Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 76

The episode starts with the ambulance being arrived to VR mansion.

Then Vansh holds Riddhima and takes her to the ambulance.

Riddhima was facing into a very hard pain and she wasn’t able to tolerate it at all.

She was crying due to the huge pain that she was suffering from.

Vansh wasn’t able to see his Riddhima in this state and he was very worried about her.

He was trying to control his worry so he could be able to comfort her and support her.

He was holding her hands since they entered the ambulance and he didn’t left it to make her know that she isn’t alone and to make her know that he is with her.

Vansh: Riddhima please try to calm down. I know that you are suffering through a lot now, but please try to take a deep breaths. I’m with you and I will never leave you. Just try to relax please.

Riddhima wasn’t able to talk due to the pain that she suffers from, but she was feeling relaxed that Vansh is with her.

She was trying to listen to his words and relax.

He was making a massage to her so she could relax and the pain could minimize until they reach to the hospital.

At the same time, the whole VR family were in their cars following the ambulance that Vansh and Riddhima on it so they could reach to the hospital with them.

Everyone was super worried about Riddhima.

They were all praying that she could deliver the baby without any problems.

Afterwards, the ambulance reached to the hospital.

Then Vansh takes Riddhima immediately to the operation room.

Angre and Siya were the first ones who have reached to the hospital from the family and they got surprised when they found Vansh getting ready to be the doctor who will deliver the baby to Riddhima.

Angre: Vansh, what are you doing?!

Siya: You know that you are the only one who can’t join in this surgery because it is related to a family member to you.

Angre: So of course you will be very stressed and you will not be able to concentrate.

Siya: And this could make any issue could occur.

Angre: Of course you would never want to risk Riddhima bhabi and the child’s lives.

Siya: So please leave the operation room and we will handle Riddhima bhabi’s state and we promise you that nothing will happen to either Riddhima bhbai or the child.

Vansh wasn’t listening to their words and he was completing getting ready to help Riddhima in giving the birth to their baby.

Vansh: Look guys I know how much you really care about Riddhima and the child, but of course no one will care about my wife and my child more than me and if I feel that I will not be able to do this surgery I would never thought to come near the operation room. I’m sure that I will be more alert than usual because this surgery is related to the most important people in my life, my wife and my child, so please don’t worry as I’m sure that I’m the best person for this surgery.

Angre and Siya wasn’t able to to convince Vansh from not joining in Riddhima’s surgery.

So they wished him all the luck and they were praying that everything could be okay.

Angre: Wish all the luck boss.

Siya: I’m sure that you will succeed in this surgery.

After Vansh has finished getting ready to the surgery, he left Siya and and Angre and he entered the operation room to start the surgery.

Vansh was really worried and stressed about Riddhima.

Vansh to himself: For me this is the most important surgery in my whole life. I’m the one who must be responsible of the safety of both Riddhima and the child. I think that this is the most biggest responsibility I have taken in my whole life, but I’m sure that God will help and he will make me succeed in helping Riddhima in giving birth to our child.

Then he entered to the operation room and he starts calming Riddhima down before he starts the surgery.

Vansh: Calm down sweetheart. You don’t have to worry at all as your husband is the one who will help you in delivering the baby. You just must relax and I’m sure that after a short time, they baby will be safely with us.

Riddhima was very satisfied that Vansh will be the one who will be responsible of her case.

She was sure that he will do his best to not put her or the baby’s life in any danger.

She wasn’t able to tell him any word, but she decided to settle by holding his hands to make him know how she trusts him.

Then the surgery starts and Riddhima was paining very much when she was giving the birth to the baby normally.

Vansh was trying to comfort Riddhima with all the possibilities.

Riddhima was screaming very loud.

She was trying tolerate the pain just to not be forced to deliver the baby cesarean.

At the same time, the whole family has arrived to the hospital and they were all waiting for Riddhima beside the operation room.

Everyone was praying for Riddhima and the child’s safety.

Anuprya: I hope Riddhima could deliver the baby without any troubles.

Ragini: I’m worried about Riddhima di so much.

Rudra: Don’t worry Ragini dear, I’m sure that your sister will be very well and she will safely deliver the baby.

They were all hoping that everything could be fine and the baby could arrive fast.

After a lot of pain that Riddhima faced through it, Vansh finally succeeded in helping Riddhima in delivering the baby.

Vansh succeeded in taking the baby and he was holding the baby in his hands.

He was really happy that he has succeeded in helping Riddhima in delivering the baby.

He was very happy when he was holding his child by his hands.

He was happy when he has known that the child is a girl.

He comes near Riddhima to check on her and make her see the baby.

Vansh: Are you fine sweetheart?

Riddhima just nods her head as she was trying to take a deep breath after all that pain that she suffered from.

Vansh: Look at our lovely child. God has gifted us a beautiful girl who looks exactly like you.

Riddhima was smiling seeing the baby and she was very happy that the baby is fine.

She was feeling as if she is in heaven when she holds the baby’s hand.

Vansh: I will make the nurses shower the baby and make her wear her clothes.

Riddhima wasn’t wanting to leave the baby’s hand.

Vansh: I will send her to you back when we put you in a room. So you don’t have to worry, she will not be late and she will come to you fast.

He gives the baby to the nurses and Siya entered the operation room to help the nurses in showering the baby.

Then Vansh puts Riddhima in a room.

Afterwards, the whole family has known that the baby is a girl and they known that she and Ridddhima are fine.

Anuprya: Thank God that they are both fine.

Rudra: I’m really happy that my daughter and my granddaughter are very well.

Kabir: When we could see them?

Angre: When Siya takes the baby to Riddhima bhabi, we could enter to them and check on them.

Ragini: I’m super excited to see my sister’s daughter very much and I’m sure that the baby will look beautiful like her mother.

Vansh was with Riddhima in the room taking care about her.

Vansh: Do you are still paining?

Riddhima: Not that much, I’m really fine than before. Actually, I could be able now to talk as I wasn’t able to say anything before.

Vansh: Finally we became 3 now sweetheart. Do you have seen how the baby is very cute?

Riddhima: Yes, she is really beautiful and very small!

Vansh: Yeah, her hands were really small!

Riddhima: When they will get her to me? As I really want to take her in my arms.

Vansh: Don’t worry sweetheart, Siya is with the nurses and when they finish getting the baby ready she will get the baby to us.

Riddhima: I’m really happy that the baby has arrived safely.

Vansh: There is something else that I really happy about it.

Riddhima: What?

Vansh: That the baby is a girl and she is a copy from you sweetheart.

Riddhima smiles.

Then Vansh comes near her and he hugs her.

Vansh: I’m really happy that you are fine now as I was worried about you very much. I know that it wasn’t easy at all for you, but you were really brave and strong and I’m really very proud of you.

Riddhima was very satisfied after listening to Vansh’s words.

Vansh words were the thing that make her forget all the pain that she has felt it.

Vansh and Riddhima were very happy for the arrive of their lovely daughter.

They were happy that their daughter will be the sign of their endless love to each other.

They were eagerly waiting for Siya to get their daughter to them so they could hug her and shower her with all the love that is found in the whole world.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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