Hi everyone . here is next one . hope u all like it . thanks for such huge response on intro . not proof ready sorry for mistakes .
cover pic credit : APS creations .
Episode 1 :
After few years ……
A girl is shown sleeping hugging pillow tightly with a cute smile . as cool breeze hits her face she hugs pillow tighter smiling . n in next moment two girls of probably of her age enters with a bang . they find the girl still sleeping . both reaching on opposite sides of bed .
“ ok u ready …. “ first girl said looking other with mischief smile .
“ yup … “ the other replied .
“ 3…2…1…. Ra ….Gi ….Ni……… “ both shouts at a time very louder .
“ kya…ky..aa hua ? whos attacking ??? “ ragini at once gets up horrified holding her pillow in ready to attack position .
Both laughs n ragini becomes irked ….
“ kya yaar tum log ??? “ ragini impatiently said .
“ no one attacking us ragini … we just wish atleast one day u get up on time without anyone’s help . “ the first girl said .
“ haan ragu … its like task to us to come up with a new idea daily to wake u up … “ the other girl said smiling .
“ seriously dayans … is this way to wake up a sweet cute looking innocent younger sister …? U both should be assistants of yamraj … like seriously u both n ur horrible ideas … “ ragini said n falls back again to sleep .
“ again ragini ….. get up yaar … nanimaa is shouting down “ first girl pulling blanket from her .
They both pulls off blanket from her .
“ Anshu n anwi seriously I will kill u both yaar … “ ragini irritated n throws pillow on them .
Ragini is no way ready to get down from bed . both girls looks at each other not understanding wat to do now . soon janaki enters with a cup of coffee … both girls looks at janaki .
“ thank god maami u r on right time “ anshu said .
Janaki looks at ragini still sleeping .
“ offo wat to do with this girl ? “ janaki touching her head .
“ ladkiyaa puri tarah se bistar se bhi pyaar nahi kar sakthe …. How sad ? “ ragini murmurs still closing her eyes .
“ ragu come on stop this n get up right now “ janaki in ordering tone .
“ mamma plz …. 5 min “ ragini .
“ ok anshu n anwi come lets go … I thought of giving bed coffee to this girl but its like she is still sleepy … “ janaki said with smirk.
“ if coffee ready then ragz ready “ ragini forwarding her hand still lying on bed .
“ first get up n sit properly “ janaki .
Ragini gets up unwillingly n sits on bed with pouting face . janaki smiles n handover cup to her .
“ if I sleep for 5min which world war breaks in mom ? “ ragini asked .
“ for sure ragini …. From ur dadi … get ready soon … “ janaki said n about to leave . but looks at ragini who still having pouted face . janaki kisses on her fore head . ragini smiles wider .
“ luv u mom … “ ragini said n kisses on janaki’s cheek .
“ luv u too come soon … anshu anwi u both too get ready soon … “ janaki said .
“ ji maami “ both replied . janaki leaves smiling . anshu n anwi both sits beside rags who is enjoying her coffee .
Anshu checks ragu’s laptop kept on side table .
“ Anwi look yaar … this ragini was watching rab ne banadhi Jodi even last night “ anshu said .
“ seriously … again … I think this is almost 1000000th time … every one totally forgot about that movie … but still this creature watching it daily … “ anwi replied looking rags .
“ like wat u found in this movie yaar … I accept this is really a great movie but how many time u will watch ? “ anshu asked .
“ shh…. Dayans stop it … n wat for u both yaar ? its not just movie its master piece … n a great ultimate example of true love … the way they described true love in very frame is so awesome .. n it connects my very emotion yaar … I told this many times still u r behind me “ ragini replied .
“ ok meri maa “ anshu replied .
“ arey anshu this is not we have to check out from this idiot’s laptop give it me … I will show u real thing “ anwi took lappy from anshu …
Ragini can guess wat …
“ here we go …. Nikhil Thakkar ….. “ anwi shouted excited .
“ n our sweet innocent sister’s long time crush aww… “ anshu said pulling rag’s cheek . rags takes off her hand .
“ chod na yaar … 9 th standard se line mar rahi hu wo toh abb tak dekha bhi nahi “ ragini said with disappointed face .
“ that is bcoz he even don’t know that u r seeing him … u have so much guts na then y r u falling weak before him ? go n say I to him directly . “ anshu said .
“ no …. “ ragini shouted at once .
“ wat no idiot ? “ anshu
“ arey I tried so many times but I will become pale if he comes infront me …… “ rags replied having her coffee sip .
“ ragu he changed pro pic yaar “ anwi said looking lappy .
“ seriously … show … show “ rags excited .
Anwi turns lappy to show them …
“ ahh … he killed it yaar … wat a hotie … “ rags said neutrally .
Anwi n anshu looks at each other .
“ look at our innocent sister “ anshu said .
“ haan really innocent “ anwi replied in teasing tone .
“ stop it guys even if he looks hot it becomes my fault or wat …. “ ragini .
Anshu n anwi giggles .
“ give my lappy n u both get ready go “ rags replied taking her lappy .
“ don’t sleep again idiot … we r already late “ anshu said before leaving .
Ragini gets down from bed with her coffee n walks towards window . she closes her eyes enjoying fresh air .
Ragini pov :
Ragini gadodia wat a simple n cute life I got n I must be very thankful to god for this life … how many gets such loving ones around always ….
Ragini heads out of her room . she passes by corridor .
“ pratap Mehta my fav phuuphaa … he looks hard from out from inside a big softy like teddy … when I was 8 th standard they shifted here to stay with us … my phuuphaa is working very hard n helping dad a lot in business … I respect him a lot … just one small problem don’t know when he learn to do yoga waking up completely “ ragini thinks looking him sleeping in some yoga position itself .
She smiles n moves ahead . she reaches anshu n anwi room n peeps in ….
“ Anshika n Anwika twin sisters …. Both have same taste in every thing … both wants same thing at a time let it be clothes , car , jewelry or accessories … n there begins small size world war in home daily …. Wat if they like same guy in further ? wo toh gaya … “ ragini smiles seeing both anshu n anwi fighting over same dress ….
She goes down stairs …
“ papa sat with news paper gosh now he don’t even care whole world around him …. “ ragini thinks n sits beside him .
Shekar side hugs her …
“ gud morning papa “ ragini .
“ gud morning beta “ shekhar said looking into news paper still ,
“ is my photo printed in news paper today ? “ ragini asked .
“ wat ? no “ shekhar said .
“ then y r u saying gud morning looking it … I’m here na “ ragini said .
Shekhar smiles
“ gud morning ragu … now happy “ shekhar asked looking her .
“ happy …. Happy …. “ ragini said hugging shekhar .
Urmila my buaa …. Actually my best partner in hiding my naughty things from whole family …. Takes care of me more than anshu n anwi ….
“ ragu still u r here … go n get fresh up …. Ur dadi is coming down …. “ buaa alerted me as usually …
“ oh no “ ragini getting up .
She runs to her room in a go . shekhar n urmila laughs .
“ all time our fav monkey “ shekhar added smiling .
Ragini gets ready in her casual tee shirt with matching jeans n stole at end . she comes out of her room .
“ ragu …. Naanaji still in room … he is upset that today mom n maami didn’t make his fav aloo paratha … plz bring him down for break fast na “ anshu shouted from down stairs .
“ k yaar “ ragini assured . ragini goes dadu room it is locked from inside . ragini knocks twice . but no response from inside .
“ Arre O Jumma… Mera Jaan-E-Mann… Bahar Nikal…
Aaj Jumma Hai… Aaj Ka Waada Hai…
Dekh Main Aa Gayi… Tu Bhi Jaldi Aa… Mujhe Mat Aur Tadpa…
Arre Tu Bola Tha, Hey
Pichhle Jumme Ko, Hey
Chumma Doonga, Hey
Agle Jumme Ko, Hey
Aaj Jumma Hai To Aaja Aaja, Aaja Aaja Aaja Aaja Hey.” Ragini sings louder knocking on door .
Dadu opens door suddenly .
“ finally mera jaan – e – mann … “ ragini entering into room .
Dadu turns that side with pout face .
“ wat happened rock star …. ? come lets have breakfast “ ragini said .
“ no ragu no one values me here … “ dadi in complaining tone .
“ arey how have that much guts to ignore my rock star … come show me “ ragini .
“ ur mom n ur bua … I said to them to make aloo paratha but no “ dadu said .
“ oh that’s the thing … dadu they r lil busy today so they couldn’t . but don’t worry na I will make hem do it tomorrow promise … now plz come na im hungry “ ragini said
“ pakka “ dadu asked .
“ haan pakka for sure “ rags said .
Both comes down . everyone at break fast table .
“ lo aagayi ragini maharani “ anshu said .
“ hey ragz ok …. “ ragini said taking her seat .
Dadi comes n takes her seat . every one becomes calm seeing her as she is strict . ragini hates silence .
“ hey dadi looking rocking today “ ragini said as usually .
“ chup kar …. Who will talk like this to grand parents haa ? “ dadi asked .
“ I will talk … as my dadi never get older to me … always u look like sweet sixteen . “ ragini replied .
“ all this maska nothing going to work on me … im not ur dadu ok … kids of today times r choosing great professions … but wat about u ragini ? doing degree in Archeology …. “ dadi said lil louder .
“ now who said archeology is not great …. Its my great interest dadi … “ ragini said .
“ interest interest …? Don’t know how such things be so interesting only to u ? make things clear ragini I allowed to study it just bcoz u were so stubborn n it doesn’t mean I will allow u further to go with it …. After this degree naa u have to join our business … no excuse from it ok …. “ dadi in ordering tone .
“ but dadi im not interested in doing business “ ragini said .
“ I said I don’t hear to any more …. U will join business that’s it or else we will get u married with Abhimanyu once u complete that degree …. “ dadi said .
Ragini is hell upset hearing this again from her .
“ maa … plz “ shekhar to his mom .
“ listen shekhar u cant change my mind this time ok . I cant allow her to go on random career … waise wats wrong with abhimanyu …. Such gud looking n mannered guy …. From such a big business family …. Just like his father now he is even handling their branches in America …. Arey ur daughter must thank god atleast 1000 times in a day that abhimanyu liked her in first look itself …. N even he made his father clear that he will marry ragini only … listen ragini if u join our business after degree I will give u time to enjoy but if u don’t want then I will get u married as soon as u complete degree …. “ dadi continued .
Ragini at once gets up from her seat n goes from there .
“ ragini “ shekhar calls her .
“ I’m done papa … bye everyone “ rags said taking her bag from couch leaving out .
“ maa wats ur problem when we r ok with her career choice …. Y do make her feel sad … ? now didn’t even eat anything ? this is not first time u r talking about her marriage … she is just a kid still “ shekar in complaining tone .
“ stop it shekar … I have more rights on her … I know wat when to do in her life … if possible make ur daughter understand “ dadi said n leaves .
Ragini comes out …. She is walking road side …
“ ur daughter should thank god 10000 times atleast in a day ….. “ ragini imitates dadi feeling irritated ..
“ dadi talks as if I must fall on that abhimanyu’s feet for choosing me …. once he saw me in party which I attended bcoz of dadimaa’s pressure my fate is so bad that he saw me …. How gud It had been if I didn’t attend that party …. “ ragini murmurs walking .
Suddenly a bike passes by her inch close .
“ r u blind ? “ ragini shouts .
“ u must be careful ms. “ the guy stopping his bike .
Ragini looks at the guy .
“ wat happened again kicked out from home “ the guy asked smiling .
“ lucky I will seriously kill u “ ragini said glaring him .
“ accha sorry wat happened ? “ laksh said holding his ears .
“ wat will happen ? abhimanyu is happening again ? “ ragini said folding her arms.
“ oh …. Abhimanyu Agarwal …. Yaar wats ur problem with that guy ? girls r dying for him n he is mad for u … u must feel lucky “ laksh said .
“ seriously lucky u too feel the same …. Oh come on I accept he got awesome looks , business tycoon most eligible bachelor, earns dollars wat not he got all great qualities wat every girl wishes … but I’m not same one …. I don’t want a special guy laksh I just want someone who thinks I’m special … n love me the way I am , respect me , should think even my career is equally important to me as he thinks about his career n give me a chance to grow on my feet …. N let me go through my way in future by supporting me at every turn of life “ ragini said sincerely .
“ which cant happen if I marry abhi … im damn sure his family r just like dadi thinks archeology is gud for nothing … they don’t let me continue with this career … n I cant live staying in home … I cant give up my interest for anyone “ ragini added .
“ don’t worry ragz … u wont give up n I will not let u to do so … dadi maa will realize soon … let me even see which abhimanyu gonna come n take my best friend from me “ laksh said cheering her .
“ I’m not afraid of him … no one can force me ot even dadi maa … I can even run away n I m just upset bcoz dadi thinks I’m wasting my time by doing this degree … ok …. Laksh this is not first time come lets go to university we r getting late “ ragini taking off his cap .
“ arey give my cap yaar “ laksh said .
“ so sunny yaar …. “ ragini said wearing his cap .
“ even for me too “ laksh looking her .
“ grow up lucky learn to respect girls “ ragini said sitting on bike .
“ n now who said u r girl ? “ laksh raising his eye brows .
Ragini pinches him . laksh shouts .
“ very funny lets go “ ragini ordering tone .
“ ji maharani ragini devi “ laksh said .
Both r going on bike .
“ ragini final year degree student archeology … I feel really proud to choose this profession … wat ever people say n wat dadi say it is my interest from childhood …. Some people call me out dated type but I call them narrow minded …. Every one r not made to do business …. Probably I’m a girl of modern times who is in love with time already faded away …. Wat they know about the kick one gets by Living in present with past which we could no long see again … n I’m addicted ….wo nasha hai mereliye chahe koyi samje ya nah samje …. “ ragini thinks at end smiles wider .
Episode ends .
Precap : sanskar entry in the story ….
Nikhil thakkar : pratap hada
Laksh don’t know about ragini crush on Nikhil …this is the only things she kept hidden from laksh . only anshika n anwi knows . anshika n anwi im not specifying any actresses for this roles bcoz these roles r short in story . finally how is it guys ?
will be waiting for the next update!pls be regular!?
Thanks meethi
Oye hoye honey dear….suuuuuperbbbbbbbbbbbb yaaaar….it ws fabuloussssss….?????mindblownggg swwety…..hayyy!!ragini i cn understand about ur nsha for ur career bcoz tum vaise he mere nasha hooo????????love u a lotzz sweety…i totally lovedher charecter honey….raglak bondng is chooo awesome….oho rags love interest is nikhil…hmmm!!!!lets see wt wl happen nxt…ragini n her family bondng is fabulous n u described it beautifullly yaar…keep rockng n stay blessed cutie…post nxt part sooon…????happppy diwali dear???????????????
Thank q so much Fairy dear … Happy diwali
Woooow dear its outstanding one loved it akot w8ing for sanky entry plz update soon.. … Dadi is strict but our ragu is independent love her heheheh she is cutieeeee loved it n happy diwali stay blessed ?
Thanks a lot silent writer … Happy diwali
Amazing honey dear,
Thanks lovely . n happy diwali
superb yar,,
who plays Abhi??
waiting for Sansku’s entry and what is her dadi’s problem she’s her dadi she shouldn’t be the one choosing Ragini’s life that should be her decision and if not her parents..
why do i feel like Abhi and Nikhil will cause a problem in Ragsan’s life??
anyways,,totally loved it and HAPPY DIWALI!!!
waiting for next epi.xx
Thanks a lot A.xx … Happy diwali
Awesome start dear…very cute family except dadi..loved it……
Thanks a lot sreevijayan n happy diwali
Thanks sindhura
Thanks aliya
superb story.waiting for next update and sanskar entry.
Thank q lnu
Thank q
Thanks tani
Thanks deesh
awesome amazing fantastic superb mindblowing
Thanks a lot ragz
awesome, waiting for sanskar’s entry.
Thanks akshata
awesome….very nice…the way you portrayed ragini’s character….your description is very nice…
Thanks sherin
Great yr pls give intro link
Thanks yar
Nice episode….waiting for sanskaar entry…raglak scenes are funny….
Thanks suhani
Nice episode….waiting for sanskaar entry…raglak scenes are funny….superb.
Nice epi…waiting for sanskar entry…..
Thanks fira
Thanks j
fabulous dear….waiting for Sanky entry…loved it…ragini love you dear…
plz update ur another ff the pain continues…dear…
plz update soon….tkcr dear…
Thanks Asra dear
Awesome Superb Fantastic
Loved it
Waiting for Sanskar entry
Loved Ragini alot
Waiting for the next one…………….
Lovely epi… Waiting for sanskaar’s entry.
Amazing episode waiting for sanskar’s entry
Honey dear please post your ff in tevar fb page also, you can contact aps
Plz upload next
can’t wait