai. Sejal was suffering through some dizziness do I decided to take her to the hospital so I could be sure that she is fine. So Vansh bro can you check Sejal and make to her all the medical reports that could make me sure that she is fine so I could know what the reason behind her dizziness?
Vansh and Riddhima has observed how Kabir is caring about Sejal and taking care about her.
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can observe how you Kabir is taking care about Sejal that much!
Kabir: I’m trying to learn from you Vansh bro!
They all smile and then Vansh and Riddhima take Sejal to one of the hospital’s rooms so they could check on her and make the medical reports to her so they could know the reason behind her dizziness.
After they have checked on Sejal and they made the medical reports to her, they were waiting for the reports to be arrived so they could be able to know what is going on with Sejal.
Riddhima was guessing what Sejal has, but she didn’t say anything until the reports could arrive.
Vansh has observed that so he decided to take Riddhima out of Sejal’s room so they could leave Seal to relax and then he could know from Riddhima what she knows and she doesn’t want to say anything about it.
Vansh: We will leave you Sejal to relax and when the reports will arrive Riddhima and I will come to you to inform you both. Kabir don’t leave Sejal and take care about her.
Kabir: Of course Vansh bro. I will not leave my beautiful wife and I will always take care about her.
Vansh: I will send food to you Sejal and you must eat it all because of the amount of blood that we took it from you to make your medical report so you must to eat very well.
Kabir: Don’t worry Vansh bro, I will be with her and I will make sure that she eats all the food.
Vansh: Okay, see you both when the reports arrive.
Before Riddhima goes out with Vansh, she went to Sejal and she hugs her.
Riddhima: Take care of yourself Sejal dear. You don’t have to make any effort until the reports could arrive and we would know the reason behind your dizziness.
Riddhima to herself: Actually, I can observe the reason behind your dizziness Sejal, but I’m just waiting for the reports to make sure of what I already have observed.
Sejal: Don’t worry Riddhima darling, I will take care about myself. You also take care about yourself and about the lovely child.
Riddhima: Okay dear, I will leave you now so you could relax and I will come to you when the reports will arrive.
Then Vansh and Riddhima have left Sejal and Kabir.
When they have left Sejal’s room, Riddhima was going to leave to complete her work.
Then Vansh holds her hand to stop her.
Riddhima: Why you stopped me now Vansh?! We are not in the house so you could always spend time with me, we are in the hospital and we must to concentrate on our work and cure the patients.
He makes her closer to him.
Vansh: Actually, I wasn’t going to do anything from what is in your mind as I was just going to ask you something, but I can observe that you are the one who thinks in a naughty behaviour! Not bad sweetheart! I can observe that yesterday’s night has changed you a lot and made you start thinking in a naughty way! I really liked it!
Riddhima: Really?! Do I’m the one who think in a naughty behaviour?! Anyway, let us leave this idea now and tell me what you were wanting to say to me?
Vansh: I have observed when we were in Sejal’s room that you knew the reason behind Sejal’s state, Am I right or am I right sweetheart?!
Riddhima smiles and that what makes Vansh sure that of course she knows what is happening to Sejal.
Vansh: Come on sweetheart! Do you will hide this matter from your husband?!
Riddhima: I’m still not sure, it is just a guess and I’m still not 100% sure about it and I think that I must wait for the reports before saying anything. I don’t think that we will wait a lot as the reports could arrive at any time now and then we will know everything.
Vansh: I think that I have predicted what you have guessed. I think that if this news is really right and what we have predicted is correct it will really give to the whole family a double happiness.
Riddhima: Let’s wait and see what will be in the reports.
Vansh: Just a second, I want to tell you something that I have observed but I didn’t have the chance to say it.
Riddhima: What?
Vansh: I have forgot today to praise your beauty sweetheart as you really look adorable as usual.
Vansh’s words made Riddhima very happy.
She is very happy that Vansh always see her beautiful even after the changes that has happened in her body due to the pregnancy.
She is very happy that he always take the advantage of any situation to praise her.
Riddhima: You always know how to make me happy with your beautiful words. Thank you so much Vansh for making my life more beautiful. I really can’t live without you Vansh. I’m really grateful that you are my husband.
He takes her to his office to make her relax.
Then he makes closer to him and he hugged her.
Vansh: Come on sweetheart you don’t have to thank me as I told you before that your happiness is my responsibility. So don’t thank me for doing my responsibility. You must now to relax and take some rest and I want you to eat your meal as I have ordered to you a food and it is on the table so you must eat the whole meal. Actually, I’m sure that now the child is very hungry and he/she is asking you to get to him/her a food very fast, right my lovely child?
He puts his hand above Riddhima’s tummy to check on his child.
Riddhima: The child will not have the chance to ask about anything that he/she is missing because his/her father is always supplying to him/her all his/her needs.
Then Vansh makes Riddhima sit and he makes her eat the food by his hand.
They were very happy enjoying their time together.
Riddhima was happy to see Vansh’s care and love towards her.
At the same time, there was another husband who was caring about his wife.
As Kabir was also taking care about his wife.
As Kabir was also taking care about Sejal and making her eat her food and he was showering her with all the love and care that she deserves.
Sejal: Enough Kabir, I really can’t eat more as my stomach is really full and I really can’t complete the meal.
Kabir: No Sejal you are fooling me. This isn’t good for your health sweetie so please complete your meal for my sake.
She starts completing her meal for Kabir’s sake.
At the moment, while Vansh and Riddhima were enjoying their time together the nurse has came to them and she gives them Sejal’s reports.
Vansh has taken the reports and he got surprised when he has seen what is in the reports.
Riddhima: Why you look so surprised like that?! Does what we predicted is what you have seen in the reports?!
Vansh: Come and see by yourself.
Riddhima checked Sejal’s reports and she also was very surprised.
Riddhima: Impressive! What we have expected is the thing that we have have seen it in the reports. I think that this will also be a shocking news to Kabir and Sejal.
Vansh: We must go to inform them about this news to see their reaction.
Riddhima: I’m really excited to see their reaction. So let’s go to them.
Riddhima and Vansh start going to Sejal’s room and they were very happy to inform Kabir and Sejal about this great news.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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