Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 70

The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima arrived to Sejal’s room to inform Sejal and Kabir about what they have found in Sejal’s reports.
When Vansh and Riddhima knocked the door and entered, Kabir has observed that there is a shocking news that they are going to say especially that when they entered they didn’t say a word and they kept silent.
Kabir: I can observe from your both reactions that the reports have arrived, right?!
Riddhima: Yes.
Sejal: And what you have found on the reports?
There was silence after Sejal’s question and this what makes Kabir and Sejal worry so much.
Kabir: Vansh bro, Riddhina bhabi please tell us what you both have found in Sejal’s reports as you both made us worry a lot.
Sejal: Guys do you have found something bad in my reports?! Please tell me and don’t be silent because this makes us think about a bad things.
Riddhima comes to Sejal and hugs her to calm her down.
Riddhima: Don’t worry Sejal dear, there isn’t any bad thing from what you are thinking about. Your reports are all perfect and there isn’t anything that could make you worry.
Vansh: Yes, don’t worry guys as the thing that we have found doesn’t cause any worry. It just lead to a lot of happiness.
Riddhima: Yes it will make you both suffer some how especially you Sejal, but trust me it is a really beautiful journey and it is a gift from God.
Sejal and Kabir weren’t understanding anything from Riddhima and Vansh’s words, but they start predicting and they were hoping that what they have predicted is correct.
Kabir: We are still not able to understand anything.
Sejal: I start predicting from what Vansh and Riddhima have said and I hope that what I predicted is correct.
Riddhima: Yes Sejal what you predicted is correct. Me and Vansh’s baby will not be the only grandson of VR family as there is another lovely child in your tummy Sejal.
Sejal and Kabir were surprised from Riddhima’s words, but they were really happy from that surprise.
Kabir: Are you sure of that bhabi?!
Riddhima: Of course Kabir. Do you have forgot that Vansh and I are doctors?! Actually, I have observed from the symptoms that Sejal has that she is pregnant, but I decided that I will not say anything until the reports could arrive. Congratulations Kabir and Sejal. You will be after some months a father and a mother.
Vansh: Of course this will happen when Riddhima and I first became a mother and a father. I think that this will be a very good thing for our child Riddhima as he/she will find his/her cousin with his/her to play with.
Riddhima: Yes Vansh, it will be really a great thing.
Vansh comes near Kabir and hugs him.
Vansh: Congratulations my younger brother. I’m really happy for you Kabir, I can’t imagine that the one who wasn’t concentrating in anything and he was carefree now he became a responsible man who after some months will be a father. I’m really very happy for you Kabir.
Kabir: Thank you Vansh bro for everything you are doing for all of us. Actually, I want to thank you both you and Riddhima bhabi that you are the ones who delivered to us this beautiful news thank you so much.
Vansh: We don’t need your thanks Kabir, we just need to see your care towards Sejal during her pregnancy as you have observed how Riddhima’s pregnancy wasn’t easy at all so you have to take care about Sejal and don’t make her miss anything. You have to be sure that finds anything she wants.
Kabir: Don’t worry Vansh bro as Sejal’s needs will be always my 1st priority. I promise you that she will not miss anything and I will always take care of her and I will never leave her alone so I don’t want you to worry at all.
Vansh: I’m sure of that as at the end you are Vansh Rai Singhania’s brother so of course you will be like him.
Kabir: Of course bro.
They are smile and then Riddhima hugged Sejal to congratulate her that she will be a mother soon.
Riddhima: Congratulations my dearest Sejal. I’m really so happy for you and I’m sure that you will be the perfect mother and you will care a lot about your child. You don’t have to worry at all Sejal about the pregnancy and its issues as I will always be with you and I will help you so you don’t need to worry at all as I became expert in the things related to pregnancy!
Sejal: I will never worry and my whole family is with me.
When Sejal finished those words she has looked at Kabir.
Vansh and Riddhima have observed that so they start teasing them.
Vansh: Are you sure that those words are to the whole family or you mean a specific person?!
Riddhima: I can observe who is the person who you mean this words to him Sejal, right Kabir?!
Vansh and Riddhima start looking at Kabir.
Kabir: Come on guys. Just stop it!
Vansh: Really?! As if you weren’t saying more than those words in the baby shower now it is the time to let you face the same thing and I will do the same thing that you were doing.
Kabir: Do you will never forget this?!
Vansh: Of course not. You know that Vansh Rai Singhania never forget anything. I can’t live peacefully without taking my right. I think that you already know that actually I think that you must get used that I could say anything like that during any occasion as I will always tease you like what you have done in the baby shower.
Riddhima: Poor Kabir! I don’t think that you will be saved from Vansh’s hands.
They all start laughing.
Kabir: Vansh bro, do we will need to keep Sejal in the hospital more time or we could take her out?
Vansh: No, she doesn’t need to stay more in the hospital. You could take her from here now if you want, I will just write to her some medicines and vitamins that she must take them during her pregnancy and I will check her when this is needed and she doesn’t need to come to the hospital again as there are a lot of doctors in the house that could make to her a small hospital in the house. So you don’t have to worry at all.
Kabir: Thank you Vansh bro.
Afterwards, Riddhima and Vansh have left Sejal and Kabir and they went to cure the patients.
Riddhima was curing a small kid who has been fallen from his bike.
The kid was so cute and lovely.
After Riddhima has cured him, he kissed her in her cheek.
Riddhima was surprised from the child’s unexpected behavior.
Riddhima: This kiss is for what dear?
Kid: For curing me doctor as you have cured me in a very perfect way and you didn’t made me suffer from any pain. So I decided to return your favor to me. Thank you so much doctor.
Riddhima got very emotional from the kid’s words.
Riddhima: Oh! You are so cute darling. I hope that when my child will arrive he/she could be like you. I think that your parents are very lucky to have a lovely kid like you dear.
Kid: Thank you doctor. I’m sure that your child will be cute like you.
Then the kid’s mother arrived to take him and before they leave, Riddhima gives the kid a chocolate and he was really happy for that chocolate and he thanked Riddhima a lot.
The kid: Thank you so much doctor. You are really a lovely doctor. I hope all the doctors could be like you. Actually, I will do my best so when I get older I could be a doctor like you so I could be very professional like you.
Riddhima: I’m sure that when you get older and you become a doctor you will be more professional than me. God bless you darling.
The kid’s mother: Thank you so much doctor for drawing a smile on my son’s face. God bless you. I hope that God could send you all the happiness that you deserve.
After the kid and his mother left, Riddhima was very happy from the blessings that she has taken it from the kid’s mother.
She was very happy to see the happiness of all the people around her especially the kids.
Riddhima to herself: I hope that my child could be very caring and a lovely child like this kid. I hope that my child always care about me and about Vansh. I hope that I could be able to raise my child with all the good morals that could make me be very proud that I’m his/her mother.
At that moment, Vansh has entered to the room that Riddhima was on it and he observed that she is smiling and he was wondering the reason behind her smile.
Vansh: I can see that my wife is smiling and she is thinking about something. Of course you were thinking about me that’s why you were smiling, Am I right or am I right?!
Riddhima: Look I always think about you, but at that moment I was thinking about something else and that’s what makes me smiling.
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! So my wife wasn’t thinking about me! So tell me what was the thing that was forbidding my wife from thinking about me and she was very busy thinking about it?!
Riddhima: Hold on Vansh. Nothing could forbids me from thinking about my dearest husband. I was just hoping that our child could be lovely and cute child like that kid that I was curing him from a short time.
Vansh: And who is that kid that you are very inspired by him?!
Riddhima starts telling to Vansh everything has happened between her and the kid and how he was so cute.
Vansh: Oh! He is very a cute boy, but do you know how is cuter than him?
Riddhima: Who?
Vansh: You sweetheart. You really have a pure and warm heart who always know how to love and care about everyone. You are like an angel. I’m really lucky to have you in my life.
She hugged him after he made her very happy by saying those words.
Riddhima: I’m the luckiest girl ever to have you in my life Vansh. I love you so much.
Vansh: I love you too sweetheart. I hope that our child could be lovely and cute like you my lovely wife.
Riddhima: I wish that the wishes of the child’s mother could become true as they were really beautiful.
Vansh: Of course it will come true as God always help the good ones and you are the queen of all the good ones.
She kissed him in his cheek.
Then she hugged him more tightly.
Then she whispered in his ears.
Riddhima: Thank you for always loving me and caring about me.
He hugged her more tightly so he could be able to feel her breathes.
They were enjoying their time together and they were very happy and satisfied by the presence of each one of them in the life of the other.
They hope that nothing could disturb them or destroy their happiness.
Actually, each one of them was preparing for the other a very special surprise and no one of them wants to even give any clue to the other so they could know if each one of them remember this day or not.
Riddhima to herself: I’m preparing to you a surprise and I’m sure that you will like it, but I will not say a word to you Vansh so I could know if you remember what is special in tomorrow or not.
Vansh to himself: Tomorrow is a very special day in our relationship sweetheart and of course I will not miss it without a great preparations and a beautiful surprise to you. Just wait and see what your husband is preparing to you.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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