Welcome back my Twistinians, I know I’m late sorry?
Ragini’s pov
“Rags are you alright?” “Yeah, I’m fine, I just hate my dad for leaving my mom, getting married to another woman and she raised me without any help, but because of him, she has been insulted a lot of times.” “Ragu, your father, Sheena maa, my parents and I have done a lot of mistakes, but someday you have to forgive and forget the mistakes made in the past.” “But how can I?” “I asked her and she replied back: “you will be able to!” “Excuse me!” A guy said, while he tried to squeeze in. “Excuse me, you can’t just squeeze in Mr.” “My name is Sanskar Singh Oberoi and I can do anything!” He proudly said. “Oho, you and your ego should go to hell!” I said. “Rags calm down and Sanskar, I’m sorry for what she said.” “What the heck Ishu, why are you saying sorry to this kind of men!” “What do you mean by these kind of men?” He asked. “Don’t act innoncent!” “Excuse me miss, but my brother is very innoncent!” Another guy said.
End of her pov
Sanskar’s pov
“Excuse me miss, but my brother is very innoncent!” Om my brother said. “Oh really!” “I’m sorry, my friend hates men, because of what her dad did to her mom, so for her every men are the same!” “I’m sorry miss, I didn’t know, why you behaved like this!” I said and she answered back: “I’m sorry Sansku!” “Wow, I have got a new petname.” I said and started to dance like an idiot, but who cares. “Idiot stop dancing!” Om said and I replied back: “no, never bhai!” “Let him have fun!” Ragini said, while she was smilling.
End of his pov
Ishana’s pov
“So what’s your name?” Sanskar’s brother asked me and I replied back: She’s Ragini Kundra and I’m Ishana Gopal!” “Nice to meet you both, I’m Omkara Singh Oberoi!” “Hey, Omkara!” “Bhai, we should be going to University or our mom and dad will kill us!” A scared Sanskar said. “Why are you scared of your parents!” “Because Out mom is the principle of Rashford University and our dad is a professor there!” “Wow, that’s our university!” I said happily. “We should go guys!” Ragini said. “This Ragini Kundra is such a shameless and characterless girl!” A few girls, who were our age said, so I wanted to say something, but Sanskar did: “Aunty ji, you can’t call someone characterless or shameless, do you know her?” “I guess not, so I’m kindly asking you to shut your mouth, that will be great for the whole wide world and I think, that you are characterless and not my friend!” He said and then we went.
End of her pov
Omkara’s pov
“Thank you so much Sanskar for being there for me!” “We are friends right?” He asked Ragini and she answered back: “yeah, sure!” “So no thank you and sorry!” “Alright Sansku!” “That’s my girl!” He said, meanwhile Ragini blushed and then I noticed that Ishana was laughing happily, while she looked at them. “Her smile is really beautiful, her black dress was perfect on her and she is stunningly beautiful.” “Lets go guys!” I daid and then we went.
End of his pov
This story belongs to me and my crazy ideas???
Thank you so much?
Thank you very much?
Superb update..n as crazy as u?
Thanks for liking this chappy and for the compliment????
Superb but no Ishkara.
Loved it.
Sanky is sanky.
Thanks bhaiyu???there was a little bit of IshKara but asli khel ab shuru hogi????
Loved it sam
Thanks a ton Shriyu????
Thank you
Jaanejaan..i loved it a lot..update soon Sam yaara love u tk cr
Thanks a lot Adi jaan

and I wil update soon, yaar why aren’t you that much in Watty?
sry dr..i dont understand anything in tht thts why,,but i’ll ry to be active from now
Same here adi I don’t understand a bit about watty
haan di
Amazing episode…..loved it a lot
Thank you so much dear

Thank you?
Finally I got to read more from you dii ???? Loved it. Awesomeeee. So sorry for the late comment. It was really a hectic day and just now got the time to read your ff. Take care dii ?????
Aww, thanks a ton cutiepie, love you and take care

awesome didi…loved it alot…Sanky support ragu s superbbb didi…eagerly waiting for nxt one…tkcr didi…
Thank you so much Asra???
amazing story……. lovely update dii…take care ummah…..!!!
Thanks a lot Aliya

Amazing dr
Thanks a lot dear

Superb update…
Thanks a ton dear??
Loved it dear
Thank you so much dear???