Hello everyone I am back with another ff its a raglak ff one more question is swaragini going off air due to less trp I have not watched show and have less idea about current track will anyone tell me what’s all this
And know enough of my bak bak guess in advance I am telling I am irregular I can’t promise to be regular but’ll try my best to update soon I’ll update my other ff soon my next update will be on 2nd December or before that I possible
Sorry guess I read many raglak and ragsan ff but unable to comment sorry for that
So know lets come to story its about raglak totally about raglak by title what u think………… love u zindagi………………… a idea came to my mind after hearing this song I liked it so thought to pen it down hope u people like and plsz give ur valuable comments about the story line and suggest some ideas
Coming to story its all started when ragini pushed swara in river sanskar saved her ragini did emotional backmailing drama (which I feel spoiled her character) and married laksh, swara was heart broken knowing the betrayal by her sister and her love sanskar and swara’s fake marriage drama to expose ragini, after all lots of drama that happened in serial (about which I have very few idea because I didn’t watch show) and they finally were successful in exposing ragini by that time swasan fell in love they wanted to expose ragini to prove swara innocent by the time laksh too realised that swara was his just attraction
It was when swasan kidnapped laksh and ragini kidnapped sharmistha and forced swasan to get married laksh some how escaped and was heart broken to see the scene but some where he was ok with all that but his ego and so called anger that swara betrayed him didn’t allow him to accept the truth
Swasan convinced laksh and trio made a plan and exposed ragini
Scenes start with mm
Ragini was exposed in front of family she was standing in middle of hall whole maheswari and gadodia family was their swara was giving helpless look sanskar was standing supporting her laksh was angry he had mixed emotions
Sujitha was giving her disgusting look ap was helpless she knew at what depth ragini loved laksh and she liked swara but never wanted her to get married to laksh she felt that ragini was idle of laksh no one could ever be a better life partner for him than her she was disappointed when laksh said he loved swara she could clearly feel ragini’s pain when raglak got married she was happy she belived that it was their destiny to be together and they were dp rp pari adarsh whole family was angry on her but two pairs of eyes were watching her helplessly one was ap and other was of laksh for some reason he felt sad for her she was once his friend ragini was standing in front of all having no emotions she had realised her mistake long back and was guilty but didn’t wanna accept that
Dadi slapped her ragini held her cheek she was shocked dadi was her helper in all what she did and when time came she was like those mice in drowing ship which tries to save themselves first she was first time feeling helpless and angry on her fate
She didn’t utter a word
“I am ashamed of u ragini how can u do that” shekar said holding her by shoulders
“we trusted u ragini but what u did” sharmistha said ragini some where felt that she was like her mother though she never gave her that place but she was like her mother but she knew reason for her doings but then too she wanted her daughter swara’s safe future
“swara loved u more than a sister and friend and u stabbed her back how can u, how can u separate her from her love how can u answer me ragini” sharmistha said
Swasan were shocked listening to her words how can she do that she knew that swasan loved eachother and wanted to give their relation a chance and she was the one after dida who knew whole truth of ragini’s doing
“what sin we did that u did so much to us how can u for once also u didn’t think of us” sujitha said
“I am ashamed to call u daughter” shekar said ragini looked up her eyes were moist and teary she never got father’s love from shekar but then too he was her father
laksh looked towards her he knew very well about ragini and shekar’s relation he was feeling sad for her his heart pained for some unknown reason
all abused her all were angry on her she left from their
it was night
ragini was walking like a lifeless body on road she reached the place where she pushed swara she smiled slightly at her helplessness
at MM
laksh was unable to sleep after she left swasan confessed that they wanted to give their relation a chance sharmistha unty was happy very much I felt angry on her she knew everything but still she selfish women and dadi I have no words to say about her he knew that she was greedy and selfish but he thought she loved her ladoo too much and could do anything for her but what she did today proved that everyone was wrong he was turning his sides on bed
he was feeling more sad for ragini thinking how much she would have been hurted she loved her dadi too much and scarified her every dream for her but today she was heart broken no one cared for her no one paid any head to her even I was among them
wait she was heart broken what if she commits suicide oh no poor girl he sat on bed with sudden jerk
Scenes shift to ragini
She looked down towards flowing river
Shall I jump If I die I am sure no one would cry swara she may feel sad but no one else they don’t need me they would be happy if I go away from their lives she headed few steps forward but then stopped
At laksh’s room
Wait I am sure she won’t do anything like that she’s brave she may think something like that and what if she does she mad and can do anything what if that senseless girl jump in river or come in front of car or truck or what she hangs herself from fan
Ragini stopped
Wait why should I jump If I drown and die it would be difficult for some police people to find my body what could be more creative way to suicide what if I come in front of truck or car…………. yuck no all blood blood I don’t wanna die like that and if my face gets spoiled by that it would be difficult for my family to recognise me wait why would they ohhh ragini stop plan cancelled what if I hang my self from fan…………… ummmmm but for that I would need fan and rope and where would I get that dadi won’t let me enter her house and any other place………… think think ha hotel but no if I commit suicide their the hotel name would get spoiled and their staff will become jobless
So plan cancelled
What if I drink poison but for that I need poison and I need to buy fist but who’ll do so much hardwork serach for a shop at this time where I could ger poison and then but it and drink it
It would be tiring so plan cancelled
Laksh laid back with a smile
No she is not that stupid and she is afraid of blood so no chance of coming in front of vehicle and deing she’s lazy I don’t feel she would prefer poison and hanging to fan where would she get dadi won’t allow her and if she thinks of hotel I am sure she won’t because the mother Teresa in her won’t allow her to do anything like that she won’t like if anyone because of her becomes jobless
Ragini moved back from corner of bridge
Why should I die and for whom should I die if I die I won’t become immortal like remo Juliet or heer ranjaah no one would remember me for my scarifies for my love…………… but my love story it was one sided always so why should I waste my percious life for some stupid heart break reason and for that family which never cared for me
Laksh got up from his bed
I should search that mad girl I can’t trust her she and her stupid brain she can so anything
He started moving towards the door but stopped himself
Wait what am I doing laksh u have gone mad why the hell am I thinking of creative ways in which she would commit suicide and why should she , she won’t become immortal by this she’s smart girl I trust her so stop pressuring u brain but what will she do
Ragini stressed her hands feeling the cold breeze
So dieing plan cancelled
Know what will I do where will I go oh no I didn’t think about it
No problem i have lot of time to think about it I am sure I’ll find some way
Laksh moved towards window he was adoring moon
I am sure she would find some way she strong and will manage herself she is not that weak I trust her if she can break all limits to get her love I am sure she would strengthen herself to fight to her rights and leave a life which she wants to live
So guess how was it plsz comment and I’lll soon tell about rest of story and I’ll post the intro soon
Plsz comment…………………………
It’s just amazing
Loved the way laksh had thought about ragini’s pov about suicide
He understands her pretty well
Eagerly waiting to see how the story unfolds more
Please do continue soon
thank u so much dear ur comment means a lot i am happy u liked the concept and story
superb. seriously I laughed while reading it, how can anyone think, how to die. haha plz post next part soon I’m waiting for next part
thank u tisha
Wow dear it is awesome.loved it
thank u ammmy
nice…next part soon
thank u jayathi
Nice start dear
thank u sreevijayan
Yeah amazing and funny too
Hope Ragini came back with more attitude and fearless!
thank u lovely alia
yeah ragini would defenitely come with attitude and fearless
the story would have justification with title
it’s amazing dear… I loved it so much
thank u so much raz teju
It’s just AWESOME.
thank u eba
thank u alia
nice loved it and love how he understands her soo much maybe this is love???
love ragini’s phatoo (scared) nature ,,,u killed it and post soon.xx
thank u axx
yeah they have some connection so they have a much better understanding
Like always, I have been a big fan of your fanfictions.
Anything for you (ragsan) will always remain my favorite of all the fanfictions I’ve read.
Love this new story loved the way you expressed feeling’s if the characters
Lol funny on how to die part.
Can’t wait for you to update next I will wait ??
thank u so much mohini i sm glad that ur liking my stories i am really very much happy after reading ur comment i can’t express thank u
and i’ll try to update soon
dear itz reli reli a aswne story…plz 2 upload d next prt soon..
thank u mark ekon lotha
thank u sindhu di
thank u vk
Awesome and seriously i was laughing all the time to read about suicide part .
thank u ashnoor
thank u lovely
nice and post next soon
thank u sangini
One word superb
thank u iqra222r
It’s very funny…awesome I loved it waiting for next part
thank u niriha
Ahhh dr m feeelng sooo good after readng dis!!!loved it yaaar…d title stole my heart…m sooo xcieted to seee dis ragz
…raglak thoughts r soo similar
..it ws so so sooo amaznggg!!!waitng eagerly for nxt part…keeep rockng n stay blessed dr

thannnnkkk uuuuuuu so much fairy i am glad that u liked the the story and title…….. i’ll try my best to update soon thank u once again
Nice start dr. I loved the way laksh thinking abt Ragini. he knows her well maybe bcos he was her Frnd, but how his love starts and Ragu’s decision after this, waiting to know all these. Take care
thank u kutty
laksh understands her well because he knows about her past about which u’ll get to know as story proceed and about ragini’s decision u’ll get to know soon
thank u sethidisha
nice concept… n ya don’t know about off airing of swaragini its not confirmed yet
thank u jessica
thank u arjuna
amazing dear…omg ragini and laksh r thinking same….am laughing when read the suicide part..love thz dear…eagerly waiting for nxt one…tkcr dear….
thankkk u so much asra dear glad that u likef sucide part i am happy that i made u laugh they say bringing smile on some’s face is not easy so i have done that work……… Just kidding
but ha happy that u liked it
Very interesting dear and eagerly waiting for next episode
thank u so much ammu i’ll try to update soooonnnnn
amazing concept dear i just loved it alot
thank u so much jazzzy
happy that u liked concept
thank u malu
thank u tani
thank u anju