Hi guys thank you so much for those lovely and precious comments. They means alot.
So OK let’s start our shot-2
At cllge —
kunj was searching for twinkle when he spotted chinki(twinj’s frnd) …
Ku: Chinki…
Ch: Yaa kunj….
Ku: Hve u seen twinkle ?? She is not seen anywhere …i m searching for her past 10 minutes …
Ch: Yes kunj she is in canteen…. Wat happen ??
Ku: No nothing (thinking to tell chinki or not)
[Kunj was about to leave but before he can leave chinki says something which makes him surprise cum shocked…]
Ch: U luv twinkle….
Ku: Chinki(surprised…)
Ch: I know u sound normal nd stay silent but ur eyes speaks everything….
Kunj: (smiles :)…) yes i love her chinki …i luv her vry much….
But how do… ( before he could complete chinki cut him off in between and said…)
Ch: How do i know??
Kunj: Hmm
ch: Kunj i know both of vry well….(smiles )..
Kunj was smiling…
Ch: So wat r u waiting for christmas…. Go nd propose her…
[I know aap log yhi soch rhe honge yy i wrote this line becoz it shyam sir(our botany teacher) favourite dialogue .. Whenever we don’t answer any of his question he use to say– soo… R u waiting for christmas to study…we all use to laugh.. But smetym we did purposely :D:D:D]
(kunj left smiling)
At canteen —
Twinkle : Today i ll confess my feelings for him.. I’ll tell him how much special he ia to me…
(she decorated whole canteen area with balloons, twinj childhood pics, cllge event pics…in one pic kunj was holding twinkle by waist and was dancing ..)
Kunj comes there nd was mesmerised seeing the scenario…
Kunj: Ye siyappa queen bhi na…(smiling )
Kunj was seeing the pics wen a soft pair of hands back hugged him…
He knew who hand it was…
He held her hand & pulled her gently to face her.. So that they can face each other…
(Both smiles )
Kunj sits on his knees…
Kunj: Twinkle i don’t know how where when it happened. All i know it jst happened..i feel to be with u.. Without u i m incomplete… I LOVE U TWINKLE…Trust me .. I mean it…
(twinkle was smiling with tears in her eyes..)
Twinkle : I LOVE U TOO KUNJ…(smiling..)
kunj hugged her tightly as if there’s no tmmrw…
Kunj then looks at her soft rosy lips and within no tym their lips met….they were kissing each other passionately..twinkle broke the kiss due to lack of oxygen and hugged kunj to hide her shyness…
They stayed in each other’s embrace for smetyms and then lft for their respective homes…
At nyt–
they talked with each other nd then slept with smile on their faces….
Nxt day–
At Cllge….
Kunj was going to attend lecture wen yuvi called him and gave him an envelope to which kunj gave a confused look…
Yuvi: Open and see(smirking ..)
kunj opens and was shocked seeing it….
till then think wat was there in that envelope…
Good byee.
Love u all
Guys this is Ramya I’m posting it on behalf of sana from her id. She is busy so she asked me. But she tried to post it for two times but got deleted. She was so upset.
I know there is no lots of bak bak because I want her to share her views.
Please do comment .
Nice episode
loved it..
post soon…
love u
Superb chappy.
Loved it.
post next soon
It was nice sana
Post soon
Can’t wait dear
Fantastic episode sana
Lovely epi
Short but cute
Awesome sana
Cute one
Awesome yaar …
Loveddddddd it …
Awesome! Loved it! Post soon
Sana Api!

Fantastic Episode ??
Loved it
Post Soon ??
Love U