Categories: Fan Fiction

Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 77

The episode starts with Siya taking the baby to Riddhima and Vansh so they can see her.

Siya: Congratulations Vansh bro and Riddhima bhabi for the arrive of this angel. She is really cute and lovely.

Riddhima: Thank you Siya dear. I wish you also to get to us a lovely baby like our baby.

Vansh: Siya give us the baby please as Riddhima and I are really eager to hug the baby very tightly and make our daughter be with her parents.

Siya gives the girl to Vansh and Riddhima.

Riddhima was very happy when she holds the girl in her arms.

Riddhima starts to know what is the meaning of the mother’s love when she holds her baby in her arms.

Vansh was also very happy when he holds the baby once again.

He was feeling a special and unique feeling that he wasn’t feeling it before.

Vansh was very satisfied from the father’s feelings that starts to begin in his heart toward his daughter.

Vansh and Riddhima were looking at each other while they were holding the baby.

Riddhima: The girl is very cute, right Vansh?

Vansh: Yes, she is really lovely and adorable.

At that moment, the whole family enters Riddhima’s room to check on her and on the baby.

They entered the room and they were holding a pink balloons writing on it:

“Its a girl”

Sejal: Congratulations guys.

Kabir: We are really super happy for you all.

Anuprya: Congratulations Vansh and Riddhima darlings for the arrive of your beautiful daughter.

Rudra comes near Riddhima and he hugs her.

Rudra: Congratulations my lovely daughter. I’m really happy that you have given the birth to your lovely daughter safely and you are now fine. I’m really happy to see you being a mother Riddhima dear. God bless you and the lovely girl.

Then Rudra holds the girl and he was really happy and smiling while he was holding the baby.

Ragini: Please dad make me also holds the baby.

Rudra makes Ragini holds the baby.

Ragini: Oh my God! She is really small!

Then Sejal and Kabir holds the girl and they were very happy.

Kabir: The girl is very kind and cute. She made me more excited to see our child Sejal as I’m sure that our child will be also adorable like Vansh and bhabi’s daughter.

Vansh: I don’t think that no one could look adorable like our lovely daughter as she is at the end the daughter of Vansh and Riddhima Rai Singhania.

Kabir: Let’s see Vansh bro.

They all laugh and they were happy for the arrive of the baby as they were sure that by her arrive there is a huge happiness that will arrive in their lives.

Afterwards, they left Riddhima and the baby to relax.

Then Vansh went to check Riddhima and the baby’s reports and he was happy when he has known that everything is fine in their reports.

He also makes sure that nothing could make them stay more in the hospital.

So he decided when Riddhima could be able to move, he will arrive her and the baby back to the house.

After some time, Vansh has taken Riddhima and the child back to VR mansion.

Anuprya makes them stand on the house’s door as she wants to welcome them.

Anuprya: We can’t make the first entrance of the child normally like that so we must welcome her and blesses her in a unique way.

So Anuprya welcomed Vansh, Riddhima, and their daughter.

Then she makes them enter the house.

Everyone was happy for the arrive of Vansh and Riddhima’s daughter to the house.

Vansh makes Riddhima sits on the coach and he puts the baby on his lap.

Kabir: I can observe how Vansh bro is a very caring father and a very romantic husband!

Vansh: Let’s see what you will do Kabir when Sejal gives the birth to your child. Just keep joking like that and just wait for what I will say when you become in my place.

Everyone laughs on Vansh’s words.

Ragini: I think that we must make the baby naming ceremony so Vansh and Riddhima could able to choose a name for the lovely girl.

Sejal: Yeah. Great that you have thought about it Ragini.

Siya: So let’s make it today if Riddhima bhabi will be ready for that.

Vansh: Riddhima do you feel that you could be able to celebrate the baby naming ceremony today or we could postponed it in any day when you could be ready?

Riddhima: No Vansh, I’m totally fine so we don’t need to postponed anything as actually I’m really eager for the baby naming ceremony to know which name we will choose to our daughter.

Vansh: Okay. So let’s start the preparations for the ceremony.

Angre: You don’t have to do anything as we will handle all the preparations. You just must take Riddhima bhabi and the child to the room so they could take some rest.

Then Vansh takes Riddhima and the girl to their room to relax.

Vansh: It is really a new thing that there is a child in our room.

Riddhima: Yes, it is really an adorable thing.

Vansh takes the child from Riddhima and he starts playing with her.

Vansh: Welcome my lovely daughter. I hope that you have liked your parents’ room.

He starts taking the girl in a tour in the whole room.

Riddhima was smiling seeing Vansh taking care of the girl and shower her with his love.

Riddhima: I can see that you start being very busy with the child and taking care about her since her arrive and you have totally forget me! This is not fair my husband!

He puts the girl on her bed.

Then he comes near Riddhima and he makes her closer to him and he kissed her in her cheek.

Vansh: I can’t forget my lovely wife whatever the circumstances. You are the reason of any happiness is in my life. I love you sweetheart.

Riddhima: I love you too Vansh.

They hugged each other very tightly.

They were very happy that they are together and that finally their daughter has arrived.

Afterwards, Vansh was getting ready while Riddhima were making the child getting ready.

After she finished making the girl getting ready, she puts the girl in her bed.

Then Riddhima went to get ready.

After Riddhima finished getting ready, Vansh got amazed when he saw her.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! How you could be very adorable like that sweetheart?! You always impress me with your beauty!

He comes to her and he puts his hands around her waist and he kissed her.

Riddhima got very shy and her cheeks turned red.

Vansh: Impressive! You look more beautiful when your cheeks turn red my lovely wife.

Riddhima: You always say a lovely words that make me very happy.

Vansh: And that is my target. My target is to always see you happy sweetheart.

She kissed him in his cheek.

At that moment, the girl cries so Riddhima went to hold her to stop her from crying.

Riddhima succeeded in calming the girl down.

While Riddhima was holding the child, she starts talking with Vansh.

Riddhima: Do you have an ideas about a name for our daughter.

Vansh: Of course. From the beginning of your pregnancy and I have chosen a boy name if the child was a boy and a girl name if the child was a girl.

Riddhima: You are always impressing me of how you are always ready for everything. So why you didn’t told me about the names?

Vansh: To surprise you sweetheart.

Riddhima: Who told you that I will like the name that you has chosen?! As I also could has been chosen a name for our daughter.

Vansh: I’m sure that the name that I have chosen will be better than what you have chosen as the name is really special and it will really suits our lovely child.

Riddhima: I can see that you have a very confidence! So let’s say the names that we have chosen to our child in the baby naming ceremony and let’s see which name the whole family will like it as I also sure that the name that I has chosen will be really suitable to our daughter.

Vansh: We will see which name will be better.

Riddhima: Let’s see.

They become quiet for a moment for how they were challenging each other.

Then they start laughing out loud.

Vansh: I can observe that we have turned the baby naming ceremony of our daughter to a big challenge, Am I right or am I right?!

Riddhima: Yeah!

Vansh: So let’s take the child downstairs to start the ceremony.

Riddhima looked at the girl and she starts talking to her.

Riddhima: Let’s go our princess and let’s see the name that we will choose to you dear.

They went downstairs to start the ceremony and they were really interested for this ceremony.



The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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