hi friends..i couldn’t upload yesterday, so i uploaded today. It will be long episode as it’s celebration.
Sirat stands before the god and cries..
Sirat: please forgive me Krishna Ji.. today is my birthday but i couldn’t live and enjoy peacefully… Because i killed my twin sister naira. from the day i pushed her i hate my birthdays…i wont celebrate this year also.
She falls down on the ground cries..
Sirat: if naira was here we would have celebrated our birthday together but i killed her…
Sirat cries more while naksh comes and hugs her..
Naksh: sirat..12 years have passed but still you are blaming yourself.its not your mistake sirat..it’s god’s will that naira have to leave us. So please don’t blame yourself..
Sirat:bhai..i always fighted with her and that’s why god punished me by taking her life. You know what..i always loved her from heart but due to jealous i always fighted with her…
Naksh holds her cheeks and consoles..
Naksh:see..every kids are like that only. So forget the past and live the present..
Akshara and bhabhimaa watches this from behind and they get sad…
Bhabhimaa:for how long sirat will be like this?she has to forget the past..
Akshara:yes maa..she is still affected with that trauma.
Bhabhimaa:we dint celebrate any of her birthday from the day when naira died but i want to see my granddaughter happy on her birthday so today we will celebrate sirat’s birthday.
Akshara:but sirat won’t agree..
Bhabhimaa:i know how to make her agree..
Akshara in mind:if my daughter smiles today..then this will be the biggest gift for me.i hope maa makes sirat smile..
Bhabhimaa goes to naksh and sirat worriedly..
Bhabhimaa:sirat..go and get ready soon.
Sirat looks bhabhimaa shocked..
Sirat:dadi..you know that i won’t celebrate it without naira.
Bhabhimaa:naira left us before 12 years but you are there for us..so we want you to be happy like every kids. So go and get ready fast for your birthday celebration.
Sirat:but dadi..i only killed naira on our 10th birthday then how can i be happy like everyone?i feel guilty..i..i feel i should have died that day as a punishment for my mistakes.
Sirat cries while bhabhimaa and naksh gets shocked..
Bhabhimaa shouts:sirat..until iam alive you should not speak like this. If you speak like this then i will die at this moment. You dint kill naira..naira died as god’s will understood?
Sirat cries..
Sirat:but dadi..
Bhabhimaa: i don’t know how much days i will be alive.. so until iam alive you should participate in every function and also must celebrate your birthday. If you refuse then i will pray for my death.
Sirat gets shocked..
Sirat:dadi.. why are you telling like this?it is hurting me when you speak like this.. please don’t talk about your death.
Bhabhimaa:then what about your mum, dad ,naksh and me.. when you speak like that how will we feel ?
Sirat feels guilty..
Sirat:dadi..iam..iam sorry for hurting you all but i always feel guilty as naira died after i pushed her.
Bhabhimaa hugs sirat and..
Bhabhimaa:i understand your feelings sirat but your intention was not to kill her right?you only pushed her by mistake and you dint push her to kill her..so naira’s death was decided by god. So..you should forget that past and live the present like every kids..i want you to see happy till my death so that i can die peacefully.
Sirat eye’s gets teary and hugs her..
Sirat: don’t talk about death dadi..i will be happy atleast for your happiness from now.
Bhabhimaa smiles and kisses her forehead..
Bhabhimaa: ok..go and get ready for your celebration.
Sirat goes to get ready while three of them smiles..
Akshara emotionally: finally my daughter is getting fine..
Bhabhimaa:iam a fool..i should have done this death drama before 12 years atself so that sirat would have not been affected with that trauma.
Naksh:ok..let us forget our painful past and we will start our happy moments from now as sirat became fine and i will go and prepare for my sister’s celebration now.
Akshara:,ok..i will prepare sirat’s favourite cake.
Bhabhimaa:then i will prepare sirat..
Akshara and naksh smiles and they go..
Naira is seen standing sadly on a empty room before god..
Naira:why did you make my life like this Krishna Ji? I can’t hear when someone calls me and i like dancing but i can’t hear songs to dance before people…then why did you give me ears?
Naira cries and imagines an old song which she heared finally when she was able to hear and dances emotionally imagining the song..
She dances painfully and falls down and cries..
Naira: for how long you will keep me deaf krishnaji??..i can’t bear it this painful life..
Niel opens the door and gets shocked seeing naira aka Tina crying and he immediately goes to her and cups her face..
Niel:Tina..what happened?
Tina looks niel’s lips and understands what he asked..( guys naira can understand what they tell by looking at their lip movement – i used this idea from tamil movie Naanum rowdy dhaan)
Tina hugs Niel and cries..
Tina:bhai.. for how long i will be deaf?i can’t able to bear this anymore..
Niel gets sad and he consoles by looking at her face..
Niel:Tina..you will be fine soon. Krishnaji is just testing your goodness so only he made you deaf..but one day he will return your hearing ability seeing your goodness.
Tina cries seeing his lips and..
Tina: you are telling this always whenever i ask you but iam losing the hope..
Niel:you are a strong girl right?you should not lose the hope..i promise myself that you will get your hearing ability soon.
Tina: why are you so good bhai?h..how can you tolerate a deaf girl like me?
Niel:shut up Tina..don’t talk like mad. I am your brother..i always consider your happiness as mine and your pain as mine because you are my sister and i like you so much. Even if you can’t hear..i will make you happy.
Tina carefully looks his lips and understands what he said and gets emotional and hugs him tightly..
Tina:iam really lucky to have a brother like you. Though iam sad that i can’t able to hear but iam happy seeing you, mum and dad..i should thank krishnaji for giving me such a beautiful family.
Niel emotionally smiles and caressing her head..
Then he makes her look at his face and..
Niel:now get ready to celebrate your birthday..
Niel shuts her mouth..
Niel:no buts..if you can’t hear then did god told to be sad always huh?no right..so go and wear the new dress and come.
Niel:atleast for your family’s happiness..you should celebrate. We will be happy only if you smile and celebrate.
Tina gets emotional..
Tina:ok..i will get ready.
Tina goes to get ready while Niel comes out of room and sees Anupama and Anuj standing and gets shocked..
Niel:maa..dad..did you both hear?
Anu and Anuj nods their head emotionally and they three hugs each other emotionally..
Anu: though Tina is not our own daughter..we consider her as our own daughter. So i feel sad whenever she feels her pain.
Niel:even i feel sad..i don’t when will god return her hearing ability. I feel heartbroken whenever she shares her pain.why krishnaji is unfair to a good girl like Tina?
Anuj:can you both stop you emotional drama? Today is Tina’s birthday.. so we should make her happy. But you are doing emotional drama instead of preparing for Tina’s birthday celebration.
Anu:yes..Anuj is right. Today is the day when we found our Tina before 12 years..so we should celebrate this day as her birthday.
Niel:ok..i will make Tina happy today by giving lot of suprises.
Suddenly they hear a bell ring and Niel goes and opens it and gets suprised seeing twinkle..
Niel: twinkle?
Twinkle smiles:yes me only..i came here to attend Tina’s birthday party.
Niel makes a face..
Niel:did you run away from hostel and came?
Twinkle: ofcourse..Tina is not only your sister and she is my sister too..okay?so i will make her birthday interesting today.
Niel gets a naughty idea..
Niel:did you came here only for Tina?
Twinkle looks his drama face and giggles..
Twinkle:yes..did you think that i came here for you?
Niel: no..no..why should i think like that?
Twinkle gets shocked and gets irritated..
Twinkle in mind:i came here for Tina as well as for you only..but he is so arrogant that he is ignoring me.
Niel smiles seeing twinkle irritated..
Niel in mind:when you get irritated..you are cute like doll. I like to enjoy irritating you..but i love you.
Niel acts as if he dint notice twinkle’s irritated face and he turns to go..
Niel:ok.. come inside.
Niel moves forward while twinkle gets angry and goes and pushes him hard..
Niel holds twinkle’s hands before he falls and so twinkle too falls on Niel..
Both looks each other…
Twinkle breaks the eyelock and shouts..
Twinkle:how dare you make me fall?
Niel giggles..
Niel: i purposely pulled you along with me so that you will fall on me..
Twinkle looks him suprised..
Twinkle:what?..then why did you tried to ignore me?
Niel:to irritate you..i enjoy irritating you that’s why.
Niel giggles while twinkle funnily beats him..
Twinkle:stupid..i thought you really ignored me.
Niel smiles seeing her cuteness and he pulls her head close to him to kiss her..
Niel:let me end your anger with a kiss..
Twinkle closes her eye due to shyness while Niel come more closer..
Suddenly Anu and Anuj comes that side and get shocked and they close their eyes..
Anu: ohh noo..my son became shameless to romance in hall.
Anuj: even we were better.i romanced you only privately before marriage but my son is romancing openly..
Niel and twinkle gets shocked seeing Anu and Anuj and they get embarrassed..
Niel in mind: my mum dad always spoil my romance..
They quickly move away and they stand…
Twinkle:aunty.. uncle.. don’t misunderstand me..i..i just came to attend Tina’s birthday party but Niel only…
Anuj: don’t feel bad twinkle. I know about my son..he is shameless. So you don’t worry about it.we dint think wrong about you.
Twinkle smiles while Niel gets irritated..
Everyone laughs seeing his irritated face..
Sirat gets ready and she looks herself in mirror and gets sad…
Sirat in mind: iam trying to be happy for my family’s sake but still my heart pains as i get reminded of naira..
Suddenly naksh comes there and blindfolds sirat..
Sirat:who..who is this?
He drags her to main hall and opens her eyes..sirat gets shocked seeing the house decorated with birthday wishes and she is shocked to see her favourite cake..
And to her suprise everyone starts singing birthday song..
Everyone: happy birthday to you.. happy birthday to you.. happy birthday to sirat.. happy birthday to you..
They all clap and sirat gets emotional and goes hugs akshara..
Sirat:maa..you only know my favourite cake..so did you prepare it for me?
Akshara caresses her face..
Sirat gets emotional..
Sirat:thank you maa.. and iam sorry for hurting you. Because of my sadness you would also have been sad all these years.
Akshara: don’t feel apologitic..iam your mum so i can understand your pain.but now iam happy as you became happy like others..
Sirat smiles and..
Sirat:and iam thankful to everyone for making me realise my mistake and also for suprising..
Naksh comes in front of her and..
Naksh:wait dear sister..your suprises aren’t over yet.you only saw your mum’s suprise and now you should see my suprise.
Sirat smiles..
Sirat:what’s it?
Naksh gives a big gift and sirat tears the gift paper and gets suprised seeing a boxing gloves and shoes of SSC company..
Sirat suprisingly:Bhai…did you buy this for me?
Naksh:yes..i know you like boxing. For all these years you hided your aim due to your stress and i tried to motivate you but you dint and now you are fine so you can use this and start chasing your dream back..
Sirat:but bhai..
Bhabhimaa: don’t make your dream shatter..if you try to do so..then i will pray for my death.
Everyone laughs hearing this while sirat too smiles..
Sirat:fine.. don’t blackmail me again dadi.
Naksh:sirat..one more suprise.
Sirat looks at naksh..
Naksh takes the unwanted cream and applies it on sirat’s face suprising everyone..
Akshara:ohh noo..my daughter’s face is spoiled.
Bhabhimaa:leave it..today is her birthday so she should be spoiled fully.
Even bhabhimaa takes the remaining cream and applies it on sirat..
Bhabhimaa: happy birthday sirat..
Sirat gets shocked..
Sirat:even you too dadi?
Bhabhimaa: yes…
Sirat sees her face in mirror and gets angry on naksh..
Sirat:bhai.. everything is because of you. I won’t leave you today..
Sirat too takes the remaining cake and she chases naksh..
Naksh:iam sorry sister..but don’t spoil my heroic face.
Sirat:i wont spoil your face alone bhai but fully..
She chases him and finally applies the cream fully on naksh..
Sirat:yeyyy…finally i made naksh the cream master.
Naksh licks the cream and..
Naksh:no problem sirat..the cake is more tastier by eating from my face.
Everyone laughs…
Akshara:ok..sirat beta..come and cut this big cake.
Sirat cuts the cake and feeds it to everyone..
After having some fun the Khanna’s arranges everything and finally Tina comes out wearing a beautiful gown and sees the whole area dark..
Tina in mind:ohh my goddd…why the whole house is this much dark..
She walks slowly to hall area and suddenly the whole light flashes with happy birthday wishes which shocks Tina..
Tina :ohh my godd..
And she sees Khanna’s and twinkle standing in front of her and notices their lips that they are singing birthday song for her…
Everyone: happy birthday to you.. happy birthday to you.. happy birthday to Tina.. happy birthday to you..
They all clap their hands and tina gets emotional..
Tina:did everyone prepared this suprise for me?
Anupama comes near her and careses her face and..
Anupama :yes dear..who won’t suprise for their child?and this suprise is fully made by your brother Niel.
Tina gets suprised and looks Niel emotionally and she goes and hugs him…
Tina emotionally:thank you bhai..
Niel makes her look his face and..
Niel: this suprise is just simple and i have made one more big suprise..
Tina understands through his lip movement and gets suprised..
Tina: again a suprise?
Tina:what’s it?
Niel takes the admission form and gives it to Tina and..
Niel: you are going to study in Udaipur college .and this is the admission form for it..
Niel gives admission form to Tina which suprised her..
Tina:bhai..did you get this for me?
Niel looks at Tina and nods his head…Tina gets emotional..
Tina:i don’t know how to thank you bhai..as a sister i couldn’t do anything but you are doing lot for me.
Niel sees her face and..
Niel:for me..you atself enough. You are more than world for me..so i don’t need anything from you.
Tina understands it through his lips and gets emotional and suddenly she becomes sad..
Tina:bhai..but how will i listen?i..i. Can’t hear right?
Niel: don’t worry for that..i have arranged everything for you. When i told this problem to dean..dean told that he will arrange for a professor who takes lesson by writing on the board.so you can understand it easily..
Tina smiles after listening it through lips and thanks him..
Niel:now..cut the cake before getting a huge suprise.
Tina:again a suprise?
Niel:yes.. don’t ask about that because it is very secret. First cut the cake..
Tina cuts the cake along with Niel..
She feeds it to everyone and..
Tina: twinkle..i want a suprise from you.
Twinkle smiles and comes before her and..
Twinkle:i have brought a big surprise for you..so don’t worry.
Tina looks at her lips and understands it..
Tina:not that..i want you to become my bhabhi soon and that’s what i want from you.
Twinkle gets shy hearing it..
Anu:yes.. twinkle please tell your family soon about your love. Do that you will become my bahu soon.
Niel jokes..
Niel:i will fulfill Tina’s wish by tying mangalsutra nowatself..are you ready twinkle?
Twinkle:nieeellll.. don’t go crazy.
Everyone laughs but Tina stands silently as she dint notice it.. while twinkle goes before Tina and..
Twinkle:ok..I’ll fulfill your wish soon but now see my suprise Tina. I hope you enjoy it…
Tina looks at her lip and understands it..
Tina:ok.. show your suprise.
Twinkle and Niel moves from there and Tina gets shocked seeing shahrukh khan, anushka Sharma and salman khan who are her favourite..
Shah Rukh Khan:we are here to party with a birthday girl..
Tina doesn’t understand as she couldn’t see his lips from far but she gives shocking reaction seeing big actors..
Tina:woah..am i dreaming?.
Three of them comes before Tina and wishes happy birthday and tina notices it through lips and thanks them..
Tina:i..i.. couldn’t believe that i met big actors like you all.
Anushka: we came here to make you smile..so come lets dance and take photos.
Tina and anushka takes photos..
Then shah rukh takes selfie with Tina..
Salman: now let’s celebrate it with dance..
Anushka calls Tina for dance but Tina refuses sadly..
Tina: i cant hear the music then how will i dance?
Anushka: no problem..you just do steps with shah rukh khan.
Tina notices anushka’s lips and understands..
Salman: music on.
Music starts playing..
Shah Rukh Khan dances with Tina and salman khan dances with twinkle and anushka dances with Niel…
(Imagine song for yourself as i couldn’t add due to lengthier episode..)
They finish their party and they bless Tina for her hearing ability and they go..
While Tina feels on cloud nine and thanks twinkle..
Tina:i never expected such a big surprise twinkle..i really forgot that iam deaf today. Thank you so much..
Twinkle hugs Tina..
Kartik and Ranveer are sitting together..
Ranveer:did you fall for any girl?
Kartik stares Ranveer..
Kartik:no..i think iam ok with arranged marriage.
Ranveer:stupid..you have to be born on previous century.
Kartik:why are you talking as if you have fallen in love..do you love any girl?
Ranveer: no..i thought if you love someone then i can marry her twin sister or her sister.
Kartik stares Ranveer..
Kartik:are you mad?
Ranveer:no.. actually i know that you will fall for a beautiful girl and so i thought if you fall for a beautiful girl then that girl’s twin or her sister will also be beautiful like her and that’s why i told. Iam scared to fall in love for myself..so i thought to pair up with your girlfriend’s sister so that i feel safe near you.
Kartik hits his head..
Kartik:even in marriage you won’t leave me alone..
Ranveer giggles..
Ranveer:so that we can go to our in law house together and i will feel secure also as you will be there with me.
Kartik:if i fall for a girl who has only brother..then what will you do? will you marry her brother?
Ranveer:no..i wont marry at all.
Kartik makes a face..
Kartik:you should have born as my twin brother as you are always sticking to me..
Ranveer:even now..i consider as you my own brother though we are cousins.
Kartik smiles..
Ranveer and kartik hugs each other..
Ranveer:ok..let us eat cake which my mum baked today.
Kartik:then we will feed each other now as we are inseparable brothers.
Both feeds each other..
precap:kaira gets locked in chemistry lab..sirat dreams naira.
The promo will be detailly showed on fb soon. And next episode will be uploaded on Monday or Tuesday..

Thank u so much for your support
Am a great fan of Zain, loved the episode .
Ohh.. even i am a fan of Zain and that’s why i have opted him as Tina’s adopted brother. Thank u so much