Fan Fiction

Love Is The Sweetest Poison Ever chp 20

Nandini was going to her car because the college was over, she unlocks the car and was about to sit inside, Manik comes and stops her, he closes the door.
Nandini: what childishness is this Manik?
Manik: firstly you’re going without saying bye, I want a kiss before u go
He says with a cute pout and she goes aww on him.
Nandini: awwww, you’re so cute, it’s so simple.

She kisses his cheek and smiles naughtily as she knew he wanted something else. She again starts opening the door but he closes it again.
Manik: not like this
Nandini: then how?

She asks pretending she doesn’t knows.
Manik: (entwining both his hands with hers) haath mein haath daal k (he draws his face closer to hers joining their noses together) nosey se nosey mila k (she smiles as she knew what’s coming next) then closer, more closer and the closest and then a romantic kiss (he leaves her one hand keeping it near her neck, it tickles her and she giggled, he kisses her forehead then cheeks and then near her lips, finally he kisses on her lips, they kiss passionately, she keeps her hand on his collar bone, he keeps his arm around her waist, she runs her fingers in his hair and they part away getting short on breathe) how was it?

She hits him lightly on his shoulder and blushes, she sits inside her car.
Nandini: bye

She waves and drives away, he smiles and leaves from there. Cabir and Navya comes there, he whistles. A girl looks at him thinking he’s whistling at her and goes to him.
Girl: hi
Cabir stops whistling and looks at her.
Cabir: do I know u?
Girl: no but u will know, I am Rose from Delhi and..
Cabir: one second one second, what should I do whoever u r?

Rose: u were whistling at me
Cabir: I wasn’t
Rose: u weren’t?
Cabir: no

He shrugs.
Rose: OK, can v be friends?
Cabir: y? U r looking at me as if…

He gets short on words.
Navya: as if u will eat him up.
Cabir: exactly. Look I have a gf, move out of our way.

He goes with Navya, they sit in Cabir’s jeep and drives away, Rose looks on.
Cabir: is something burning?
Navya: no
Cabir: yes it is, ur heart.
Navya: Cabir!

She hits him slightly on his back and he giggles.
Cabir: no seriously u were jealous right?
Navya: yes
Cabir: awww

He laughs and gets hit by her. It continued the whole drive. He drops her at her house. She gets down the jeep and was about to go.
Cabir: listen
Navya: yes?
Cabir: I will give u rides like this daily

She smiles.
Cabir: oh and if here wasn’t public, I would’ve given u flying kisses too.

She goes blushingly while he smiles and drives away. Mukti was riding her bike when suddenly a boy rides beside her with helmet on his face. He removes his helmet and reveals to be Abhimanyu.
Abhi: hey frnd.
Mukti: u?
Abhi: let’s hold hands and ride.

She laughs.
Abhi: what happened?
Mukti: nothing.

They hold hands and ride, after sometime, their bikes stop outside Mukti’s house.
Mukti: what made u hold my hand and ride with me?

Abhi: friendship, and I want to gift u something, in college we don’t get to talk, so thought to give u right now

He pulls out a box from his pocket and gives it to her.
Mukti: watch pendant?
Abhi: yes
Mukti: it’s nice

She smiles and goes inside. Dhruv paces in his room.
Dhruv: I love Alia, how to tell her?….idea

He smiles. Someone rings the doorbell at Alia’s house, she opens the door and sees a person with roses in front of his face. He removes the roses and it reveals to be Dhruv.
Dhruv: hi Alia, these r for u.

She takes them from her.
Alia: thank u but y?
Dhruv: actually I wanted to say that I love u.

Alia looks on.

(A/N: hey guys, hope u remember my ff, updated after a long time, but sadly this ff is coming to an end sooner, so I want to tell u one thing that I thought I should write one shots on different couples of kyy as soon as this ff n mn+mb ends, what say?)


Hi I am sara aka sally sue(Sara), I m a Ardeep, Ishra ff writer,Raglak, Swasan n kyy ff writer, do read my ffs ?

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