Love, Romance, and revenge. #Riansh (Episode 7)

The episode starts with Vansh and Angre discussing about Riddhima’s motive of entering Vansh’s hospital and home at the same time.

Angre: Do you think that it is really a coincidence or everything is just planned?

Vansh: Everything is possible. I could expect anything. Do you get me the information about her?

Angre: Yes boss, she is an orphan girl who was living in the same city that Sejal went to it. She has finished college this year so she decided to come along with her best friend Sejal to the city to work in your hospital. Her parents died when she was so young and she was raised in an orphan institution until she entered the college. Then she met Sejal and they became friends and they lived together. Her dream is to be a professional doctor and she is inspired by your talents as you were always her role model. She is a lonely girl who doesn’t have anyone other than Sejal in her life. She dreams to have a family.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting!

Angre: So what she has said is typically like what we have reached to. Do you think she is innocent?

Vansh: You know I can’t trust anyone easily and all the coincidences that is happening make me doubtful more. There is something weird about that girl and I have to figure it out.

Angre: Something weird or something special?! I think that you are not doubting her more than being attracted to her and her special attitude. And that what makes you want her to be near you all the time.

Vansh: Just shut up Angre. What nonsense you are saying?!

Angre: Okay, okay. Calm down. Let’s see what will happen next.

Vansh was thinking about Angre’s words while he was watching Riddhima having fun with Sejal and being so beautiful while she was laughing. Then Ishani has come to get him from his thoughts:

Ishani: Why you’re standing alone? It has been a lot since we met last time. How are you doing? It is the first time that you invite a new doctor in your home so can I know the reason as it is really something unusual for you to do?

Vansh: She is Sejal’s friend and when I told Sejal to invite her I didn’t know that she is the new doctor in my hospital. Forget about it, everything will be exposed soon. You know that is one of my habits is to expose the hidden secrets.

Ishani: And that what attracts me to you. I mean that what attracts everyone to you.

Ishani always tries to give hints to Vansh about how she is super in love with him, but he can’t understand anything! This isn’t Vansh’s habits, he always know everything without anyone can say a word or does he knows everything, but he doesn’t have the same feelings that she has. She can’t imagine that she could be refused from her beloved one.

Ishani to herself: No, this cannot happen. Vansh will love me whatever the circumstances. I will not let any girl take him from me.

And she was saying the last sentence while looking to Riddhima

The party was going so well and everyone is enjoying and they were chit chatting all together, but Riddhima wasn’t feeling comfortable to the way Aryan was looking to her. She told this to Sejal:

Sejal: Maybe you misunderstanding his looks. Of course he didn’t mean it, he is Siya’s husband and he loves her a lot. She was always telling me how he cares about her and loves her a lot.

Riddhima: I hope that I’m misunderstanding, I will try to forget it.

Sejal: Yes Riddhima just calm down.

Riddhima: Okay, I will go the rest room to wash my face.

While Riddhima was going to the rest room, someone takes her hand and pulls her towards him. She was really frightened and she was shocked when she discovered that this person is Aryan.

Riddhima: What effrontery you are doing? Leave me.

Aryan: Don’t be so tough. No one will no anything, let’s have some fun.

He was coming so close to her, but she slaps him and runs quickly.

Aryan: I will not leave you Riddhima, you will pay for this slap.

Riddhima was super terrified and she was running quickly and then she finds Vansh in front of her. She didn’t control herself and she fall into his arms searching about some safety. Vansh was trying to calm her down, but he was feeling so comfortable while he was hugging her. He felt as she is belongs to him. Actually this was the same feeling that she felt it.

Vansh: Please calm down. I’m with you, nothing will happen to you. Just relax and tell what happened?

She has discovered that she is in his arms so she left him and tries to control herself so she can tell him what have happened and then she starts telling him what happened and he was shocked as he didn’t believe that Aryan could do such a thing.

Vansh: Calm down Dr. Riddhima, leave me this problem and I will solve it. Just come with me.

She followed him to the hale of the house and he has ended the party so he can discuss what have happened to Riddhima. He makes Riddhima inform them what Aryan has done to her leaving everyone shocked.

Siya: No, of course you are misunderstanding. Aryan couldn’t do such a thing, he loves me and he can’t cheat me. Aryan, why you are quiet? Say something to defeat yourself.

Aryan: I didn’t do anything, she is lying. Actually, she is the one who was trying to cross the limits, but I stopped her because I love you Siya baby.

Ishani: Yes Vansh, Aryan will not do such a thing. Of course she is the one who lies as Aryan is a family member and we trust him a lot, but that girl is a stranger and we can’t trust easily. A middle class and an orphan girl could do anything cheap like her.

Those words hurt Riddhima a lot, but then her pain was cured when she was defeated by the one that she couldn’t imagine that he will defeat her.

Vansh: Enough Ishani, don’t say any other word. You are not allowed to put charges on Riddhima without knowing the truth. No one will insult Riddhima with any word. She is innocent and I trust her story because I saw how Aryan’s looks wasn’t good towards Riddhima. And to cut it short the CCTV footage will let us know the truth.

The CCTV footage has proved Riddhima’s innocence and Aryan was blamed of misbehaving with Riddhima. Everyone was shocked, especially Siya. Who wasn’t believing that this could happen. Then Aryan tries to control the situation by saying any stupid lie, but they didn’t trust him so he have claimed and accepted what he have done.

Aryan: I’m sorry Siya, I wasn’t in my senses as I have been drinking a lot. Please forgive me.

Vansh: You have done a big mistake towards both Riddhima and Siya so you have to apologize to both.

Aryan goes to Riddhima and he apologizes to her and she accepted.

Vansh: Thank her that she accepted your apologize otherwise you wouldn’t survive again. Now we have finished Riddhima’s matter, Siya’s matter we will discussed it later. I just want to apologize to you Riddhima for what stupidity thing Aryan have done to you and thank you for accepting his apologize. There is a car waiting for you and Sejal to arrive you to the house safely.

Sejal: Thank you Vansh, I will take Riddhima as she really wants to relax.

Riddhima and sejal have left. Riddhima didn’t imagine that this horrible thing will happen to her in VR mansion, but she was amazed from Vansh’s reaction and how he supported her and trusted her words. Actually, she is also amazed of her own reaction. How she falls in his arms when she was in danger. She didn’t felt so comfortable the way she felt when she was in his arms, she really can’t understand what she is feeling now. But she is really thankful for what he has done to her.

In VR mansion the fire was still there and is so high.

Vansh: The choice is yours Siya. Giving him a second chance by forgiving him or you will not tolerate what he has done to you so you will easily leave him and no one will force you. It is all your choice and I will be with you whatever your choice is and I will accept your choice whatever it is.

Aryan: Siya baby, I love you sweetie and I really didn’t meant to cheat you. I really wasn’t in my senses please forgive me. I know how much you are so precious to me please give me a second chance.

Siya was super confused, she doesn’t know what she should do: does she could really forgive him and give him a second chance and she will forget what he has done today or she will leave him. She doesn’t know if she will could live her life without him or not, she really loves him a lot as he is her whole life. She really doesn’t know what she should do!


The end of the episode. I hope you like what is going on and please tell me your opinion as do you want Siya to give a second chance to Aryan and then we could see his revenge to Riddhima or you want her to leave him and then we could get rid of him. Tell me what you want and don’t forget to tell me your feedback in the comment section below.



A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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