Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 71

The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima arrived to the house and they have found that Kabir and Sejal have already arrived and from the reaction of the family members Vansh and Riddhima have known that Kabir and Sejal have announced the announcement of Sejal’s pregnancy.
Vansh: I can observe from everyone’s reactions that Kabir and Sejal have told you all the good news, Am I right or am I right?!
Anuprya: Yes Vansh they told us. I’m really very happy that the happiness will be doubled as after Riddhima will deliver the baby, there will be another baby who we will be all awaiting for his/ her arrive.
Ragini: I’m really excited to see the two kids and play with them.
Kabir: You just take the advantage of any situation so you play with anyone.
Ragini: And what is the problem in that?! I always love to enjoy my life and don’t concentrate on my age and live my life as if I’m still child and I think that the kids will love me a lot for that reason.
Siya: Yes Kabir Ragini is right. Life become more fun when you live it with the child’s soul and I’m sure that the arrive of the two children will make us all get the child’s behavior out!
Vansh: Actually, I’m worried from that as that means that there will be a lot of children in the house!
Everyone laughs on what Vansh has said and they were happy with the happiness that is very soon to enter their lives.
Afterwards, Kabir has taken Sejal to the room so she could take some rest.
Kabir: I still really can’t imagine that I’m going to be a father. I’m really happy for that news very much.
Sejal: Me too Kabir. I’m really happy that now I’m owing a baby from the man who I love the most. I’m super excited for the arrive of the baby.
Kabir: I’m really waiting for the day that I will see on it my child and I could be able to hold him/her, I’m sure that it will be a very special feeling.
Then Kabir comes near Sejal and he hugged her.
Kabir: I know that you could be worried about the new journey that we are going though it, but I promise you that I will never leave you at this journey and I will always help you. Sejal, you will never be alone and I’ll always be with you.
She puts her hands on his face.
Sejal: I’m sure of that Kabir. I know that when you are with me, I don’t have the chance to worry about anything because I’m sure that you will always handle everything.
Kabir: I love you Sejal.
Sejal: I love you too Kabir.
At the same moment, Siya and Angre were expressing to each other how they are really happy for the news of Sejal’s pregnancy.
Siya: I’m super happy for Kabir and Sejal and I’m really happy that not only one child who will enter this house but also there are two children who will arrive to our lives.
Angre: I’m sure that the arrive of those two children will spread a lot of happiness in our lives.
Siya:: Yes Angre you are right. I’m eagerly waiting for the children’s arrive very much.
He becomes near her and he grabbed her towards him.
Then he puts his hands around her waist to make her very close to him.
Angre: I’m eagerly waiting for something else.
Siya: What?
Angre: I’m eagerly waiting for the arrive of our own baby. I’m waiting for the day that you could deliver to me a lovely child like you. As I got excited for having a baby when we have known about Riddhima bhabi’s pregnancy and I got more excited about that idea and makes me really wants to make it true when we have known about Sejal bhbabi’s pregnancy. I’m really waiting for the day that I could be the father of your own child Siya. I’m eagerly waiting for the day that I will know on it the news of your pregnancy.
His words made her very happy and it makes her know how he really loves her, but she got shy so she didn’t say a word.
She just decided to answer him by hugging him more tightly.
Angre: I have got the answer sweetie.
He said those words and he was smiling and Siya joins him by smiling without making him notice her smile.
Afterwards, Anuprya was praying to God to thank him for all the happiness that he has spread it in her life and her family’s lives.
Anuprya: Thank you so much God for showering me and my family with all those happiness. Thank you for not just gifting us one gift you have been very generous to us and you have gifted us two beautiful gifts. You have gifted us with Riddhima and Sejal’s children. I’m eagerly waiting to see my grandsons and shower them with an unconditional love. I’m super happy for this beautiful news. Thank you so much God.
Rudra and Ragini have came to her to also pray to God.
Rudra: God is always generous to us and he always give us all the things that we want so we must always pray to him and do our duty towards him and always have the faith on him and he will never leave us without making our dreams true.
Ragini: Yes dad you are right. I have never asked from God something and he didn’t make it to me. He always fulfill all my prayers. He always supports me and helps me. I’m sure that the problem that I have suffered from he was the one who has helped me by sending Vansh and Riddhima on the right time. So I will always be grateful to him and I will always pray to him.
Anuprya: God bless you Ragini dear. I hope all the new generations are like you who never forget God and always pray to him. I’m really proud of you dear.
Ragini: Thank you aunt.
At the same time, Vansh and Riddhima were taking a nap so they could wake up at 12 am so each one of them could start the surprise to the other.
Then Riddhima wakes up from her sleep and she wasn’t feeling comfortable as she was wanting to eat ice cream and she wasn’t controlling that desire so she wakes Vansh up to get her an ice cream.
Riddhima: Vansh wake up please. Vansh wake up.
Vansh has waked up and he wasn’t understanding the reason that could make Riddhima wakes him up like that and he was worried that she could be going to deliver the baby now!
Vansh: Riddhima are you okay? Do you are feeling that you will deliver the baby now?!
Riddhima: No Vansh just relax. I’m totally fine and I doesn’t feel any pain from the pain of delivering the child so don’t worry.
Vansh: So what the reason that made you waked me up?!
Riddhima: I’m sorry that I waked you up, but I want to eat ice cream so much and I didn’t have the ability to control this desire so please get me an ice cream now.
Vansh: Ice cream?! Now?!
Riddhima: Yes and what is the problem?! It is still 11:30.
Vansh: But I don’t think that we will have any markets open now especially the ice cream markets.
Riddhima: I don’t care. I just need an ice cream now. Actually, I’m not the only one who wants an ice cream now as the child also wants an ice cream now and you have to fulfill our desires.
Vansh wasn’t able to understand how he will could be able to get an ice cream to Riddhima now.
Riddhima: Please fast, I really want to eat ice cream now.
Vansh: Come on sweetheart. You wasn’t eager to eat anything like that before!
Riddhima: Actually, I also wonder how I’m behaving like that. I think that this because of the pregnancy.
Vansh: Anyway, I will go to get you an ice cream from the market as I’m sure that there isn’t an ice cream in the house because we are in the winter season and of course no one will eat ice cream in winter.
Riddhima: Except me and my child as we love so much to eat ice cream in the winter season. So can you please hurry up?! Actually, I will come with as I will can’t be able to wait in the house until you get the ice cream.
Vansh: Okay, let’s go.
Vansh was really amazed of how Riddhima wants to eat ice cream whatever the consequences, but he has taken the advantage that Riddhima will not be in the room and he called Angre without making Riddhima notice anything and tells him that he must finish all the decorations in the room before they return to the house and he made Angre doesn’t forget to make all the decorations as he said.
Then Vansh and Riddhima left the house and they reached to the car and they start searching about any market that is buying ice cream, but they weren’t finding any opening market.
Riddhima was very sad and she wasn’t able to be convinced that she will not eat ice cream and she starts to act like the children.
Riddhima: I don’t care about anything. I just want to eat ice cream now.
Vansh was trying to calm her down by hugging her.
Vansh: Calm down sweetheart and don’t disturb yourself. I promise you that we will not return to the house without getting you the ice cream that you want.
Riddhima: Promise?
Vansh: Promise. You just must relax and of course we will find any market that is buying ice cream.
He starts roaming with the car to search about any opening market that is buying ice cream.
Then finally he have found a market that is buying ice cream.
Vansh: I think that this market could be buying ice cream.
Riddhima: I hope so because I really can’t wait more.
Vansh: If I find ice cream. What flavor do you want?
Riddhima: I want a strawberry flavor. Don’t forget to get the family size.
Vansh: You will eat the family size alone?!
Riddhima: Come on Vansh. Don’t forget that I’m not the only one who will eat the ice cream as the child will eat with me.
Vansh: Anyway, I will go to get the ice cream to you and I will come fast.
Riddhima: Okay.
Vansh lefts Riddhima in the car and he went to the market to get her the ice cream.
He was still wondering how the pregnancy could change the attitude that much.
Vansh to himself: Regardless that I have seen Riddhima with a lot of different behaviours during the previous 6 months, but I haven’t seen such a behavior! Maybe because Riddhima is at the end of the pregnancy months so the Hermon isn’t stable at all!
Afterwards, Vansh has bought the ice cream to Riddhima and he gets back to the car to give it to her.
Riddhima was very happy when she saw the ice cream in Vansh’s hands.
Riddhima: Yeah! Finally! The ice cream has delivered!
She puts her hand above her tummy to make her child celebrate the news of the arrive of the ice cream.
Riddhima: Finally the ice cream has delivered to us my lovely child and you must thank your father because he is the reason of getting to us the ice cream.
She takes Vansh’s hand and putted above her tummy to make Vansh feel the child’s happiness of the delivery of the ice cream.
Vansh: I enjoy when I get to you and the child all your needs. You have now to eat the ice cream before it melts.
Riddhima: Okay.
Riddhima starts eating the ice cream and she was enjoying it so much. She was eating the ice cream as if she didn’t eat ice cream since century.
Vansh was staring at her and he was amazed how she really look like the children.
Vansh: Do you know something?
Riddhima: What?
Vansh: That you look so lovely when you are eating the ice cream in that way as if you are young girl who has finally got her favorite ice cream. I like this new shade of my lovely Riddhima.
His words draw a smile on her face and it really made her very happy.
Then she makes him eat with her the ice cream.
Vansh: You have said that this ice cream is for you and the child only so how you are making me also eat it with you?!
Riddhima: Because you are my dearest husband so you must share with me anything I’m doing or eating especially that you are the reason of me and my child’s happiness by getting to us the ice cream. So we must thank you by making you eat with us the ice cream so the 3 of us could enjoy our time together.
Vansh was very happy from Riddhima’s words and he starts eating the ice cream with her.
They were enjoying a lot and they were feeling very happy.
After they have finished the ice cream, Vansh starts driving back to the house when he has received a massage from Angre that Angre has finished decorating the room and everything has done perfectly in the room.
Then Riddhima has putted her head on Vansh’s shoulder to express to him how she is really thankful for everything he has done to her.
Then he holds her hand and he kept driving.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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