Laksh Maheshwari, his classmate Sanskar, and Sanskar’s girlfriend Swara are the best of friends. Sanskar and Swara are particularly close and feel as if they are soulmates, and Laksh seems more than happy to be their enforcer.
This idyllic existence is shattered by the unexpected suicide of Sanskar on his 17th birthday. Sankskar’s death deeply touches both surviving friends; Laksh feels the influence of death everywhere, while Swara feels as if some integral part of her has been permanently lost. The two of them spend more and more time together going for long walks on Sundays, although feelings for each other are never clarified in this interval. On the night of Swara’s 20th birthday, she feels especially vulnerable and they have s*x. Afterwards, Swara leaves Laksh a letter saying that she needs some time apart and is quitting college.
Laksh is befriended by a fellow classmate, Ragini Gadodia. She is everything that Swara is not — outgoing, vivacious, and supremely self-confident. Despite his love for Swara, Laksh marries Ragini as asked by his family, who reciprocates his feelings, and their friendship grows during Swara’s absence. But the tables turn when Laksh finds himself trapped and in love with both of them…
The plot is on RagLak and not SwaLak because I don’t like SwaLak at all. Well here… the protagonists are only RagLak and the story will be completely on Laksh’s point of view, his love story..
Ragini fans I’m fan of both Swaragini so no offence.. Pls… You have to bear a little bit of Swara too. Of course no one is negative out here…!
A gift for my new friend… @AdibaAfreen
If anyone of you liked the story then please follow me on my account… @sweetsmileonlips6
Thank You.
Interesting. Update soon
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Superb dear
Thank you
Nice i too like Raglak
Thank you
thanks for raglak
Thank you
Thank you
Thank u
Superb di…same to u i don’t like swa_lak
Thank u
Awesome episode
Thank you
Thank you so much for raglak
Thank you
It’s my pleasure… <3
Awesome and thanks for raglak
Thank u
Its my pleasure
Thank u
Awesome plz update soon
Thank u
Thank you
Thank u
Superb awesome
Thank u
Awesome episode dear and thanks a lot for Raglak story. Plz continue. Eagerly waiting for next episode
Thank u
Yes! Will continue soon
Thank You soo much for Raglak…
Thank you

My pleasure
Awesome part nd thanks 4 raglak
Thank you
Thank you
superb dear
Thank you
nice dear…i m a raglak diehrd fan n cun imgne ragini wit otr guy n lak wit otr gal..coz truly raglak r made 4 ech otr..witin 4 d nxt prt..
Thank you
At first sorry for late comment. I am really happy that you are writing on Raglak. Thank you soooo much for writing on Raglak. And yeah I also don’t like Swa_________lak anymore. Do continue. It’s very interesting. Stay blessed.
Thank you