Character sketch
Sanskar maheshwari ; A young man of mid 20’s…a charming handsome dashing hot boy…ceo of karma industries n already recieves the IDEAL BUSSINESS MAN 2016 award…a very humble n shy type….girls were drolling over him but a shy type he aviods all that….but had a one sided love on his dream girl he met her 6 months ago…he till now didnt know her name also….his one n only frnd is his manager arjun….
Swara bose : a lovely girl an orphan…bought up in an orphanage n had a bf…living in a same appartment with her orphanage frnd cum bf….but not like living together ok guys….searching for a job…
Laksh gandhi : a gentleman n as usuall handsome too…an obsessive lover of swara…an orphan…working as a TL in a private concern…
Episode 1
Episode starts with sanskar was awstruck to see the person infront of him…infact he was mum to see his dream girl infront him…as soon as she looks up at him…she was…
Swara pov :
Omg…he…this person he is the same guy who i saw in my dream….damn what the hell…how can i face him…he is….yaar no i dont want this job better to join in lucky’s office…
Pov ends….
San pov…..
Omgggggg…..god here is my dream girl, my first ever crush, my first ever love is infront of me…..god she is…she is breath taking in formals….but wait where she was trying to go…as i can sense that she trying to go out…i was about to stop her but than suddenly the door again bang opened what the hell…who is that damn it…
Pov ends…
The door was bang opened arjun came in…n goes towards swara….
Arj : hey who r u…??? What r u doing here….??? Who let u in…??? First get out of here….????
Swara was about to go out…
San : stop…whooo miss. U still didnt give ur interview….
Arj : but sir….
San : i said her to give interview….
Arjun nods n he sits in a chair which is near the table n swasan also sits n sanskar starts to ask some questions but being nervous swara didnt answer properly…interview got finished swara hurridely getsout n sanskar was admiring her smilingly…
Arj : sir i think she is also not eligible….
San : no arju she is the one…
Arj : sir but she didnt answer properly….
San : appoint her as my PA
Arj : but sir….
San : do what i say arju….
Arjun nods n leaves from there….
San pov…..
Thank u soooo much krisha ji…love u alot today u give me a chance to change my crush to love….thank u sooo much….
Pov ends….
Arjun came to swara with her appointment order….
Arj : ms.bose congrats from today u r the personal assistant of mr.maheshwari…
Swara was in utter shock just nods n takes the letter from him…arjun leaves
Swara pov….
What the hell….how can he select hamari matlab this is was worst interview of life…really i know i gave wrong answers only…than why he selects me….swara be carefull…kuch tho gadbad hai….
pov ends….
Swara goes to receptionist n she said that swara can join here from 2mrw n now she can leave….
Swara came out n brushed her all thoughts n calls lucky she said that she got a job….lucky gets happy n swara leaves to appartment….
At xyz appartment :
As swara opened the door…she found that something fishy….she takes baby steps towards her room….
Swa : heliooooo mr.gandhi….i know u r here only can u plzz come out n show me ur handsome face…
Swara stands there for sometime n she felt a grip on her waist….she smiles n cups the person’s one cheek….
Swa : awww my handsome….
Lucky was back huging her….
La : first of all congrats ms oops sry honewali mrs.gandhi….
Swa : thanku….
La : acha come i had prepared lunch for us…come lets eat together…..
Swa nods n boths have,their lunch….
Swa while eating
Swa : why did u came now…
La : to celerate with u…after all MY LOVE got a job….
Swara smiles n swalak have their lunch…
At karma industries….
Sanskar was in his cabin…arjun came there…without wasting any seconds sanskar ran to him…starts to twirl him…
Arj : aree sir whats up…
San : arju u know what i m very happy today….
Arj : aise kya hogaya sir….
San : swara i mean my new PA dont u know that bcz i didnt even tell u na ok now listen she was my first ever crush n MY LOVE too…see today krishna ji takes her to me….
Arj : aree ye tho bohot achi baat he….
San : haan arju now she is going to be with me as my PA…but soon she will be with me as MY LOVE….i ll make her mine at any cost…..
Arj : all the best….
Sanskar smiles n both had their lunch….
hey guys i m here now as i said…i hope u all liked it now tell me should i continue this or not…bcz this will be a triangular love story…n thank u for reading…bye tc
Hey, its really nice dear. Please continue…….But make it SWASAN…please…please………….pleeeaassee……
Awesome dear but plzz dont make sanskar bad ok I wana see the shy loving sanskar not obessed wala sanky…so swara dreamed only sanskar…
Yes yes please continue.
I will read ur 2 story but this is be my favourite.
Waiting eagerly for the next part…….and of course my sansku cutie’s obsession for my doll swara………
awsome cintinue soon
Thank u 4 dis ff. Vry nyc
Super continue and next part post soon.
Its amazing dr….loved it
Hey that’s soo nice
I like this and yes plz continue dis. ???
Amazing.. Bt swasan plz?
Awesome dear
nice dear but plzz swasan as pair n don’t make sanku obsessed he looks cute in shy avatar
Continue soon…… Very much excited……
nice…but i hv a request….show swa-lak as lil as possible plz
Wow love triangle.. fights pain betrayal love im gonna witness…. now swara wil b dilemma.. her feelings.. im super excited thangachi

Superb maha…
Plz nxt one soon thangachi…
episode is nice maha but plzzzzzzz make swasan pair only dear take care and keep smiling always
I have a confusion. In intro itsl laksh who is obsessive lover of swara then in precap its sanky? Y did? I want swasan.
guys i know u all r lil bit confuses so let me clr u all…pairs are swasan only n there will be a lil swa___lak romance too but not that much n yeah i have a doubt should i made sanky an obsessive type or should continue with shy sanskar.. plzz tell than only i can write the next one….
Awsm Dr….

Waiting for next par
Interesting dear.. I’ll tolerate swa lak for swasan.
But plz don’t make sanskaar as a obsessive lover.
Awesome waiting for next epI and pls don’t delay it ppppplllllzzzzzzz
wowwwwwww sema kalakaraeeeeeeeeee maha
Dun make sanskar as obssesive lover coz dere r many stories wid dis same thing…
Show dis shy cute sanky… he shud make her love him tru his nature care n al