Fan Fiction

Love tedha hai ( ragsan ) ( episode 6 )

Hi guys .firstly A very happy new year to all . this is not proof read so plz kindly ignore mistakes . hope u like it .
Episode 6 :
Riya n krithi are back n ragini tells them everything .
“ I think he likes u ragz … that’s y he is behind u “ krithi said in stupid way .
“ shut up krithi . everything has a limit . he threatened me n u r talking some non sense “ ragini replied .
“ any ways ragini let him be . we r leaving from here right . don’t worry “ riya said .
“ ya . even im thinking same “ ragini said .
“ so u again went to meet her “ rohan asked .
“ yup . how can I leave her after all she said all nonsense to me “ sanskar replied .
“ but u left her so easily “ rohan asked with mischief smile .
“ she seem sensitive n I couldn’t go further … huh emotional fool . don’t know how these kind of people exists in these world . any one can easily break her down … then wat she will do ? “ sanskar said .
“ u go n protect her “ rohan added quickly .
“ y should I will protect her ? “ sanskar asked .
“ then y u caring for her ? let her be right wat if she break or stay strong wat matters to u “ rohan said .
“ ofcourse doesn’t matter to me …. “ sanskar takes pause .
“ but I bet she cant live normally if she carry such glass heart … sure it will break easily n she will cry a lot … “ sanskar said with lil concern in his words .
“ sanskar again u r talking about same girl “ rohan said .
Sanskar looks at him .
“ its like that girl left strong impression on ur stone heart …interesting “ rohan with mischief smile .
“ shut up … am I stupid to take any one deep in to my heart ? no one can enter my heart especially that girl mark my words “ sanskar said n goes away .
Rohan smiles .

Ragini krithi n riya reached air port . ragini looks all around . kriti sighs riya to see ragini .
“ ragini r u looking for some thing “ riya asked .
“ ya … im just checking if at all that mad guy still following me “ ragini said without looking them .
“ oh… so u r expecting to see charming prince once again “ krithi said .
“ may he look like charming prince to all girls but I can even see his black horse . I just want to get rid of him . n that’s all “ ragini said with attitude .
“ oh “ krithi exclaims .
“ hey just shut it ok . “ ragini replied .
@ in flight .
While krithi n riya fell asleep after sometime . ragini is still awake thinking about sanskar .
“ this guy is so strange … I didn’t like any of his words but still im struck at his words … I feel there some strong connection between us ? but wat is it ??? “ ragini thinks .

Sanskar is sleeping peacefully but wakes up suddenly bcoz of his dream of ragini taunting him again .
“ this girl … “ sanskar getting up at once .
“ wat the hell now even she started coming into my dreams too … funniest part is im scared of her lectures “ sanskar made self talking .
He comes to balcony . he recalls how he threatened her . n laughs recalling her expressions .
“ she must be scared like hell … actually not I think she looks sensitive at the same time strong too . rohan is right I left her so easily I should have scared her lil more . but I couldn’t ? y sasnkar ?is she really affect me that much as rohan said ? “ sanskar thinks .
@ Airport .
Ragini is in full excitement to meet her family after she is far from them for a week which is really too long for her . but she found only laksh no one else . ragini goes to him . as soon as laksh sees her he hugs her .
“ how r u idiot ? “ laksh asked .
“ superb …lucky I must tell u a lot of things . by the way where r others ? “ ragini said .
Laksh breaks hug .
“ first we have to go home then we will talk “laksh said n about to go .
Ragini holds his hand n stops him sensing his mood .
“ wat happened lucky ? “ ragini asked looking him .
“ I will tell u na come “ laksh said taking her .

MM .
They reach to MM where gadodia s r also there .
“ everyone is here only . like wat happened tell me lucky “ ragini asked lil tensed .
“ nothing serious . chachu health is not good . “ lucky said .
Ragini n laksh heads to rp room . where rp is resting sujatha sitting beside him . as soon as she sees ragini
“ arey ragini u came back “ sujatha .
“ haan aunty but wat happened to uncle “ ragini asked .
Sujatha remained silent .
“ again uncle feeling depressed bcoz of sanskar right “ ragini asked .
“ wat to tell ragini ? we r missing our sanskar from years . when u r around us ,u keep us distracted . even u were not here for a week … chachu n chachi felt really alone . “ laksh said .
Rp opens his eyes . ragini goes to him .
“ how was ur trip ragini “ rp asked .
“ very bad . wats this uncle ? this is not first time …. Pls come out of depression . ur son is really idiot n at same time dangerously clever he can live anywhere happily wat about u people ? when u all smile happily from heart . tell me wat I should do for it ? “ ragini asked .
“ will u do one thing really for us “ rp asked .
“ yes she will … im with ragu “ laksh said .
Ragini nods .
“ then bring sanskar back home “ rp asked with tears .
Laksh n ragini gets shocked as they know it is impossible .
“ but chachu “ laksh tried to explain .
“ pls don’t say anything . u both can do anything I know . sanskar hates us but not u both …especially u ragini do u remember though sanskar used to fight with u a lot but he used spend more time with u only . n laksh he used to be more protective towards u when u both were young . once u both try to bring him back for us … tell me u both will do na “rp asked .
Ragini n laksh didn’t understand wat to say . but seeing rp ragini feels really bad .
“ uncle we promise . where ever ur duffer be we will bring him back for u all . that’s my pinky promise “ ragini said confidently .
Laksh too assured .
@ laksh’s room .
Ragini n laksh roaming from one end to other thinking wat to do .
“ y we r roaming like this “ laksh asked atlast stopping .
“ arey u watch less movies naa that’s y u don’t know . everyone gets awesome idea while walking like this only . don’t stop until idea hits ur stupid mind . come on “ ragini drags him forward to walk .
“ u called my mind stupid . like seriously ragini . I think I should remind u who is real stupid one between us “ laksh said .
“ no need for that ok . trust me im not as stupid as I look … im not telling this myself someone seriously complimented me “ ragini replied .
“ someone said u r not as stupid as u look n u took it as compliment … its not compliment ragini infact it is “ laksh continued .
“ enough no need to elaborate it … y u r being so negative these days ? n don’t take stress the person who said this is even more stupid so ragini don’t mind “ ragini replied .
“ ji …mam “ laksh said .
“ lucky idea “ ragini shouts at once .
“ wat ?? “ laksh asked curiously .
“ it is not easy to bring that LBD back … u know I know …. But I know onething for which he can come back even from over seas …. “ ragini said .
“ wat is it ? “ laksh asked .
“ a fight with ragini “ ragini replied .
“ wat ? all those happened when we were young . “ laksh replied .
“ no dude . trust me I know it is his old habit but sure he can even come back from death to fight with me … I think he forgot me …. No problem I will make him remember this time … “ ragini said .
“ but how ? “ laksh .
“ I will show u . but we have to get a chance to talk to him … lets call rithvik “ ragini said .
“ he wont give bhai ‘s contact number so easily “ laksh said lil upset .
“ arey he is ur big useless brother n my biggest life time rival … we have full right to talk to LBD … who is this rithvik to avoid us … ? dial his number I will see how he will avoid us ? “ ragini said firmly .
Laksh kept call on speaker phone .
“ hello “ rithvik .
“ hey rithvik im laksh … “ laksh replied .
“ oh laksh u … how can I forgot u ? between u two brother s my life became sandwich … like seriously laksh … u know how sanskar is ? still u trouble me by asking his contact number .. this time im not going to give his contact number … try to understand “ rithvik continued …
“ oh hello hero … no need for ur dialogues here … we have to get that sanskar maheshwari here … now like a gud boy give us his number …. “ ragini said being irritated by his reply .
“… wat u doing ? “ laksh .
“ who r u ms . ? anyways its like u don’t have manners … but as I have still im not saying anything “ rithvik replied .
Ragini recalls sanskar saying same lines to her n fumes .
“ wat the hell do u think about ur self ? do u think im mannerless … my attitude just depends on how u treat me … understand im like mirror but listen I only reflect ur attitude but not ur dirty face as my face is really pretty … god is really crazy “ ragini said .
“ really u r mad . wat u talking “ laksh …
“ obvio laksh … “ rithvik added .
“ just shut u both …. Aur suno mr. hero u have to tell us where ur useless friend is hiding . we have to meet him at any cost “ ragini said
“ then u too listen ms. Attitude my friend will not be interested in meeting anyone … gud bye “ rithvik said n about to end the call .
Ragini n laksh gets tensed .
“ arey … listen mr. hero … we have a gud news for ur friend “ ragini said louder to stop him .
“ gud news ? wat gud news ? “ rithvik asks surprised .
Ragini n laksh looks at each other . ragini is puzzled atmost wat to tell now .
“ hello r u there ms. Attitude ? ‘ rithvik on call .
Ragini gets back to senses .
“ wo …. Actually great news … no fantastic news … no beyond that “ ragini while thinking wat to tell . laksh raises his eye brows n sighs her to stop this .
“ but wat is it ? “ rithvik asks louder .
“ ur friend is going to become father “ ragini said out under pressure .
“ wat ??? “ laksh n rithvik at once shouts being so shocked by her reply .
Ragini hits her fore head .
“ hello wat the hell u telling about sanskar ? is it true ? “ rithvik asks .
Laksh is about to tell rithvik truth ragini closes his mouth with her hand .
“ yes “ ragini shouts .
“ how should I believe u ? I know my friend is a playboy but he never crosses his limits . first tell me who is that girl ? “ rithvik replied .
“ arey if it is someone else y will I talk to u ? n about our relation I think I don’t need to explain u … ask ur friend only . “ ragini replied .
“ can u atleast tell ur name ? “ rithvik added .
“ ra………. “ ragini stops …
“ I mean … im Amar premika “ ragini said in flow .
Laksh holds his head not understanding whether to laugh or cry by ragini behavior .
“ wat ? Amar premika who will keep that kind of names ? I think ms. Attitude is better… r u trying lie to me “rithvik asked .
“ oh hello mr. hero be in ur limits … u know how good name is it ? “ ragini said making faces as she too not convinced by the name .
“ really ? ‘ rithvik .
“ ya … u even know sanskar used to call me Ap in short cut lovingly … “ ragini added .
“ so u both were in relation as far as I know sanskar never said “ rithvik said .
“ not all things can be shared with friends ok … especially heart to heart matters … now give me my sansku number “ ragini said .
“ ur words not at all convincing me … how can sanskar do this ? r u trying put sanskar in some trouble ? “ rithvik asked .
“ arey y do I put my husband in troubles ? u r denying to give my own husband number to me “ ragini replied .
“ wat husband ? sanskar is married ? when ? “ rithvik shocked .
“ arey that’s long back … if u still be struck at our marriage how will I tell sanskar about baby coming news ? “ ragini said .
“ so u don’t have ur own husband number “ rithvik pointed out .
Ragini leans on laksh’s shoulder …
“ omg …. I have never given these many explanations to my dadi also … he seems really clever how can he be LBD friend “ ragini in low voice only audible to laksh .
“ heloo tell me y don’t u have sanskar contact number if u r really his wife . “ rithvik .
“ yes I don’t have now …. Actually we fought with each other n got separated 3 months back n angrily I deleted all his contact numbers …. I think sanskar is angry now also that’s y he never contacted me … but I think we should keep our anger aside now “ ragini said
“ but ….. “ rithvik .
Ragini becomes angry as he is not at all convinced inspite of all her hard work ,
“ wat but n yet ? cant u understand my problem ? I’m in his home in india … I have talked to all his family members …. Tell to ur friend to call back to this number …. I have to talk to him … if he don’t call back me with in 24 hours I will lodge complaint on him …. N mr.hero on u too for helping him to hide … hope matter wont reach there …. U seem really smart behave such “ ragini said n ends the call .
Ragini sighs relieved atmost . while laksh is staring her .
“ wats all this nonsense ragini “ laksh .
“ nonsense ? wat do u mean haa ? we have to do nonsense only to bring stupid people out . I think u should thank me “ ragini said.
“ oh thank q ? I think u have to rewind wat u said … u said bhai is going to become father n u r mother of his child “ laksh said .
“ arey its not me … its Amar premika…. Amar premika is ur bhabhi “ ragini said in bindass attitude .
“ u only amar premika right “ laksh trying to understand .
“ ek thapad maru … “ ragini raises her hand hearing him .
Laksh jerks back .
“ I couldn’t even able to bear that LBD in childhood only n u think I will become his amar premika …. Better I die instead of loving him . “ ragini said angrily recalling LBD .
“ so ragini is not amar premika … n amar premika is not ragini “ laksh .
“ exactly … now u r like friend of smart ragz …. “ ragini said smiling .
“ but wats the need to tell that kind of lie ? don’t u think its too much … wat rithvik thinks of sasnkar “ laksh added .
“ oh so u still think of ur bhai only …. N about me telling all that … wat should I do ?as I watch many pictures , on that time only this scene came in my mind ….. n I said out …. N I think its perfect “ ragini said .
“ perfect ? u did really wrong ragini ? its not the way “ laksh said .
“ then u must have told me wat to do on that time if u have something in ur mind ? lucky its not matter about wats gud wats bad ? its just to bring that LBD back at any cost for family …. Whatever I said is too serious matter now rithvik for sure make sanskar call us … that’s wat we really want …. A chance to talk to him …. Once he call us then this Amar premika chapter will be closed … its that simple y r u tensed ? “ ragini said .
“ still ragini I think this all is not as simple as u think … ur lie really something related to character … u think wat impression it leaves on u infront of bhai “ laksh asked .
“ tell me something lucky … wat do u feel about me for this lie ? “ ragini asked .
“ wat do I feel about u ? I know u very well … infact I even know u think this family is like urs n can do anything for us …. So im not feeling any thing about this lie …. “ laksh said .
“ n that’s it laksh . people who knows us or trying to know us truly by heart will never take us bad n always give us a chance to justify wat we did even if whole world is against us already . only those people will take us badly who really don’t want to make us part of their lives . n I don’t want such people in my life so chill “ ragini said .
“ but ragini “ laksh .
“ uffo stop it lucky already I have given many explanation not any more …. Ur brother is going to become father now its his turn to take stress … so u relax … y r u behaving like u r not happy with this news …. Wat kind of brother u r ? ur big bro bringing heir to this home n u r still sitting like stone…come lets go n distribute sweets to all … “ ragini added .
“ wat ? r u mad ? “ laksh shocked .
Ragini burst out laughing .
“ too much ragini “ laksh annoyed .
“ sorry … I was just joking “ ragini said suppressing her laugh .
“ so funny na … when bhai comes here then amar premika ki band baje ga “ laksh said .
Ragini gives him killer look .
“ y u feeling bad ? as u said ragini is not amar premika n amar premika is not ragini “ laksh said n laughs .
Ragini gets up n leaves .
“ arey ragini sorry ….listen “ laksh goes behind her .
@ paris .
Rohan n sanskar are in sanskar’s flat . rohan n sanskar r working on graphic designing .
“ yaar we r working since long hours … atleast get me some coffee “ rohan being so tired .
“ y don’t u go n makeone for ur self “ sanskar replied .
“ im not expert in kitchen like u right … go na plz …literally im begging “ rohan said .
“ I feel im the most laziest person on this world but I think im wrong … idiot “ sanskar said n goes to kitchen .
“ sanskar it should be as gud as that girl made for u on that day ‘ rohan said to tease sanskar .
“ for ur info … no one will call that coffee on whole world … that mad girl is really bad even in making coffee …. Only god know how horrible can her cooking be ? huh …. I just asked her for normal coffee she prepared black coffee … no no its something beyond black coffee …. Better call it bitter coffee “ sanskar gave voice from kitchen .
Rohan chuckles . sanskar comes with two cups of coffee n hand over one to rohan . n sits on couch beside rohan .
Sanskar gets call from rithvik .
“ hey rithvik after long time “ sanskar answering call .
“ sanskar I thought u atleast share things with me … but no … u again proved sanskar maheshwari really a stone heart “ rithvik said angrily .
“ bhai wat happened ? y r u in blasting mood “ sasnkar replied .
“ wat happened ? everything is happened … I know u don’t care about other’s feelings …. But I never expected u will play with a girl’s life too … there should be a limit sanskar … “ rithvik added .
“ r u off mind ? wat nonsense u r talking … usually girls play with my life n u r making reverse version … come to point “ sanskar replied ,
“ still u r pretending as if u r innocent … I have came to know all ur things … so stop this ok … wat ever happened is happened its ok …. Misunderstanding n fighting r common in every relation even in married life too if misunderstanding comes it doesn’t mean u have to end relation …. Now its not matter of u n amar premika …. There’s another life involved now …. u both sit n sort out things with patience . hope u both wont trouble that innocent soul soon going to come to this world . “ rithvik said without giving gap .
“ abe screw dhila hai kya tumhara ? wat kind of crazy words r u using ? amar premika , married life , innocent soul …. Are u sure all these related to me ? wat sense r u trying to bring out man ? except that “ innoncent soul “ word im sure nothing is related to mine …. But I came long back to this world u know right … then wat the hell u talking… I think u got drunk … call back once u get back to complete senses ‘ sanskar replied .
“ I’m not drunk … infact I think u should get back to senses . Amar premika told me everything … now stop this n call her … “ rithvik said .
“ arey ye Amar premika kaun hai ? from where did she came into my life flying so suddenly “ sasnkar shouts .
“ stop ur nonsense sansky ? I know u r angry on her but this much anger is not good … now u have to be by her side especially in this time … “ rithvik said .
Sanskar hits his head .
“ sanskar r u listening to me ? did u get wat I said … she needs u by her side the most in this time “ rithvik added .
“ kyun ? bachii horror movie dekrahi hai kya ? “ sanskar replied in sarcastic way .
“ sanskar stop it … issue is serious “ rithvik louder .
“ that is wat bothering me ? it is serious issue n even u know my matters cant be serious ever … most funny part is I didn’t even understand one word atleast of urs . y don’t u say straight ? “ sanskar replied .
“ sanskar I know u hate relations ….i don’t know how u took that big step without even telling me But once u took responsibilities u have to carry them … marriage is not a joke …. Its lifetime promise ….. we have to keep up our promises …. Hope u get it “ rithvik said .
“ im damn sure rithvik got drunk again … he must be thinking of his ex girl friend …. So he is talking nonsense … I told many times not to take anything seriously especially about that girl but no … he wanted to be like filmy hero inspite of telling many times still he didn’t forget that girl …. “ sanskar thinks .
“ sanskar ‘ rithvik .
“ ya “ sasnkar responded .
“ tell me will u call Amar premika n talk to her “ rithvik asked .
“ sure “ sanskar said rolling his eyes .
“ u have to sort out things with her … n take responsibilities “ rithvik added .
“ haan sure “ sanskar added .
“ its like today he had too many shots than usual “ sanskar thinks n haves sip of coffee .
“ don’t show much attitude accept n give ur name to that child … “ rithvik said .
Sanskar hearing this spills out coffee n coughs .
“ wat happened sanskar ? r u ok ? “ rohan who was shocked looking him .
“ wat u said ??? come again for god sake “ sanskar who is shocked like never before in his life .
“ now accept n give ur name to that innocent child . I will mssg u amar premika number … talk to her right now n call me later “ rithvik said n ends call .
“ hey rithvik one min “ sanskar to stop him but in vain .
Sanskar left dumb shocked .
@ MM
Ragini comes to sanskar’s room . ragini recalls her talk with rithvik .
“ by now rithvik must posted this news to LBD … im sure that LBD got 1000 watt shock by now … shit I missed to see his face … he must have made face something like this “ ragini laughs making faces .
“ most worst part is I told all those things … wat to do to bring that LBD back don’t know still wat kind of things I have to do ? “ ragini said lil worried.
“ its ok ragini .. wat u did is for aunty n uncle … leave it …. I did so right … now let me see how that LBD wont call us ? he have to . wat an idea ragz ? u r ultimate “ ragini said patting her own shoulder .
“ sanskar wat happened ? “ rohan shaking sanskar who is so lost .
“ tell me something damn serious no jokes answer me in which cases do a person gives his name to a child ? “ sanskar asked looking him .
“ r u joking ? don’t u know that too … that’s y I used to tell u know something about family n relations ? “ rohan said .
Sanskar grabs rohan’s collar with both hands suddenly .
“ im asking u bcoz im not in position to think … but brain is numb now … so stop playing with me n tell when do a person gives his name to a child answer me quickly if u wish to live anymore ? “ sanskar asked .
“ ok … I tell u … if a person is the father of child he gives his name to that child “ rohan said like obedient boy .
sanskar gets shocked .
“ wat happened buddy … tell me instead of scaring me like this . wat did rithvik said “ rohan asked .
“ phir toh main papa banne wala hoon yaar “ sanskar said still in shock .
“ kya ??? “ rohan with dropped jaw .
“ amar premika n bachaa …. How it happened ? “ sanskar keeping his hand under his chin .
Episode ends on shocking face of sanskar n smiling face of ragini .

Precap : # confusion n clarity drama …!
sanskar back to kolkatta …!!!


Love urself cuz its only u who knows how to do it better <3

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