Hello everyone thank u for ur overwhelming support love
Laksh after that incident forgot to trust anyone he was in some darkness and without his knowledge he was falling more and more in it his life had completely changed half reason was ragini and other half was that incident that happened after she left
Each day after sunset darkness surrounds everything but the next day sun rises and removes that darkness but in his case it was totally different their was no ray of hope and that could be clearly seen by his behaviour his anger was rising each day their was an unknown sorrow that he wanted to share but failed he couldn’t trust anyone and didn’t wanted to fall weak each and everything that happened two years back reminded him of his childhood something happened that time that made him emotionally weak he was mentally ill all that he was know was some where related to past of his childhood and dp’s death
Kavya was the one person whom he trusted even his mother he was unable to trust he lost hope in life she helped him to come out of that pain but only to some extend he lost all his contacts with his friends he looked human but was turned complete robot
They were travelling back to india it has been many months that he didn’t have proper sleep he was unable to get peace
They reached Kolkata and headed to maheswari mansion kavya was accompanying him
They reached MM and headed in
All were happy seeing him but it seemed he was least bothered by their presence ap hugged him but he didn’t show much emotions
Kavya took everyone’s blessings she behaved sweetly with all
“laksh where are u going” ap asked as he headed upstairs
“to my room” saying he left ap felt bad seeing his cold behaviour
Swara putted hand on her shoulders
A lone tear escaped from their eyes
At swasan room
Swara was crying putting her head in her palms sanskar came in he was shocked to see his love like that
“swara bacha what happened” asked sanskar sitting next to her and removing her hands from her face
“its all because of me na sanskar” she asked sobbingly he wiped her tears and hugged her
“swara plsz forget that”
“how can I sanskar today laksh is in this state just because of me I failed to hold my relations sanskar first I failed as a sister I couldn’t understand ragini I failed as a daughter as friend I failed sanskar how could I doubt laksh how can I, I should have trusted him trusted our friendship when he made things clear to why did I question him” saying swara busted in bitter cry
“swara it was just a misunderstanding which has got cleared stop blaming urself that point was only like that anyone in ur place would have done what u did only”
“no sanskar fault was compeletly mine I could talked with him but I just putted allegations on him”
“swara listen to me baby it was not ur fault stop crying its not good for ur health see baby would be sad seeing u like this” he kissed her forehead and hugged her
He knew how much ever he consoles her the truth won’t change it was the reality of their life which couldn’t be changed he wished that he go back to that time and save dp he wish he could change everything that happened
Swara had slept on his shoulders crying he made her sleep properly and kissed her forehead and headed to go down and stopped at laksh room he headed towards his room
“lucky” he knocked
“come in bhai”he said he was working sitting on couch
“can we talk”
“yes” he said without seeing up
“take break from ur work lucky” he said closing his laptop
“I’ll bhai”
He took a deep breath
“can we go for a walk” he nodded
Both headed out silence occupied btw them
They were walking on road it was night silence and darkness every where
“so many things have changed na” sanskar said to laksh who was walking without concentrating he hitted the stone
“yeah many things have changed ” he said
“u remember laksh how we used to fight in childhood” sanskar said
“ha bhai”
“and mostly on girls u were such a flirt” sanskar said and laksh chuckled
“u have changed laksh”
“don’t know bhai”
“why don’t u try to be the old laksh my lucky who was full of life”
He became silent
“laksh why don’t u try to move on”
“I have moved on”
“not like this”
“bhai I don’t wanna talk on this ma has already given me lots of lecture know don’t u start” laksh said annoyed
“ fine I wont’t but would u like to tell me why did u agree to marry kavya”
“ma wished so”
“and what about u”
“I don’t know”
“laksh don’t spoil ur life everyone wants ur happiness but not like this they love u care for u but that doesn’t mean u do blindly do what they wish”
“then what shall I do though I not show but ma’s happiness is everything for me bhai kavya supported me everytime she’s a great friend”
“shall I tell truth I don’t like her in any sense”
“bhai” both laughed a bit
U have changed lucky a lot I pray u get some one who loves u who makes u love life again u who brings our old lucky back sanskar thought in mind
The next day laksh kavya sanskar headed to delhi to attend mr.desai’s son engagement who was one of their important client
At engagement hall
Everything was beautifully decorated in blue and white curtains flowers guests were busy in their talks karan and jeevika’s parents were busy in welcoming guest
“bhai how much time still u need” ragini complained standing near the door of karan’s dressing room
“just five minutes ragu” he said from inside
“from past half an hour ur saying the same even jeevika didn’t took so much time to get ready”
“devil what are u doing here” aman asked who came towards karan’s room
“shut up monkey” “ bhai open door right know”
“what karan still didn’t get ready what yaar karan if u do so we need to think are we doing right by getting out beloved jeevika married to u” aman taunted
“if ur is over get aside” ragini said pushing him side at that time karan opened door ragini lost her balance she entered in room with thud and everything was so soon that aman who was standing next to her fell on her
Both balanced themselves
They were shocked to see the whole room messed they looked towards ecahother and then at karan who was standing wearing pajama and two kurta’s were hanging on his shoulders and he was checking some
“karan” both screamed
“what” he asked
They laughed seeing him
“is it funny”he asked
“look at urself”
Both laughed again
“yaar this is not fair” karan complained cutely
“ohh poor baby today I got to know why jeevika would get angry when ever u were going on date”
Again both laughed
“guess stop it”
“ok fine aman stop laughing” ragini said controlling her laugh he putted finger on his lips ragini handed karan a kurta and asked him to change as he left both laughed again
Later karan aman ragini headed down laksh sanskar kavya came at that time mr and mrs desai welcomed them
Karan aman and ragini were heading towards stage then by mistake waiter poured juice on ragini’s dress
“guess u go I’ll just come” saying ragini left for washroom
Laksh kavya sanskar greeted karan jeevika who were on stage
Percap: as same raglak face off
Ok I guess let me know how was the chapter I have throwed some beans lets see how many of u catch them
Shower ur love u r valuable comments love u alll………………….
Awesome. Waiting for their face-off
nice amazing excellent superb mind blowing and eagerly awaiting for raglak face off plzz next part soon plzz be regular
Nice raglak face off will give interesting keep going
nice . exciting to see raglak face off
plz try to post soon
its soooo damnnnnnn awesome yaaar crystal…love it a lotzzzz!!!d way u described laksh’s condition ws marvellous….superb superb superb update dr…reallly waitng eagerly for raglak face off.. dis chappy is mindblownggg…keeep rockng n stay blesssed sweeety..love u dr ;(
Waiting 4 raglak face off
Post daily naa
Totally amazing
Loved it
Eagerly waiting for raglak faceoff
Waiting for raglak faceoff
Outstanding update
that was outstandingly fabulous
it is superb and waiting for thoeir faceofff update fast
Very nice
Interesting episode
Waiting 4 Raglak face off
awesome loved it
awesome dear….loved it…waiting for raglak face off….tkcr dear….
awesome i missed this chapter sorry