Fan Fiction

Love between souls..KRIYAM..Part 4

Akshada:- Krish are you sure you want to go with Saiyyam.

Krishna:-Ya akshu.Dont worry about me.i will be ok.

They hug each other and Krishna goes to bus station.Saiyyam was already there waiting for her

Saiyyam:- Krishna you wait here.I will go and enquire about bus.

Krishna:- ok

After sometime Saiyyam comes back with water.

Saiyyam:-keep this.u may need water.

Krishna:-Thank you Saiyyam.

Bus arrives and they two get into the bus.After sometime the bus suddenly stop.They come to know that the bus breakdowned.

Krishna:- Oh God what will we do now?

Saiyyam:-Let me think.Don’t cry for God sake

Saiyyam saw a Truck coming and ask for lift.They allow them on the back side.Saiyyam lifts Krishna and make her sit.

After sometime Krishna feels sleepy.Saiyyam saw her sleeping.Her head was about to hit on a rod kept in truck,but Saiyyam holds her head and make her sleep on his shoulder.

Saiyyam:- Krishna wake up.We have reached the railway station.

Krishna:- Oh i am sorry for sleeping on your shoulder.

Saiyyam:- It’s ok.Now come down

He helps Krishna to get down.

At railway station.They two were sitting on a bench.Saiyyam saw Krishna’s salwar suit got torn at backside.

Saiyyam:- Krishna go and change your dress.

Krishna:- Change?? Why?

Saiyyam:- Do as I say.Don’t ask questions.You told me to come with you.And now I am here so do as I say.

Krishna:- But Saiyyam i don’t have any other dress with me.

Saiyyam:- What? Are you mad Krishna.You don’t take any dress when you go somewhere.What will you wear at your home?

Krishna:- Actually Saiyyam the journey was so sudden and i have dresses in my home.

Saiyyam:- Whatever but you have to change your dress now.

Krishna:- But why.

Saiyyam:-(shouts) because it is torn at the backside.

Krishna gets shocked.They two get into an awkward situation.

Krishna:- What will i do.

Saiyyam takes his shirt from bag and gave it to Krishna

Saiyyam:- Go and change now

Krishna goes.

Guys i have got comments that my story is boring.So I think i should stop it here.Thanx for all your cooperation.

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