Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 89

The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima being arrived to VR mansion.

Vansh gets quickly from his seat to open the car’s door to Riddhima.

He gets up from his seat and he goes to the other side of the car to open Riddhima’s door.

Vansh opens the door to Riddhima as if she is a princess.

Vansh: So please get from the car my dear princess.

Riddhima was impressed from Vansh’s behavior.

She was amazed from his attitude.

She was very happy to see his care about her.

Vansh has observed Riddhima’s surprise reaction.

Vansh: I can see that you are very surprised, Am I right or am I right?!

Riddhima: Yes I’m really surprised from your attitude. You are treating me as if I’m really special.

He makes her closer to him.

Vansh: You are really special and unique sweetheart. So you always must be treated in that way. I know that I has been not giving you the respect that you deserve, but I promise you that I will always shower you with all the respect and the love that you deserve it.

Riddhima was very happy when she was listening to Vansh’s words.

Then she kissed Vansh’s cheek to express to him how she is very happy from his words.

A smile has drawn on Vansh’s face.

Then Riddhima joins him as she also smiles.

Riddhima was going to walk towards the house to enter it when Vansh stopped her.

He holds her hand to stop her.

Riddhima: Why you stopped me?! We must to enter the house as there is only 1 hour left for the thankful pray so we must to get into the house to get ready for the pray and participate on it.

Vansh: We will enter the house, but not in a normal way. I must make you enter the house in a very special way.

Riddhima: How? Actually, Vansh you don’t need to do this thing as I’m…..

Before Riddhima could be able to complete her words, Vansh has holds Riddhima to make her enter the house.

Riddhima got surprised when Vansh holds her.

Riddhima: Vansh, what are you doing?! We will can’t enter the house while you are holding me as it will be very embarrassing.

Vansh: I don’t care about anyone’s point of view as I’m respecting my wife and treating her with the way that she deserves. I will not make you enter the house normally after what has happened between us. After we have cleared all the misunderstanding that was between us, so now I must make you enter the house in a very special way.

She was smiling and being very happy.

She was happy that she now could be able to see Vansh’s care and love towards her once again.

She was really missed to see Vansh treating her in that special way that he always treats her with it.

Vansh was noticing Riddhima’s happiness.

Vansh to himself: I promise you sweetheart that I will just spread happiness into your life. I promise you that I will make you forget everything has disturbed you and made you suffered through a lot of pain. I promise you that I will make you flying from happiness.

Vansh starts walking towards the door of the mansion.

The whole family was waiting for Vansh and Riddhima in the hale of the house.

Then the whole family got surprised when they saw Vansh and Riddhima on the entrance of the house.

They got surprised when they saw Vansh holding Riddhima.

They were all very happy to see Vansh and Riddhima together.

The ones who were the most happiest people in the family members are Siya, Kabir, Angre, and Sejal.

They were very happy to see their plan got succeeded.

When they have seen Vansh holding Riddhima, they became sure that everything got cleared between Vansh and Riddhima.

The 4 of them was smiling and being very happy.

The 4 of them at the same time: Yes! We got succeeded in our plan!

Then they have stopped Vansh and Riddhima from entering the house.

Siya: Wait guys please. Don’t enter now.

Vansh: Why?!

Riddhima: Do we will be punished for coming late?!

Vansh: But I don’t think that the auspicious time has begin for the thankful pray so why we will forbidden from entering the house?!

Siya: Come on guys of course you both will not be forbidden from entering the house.

Sejal: Siya means that you both will not enter the house until we could welcome you both.

Kabir: Yes guys. We want to welcome you both and make your entrance to the house in a special way.

Ragini: Yeah. It will be a great thing.

Angre: So mom can you welcome Vansh bro and Riddhima bhabi?

Anuprya: Of course.

Anuprya comes to Vansh and Riddhima on the entrance of the house.

Then she welcomed them and she blesses them.

Siya: I think that you both now could enter the house as we have finally welcomed you both.

Sejal: You could both now be able to start a new beginning with each other by welcoming you both while entering the house.

Afterwards, Vansh and Riddhima have entered the house while Vansh was still holding Riddhima.

Then Vansh makes Riddhima sit on the coach.

Everyone in the house was observing Vansh and Riddhima’s happiness.

They were observing how they look very relaxed and comfortable than before.

Anuprya: I can see that you both look very happy.

Kabir: Yes Vansh bro and Riddhima bhabi. We have seen that you are both look very happy and of course there is a reason, right?

Vansh and Riddhima were looking at each other and they were smiling at each other.

Ragini: Actually, we also want to know what has happened in the mall.

Rudra: Yes as we have known that there were gangsters in the mall that you both were on it.

Kabir: We want to know what has happened.

Vansh and Riddhima start telling everyone what has happened in the jewelry store.

Riddhima has told them how Vansh was very brave.

She has told them how he has succeeded in rescuing her.

Riddhima was very proud when she was talking about Vansh and how he has punished the boss of the gangsters and made the whole gangsters reach to the place that they have deserved which is the jail.

Everyone was impressed from how brave and strong Vansh is.

They were also impressed of how Riddhima was super brave when she has faced the gangster and got succeeded in capturing the whole situation and made the whole people know what was happening in the jewelry store.

Siya: Wow! I’m really impressed from how Vansh bro and Riddhima bhabi are really brave.

Kabir: This is always Vansh and Riddhima Rai Singhania. We always learn from you both a lot of things.

Anurpya comes near Vansh and Riddhima.

Then she hugged them.

Anuprya: I’m really proud of you both. Regardless that I was really worried about you both, but I’m really happy that my lovely children are really brave and strong people.

They were all happy and enjoying their time.

Then everyone left to get ready so they could perform the thankful pray.

Vansh and Riddhima went to their room to exchange their clothes.

Riddhima was in the room changing her clothes while Vansh was in the bathroom taking shower.

After Riddhima has finished getting ready, she was being with Rianshi taking care of her and changing Rianshi’s clothes so she could be also ready for the thankful pray.

Then she starts talking to Rianshi.

Riddhima to Rianshi: You are now ready my lovely daughter for the thankful pray. You look very adorable my lovely girl.

She kissed Rianshi’s cheek.

Then she completes talking to Rianshi.

Riddhima to Rianshi: I want to express to you my lovely daughter how much I’m very happy today. Finally, your father and I became together again. Now nothing will be able to separate me from your father. I was sure that in today’s pray everything will be fixed between me and Vansh and now God has listened to my prayers and he has fulfilled my wish and made me be with my beloved one once again.

Riddhima hugged Rianshi.

Then she puts her on her bed.

So she could be able to complete the small touches that are left in her look.

Vansh was standing in a hide area while he was listening to Riddhima’s words.

He was very happy when he has heard Riddhima’s words.

He was sure that Riddhima is the only one who will always love him the most.

Vansh to himself: I would never think for a second to doubt you again Riddhima. I will always be sure for your love towards me sweetheart.

While Riddhima was going to wear her necklace, Vansh has came and takes it from her.

Then he whispered in her ears.

Vansh: I want to help my lovely wife in completing her look.

He makes her wear the necklace.

Afterwards, he makes her wear her earnings and he was looking at her in the mirror while he is doing that.

Then he makes her closer to him and he kissed her.

She got very shy, but she was very happy that she could be able to live those lovely and beautiful moments with her dearest husband.

Vansh: I promise you sweetheart that I will shower you with all the happiness. I promise you that the upcoming moments will be fulfilled with all the happiness and love that you deserve. From now on there will be just happiness in our lives and there will not be any sadness or misunderstanding between us.

They hugged each other very tightly and they were very happy that they are now together and nothing could separate them now.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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