Fan Fiction

Love triangle (Ishqbazz FF) by Crazy (episode 23)

shivaay and om are just sad..(u know the reason)and are planning to make them happy..

and om says shivaay an idea..
he likes it..
shivaay and om come back to hall..
they see all happy..and were feeding sweets to anika,ridhima,riya and adi..
all see shivaay and om and go to them and feed them the sweets too..
usha says -congrats as just hardly 7 days are left out ..then u all will no more be a bachlour…
just then om says -kya aunty kam se kam yeah baath bar bar bol kar hame pachtava toh math kijiyee..
(by saying it again and again atleast dont make us feel sorry for our decisions)
shivaay coughs..
and om realises what he said and looks at ridhima..
whos staring at him..
shivaay says if these all are over then shall we enjoy ..
after all our marriage dates are fixed and more over all 3 families are here together..
all like the idea..
shivaay plays the music..
starts with his funny dance on London tumakdaa..
pinki joins them..
all mom’s too joins them..’all kids join but dont dance much and just stand cheering them…
shivaay comes to anika so does om..and pushes the girls by their sholder..
girls ignore them..
anika leave to have water in kitchen..
shivaay sees her and smirks and gooes behind her..
she was drinking water shivaay comes from back and holds her (just like back hug)
he says sorry..i din mean that anika rellay..
a-Ohh really Mr.Sadu ..
s-yeah ..i mean..
a-breaks the hug..
and goes to keep the water bottle in fridge..
when he comes to her and holds her by waist..turns her towards his face..
s-shivaay kya anika..
a-muzje chodu..(leave me)
s-what if i dont..?
a-then i ll scream..
s-Ohh really..?
a-Aunty app..?
shivaay suddenly moves apart anika runs and gives him death glare..
s-kitna bhagegi my jhalli queen..kabhi na khabhi toh anna hi hoga tuze mera pass(How much will u run Siyappa queen..once or other u shd comw to me)
here om comes to ridhima and says Sorry for hurting u ..i promise u i wont repeat it again..plzz forgive me please..
She had almost melted and was about to say something when anika comes to her and drags her to all..
who were dancing..
Bhuduu sa mann plays from Kapoor and Sons movie..
and everyone enjoys it..
om again comes to ridhima and drags her to a side..
he gives her a rose and says sorry..
he says plzz forgive me plzzz.
she takes it and says forgived my to be hubby..
everyone come their and shout
omra get embaresed seeing all their and everyone just teasing them..
oms mom comes their and hugs ridhima and says no one will say anything to my DIL..
shes just the best in the world..
s’mom interrupts and says no my DIL is best..
and says no all our DIL are the best says leela..
all smile and leave..
shivaay asks anika to forgive him..
c ridhima also forgived him and u..
u r so arrogant that u r not forgivving ur to be hubby..very bad..
she says i ..i anika is arrogant..,yeah says shivaay
fine then i m arraogant says anika..and leaves ..
shivaay says shit she became too much angry
now i shd plan something more for her..
anika in her home..
today evening is engagement i should go to shop..its already 1..
i should hurry..
a-ridhima will u accompany me..?
r-sorry di..vo actually aunty had shoped all for me..
so i..
a-areey its totaly fine..
She leaves upset..and keeps thinking of shivaay..
saying babaji how will i live with this saru all my life ?though he and me both love each other but still y he fights with me..
just then she gets a message of shivaay..
oyee meri queen stop thinking of me so much..if u dont stop i ll just die coz of this hikuups..
she reads it and smiles..
and just keeps smiling saying now u c who is anika ..
just then she sees Adi..
and she says him that i m going for shopping..
adii says oky but alone?
Adi-so shall i acompany u..i m free today as i took a leve fr 15 days coz of marriage…
she says yes sure..
Both go for shopping..
anika is choosing a set for her in jewelery shop..
she imagines shivaay and tries different set ..
asking him hows it..
its actually adii their..
he selects a beautiful set for her…
and hugs him..thinking him to be shivaay..
adi gets surprised..and says i m not ur shivaay anika..
u were imagining him right..?
she says no..cant i hug my brother?
he says ohh really..
but ur smile for me and shivaay differs a lot..
she says i m done shall we leave..
now on other side shivaay was thinking of how to convince anika when he just gets an idea..
he message anika..
sorry for hurting u..but i cant stay without talking to u..without seeing u..without teasing u..
anika gets shock reading this…
she comes to her room..closes the door and cries what is this shivaay trying to do..
and what he is trying to tell..
does he thinks i dont love him..
and just then something strucks her mind..and she says no plzz babaji plz dont do what i m thinking..
she was about to unbolt the door..but she finds some one hugging her form back..
and saying so u too love me cant stay without me ..then y u run away from me..
she finds shivaay..their she tightly hugs him and asks about msg..
he says i said u truth and u r not beleiving me..
and when i said lie u believed..
he says IS it not true that i love u and will always love u..
and i appologized for hurting u..and all were true..
and anika says and u stoped at so..
he says so …
i ll convince u anyhow..
a-r u mad..
u took my life for a min..
and starts hitting him..
later both settle down..
she asks him to leave as we should be ready for engagement..too
he hugs her and leaves..
all gather for engagement in Luthra’s Mansion..
our price make an grand entry with shivaay wearing a cream sherwani with Red shinny border and blue broach..
our om was wearing a blue and red mix sherwani with cream shinny golden flower petal and a broch of diamond shoot(this broackes are one among my fav..any one from US..reading the FF then u ll surely get to know what type of broach m i talking about)
then comes our adi with a orange and cream sherwani with a ypically punjabi look..
just then their..queens enter..
wearing totaly mathing attire of their prince..
anika with a cream beautifull gharaa with red shades ..and her jewelary resembling that of Mor of peakck
ridhima wearing an exact attire of that of om with a heavy jewelery..
and riya dressed typically a panjabi kudi..
all were looking just superb..
and then they later exchange the rings..
s’mom asks anika to feed sweets to shivaay..
“g aunty..” replies anika..
to which she says now ur officialy my bhau so no aunty got it..
she nods and says mummji..
& asks her to feed now..
anika feeds sweet to shivaay..
so does all..
and om’smom says,my DIL is fast she calls me mom..since they fixed the marriage..
all laugh at this..


Just a beginnř..A ɖřɛąmɛř who makes sure it comes true:)..A ąĆɧıɛ۷ɛř....A קɛřʄơřmɛř.... ✌Paya*Arshi*Twinj*Swasan*Shivika✌

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