Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 95

The episode starts with Riddhima being worried seeing Vansh disturbed.

Riddhima: I can observe from your face that what Angre has told you got disturbed you very much.

She puts her hands around his face to comfort him.

Riddhima: Can you please tell me what has happened?

He makes her closer to him to not make her worry.

Vansh: Relax sweetheart. You don’t have to worry at all. I don’t want anything to spoil our mood as this night is ours and I will not make anyone or anything that could disturb us. So don’t overthink now and just think about how we will enjoy our time together and about what Angre has told me about I will tell everything about that, but not today as I want to enjoy my time with you my lovely wife.

Riddhima smiles.

She got influenced from Vansh’s words.

Vansh: So I can observe from your reaction that you are now didn’t became disturb from me, Am I right or am I right?

She kissed him in his cheek.

So she could make him know that she isn’t upset or disturbed from him anymore.

Riddhima: You always know how to please me my dearest husband.

He smiles very much.

He was very happy that he succeeded in pleasing Riddhima.

Vansh: So let’s go now Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania so we couldn’t be late for your surprise.

Riddhima: Okay. Let’s go Vansh.

They hold each other’s hand.

Then they start moving to their car.

After they have entered the car, Vansh starts driving towards their way.

Riddhima was wondering what is the place that Vansh is taking her to it.

Riddhima to herself: What will be the surprise this time Vansh?! I’m sure that it will be a very unique surprise like you my dearest husband.

Riddhima has forgotten to get the proof to Vansh that she told him that she has it.

Riddhima: Oh my God! I have totally forgotten to show to you the proof of my innocence. I was just waiting for you to be convinced from my words without giving you that proof and then I was going to show you the proof, but I have totally forgotten to make you meet Sejal.

Vansh: Does Sejal was your proof?

Riddhima: Yes, but I have really forgotten to make you meet her to tell you everything.

Vansh was surprised that the proof that Riddhima was wanting to show it to him has already came to him and told him everything.

Riddhima: Sejal was the only one who was knowing everything from the beginning and I was sure that when you will listen to her you will be sure that what I have said is the exact truth. She was the one who has known how I was really wanting to tell you everything when we have met Sam in Goa. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the chance to talk with Sejal alone so I didn’t told her anything and I didn’t have the chance to ask her to tell you everything has happened and she was a witness on it.

Vansh: You don’t have to talk to her and ask her to tell me anything.

Riddhima: Why?!

Vansh: Because she has already told me everything and she proved to me how my decision was the perfect decision that I have taken it in my life.

Riddhima: Really?! Does Sejal really came to you and told you everything?

Vansh: Yes.

Riddhima was very happy that Sejal was caring that much about her.

She was very happy that Sejal was thinking about her a lot and she didn’t got relaxed until she has said to Vansh the truth.

Vansh: Sejal has came to me and told me how you have forgotten that Sam when he has cheated on you. She also told me how you just love me and you don’t love anyone other than me. She also has told me how you didn’t meant at all to hide anything from me as you just weren’t having the chance to tell me everything about your past.

Riddhima: So now you became sure of my innocence?

He holds her hand very tightly.

Then he kissed her hand in a very romantic way.

Vansh: I wasn’t needing any proof from any one to be sure for my wife’s innocence. When I have listened to my heart that was telling me that you are very innocent, nothing could make me doubt you my lovely wife. Sejal’s words didn’t make me reach to a decision as I was already have been convinced that you are really innocent. Sejal’s words just made me more sure that my decision was right. It made me sure that my love was right. She made me very sure that my love is the things that has won.

Riddhima was very happy from how Vansh trusts her that much.

Vansh: I trust you so much sweetheart and I will always trust you. I promise you that from now on no one could interfere in our relationship.

Riddhima got teared when she has listened to Vansh’s words.

Vansh’s words touched Riddhima’s heart.

He makes her near him.

Then he hugged her while he was driving.

Riddhima: I can’t express to you how you really made me very happy when you have shown to me how you really loves me. I’m really happy that you have trusted my words without needing to any proof. I’m really grateful to God that he has made our relationship more stronger than it was already strong.

Vansh: I’m really happy to see your happiness sweetheart and I promise you that this happiness will increase when we reach to the place that I have prepared it to you my lovely wife.

Riddhima: I’m sure that I will like the surprise very much as usual.

She comes more close to him.

She becomes very attached to him.

So she could be able to sink in Vansh’s arms.

Vansh: You know what it the thing that is really impressed me very much?

Riddhima: What?

Vansh: I have been impressed from how Sejal really loves you so much and she is really cares about you so much.

Riddhima: Yes Vansh. Sejal was always caring about me and she is still caring about me till now.

Vansh: I have observed how she wasn’t able to relax until she could make us together once again. I have really observed how you and Sejal share a very strong friendship.

Riddhima: Sejal isn’t just a best friend to me. She is more than a sister to me as she was the one who was always supporting me and encouraging me. She was standing by my side at every tough situation I have passed through it so what she has done isn’t an unexpected thing from her as I was sure that she will always take care about me and she will never be able to see my sadness as she always become relax when she see my happiness.

Vansh: But no one will loves you and care about you more than me. Your happiness will always be my priority sweetheart.

She smiles.

Then he kissed her in her cheek.

She got very shy, but she was very happy being with Vansh.

He was smiling seeing her very shy like that.

Then he completes driving.

Vansh to himself: We are almost near to the place that I have prepared it to you Riddhima and I’m sure that you will like it so much. I’m sure that this night will make us forget any sadness we have passed through it.

At the same time, Sam has waked up and he has understood that what has happened to him is by the hand of someone.

Sam to himself: I’m sure that Vansh is the one who is behind making me losing my consciousness. As who else will have a beneficial thing from making me sleeping other than Vansh Rai Singhania? I’m sure that the taxi driver was one of his men. He was wanting me to sleep so he could prevent me from destroying his relationship with Riddhima.

Sam was very angry on what has happened to him.

He wasn’t able to believe that there is someone who could prevent him from succeeding in his plan.

Sam to himself: No Vansh, I will not make you succeed in preventing me from returning my Riddhima to me. What is the problem that you prevented me this time from watching you and Riddhima’s actions?! You will not succeed in clearing the misunderstanding that I has made it in you and Riddhima’s relationship. You will not be able to celebrate the success of getting rid of me. You will get shocked when you see me once again and I will completely destroy your relationship with Riddhima that time and there will not be any chance in your hand that could make you return Riddhima to you.

Sam start contacting with some people.

So he could be able to know the location of Vansh and Riddhima now.

He was wanting to know what has happened between Vansh and Riddhima when he wasn’t in his consciousness.

Sam was hoping that Vansh and Riddhima didn’t have the chance to clear the misunderstanding that he has done it between them.

At that moment, Vansh and Riddhima have reached to the place that Vansh has prepared it to Riddhima.

Vansh: We have finally reached to the place that we will celebrate on it the whole night sweetheart.

Riddhima: I’m super excited to see it.

They get out from the car.

Then Vansh holds Riddhima to make her entrance to that place very special.

Riddhima was smiling and feeling as if she is flying when Vansh was holding her.

She got amazed when she has seen the place that Vansh has taken her on it.

She was impressed when she has known that she is in a very beautiful glass house.

Then Vansh lefts her.

So she could be able to see the glass house.

Riddhima was keeping watching the place and she was liking it so much.

Riddhima: Wow Vansh! The glass house is really adorable. I really liked so much.

She liked how the glass house is very cute and small.

What makes her surprised that the hale of the glass house was empty.

She wasn’t understanding the reason behind that.

Vansh has observed her surprise reaction.

Vansh: Don’t be that surprised my lovely wife. I know that you are wondering the reason behind the empty of the hale of the glass house, Am I right or am I right?

Riddhima: Yes Vansh. I’m really wondering the reason behind that.

Vansh: You will know the reason, but not now. You just must know that there is a very special reason behind that.

He winks at her.

She has understood that Vansh is preparing to a very special and naughty thing during this night.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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