Hi guys . not proof read so kindly adjust with mistakes .
Episode 4 :
Next day morning .
Sanskar opens his eyes holding his head with terrible headache . as soon as he opens his eyes he looks at ragini who is asleep in sitting position itself . sanskar gets shocked seeing n sits quickly . he gets lost looking her in sun light falling on her face directly . he recalls wat he has seen last night n realizes its not his imagination . sanskar bends to ragini from bed sanskar touches ragini’s nose tip with his finger to wake her up . ragini gets disturbed n opens her eyes slowly n looks at sanskar being so close . they both share intense eye lock . don’t know wat n y but both feeling some connection between them . soon ragini gets call sanskar suddenly jerks n fall . ragini laughs looking him n sanskar gets annoyed . ragini picks call still laughing .
“ haan riya bolo “ ragini on phone .
Sanskar looks at her .
“ haan wait I’ll check n tell u “ ragini added .
Sanskar looks at himself . ragini sighs him to forward his hand . sanskar doubted but forwards his hand . ragini pinches him hard . sanskar shouts like hell .
“ did u hear it ? hence theory is proved he is in complete senses I’ll be back soon . k bye “ ragini said n cuts call .
While sanskar looking her annoyed .
“ so …. “ ragini looking him .
“ wat the hell u did ? ” sanskar said .
“ didn’t u get it till now ? ok I will do it once again “ ragini bends to pinch him again .
“ stop . k I understand “ sanskar quickly holding her hand .
Ragini laughs again .
“ though u look damn gorgeous while laughing but its annoying to laugh at some one who is much self respected “ sanskar added in complaining tone .
“ oho self respect interesting . n to whom u r telling all this ? to me … I have seen wat u r last night … I m sure u don’t remember but its me who picked u from road n dumped here “ ragini said .
“ picked n dumped ? oh hello miss I’m human not any random thing to pick n dump somewhere “ sanskar replied .
“ may be but last night u were not the way human have to be ? u were fallen on road … “ ragini said .
“ ok ok I don’t want to talk about it . it happens with great people like me too ” sanskar said .
“ actually na I don’t have time to hear to u … I want to go … if u say the thing which u really have to ? “ ragini said .
“ wat ?? “ sanskar amused .
“ arey now y u getting shock ? im just asking u to say thanks after all I did all this “ ragini said .
“ I didn’t ask u to do but anyways for ur info im telling I don’t say thanks or sorry to ordinary persons . “ sanskar said with attitude .
Ragini rolls her eyes n gets up .
“ such a crooked guy “ ragini thinks n about to leave .
“ arey where u going ? “ sanskar shouted at once .
“ wat should I do now here ? ur pooja “ ragini shot back .
“ listen not pooja but can u plz prepare coffee for me “ sanskar asked .
“ do u think im ur servant “ ragini quickly replied .
“ u seem a big egoistic girl “ sanskar said without thinking .
“ u called me egoistic ? “ ragini angrily asked .
“ then don’t show ur ego na … terrible hang over hai yaar … when u did this much cant u do such small favor for this bichara … look I don’t have anyone in home … “ sanskar added making puppy eyes .
Ragini looks him with wide eyes .
“ now don’t give me such looks … tell me something if u get married n ur husband get drunk n ask u for bed coffee wont u give him … u will right … “ sanskar asked .
“ if incase my husband get drunk n fall on road like u na then I’m sure either break his head there itself or I will give him special coffee next day morning by adding poison in it “ ragini said out looking him .
Sanskar looks on .
“ girls have gonna really crazy these days “ sanskar murmurs .
“ did u say something “ ragini asks .
Sanskar nods quickly .
“ k bye “ ragini said .
“ this much of ego . “ sanskar thinks .
“ hey wait “ sanskar stops her .
“ wat do u need now ? “ ragini asked irritated .
“ from all this it is clear u r manner less girl . but I know values . I cant send my guest without even giving water . so hold on “ sanskar said n gets glass of water for her .
“ listen I don’t need it .. “ ragini resisted n about to leave .
Sanskar suddenly holds her hand n pulls her back . ragini bumps into him n water spills on her dress .
“ wat the hell ? “ ragini shouts .
“ sorry that’s was not purposeful “ sanskar added quickly .
“ now how should I go ? “ ragini quickly wiping herself .
“ I think I can help u “ sanskar said n goes inside .
Ragini looks on . sanskar comes back with dress for her .
“ do u have girls clothes too “ ragini asked taking dress .
“ my ex girl friend’s . don’t know how can girls be so irresponsible leaves things everywhere n don’t even come back to take them “ sanskar said .
“ y do they left their clothes in ur home “ ragini asked innocently .
“ u really don’t understand ? “ sanskar asked with wide eyes .
Ragini nods .
“ then u should not know it better “ sanskar said suppressing his laugh .
Ragini gets annoyed .
“ I don’t need this “ ragini said throwing clothes on sanskar .
“ hey sorry . they r cleaned n look at u if u walk on streets of Paris with this heavy dress … just imagine how awkward it will be ? “ sanskar said .
Ragini thinks .
“ ok “ ragini quickly grabs clothes n goes to room .
Sanskar smiles .
“ crazy girl “ sanskar thinks .
Later ragini comes out wearing short dress . sanskar gets lost looking her .
“ ok thanks for the dress … but how should I give it to u back “ ragini asks .
Sanskar didn’t answer as he is so lost .
“ o hello mr. drunkard “ ragini shouted .
He gets back to senses . ragini repeats wat she said .
“ no need to return yaar . after all I don’t wear it right . use brain “ sanskar said .
“ I can think that much … wat if ur gf asks for the dress “ ragini asked .
“ no she wont . we broke up … “ sanskar said .
“ k bye “ ragini said .
Sanskar holds his head as he is really having headache . ragini feels affected .
“ coffee “ ragini asks .
“ but u were not ready “ sanskar
“ kitchen ? “ ragini added .
“ that way “ sanskar pointing .
Ragini goes to kitchen . she searches for coffee powder . she finds it on top shelf .
“ these men don’t even know where to keep things ? who will keep necessary things on top shelf . “ ragini thinks . she sees stole n gets it . she climbs on it stretching her hand to reach to tin . sanskar comes n looks at her . he quickly goes n stand behind her . ragini takes tin n about to get down n sees sanskar .
“ wat ? “ ragini asks .
“ nothing I thought u will fall . in this kind of scenes heroine will definitely falls ? “ sanskar said .
“ first of all im not heroine n mr. drunkard u r not hero . don’t watch too many pictures . ok “ ragini said .
“ now u will tell me wat I should do ? . “ sanskar replied .
“ uffo I think u r really big fighter cock . how much will u argue with me ? u remind of me of L… “ ragini about to say lbd but stops .
“ wats L ? “ sanskar asks .
“ hmm nothing leave it “ ragini said .
Ragini starts preparing coffee . later sanskar n ragini goes to hall n sits opposite to each other .
“ so ms. Cutie … wat do u do ? will u just keep helping people or do something else which is useful to urself “ sanskar asked .
“ y do say like that ? helping is gud right “ ragini asked .
“ I don’t appreciate it much . we have to be selfish to live … helping n all is just waste of time … like u helped me if I did something wrong with u last night then wat happens by now ? how can u be so careless I was not in senses at all n u stayed here whole night “ sanskar asked frankly .
“ mr. drunkard … I know wat I did … when I can help other cant I help myself when I get into trouble … I helped u bcoz I have humanity … u r talking about u misbehaving with me which may or may not happen but wat would happen if I leave u on road like that I mean like anything can happen with u for sure . then wat happens to u by now if I didn’t help u last night “ ragini asks .
Sanskar looks on being quite impressed with her .
“ u r really different “ sasnkar added .
“ wo toh hai “ ragini said smiling .
“ n dangerous too as u have killer smile . if I fall in love who is responsible “ sasnakr said .
“ hey stop flirting ok . I have seen many like u “ ragini said looking him .
“ oh really … but still u don’t know y my ex girl left her dress here itself “ sasnakr said with suppressing laugh .
“ stop it … it sound really awkward “ ragini said lil annoyed .
“ k “ sanskar replied .
“ by the way wats wrong between gia n u “ ragini asked with curiosity
“ gia ? wat gia “sasnakr asked quickly .
“ don’t tell me u don’t remember gia “ ragini completely amused .
Sanskar looked her for while .
“ oh accha gia … my new ex “ sanskar said recalling .
“ how can u forgot her . last night u were doing drama “ ragini asked with atmost amusement .
“ oh come one . she is really mean girl its gud she herself broke up with me . “ sasnakr added .
“ then y u acted like heart broken “ ragini asked .
“ it will be fun right … all these months she played with me finally I gave final touch … that’s it “ sanskar said .
“ that mean she is right . u were never serious about her “ ragini replied .
“ me n serious come on … I cant be serious ever especially in this matters … ok congratulate me on my 49th break up “ sasnkar said frankly .
“ 49th ? “ ragini surprised .
“ so u r not heart broken but a heart breaker “ ragini getting up angrily .
“ now y u getting serious ? “ sanskar .
“ I just hate people who make fun of love n emotions . n I hate u mr. heart breaker “ ragini said angrily pointing him .
“ hello ms . whatever . just mind ur words . I don’t care if u hate me or love me “ sanskar said .
“ I will never love a person like u who plays with many hearts so professionally . “ ragini shot back .
“ I said mind ur words “ sanskar said .
“ do u think I get scared of u ? listen just like I helped u last n I will give one free advice too which may help ur future . be careful while breaking these many hearts who knows by mistake u may break that one precious heart too which has ur beats without realizing . its like u love urself without beats how can u live ? so be careful . once u break na u cant fix it back even if u try harder just u get hurt … “ ragini said .
Sasnkar looks on .
“ hey u … “ sanskar stops not understanding wat to say .
“ gud bye . I just hope u r no more part of my destiny “ ragini said n leaves furiously banging door .
Sanskar looks on ….
Precap : # destiny plays its game ?
ragini vows to get LBD back to MM for family sake ….
Amazing part
too good dear ….awesome …waiting for next update if possible make it soon…TC..:-)
omggggg its damnnnnnnn amaznggg!!!

jst fantasticcc…
ragsan convo super doooper dooooper amazngggg….
leach n every dialogue n scene ws mindblowngggg!!!
u jst rocked it yaaaar
waitng eagerly for nxt part..
keeep rockng n stay blessed sweeety
That was super amazing.. Loved their fight. . hope she gets to know he’s her lbd only… Good one dear!!!
That last sentence of ragu was heartwrenching… bt sadly dts wht we all do…amazing update dr…..
Omg superbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb oneeeee no words their takrarrrrr amazing plzzzz plzzz update fast cant w8 for nxt
Post soon
awesome superrbbb loved it its amazing ragsan were cute wow sanskar called his HC cutie i am waiting how would be ragu’s reaction about knowing he’s sanskar…………
Plsz update sooon………..
Superb epi
its soooo amazing loved it post next part soon
It’s amazing
Nice epi…
Super episode..ragsan scenes are funny and super…waiting for next part soon…
Nice keep going
fabulous dear…..ragsan scenes r sooo cute…..omg Sanky 49 breakup…u r impossible man….loved it…waiting for nxt one…tkcr dear…
superb loved it so much
fab loved ragini’s deep thoughts and loved how he teased her as she didnt understand why her clothes were there…post soon xx