Keep calm my Twistinians, because a shocking twist is coming soon?
Rudra’s pov
Bhai, I’m so happy to be out of that house!” “Me too chotu!” We were talking about things that didn’t actually interest me, but I was listening to my brother’s interests, because I’m good boy and brother. “Hey, Ruds are you listening to me?” “Yeah, I am!” “So what was I talking about?” “About girls bhai!” “That’s my brother!” We were walking and talking, so I didn’t notice the girl and I straightly walked into her. “I’m so sorry fatty!” I said, she angrilly looked at me and said: “can’t you walk properly and never insult a girl, because you don’t what she’s going through!” “I’m sorry, that my younger brother insulted you.” Laksh bhai said.
End if his pov
Saumya’s pov
“It’s okay, but tell your brother to respect the girls, the way they are!” “How can I respect girls like you!” “Oh really Mr. Insulting Other People Is My Ego Booster!” “Oho, shut up!” He shouted and I shouted back at him: “I hope that I never ever see you again in my life.” “What happened Somu?” “This guy insulted me!” “Oye, how dare you insult my bestfriend.” “I even said sorry!” “But you called her fat, which isn’t nice by the way!” Ragini said angrilly. “Come lets go Saumya!” She said and we went away from the stupid boy and his nice brother. “Are you alright Somu?” “Yeah, I’m fine Ragu!” “That’s my girl!” “Hahahha, Rags you are crazy!” “Only for my loved ones!” “Yeah, I know my little fightercock!” I said.
End of her pov
Laksh’s pov
“Wow, she is beautiful!” “She looks so stunning in her black dress and I can say that black is her colour.” “Bhai, what the hell is wrong with you?” Ruds asked and I snaped out of my thoughts. “Nothing and you were very rude to her!” “What you are on that fat girls side!” “Don’t call her fat, your words can hurt other people.” “I’m sorry brother!” “You should say sorry to her!” “Ok, I will!” Then he ran after her.
Meanwhile SaumRag were walking, until Rudra stopped them.
Ragini’s pov
“Hey miss I’m sorry!” The rude guy said, while he gave an apologetic expression. “It’s okay, I’m sorry too!” Saumya said. “Can we be friends?” He asked her and she replied back: “yeah sure btw. What’s your name?” “I’m Rudra Da Silva and you are?” “I’m Ragini Shrivastav and this is Saumya Malhotra!” “Nice to meet you girls.” “Same here!” Then Rudra went after we talked for a while. Being a law student is hard, but being in the same class with your bestfriend, than it’s pretty easy.
End of her pov
Copyright belongs to me?
Amazinggg update..
Thanks a lot dear?
Amazing chappy.
Thanks Bhaiyu??
Thank you??
loved it jaanejaan
Thanks Adi Jaan????
Once again awesome update dii. Loved it. Waiting for next. ???
Thanks a lot Cutipie???
awesome didi…loved it alot…eagerly waiting for nxt one..tkcr didi
Thank you???
Amazing part nd can’t wait for next
Thank you???
Good one, loved it
Thanks a ton???
Thank you very much???
Interesting dear
Thank you so much???
Lovely episode and If u don’t mind, pls change dp to raglak rumya picture
Thanks a lot dear and I don’t know which picture was on the DP, because I submitted the article on my laptop????
Amazing dear
Thank you so much dear?
Amazing update
Thank you so much dear;)
Superb fantastic
Thank you very much dear?
Thanks a lot

Awesome update as usual
Thanks a lot dear???
Thank you??
Amazing update…
Thanks a lot dear??
Very nice part
Thank you very much??
Excellent di…post next soon
Thanks a lot???
Awesome dear…Loved it
Thanks a lot dear???
Awesome episode
Thank you??
Superb part sisu, waiting for next
Thanks sis???
As usual interesting episode dear. I’m really sorry for the late comment, but what to do dear, I’m busy with my exam. Now my exams are over. Eagerly waiting for more Raglak scenes. Please post next part ASAP. Love you dear and take care
Thanks a lot dear, I will post as soon as I’m finished writing my other stories, I hope you pass your exams, love you too and take care dear???
Awesome loved it
Thanks a lot