Fan Fiction

My Love Is Only For U (MATSH) episode 55

I am so sorry guys I know I am late but its not because of my fault as I am writing this episode for the 4th time due to some problems of my phone it got deleted …..

The episode starts with Ishani going to her’s and Ranveer’s room. But she was a little tensed. Parul dropped her till the room…

PARUL seeing her – Bhabhi don’t worry everything will be fine and tomorrow morning there is another ritual as bahu should make food by her own hand.And u should wear saree…

ISHANI – But Parul I don’t know that much to cook. As in home mom helped me while cooking and I don’t know so many recipes also..

PARUL – Its OK bhabhi . Call me I will help u .. So don’t hesitate to call me for anything bhabhi I will be always there with u…So will meet u tmrw bhabhi.

Parul went from there….

Ishani opened the door of the room and was very surprised to see that the room was decorated very beautifully with rose flowers and other flowers..(Imagine it with our ishveer’s room in real MATSH and from now its there room I am saying it now because I never described Ranveer’s room before)

She stepped into the room .And closed the door….

She came near mirror…. And looked at her reflection…. She saw sindoor and mangalsutra and she thought of their marriage….

ISHANI thought- Now I became the wife of Ranveer but till I didn’t said the truth to him …. From now I should be more careful. And I should somehow manage today’s night . May be I would have loved him may be now also I will be loving him but I am not able to realize it till that time I can’t be close to him as i should say the truth to him ……..

By thinking all these she sat in the bed . That time Ranveer opened the door and came inside and locked the door . Hearing the sound she understood it is ranveer . She became very panic and stood up ………..

RANVEER – U was been here ? I searched u outside ………

ISHANI – Haa I was been here …..

He then saw his phone being charging in the plug point near to where Ishani was standing .

He moved towards her and moved his hand towards her…….

Ishani was really shocked by this moved back and howled …..

Hearing this Ranveer was really shocked and covered her mouth with his hand in order to stop her from making sound…………

RANVEER – What happened ? Why u howled ?

Ishani that time understood that he was about to take his phone .

ISHANI thought – Oh god what to say now ? Haan ….

ISHANI – Because u was about to take ur phone without offing the switch of the plug point ……….

RANVEER confused tone – So what ?

ISHANI – U r asking ‘So what ?’ ! There is a chance for getting electric shock know ?

RANVEER – But…..

ISHANI – No but and all . Whenever u do like this switch off the plug ……….. And I am very tired so let me get fresh up .

RANVEER – Yeah me too is very tired ……… U go and get fresh .

ISHANI – Ok ….

She took her clothes and went to washroom ………

She locked the door .

ISHANI – Oh my god this time somehow i managed… Thanks to god only …………

After some time ……………

Ishani came out of the washroom .

Ranveer was looking in the phone .

Ishani was been wearing magenta color pant and dark blue color top .

She moved towards mirror and loosened her hair ……………

ISHANI thought – Now somehow I should make him to got to washroom and when he comes I should act as i already slept ?

ISHANI – R u not going to get fresh ? Go and get fresh up …………. U can sit with phone after getting fresh up …..

RANVEER – Ishani wait a minute I was going through the messages send by my friends and all for our marriage ……

ISHANI – Sop what ? Now u go….

RANVEER – Then ok as per ur wish .

Ranveer took his dress and went to washroom …..

After sometime …..

Shikhar called her ………

SHIKHAR – Hello.

ISHANI – Haan Shikhar

SHIKHAR – I know its not the fine time to call but Is everything fine there ?

ISHANI – What is this Shikhar for u is there is any not fine time for u to call….And yeah here everything is fine shikhar …..

SHIKHAR – Then ok bye Ishani good night ….

ISHANI-Baan bye good night SHIKHAR…..

They ended the call…

That time she heard the sound of ranveer unlocking the washroom’s door…

Hearing this sound she ran to bed and laid down by closing her eyes… In order to make him believe that she is sleeping…

Seeing her sleeping he smiled ……

He moved towards her…

ISHANI thought – Oh my god Why is he coming towards me ?

RANVEER came to her and made the hair which was in her face to move to the back side of the ear…..

He then switched off the light and laid down to the other side ad the bed ….

She then opened her eyes and turned towards ranveer side and saw him sleeping peacefully……

ISHANI Thought-He is very cute while sleeping NOT only cute he is very caring and a nice guy too…

She sat up and made him cover with blanket….

She smiled and slept …….

It’s morning hearing alarm ISHANI woke .

ISHANI sat up and thought – TODAY I should make good but I know only some recipes .But Paul will help so everything will be fine ….

When she was about to get up she saw ranveer holding her hand under his head and sleeping like a baby ….

She smiled seeing him and with out disturbing she took her hand …..


The episode starts with Ishani going to her’s and Ranveer’s room. But she was a little tensed. Parul dropped her till the room…

PARUL seeing her – Bhabhi don’t worry everything will be fine and tomorrow morning there is another ritual as bahu should make food by her own hand.And u should wear saree…

ISHANI – But Parul I don’t know that much to cook. As in home mom helped me while cooking and I don’t know so many recipes also..

PARUL – Its OK bhabhi . Call me I will help u .. So don’t hesitate to call me for anything bhabhi I will be always there with u…So will meet u tmrw bhabhi.

Parul went from there….

Ishani opened the door of the room and was very surprised to see that the room was decorated very beautifully with rose flowers and other flowers..(Imagine it with our ishveer’s room in real MATSH and from now its there room I am saying it now because I never described Ranveer’s room before)

She stepped into the room .And closed the door….

She came near mirror…. And looked at her reflection…. She saw sindoor and mangalsutra and she thought of their marriage….

ISHANI thought- Now I became the wife of Ranveer but till I didn’t said the truth to him …. From now I should be more careful. And I should somehow manage today’s night . May be I would have loved him may be now also I will be loving him but I am not able to realize it till that time I can’t be close to him as i should say the truth to him ……..

By thinking all these she sat in the bed . That time Ranveer opened the door and came inside and locked the door . Hearing the sound she understood it is ranveer . She became very panic and stood up ………..

RANVEER – U was been here ? I searched u outside ………

ISHANI – Haa I was been here …..

He then saw his phone being charging in the plug point near to where Ishani was standing .

He moved towards her and moved his hand towards her…….

Ishani was really shocked by this moved back and howled …..

Hearing this Ranveer was really shocked and covered her mouth with his hand in order to stop her from making sound…………

RANVEER – What happened ? Why u howled ?

Ishani that time understood that he was about to take his phone .

ISHANI thought – Oh god what to say now ? Haan ….

ISHANI – Because u was about to take ur phone without offing the switch of the plug point ……….

RANVEER confused tone – So what ?

ISHANI – U r asking ‘So what ?’ ! There is a chance for getting electric shock know ?

RANVEER – But…..

ISHANI – No but and all . Whenever u do like this switch off the plug ……….. And I am very tired so let me get fresh up .

RANVEER – Yeah me too is very tired ……… U go and get fresh .

ISHANI – Ok ….

She took her clothes and went to washroom ………

She locked the door .

ISHANI – Oh my god this time somehow i managed… Thanks to god only …………

After some time ……………

Ishani came out of the washroom .

Ranveer was looking in the phone .

Ishani was been wearing magenta color pant and dark blue color top .

She moved towards mirror and loosened her hair ……………

ISHANI thought – Now somehow I should make him to got to washroom and when he comes I should act as i already slept ?

ISHANI – R u not going to get fresh ? Go and get fresh up …………. U can sit with phone after getting fresh up …..

RANVEER – Ishani wait a minute I was going through the messages send by my friends and all for our marriage ……

ISHANI – Sop what ? Now u go….

RANVEER – Then ok as per ur wish .

Ranveer took his dress and went to washroom …..

After sometime …..

Shikhar called her ………

SHIKHAR – Hello.

ISHANI – Haan Shikhar

SHIKHAR – I know its not the fine time to call but Is everything fine there ?

ISHANI – What is this Shikhar for u is there is any not fine time for u to call….And yeah here everything is fine shikhar …..

SHIKHAR-Then OK bye gd night ….

ISHANI – Ummm bye good night….

They ended the call….

That time Ishani heard the sound of Ranveer unlocking the washroom’s door…..

That time ISHANI ran to the bed and laid down closing her eyes in order to make him believe that she is sleeping…..

Ranveer came out of the washroom and smiled seeing Ishani sleeping……

Ranveer walked towards her….

Ishani was able to understand that he is coming towards her……

ISHANI thought – Oh my god ….. Why is he coming towards me ….

Ranveer came close to her and moved her hair which was in her face to the backside of the ear…

RANVEER thought-She is very cute while she is sleeping….

Ranveer too felt tired switched off the night and switch on the night dim light …..

He went to the other side of the bed and laid down …..

He slept fast as he was tired….

That time Ishani turned to Ranveer’s side and looked at him ….

ISHANI thought- He is really very cute while he sleeps not only cute he is very caring and nice guy too……

She sat up and took the blanket and covered him too in the blanket ….

Both of them slept peacefully…

It’s morning….

Hearing alarm Ishani woke up .

She sat up …

ISHANI thought- Today I should make food with my own hand…..But I don’t know so much recipes but its OK as I know Parul would help me .I am very lucky to get her as sister…

When she was about to get up she noticed ranveer holding he hand under to his head and sleeping like a kid …. Seeing this Ishani smiled….

Ishani slowly took her hand without disturbing his sleep…

Then she went to washroom…




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