Hi guys . im here with next update . sorry for any mistakes it is not proof read . u guys asking about sanskar’s past but its just 10 episode now I will reveal it after few episodes . n about my other story I will continue soon thanks for remembering it still . thanks for ur loving comments on previous update .
Episode 10 :
@ sanskar’s room .
Sanskar is still sleeping . sujatha is standing outside sanskar’s room with coffee cup she hesitates to enter his room . but finally she enters gathering all her strength . she finds sanskar sleeping peacefully n feels happy .
“ how long it has been seeing him like this ? I never wanted to miss any of ur moments sanskar but u never gave me a chance … now even im loosing hope . plz become my old sanskar again that sanskar who always wanted his mom by his side ” sujatha thinks looking him .
She places cup on side table n bends to cover him properly with blanket while sanskar wakes up .
“ u r awake “ sujatha .
“ how come u r in my room ? “ sanskar coldly asks .
“ im ur mother sanskar I don’t need anyones permission to enter ur room “ sujatha said .
“ mom ? oh so u still consider urself as mom even after wat u did ? is it so easy for u to forget past , my so called mom ? “ sanskar asked .
“ u can make me hear anything as I deserve this . but its true that I was helpless at that time “ sujatha said .
“ helpless ? how can u even make such excuse ? “ sanskar angrily asks .
“ okay this is normal for us . now im even sick of it … stop this at once … u r helpless n im useless still … now I don’t even want to hurt u with my words . plz lets stay away from each other …. “ sanskar said coldly n gets up from bed .
“ I cant sanskar . staying away from u I tolerated for many year I took it as punishment for wat I did but now I cant . I still cant remain like a statue in ur life . I have some responsibilities towards u … I want to see u getting settled n I want see u getting married … I want to see u building ur own family … n I want to see ur happiness … I still cant keep u away from my eyes … I have had enough of it … “ sujatha said emotionally .
“ getting married … having a family ….. get a happy family photo clicked to smile at old age ….. how nice all these things to hear n imagine ? but do u still think even after wat I saw in past with my own eyes I still plan to have such things in my life ? can I even dare to have such dreams ? “ sanskar asked looking her .
“ wat do u mean ? everyone lives are not supposed to be same as u think . don’t let past mix up with ur future sanskar . “ sujatha said .
“ its so easy to say anything . but have u ever thought wat a 6 years kid supposed to see with his eyes and wat impression it leaves in his heart ? how can u be so selfish ? wat u did is still cant be justified ? u r still supposed to be a criminal in my eyes … plz stay away from me I beg u “ sanskar said n about to head out .
“ sanskar is there no way that u can forget past n give ur mom a chance “ sujatha asked .
“ mom … I cant forget past until …… “ sanskar .
Sanskar n sujatha looks at each other .
“ u know right … “ sanskar added .
Sanskar goes away . sujatha cries .
Sanskar passes by RP’s room . sanskar stops for a while . he looks into room . RP is searching something probably his medicines. Sanskar locates it lying on ground . sanskar goes n picks it up he gives to RP without looking him . RP smiles looking sanskar .
“ help me properly then ? ” RP said sitting on bed .
Sanskar like an obedient boy gives him tablet n at end he gives water to him . sanskar stands still .
“ do u have anything to tell ur dad ? “ RP asked .
“ DP uncle said ur health wasn’t fine a little ago … take care of ur health properly “ sanskar said looking him in a go .
“ y its like a warning more ? wait r u giving me a warning u kiddo ? “ RP asked .
“ who am I to u give a warning ? “ sanskar replied .
“ Sanksar Ram Prasad Maheshwari “ RP said .
Sanskar looks at him .
“ try again . I will give u only one chance now “ RP said .
“ okay . plz take care of ur health … “ sanskar said . “ is this okay ? “ sanskar at end .
“ much better “ Rp said smiling .
“ come here sit beside me “ rp said . sanskar sits beside him .
“ I feel like hitting u it has been so long since u came home ? do u think u r a grown up now ? “ Rp .
“ if u feel like hitting me plz hit me i don’t feel bad at all . but if ur health gets upset bcoz of me I feel really uneasy . don’t make me more guilty . “ Sanskar said .
“ y don’t u feel gud to stay here ? do u hate me that much ? “ RP asked .
“ its only u whom I respect in my life “ sanskar replied .
“ then ? “ RP .
“ isn’t it we r bringing same topic again ??? “ sanskar looks at RP.
“ okay … don’t tell me … but I really wonder about u since how long u r hiding something from us … its like u r as old as ur secret … isn’t it ? “ rp smiling .
“ kinda same thing … “ sanskar said .
“ stay with us sanskar “ Rp said .
Sanskar remained silent hearing this .
“ I know u don’t like to . but for me I think u can do this favor . u will right ? “ rp asked .
“ y do u want me to stay here … ? im troublesome even … with me here u all may get upset with my deeds … its better for me to stay away … im not a kind of person to fit into a family … “ sanskar said .
“ wat r u saying sanskar ? we missed u a lot seriously . as long as u stay with us all those things u said doesn’t matter … “ RP said .
“ but …. I mean like wat thngs r here to stay back “ sanskar replied.
“ ur family … ur brothers … ur childhood …. Wat else u need ? “ rp asked .
Sanskar seems lost in thinking .
“ wait even ur best mate ragini also stays here only “ rp said .
Sanskar burst into laughter hearing this .
“ that must be listed under reasons y I should not stay here “ sanskar said .
“ really ? “ rp .
“ I don’t get it y r u thinking she is important to me … its just we hate each other a lot … “ sanskar replied .
“ okay … I think it takes time to realize … “ rp said .
“ realize wat ??? “ sanskar asks .
“ that she is important to u … sanskar its true right only she is the one who brought u back here …. She just talked to u n u agreed “ rp said .
“ I came here to teach her a lesson … “ sanskar replied .
“ wat ever its true that ragini’s words affects u right “ rp said .
“ oh plz … don’t say like that . I feel awkward hearing such things about ragini n me … she is nothing more than a headache to me … “ sanskar said .
“ okay … so u r staying back right … “ rp asked .
“ do u think I should ? “ sanskar confused as he don’t wanna hurt rp anymore as he just recovered just
“ a big yes … “ rp said .
“ first I just thought to come here n teach that mad girl a lesson n see u n then to get back to my place … but now I have some work here …. So until I finish the work I can stay here …. N it takes some time to complete … “ sanskar said .
“ that’s really great then . plz stay sanskar we all feel great “ rp said caressing his hair .
Sanskar stares at him . some incidents like he being kid locked up in dark room shouting for help … crouching on floor being scared flashes in his mind . sanskar closes his eyes . he feels uneasy all of sudden . rp looks at sanskar .
“ wat happened ? “ rp asked concerned .
Sanskar gets up at once .
“ nothing … I have to go now … “ sanskar said rushes out .
Rp looks worried .
“ still sanskar acting this way ? like wat happens with him ? y don’t he say anything to me ? “ rp thinks .
Sanskar heading towards his room still feeling same . he collides with sujatha . sujatha looks at him . he is so sweated . sanskar about to move head . sujatha stops him holding his arms .
“ sanskar u ok ? still u have this problem . y didn’t u inform me ? “ sujatha looking him .
Sanskar unable to speak a word . he feels so uneasy . sujatha recalls sanskar being like this when he was a kid .
“ sanskar calm down beta … plz calm down … “ sujatha tries to pacify him by rubbing his arm .
She looks at his closed fist .
“ sanskar open ur fist … u feel better “ sujatha holds his hand .
Sanskar pulls his hand back from her grip . sujatha looks on .
“ sanskar I will help u “ sujatha with tears .
“ plz sta…stay away from me “ sanskar runs away .
“ y don’t u understand sanskar .u cant take this alone … y don’t u let me help u ? I don’t know that it is still eating u up silently . “ sujatha cries .
Sanskar goes to his room n opens his bag quickly . he takes his medication . he sits on bed n tries to pacify himself .
“ this is killing me …. “ sanskar says to himself .
Later sanskar goes to terrace for fresh air . he stands quietly folding his arms . suddenly someone places hand on his shoulder from back . sanskar quickly turns back .
“ bhai I was searching for u all over … “ laksh said .
“ y ? do u need anything ? “ sanskar asked .
“ no . im about to go on jog will u join me ? “ laksh asked .
Sanskar agrees so that he get diverted from his thoughts .
Later sanskar n laksh are walking in park as sanskar not in a mood to jog . suddenly a girl in jogging suit takes lead ahead of them . laksh suddenly pulls her back .
“ hey don’t u have manners ? do u treat a girl this way ? “ ragini shouted looking laksh .
“ y r u joking in early morning ? “ laksh replied .
“ seriously … u … r “ ragini about to say something but she stops seeing sanskar beside laksh .
“ y u brought this zombie here ? “ ragini asked laksh .
Sanskar gets irked n steps towards her . ragini goes behind laksh .
“ hold back . I mean u look so lifeless today to jog to have be passionate . “ ragini said .
“ seriously u r the one to say this …. U r saying like u always come here very often . “ laksh said .
“ but im passionate unlike ur bro “ ragini replied .
Sanskar rolls his eyes n goes ahead . ragini gets surprised .
“ y didn’t he say something ? “ ragini asks laksh .
“ hey sanskar u r stupid … mad …. Dumb head …. “ ragini shouts from laksh back expecting sanskar comes back .
Sanskar didn’t even look back at them .
“ hey did u see that ? wat happened to him ? is he sick ? “ ragini asked laksh .
“ I don’t know . but bhai is moody since morning “ laksh said .
“ y ? is something up ? “ ragini asked .
“ I don’t know “ laksh replied .
Raglak looks on . laksh gets call .
“ ragini I need go home right now . I have some work . “ laksh said .
“ y r u like this ? all the time work or something … when u keep urself busy like this from this age wat will u do when u grow up lil more “ ragini asked .
“ shut up … I need to call sanskar bhai but he don’t have his phone with him . I will go to him“ laksh said .
“ wait u go home … I will see ur sanskar bhai … “ ragini said .
“ u … no I don’t wanna trouble sanskar by leaving him to u “ laksh said .
“ y do everyone say this to me ? its like the more u guys pulling me away from him the more I wanted to get close to him . am I falling for him ? I think I got love sickness right “ ragini said cupping her face .
Laksh looks on shocked . ragini laughs looking his face .
“ relax I was just kidding … n about sanskar I will just go to him n ask him to get back home … okay “ragini said .
“ okay . “ laksh said n leaves .
Ragini goes to find sanskar . she finally succeeds .
“ sanskar “ ragini shouts .
Sanskar looks back but didn’t stop . ragini runs to him .
“ finally I got u “ ragini walking beside him .
“ wat do u need now ? “ sanskar .
“ since long time I wanted to buy “ XYZ” foreign branded heels for me but the thing is that they are toooooooo expensive … n I will be glad if u buy them for me will u ? “ ragini asked .
“ r u mad or something ? y do I buy them for u … silly head ? “ sanskar asked .
“ huh ? just now u asked me wat I need didn’t u ? “ ragini replied .
“ like seriously … I didn’t mean it “ sanskar .
“ then wat do u mean by wat I need now ? “ ragini .
“ u know wat u became really irritating “ sanskar replied irked .
“ the thing is its u who let things irritate u so easily . isn’t it ? “ ragini said looking him .
Sanskar looks at her .
“ wat ? “ ragini .
Saskar looks away .
“ okay tell me y r u so moody ? “ ragini asked .
Sanskar didn’t reply .
“ y don’t u tell us anything ? okay keep it urself . let me guess myself . its like have u got up from wrong side of ur bed or did u fell from ur bed in sleep n hurt ur back . did u woke up feeling really hungry n upset bcoz u cant eat anything as first to have brush n u r really don’t wanna brush … ? is it so ? “ ragini asked .
“ ragini y r u like this ? is atleast one reason is reasonable to be moody from above . “ sanskar asked .
“ wat do u mean ? I listed all serious things that make me moody early morning … wat can be more serious than them “ ragini replied .
“ oh my y r u so stupid … “ sanskar exclaims .
“ its okay u will get fine soon . don’t worry . “ ragini said patting his shoulder .
Ragini notices sanskar is till gloomy .
“ hey sanskar do u want hear something funny ? “ ragini asks .
“ even if I say no u r not going to stop anyway right .carry on “ sanskar replied looking her .
“ smartie … ok tell me why don’t sheep shrink when it rains ? “ ragini asks excited .
Sanskar looks at her n thinks .
“ why … why … why ? “ ragini .
“ I’m not getting it . “ sanskar said .
“ should I tell then ? “ ragini .
Sanskar nods .
“ because they don’t know how to shrink … “ ragini said n laughs .
She looks at sanskar who is not laughing at all .
“ isn’t it funny ? okay I got many. listen this one . why cant a woman put mascara on with her mouth closed ? “ ragini asks .
“ y ? “ sanskar .
“ its just woman cant do many things with their mouths closed anyway … “ ragini said n laughs again on her pathetic jokes herself .
Sanskar stood not understanding wat to do with this girl .
“ u have no sense of humor at all . wat a pity ? for this one u will die of laughter listen … one woman always says that all men are idiots … she will say this at least 10 times a day when ever she gets into fight with other men outside . one day when she got into fight with shopkeeper n as usually she said all men are idiots … then irked shopkeeper asked how do she knows that all men are idiots ? do u now wat she said ? guess guess “ ragini excited .
“ I guess she is ragini right “ sanskar replied .
“ nope … “ ragini .
“ then ? “ sanskar .
“ she said she married their king . she mean her husband is king of all idiots . isn’t she funny ?ha..ha… ha… “ ragini laughs .
Sanskar hits his head .
“ I think I should run away from here “ sanskar said .
“ hey last one … this one for sure make u laugh “ ragini said holding his arm .
“ no plz …. I want to live seriously “ sanskar said .
“ y don’t u give me a chance . I said last one right “ ragini shouted .
“ pakka “ sanskar .
“ haan pakka listen why is it that when you blow in a dog’s face he gets mad at u , but when u take him in a car he sticks his head out of window ? “ ragini asked .
“ why is it so ? “ sanskar aks .
“ listen carefully now u will laugh like anything . “ ragini said .
“ its bcoz he thinks you have bad breath ! isn’t it funny ? ha… ha… “ ragini laughs louder holding her tummy .
She looks at sanskar who is just glaring her .
“ oh so these r not as funny as I thought it seems “ ragini murmurs .
She looks beside n sees a four people watching her like mad after all they too listened her super funny jokes . she get embarrassed n hides behind sanskar . sanskar looks at the people n gives them a fake smile .
“ plz carry on . we r leaving anyway “ sanskar said to them . . sanskar turns back n holds ragini’s hand .
“ lets go “ sanskar dragged her with him .
They sat on a bench . sanskar recalls how she stood back of him when she saw people giving her those looks n laughs .
“ I knew u would find them funny “ ragini said looking him .
“ shut it . wat on earth call them funny ? im just laughing at ur stupidity . bcoz of u even im embarrassed infront of them . y do u do this ? “ sanskar .
“ hey y do u always have such behavior towards me . anyway I made u laugh right u should be thankful . “ ragini shouted .
“ okay … hey listen even I got something funny want to hear ? “ sanskar said .
“ yup . wat is it ? “ragini excited .
“ do u know who is the man who deserves whole world’s sympathy ? “ sanskar asks .
“ hmm.. who ? “ ragini .
“ who else ? ur future boy friend as he have go through all these 24*7 … poor boy … “ sanskar said n laughs .
Ragini hits arm .
“ wat ? I said nothing wrong . u r so stupid that bcoz of u the person beside u will also get embarrassed even if he do nothing just like wat happened with me now “ sanskar said .
‘ stop it okay … “ ragini gets annoyed .
“ y do u act so childish all the time . ? don’t u wanna grow up ? “ sanskar asked .
“ nope . I love being this . wat do we do growing up so fast … only being as kid u will get more time for urself … u wont get it when u grow up … so I don’t want to grow up … “ ragini replied .
“ hmm … u r unpredictable idiot … anyway y did to come to jog as far as laksh saying u r really lazy . wat happened today r u following me ? “ sanskar asked .
“ wat the hell ? I really didn’t want to come today also but dadi said she will break my both legs if I don’t go on jog even today . it would be so weird right when someone asks me how I broke my legs n I say bcoz I didn’t go on jog when my legs r perfectly fine . “ ragini said innocently .
Sanskar laughs hearing this . a couple comes there .
“ see his girl friend is making him laugh so much n u r just eating my brain … “ one guy said .
“ he must be perfect guy unlike u jaanu “ the girl sarcastically .
The couple goes away .
“ hey im not his girl friend “ ragini shouts .
“ relax … people will say anything … “ sanskar said .
“ like seriously … “ ragini .
Sanskar gently rubs her head n laughs again .
“ omg I cant help laughing seriously y r u like this ragini ? “ sanskar .
“ so u r fine now “ ragini asked .
Sanskar nods . sanskar gets up .
“ lets get back home then “ sanskar said n forwards his hand .
Ragini looks at him . she holds his hand .
“ okay “ ragini smiles at him .
Sanskar too smiles .
They walk beside each other . suddenly ragini thinks something n starts running .
“ u little u want to have race then ? “ sanskar shouts .
“ yes … who reaches first home wins the race … “ ragini shouts .
“ I will see you … looser “ sanskar runs .
He runs faster n catches ragini’s shoulders … she pushes him . he slips n falls .
“ ouch I hurt my foot . “ sanskar shouts.
Ragini goes to him .
“ im sorry … did u really hurt ur foot ? ‘ ragini bends to knees .
Sanskar gets up …
“ tricked again fool . “ sanskar runs .
Ragini clutches her fist .
“ sanskar y do u do this all the time …? “ ragini shouts .
“ u cant just win like that tricking me again ? u did this already many times in childhood . stop u idiot . r u a man seriously ? “ ragini shouts running behind him .
Episode ends .
Precap : # with u 24*7
RP asks sanskar to continue his degree in ragini’s university . sanskar agrees . sanskar’s first day in college .
Omg finally next part
Please post next part asap
Thanks a lot lovely dear
Wow….. Awesome
Thank q sinni
Oosssoommmmm Honey bt after long break ……. My brother is also reading nd their expressions are lyk “really”…… Lovd it dear…… Nxt one will be soon. ????
Thank q so much dear .
u know one think i had become a crazy fan of ur ff and do u know how long i was waiting for ur ff. And to be frank epi 6,7 ,8 na was really excellent no words to express . I like raginis prank for contacting sansker very much so plz plz plz plz update continously.waiting for next and when will u update nxt
I’m really to know this . thank q . I will try to update soon…
Thanks mk
you finally updated!…..loved it……update the next one asap……
Thanks Zelena
what do u mean by 24*7. When will u introduce ragini boyfriend nikil in ur story. I m very eager…….u touched my heart and ur status is super duper
I will introduce nikhil soon . thanks dear
It was awesome
Enjoyed it alot
Thanks lahari
Omg it’s a intense,funny & cute episode.Loved RagSan & Sans-RP scenes a lot.poor Sans going through a deep depression
bcoz of DP
Thanks Anisha
Thanks Vk
Thanks aleeza
awesome dear…ohhhhh my ragu u r really crazy and childish too….love her talk lot….ragsan scenes r osssaammm dear…..loved it alot….One couple speech superbbb….and waw what a joke ragu….u r great dear….waiting for nxt one….tkcr dear…
Awesome.loved it
awesome yaar loved it ……….ragsan scenes are superb and rags is too cool….waiting for the mystery to unravel
Awesome. I read all parts together and it’s amazing. I really loved it. Great work.
A long gap some thing sacred sanskar amazing keep going
Loved it
Its faabbbbb
Amazing and post soon xx
Fabulous dear
Amazinggg yaar lost ur other ff too