Hi everyone . I know I’m really very late this time . but sorry I was busy with studies n as I said I am writing another ff also . ok lets start
Episode 2 :
We reached our university one of most beautiful n exciting place on this whole world for me as it making my dream come true soon . not just me for many other who pissed off with routine boring courses outside . laksh doing business management course here our ways spilt till 4 pm in evening . laksh left to his class n I’m on my way to my class … as I was passing by even today I heard someone’s laugh louder n I’m quite familiar I peeped into the class n its none other than NIKHIL . his smile his voice makes me go crazy … most soulful voice of our university .
I know Nikhil loves singing it has been his interest from school . but I didn’t expect he made his interest his career just like me . for making our interest our carreer we need a lot of guts to face world . not all can show such daring . to be frank I love his voice more than him for first time I heard him giving performance on our school day n then from next min I’m behind him secretly . I don’t know whether I love him or not but just I like this feeling . I wonder if at all I can ever be able to like any other guy over Nikhil . hmmm lets see …
Ragini smiled n moves ahead shaking her head slightly for her craziness . riya n krithi two evil besties of rags even these trio are just like soul sisters of same interest n passion for archeology … really powerful girls band as they can make whole university upside down . riya n krithi comes to rags seeing her .
Later trio left for class .
@ evening
Krithi n riya sitting on stairs outside waiting for rags as she went to check out laksh .
“ hey dude is he coming ? “ krith asked .
“ nopes … his class extended for half an hour “ rags said sitting with them .
“ this course sucks “ krithi irritated .
“ u people go na I will wait “ rags said .
“ we can do that much for u “ riya said .
Later riya n krithi lost in chit chatting on random things while ragu lost deep in her confusions about future . all random thoughts dadi words , abimanyu , her confusion about Nikhil hit her mind at once . soon she holds her head not able to think more .
“ kya hua ragu ? “ riya asked in concerned tone .
Ragini took deep breath looking up into sky .
“ I need break guys “ ragini said still looking up .
“ wat break “ riya asked .
“ I wanna fly away from everything for few days . lets go somewhere . “ ragini said looking her friends .
“ that’s awesome bro . even I want some refreshment . completely pissed off with this routine life “ krithi said excited .
“ so its decided we r going on trip . where we should go then ? “ krithi asked .
“ how about paris ? “ ragini quickly .
“ awesome . Paris we r coming “ krithi shouted excited .
Trio shares group hug .
@ MM .
Sujatha working in kitchen . suddenly someone hugs her from back .
“ ragu “ sujatha smiling .
“ how do u find out exactly every time darling ? “ ragini coming infront of her .
“ expect u who can do this naughty things haa “ sujatha said smiling .
“ not even uncle “ ragini asked narrowing her eyes .
“ besharam … do u know wat our age is ? “ sujatha replied .
“ now wats connection between romance n age ? “ ragini asked quickly .
“ ragini shh….. wat happened to u today ? y r u asking such things to me ? every one r in home itself “ sujatha said moving out of kitchen feeling lil shy with her questions .
“ now wat shh….means … u have to answer me … bolo ji “ ragini asked following her .
“ I don’t know go n ask ur uncle “ sujatha replied .
“ wat uncle will say ? always busy with business I know . he didn’t even give u proper time still how can u be so caring wife . u did big mistake by marrying him sujju . ok things cant be changed . nothing went out of our hands even now . come with me . lets run away “ ragini said holding her hand .
“ ragini wat r u doing ? “ sujatha asked .
“ don’t ask me anything . I wont stop today . we r running away that’s it “ ragini said .
Ragini stops seeing ramprasad infront of her .
“ where r u taking my wife ? “ RP asked .
“ we r running away breaking all boundaries today . no one can stop us not even u RP ji “ ragini said looking him .
“ accha . let me see how will u run away with my wife “ rp said holding her ear .
“ ahh sujju look at ur husband .bada badtameez hai “ ragini said louder .
Both rp n sujatha laughs .
“ ok fine …. Ragini beta … go n sit in hall . I will bring coffee for u both . “ sujatha said .
Ragini nods . both goes to hall . ragini hits her head seeing laksh already sat with book .
“ offo … uncle ji just tell me wat to do with this idiot ? all time work minded . when he will grow up “ ragini said sitting beside laksh .
“ wats ur problem chudel ? “ laksh said still looking into book .
Ragini snatches book from him .
“ ragini give my book “ laksh shouts .
“ no “ ragini stubbornly .
Both starts fighting over it . at last laksh accepts his defeat .
“ look surroundings around u lucky . u r getting bore day by day . if u be like this who will become ur girl friend “ ragini said .
Rp laughs .
“ oh hello madam I don’t need any girl friend right now . seeing u from childhood I understood how horrible girls can be ? I just want peaceful life . “ laksh said rolling his eyes .
“ excuse me all girls r not same . just try may be u find someone of ur type . ok leave it I will find a girl for u … calm pleasant book worm type “ ragini said .
“ n wat about u ? even u don’t have any bf . ok u never went to mental asylum right . go there na ragini u will find ur type easily . “ laksh said .
“ shut up “ ragini shot at him .
Laksh laughs .
“ again fighting … when u both set straight “ Annapurna said coming there .
Ragini n laksh look at each other n shrugs their shoulders at a time .
“ tell me something wat made our busy ragu come here straight from college “ ap asked .
“ I wont go home today . I will have dinner here only “ ragini said .
“ so usual maa . when ever madam gets into fight with dadi … ragini ji will attack us … I cant bear u till dinner “ laksh said .
“ I don’t care about u . this is also like my home . so u cant ask me to get out . do ur work . by the way u r going to get one week freedom from me . “ ragini said .
“ wat ?? “ laksh asked shockingly .
“ now y r getting so shocked . u only asked me to go away na . im going “ ragini replied .
“ where r u going “ laksh asked lil worried .
“ to paris “ ragini replied .
“ but y ragini ? “ ap asked .
“ nothing important aunty . just simply on a trip with krithi n riya “ ragini replied .
“ let her go na jiji . even she will get break from dadi words . janaki said to me still parvathi ji is on same words of getting ragini married to abhimanyu “ sujatha said coming with coffee for all .
“ don’t worry ragini “ ap said .
“ worry n me no ways aunty . just only it happens wats written in our fate … “ ragini replied .
“ if sanskar stays with us na then I would have fought with parvathi ji asking ragini for sanskar “ sujatha said n becomes dull realizing sanskar not with them .
All becomes upset . ragini gets angry .
“ I’m leaving “ ragini said getting at once .
“ but u said u will have dinner with us “ laksh asked .
“ I really wanna have . but wats the use being here when u all wont mind me n thinking for that sanskar only . for all only that sanskar matters much right “ ragini said with pout .
“ arey no no … sankar n u both r equal for us . ok tell me wat do u want in dinner “ sujatha asked .
“ that’s like my sujju . “ ragini said smiling .
After sometime ragini comes up . she comes to sanskar roo. she looks around . she saw sanskar childhood pic on wall she goes near it n about to touch it but stops recalling sujatha n rp ‘s sadness bcoz of him . she quickly pulls her hand back n turns . she finds laksh standing with dull face .
“ no matter how much harder I try to keep that smiles on aunty n uncle’s faces they will end up taking this idiot’s name … wat should we do to keep them happy laksh ? “ ragini said worried .
“ only way to bring bhai back “ laksh said looking her .
“ oh god come on laksh how can u even think he will ? I has been 15 years laksh 15 years did u get it ? all these years he not even once came here . we all saw him 15 years back … studying in Chicago with his friend’s family all that is just a bahana to get out of here . we don’t even know where he is living now . even rithvik family don’t know . it clearly shows how much he cares about relations . just he stayed in their home till he complete his schooling n then even escaped from there . we don’t know where he is ? how is he ? n wat he is doing right now ?just we don’t even know whether he is alive or de…….. “ ragini stops suddenly unable to complete it .
Her tears completed her feeling unknowingly . even ragini don’t know y she is in tears ? even laksh gets tears in his eyes .
Laksh hugs ragini .
“ sanskar is safe ragini . we all love him so much . where ever he be our love gives him all the strength he need “ laksh said .
Ragini breaks the hug .
“ I want this family especially u , aunty n uncle to move on just like ur loving brother did long back . tell me laksh its just hardly 10 times u talked to him on phone only u no one else bcoz he is not at all ready to talk to anyone even his parent also . 10 times 10 new numbers …. U almost die everytime to find out his contact number from rithvik …. “ ragini said angrily .
“ y all of u don’t hold much value to him laksh ? like wats his problem ? y he always wanted to run away from all relations ? y he is so scared of all relations ? “ ragini asked .
“ I hate him lucky . he is only one responsible for all incompleteness of this family’s happiness . anyways there no need of talking about him . I just wish god that once to make that idiot across my path n then by holding his ears I will drag him to here . “ ragini said .
“ LBD “ ragini murmurs at end .
Laksh smiles hearing this word after many years from ragini .
@ paris .
Beauty of city is shown ….. later big studios is shown with name plate “ dream works ” . inside cabinet a guy is shown with stylish look sitting facing two gentle men .
“ don’t u think paying this much is really too much for internship work “ one gentle man asked .
“ sir don’t u think u r not paying for the student but for his skill . sir u r big people with big studio n we r small people with big dreams . n only too much can help us to reach our dreams soon before they break “ the guy replied being so confident .
Both gentle men look quite impressed with his answer .
“ ur words seems u r no way a small guy . n I’m sure u will be successful in very short time . “ the gentle man said .
“ u r absolutely right Mr . Sanskaar we r paying u this much only for all the effort u put in . really ur work is much more than wat we expected .ur creations r fantastic . n we never mind in paying this much for such quality work . u really have a great future as graphic designer . wish u all the luck “ the other man said honestly .
“ thank u sir “ sanskar replied .
Later the man signs the cheque n passes it to sanskar . later sanskar gets up n shook hands with them . n leaves .
Sanskar comes out with proud smile looking cheque . soon a guy comes running to him n snatches chrque from him .
“ oh my god this much …… “ the guy with dropped jaw looking amount .
“ its sanskar dude “ sanskar said moving ahead .
“ arey wait “ the guy following him .
“ bro just tell me something where do u get such ideas ? how can u be so gud in graphic designing …. Where as u don’t even come to college properly always busy in ur world tours . “ the guy asked .
“ I love this work from heart . this is only thing I can do straight from heart . from childhood I was busy in being lost in my world my imagination same thing helping me to make my career . I see world with my own view . I have my own definitions for all things around me … I love to travel I love explore may be this wat helping me in being different . “ sanskar replied .
“ haan yaar . ur life is so awesome . no worries no boundaries “ the guy said .
“ correction buddy . I made it awesome … “ sanskar replied .
“ ok ok … no one can be like u …. So done with degree n now internship too wat next …? “ the guy asked .
“ hmmm….. gia “ sanskar said .
“ wat ? gia “ the guy asked surprised n looks back of him .
He sees a girl coming .
“ oh……… ur 48 th girl friend … seriously bustard . so when r u going to say good bye to this girl . don’t u think it getting quite late than before … I mean u r in relation with her from 6 weeks ….. as far as I remember the previous relation lasted for 3 weeks n before one is just for two days n the one before it ….“ the guy continued .
“ bus bus bhai … y r u wasting ur memory with all my records …? Handle ur life rohan mehta . “ sanskar replied
“ wat records ? “ gia asked coming to them .
“ wo … “ rohan opens his mouth .
Sanskar pulls him back .
“ baby …. “ sanskar quickly hugging gia .
“ wat records sansku “ gia asked .
“ kuch nahi yaar … he asking about some records in our college . “ sanskar said caressing her hair while hugging .
He turns other side such he faces rohan . sanskar sighed rohan to get lost .
While rohan nods no with revenge smile . sanskar again sighs him to leave . rohan messages sanskar asking for party tonight . sanskar looks at his phone n accepts . . rohan leaves smiling .
Sanskar breaks the hug after rohan left .
“ so wat gia ? u here suddenly ” sanskar asked looking her .
“ just I wanted to see u baby … badly “ gia said .
“ oh that’s it … or did u hear about my internship money ? “ sanskar asked .
“ u r really smart sansku that’s y I love u “ gia replied .
“ n I love ur effort in trying to fool me even after knowing u cant “ sanskar replied smiling .
“ stop it baby …. Ok how about Shopping “ gia asked .
“ any other option left “ sanskar asked .
“ plz na sansku “ gia asked holding sanskar’s arm
Sanskar nods yes rolling his eyes .
@ night .
After wild party sanskar n rohan comes out .
“ y didn’t u call gia ? “ rohan asked .
“ oh come on u mean gia “ sanskar roling his eyes .
“ y don’t u take any relationship seriously sanskar “ rohan asked .
“ bcoz I have never found any girl with genuine feelings … any way s there will be no such girl on this whole world … all r fake … “ sanskar replied .
“ that’s not true . may be u r the one who never interested in emotions “ rohan said .
“ u r right …. N I will never like to get emotionally attached to anyone …. “ sanskar said .
“ then y r u dating these many girls when u don’t believe in love at all “ rohan asked .
“ LOVE tedha hai just like me . so all this is just a random experience for me . n I never broke any girl’s heart … we broke up on mutually understanding …. Just like I get bored of them they r getting bored of me …. Tell me something if this love really exists then I should feel pain right after break up right but i seriously never felt … n I’m sure that girls also simply broke up with me like always I say love cant last long …. Its just a time pass factor ….. “ sanskar asked .
“ when u really love someone truly then u will realize wat will be pain of losing the one . just right girl have to enter ur life “ rohan said .
“ right girl for sanskar …huh …. All r the same “ sanskar said .
Rohan gets call so he goes aside . sanskar moves ahead n sits on bench . he is checking his phone he looks front n looks at a small boy tying bracelet to a girl … n the girl looking the bracelet with excitement . sanskar smiles looking them unknowingly . sanskar recalls he giving bracelet to ragini in childhood . sanskar recalls all his childhood memories with ragini their silly fights over everything . n starts laughing louder . it is the first time ever he recalling something from his childhood . he almost forgot childhood completely all this years of his run . infact he never remember anyone .
Rohan sees sanskar laughing like mad n comes to him .
“ wat happened bro ? “ rohan asked sitting beside him .
“ HC “ sasnskar said .
“ HC ? “ rohan amused .
“ history class …. My life is as simple as everyone think . I have many relations with names but they hold nothing to me …. N I never accepted . but I used to have one relation which I cant even give name but I accepted …. Ragini devil of my life …. U know how much she used to fight with me … oh my god we can spend even days fighting continuously ….. before leaving my family I only met her n I was scared that I will miss her … I thought It will be difficult to forget that idiot n I will run away again to same place to fight wth her … thank god it didn’t happen I forgot her too “ sanskar said n gets up .
Rohan looks amused because this is the first he spoke something related to his childhood .
Rohan n sanskar walking .
“ don’t know how that HC is now ? wat she is doing ? crazy girl … do u think she got married by now ? “ sanskar asked .
“ no …. No… how can she be married ? very boring girl who can marry like that girl ? “ sanskar added quickly .
Rohan feels strange at his behavior … he said being not interested even to think that she is married .
“ wat if she married someone ? “ rohan asked .
Sanskar stops hearing this n looks on .
“ wat happened sanskar ? “ rohan asked .
Sanskar nods nothing .
“ y u look upset ? “ rohan asked looking him .
“ r u mad ? y do I get upset … “ sanskar said .
“ wat if she got married “ rohan asked stressing words .
“ arey … let her be …. Wat for me ? u r stressing as if I wanted to run back to kolkatta n marry her …. I totally forgot about her also “ sanskar replied .
“ u really not ? “ rohan said smiling .
“ wat do u mean ? “ sanskar asked seriously .
“ just simple . if u really have forgotten about her then how do all those memories r still in ur heart . u know wat it means ur heart still remember her … all ur memories about her r still alive in ur mind . u never said about anyone of ur family or anything related to ur childhood to me or rithvik all these years …. Even we wonder how can u be so ? but today u have proved me even u r normal …. U too have ur memories …. I think this ragini is first memory in ur heart from ur past … “ rohan said .
Sanskar gets confused .
“ sanskar “ rohan calls him .
“ ok I need to go buddy “ sanskar said hurriedly n leaves .
Sanskar on his way to his flat deeply lost in his thoughts . rohan words r buzzing in his mind .
“ this rohan is too much …. Talks as if he knows everything about me …. N about that ragini I always fought with her . not even once we talked in a nice way . n how can she be my first memory . this rohan will say anything . sankar chill …. U cant fall weak after this many years …. This is the life u have chosen for urself I know wat I am …. There is no time for emotion drama in my life …. “ sanskar thinks .
precap : ragsan meet
Awesome why so late yar
Superb dear

awesome superb fantastic
but plsz be regular and update sooon
a humble request to all sr fans plsz watch show and comment on facebook and twitter handle of raj nayak colours ceo and rashmi sharma requesting to give extension to SR
Superb, waiting for next part and the pain cont also
woww yaar awesome episode but im upset u r uploading very late plz upload daily
Loved it to core… awesome one… plz write the next epi wen u get time.. eagerly waiting 4 ragsan meeting….
loved it alot…
plz post nxt part asap…
I’m silent reader first time I’m commenting it’s awesome!!! But pls be regular
awesome dear…but u too late….ragini bonding With sanlak family s superbbb dear…eagerly waiting for ragsan meeting…plz update regularly yar…tkcr dear…
Awesome…. waiting for Ragsan meet. Pls update soon
superb episode loved it sanskar remembers ragini awwww sooo sweet she also loves sanskar i think
hey….couldn’t comment on last update both are just fabulous …..so excited for ragsan meet ….will be waiting ..TC
Mindblowing update dear….
Eagerly w8ing for ragsan meet cant say anything itssss superbbb so sanky remeber everything about ragss yayyyyyy n rags hate him its awsmee
Its mindblownnggg suoerbbb fantastic fabulous update dr…loved it soooooo much…waitng eagerly for nxt part…keeep rockng n stay blessed sweeety

awesome loved it
Nice keep going
Fab love day it and can’t wait for them to meet and sankys feelings on love to change after meeting her
? Loved it so post soon xx